package f0; import c.i.a.f.e.o.f; import com.adjust.sdk.Constants; import; import; import d0.g0.t; import d0.t.o; import d0.z.d.m; import f0.e0.c; import g0.e; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import kotlin.TypeCastException; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import kotlin.ranges.IntProgression; import kotlin.text.Regex; /* compiled from: HttpUrl.kt */ public final class w { public static final char[] a = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; public static final b b = new b(null); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final boolean f2936c; public final String d; public final String e; public final String f; public final String g; public final int h; public final List i; public final List j; public final String k; public final String l; /* compiled from: HttpUrl.kt */ public static final class a { public static final C0316a a = new C0316a(null); public String b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public String f2937c = ""; public String d = ""; public String e; public int f = -1; public final List g; public List h; public String i; /* compiled from: HttpUrl.kt */ /* renamed from: f0.w$a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */ public static final class C0316a { public C0316a(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { } } public a() { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); this.g = arrayList; arrayList.add(""); } public final a a(String str, String str2) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "encodedName"); if (this.h == null) { this.h = new ArrayList(); } List list = this.h; if (list == null) { m.throwNpe(); } b bVar = w.b; list.add(b.a(bVar, str, 0, 0, " \"'<>#&=", true, false, true, false, null, 211)); List list2 = this.h; if (list2 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } list2.add(str2 != null ? b.a(bVar, str2, 0, 0, " \"'<>#&=", true, false, true, false, null, 211) : null); return this; } public final w b() { ArrayList arrayList; String str = this.b; if (str != null) { b bVar = w.b; String d = b.d(bVar, this.f2937c, 0, 0, false, 7); String d2 = b.d(bVar, this.d, 0, 0, false, 7); String str2 = this.e; if (str2 != null) { int c2 = c(); List list = this.g; ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(o.collectionSizeOrDefault(list, 10)); for (String str3 : list) { arrayList2.add(b.d(w.b, str3, 0, 0, false, 7)); } List list2 = this.h; if (list2 != null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(o.collectionSizeOrDefault(list2, 10)); for (String str4 : list2) { arrayList.add(str4 != null ? b.d(w.b, str4, 0, 0, true, 3) : null); } } else { arrayList = null; } String str5 = this.i; return new w(str, d, d2, str2, c2, arrayList2, arrayList, str5 != null ? b.d(w.b, str5, 0, 0, false, 7) : null, toString()); } throw new IllegalStateException("host == null"); } throw new IllegalStateException("scheme == null"); } public final int c() { int i = this.f; if (i != -1) { return i; } String str = this.b; if (str == null) { m.throwNpe(); } m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "scheme"); int hashCode = str.hashCode(); if (hashCode != 3213448) { if (hashCode == 99617003 && str.equals(Constants.SCHEME)) { return 443; } } else if (str.equals("http")) { return 80; } return -1; } public final a d(String str) { List list; if (str != null) { b bVar = w.b; String a2 = b.a(bVar, str, 0, 0, " \"'<>#", true, false, true, false, null, 211); if (a2 != null) { list = bVar.e(a2); this.h = list; return this; } } list = null; this.h = list; return this; } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:25:0x006e, code lost: if (r15 == ':') goto L_0x0072; */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:110:0x0274 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:111:0x0276 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:113:0x0279 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:114:0x027d */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:137:0x0329 */ /* JADX WARNING: Unknown variable types count: 1 */ public final a e(w wVar, String str) { int i; char c2; char c3; int i2; int i3; a aVar; int i4; String str2; int i5; a aVar2; int i6; ?? r14; int i7; String str3; a aVar3; String str4; int i8; String str5; a aVar4; String str6; String str7; String str8; int i9; int i10; a aVar5; int i11; int i12; int i13; int g; int i14; int i15; int i16; int i17; int i18; int i19; boolean z2; char charAt; String str9 = str; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str9, "input"); byte[] bArr = c.a; int o = c.o(str9, 0, str.length()); int p = c.p(str9, o, str.length()); int i20 = p - o; char c4 = MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR; char c5 = 65535; if (i20 >= 2) { char charAt2 = str9.charAt(o); char c6 = 'Z'; char c7 = 'z'; if ((charAt2 >= 'a' && charAt2 <= 'z') || (charAt2 >= 'A' && charAt2 <= 'Z')) { i = o; while (true) { i++; if (i >= p) { break; } char charAt3 = str9.charAt(i); if (('a' <= charAt3 && c7 >= charAt3) || (('A' <= charAt3 && c6 >= charAt3) || (('0' <= charAt3 && '9' >= charAt3) || charAt3 == '+' || charAt3 == '-' || charAt3 == '.'))) { c6 = 'Z'; c7 = 'z'; } } } } i = -1; if (i != -1) { if (t.startsWith(str9, "https:", o, true)) { this.b = Constants.SCHEME; o += 6; } else if (t.startsWith(str9, "http:", o, true)) { this.b = "http"; o += 5; } else { StringBuilder R = c.d.b.a.a.R("Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but was '"); String substring = str9.substring(0, i); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); R.append(substring); R.append("'"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(R.toString()); } } else if (wVar != null) { this.b = wVar.d; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected URL scheme 'http' or 'https' but no colon was found"); } int i21 = 0; int i22 = o; while (true) { c2 = MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR; c3 = '\\'; if (i22 >= p || !((charAt = str9.charAt(i22)) == '\\' || charAt == '/')) { break; } i21++; i22++; } char c8 = '?'; if (i21 >= 2 || wVar == null || (!m.areEqual(wVar.d, this.b))) { int i23 = o + i21; char c9 = MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR; boolean z3 = false; boolean z4 = false; while (true) { g = c.g(str9, "@/\\?#", i23, p); char charAt4 = g != p ? str9.charAt(g) : 65535; if (charAt4 == c5 || charAt4 == c9 || charAt4 == c2 || charAt4 == c3 || charAt4 == c8) { break; } if (charAt4 != '@') { i18 = p; } else { if (!z3) { int f = c.f(str9, c4, i23, g); b bVar = w.b; i19 = g; String a2 = b.a(bVar, str, i23, f, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#", true, false, false, false, null, 240); if (z4) { a2 = this.f2937c + "%40" + a2; } this.f2937c = a2; if (f != i19) { this.d = b.a(bVar, str, f + 1, i19, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#", true, false, false, false, null, 240); z2 = true; } else { z2 = z3; } z4 = true; i18 = p; } else { i19 = g; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.d); sb.append("%40"); i18 = p; sb.append(b.a(w.b, str, i23, i19, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#", true, false, false, false, null, 240)); this.d = sb.toString(); z2 = z3; } i23 = i19 + 1; z3 = z2; } c9 = MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR; c8 = '?'; c3 = '\\'; c2 = MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR; c5 = 65535; c4 = MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR; p = i18; } i2 = p; int i24 = i23; while (true) { if (i24 < g) { char charAt5 = str9.charAt(i24); if (charAt5 == ':') { i14 = i24; break; } if (charAt5 == '[') { do { i24++; if (i24 >= g) { break; } } while (str9.charAt(i24) != ']'); } i24++; } else { i14 = g; break; } } int i25 = i14 + 1; char c10 = '\"'; if (i25 < g) { b bVar2 = w.b; this.e = f.j1(b.d(bVar2, str, i23, i14, false, 4)); i15 = i23; try { i17 = Integer.parseInt(b.a(bVar2, str, i25, g, "", false, false, false, false, null, 248)); if (1 <= i17 && 65535 >= i17) { i16 = 1; this.f = i17; if (!(i17 == -1)) { c10 = '\"'; i3 = i16; } else { StringBuilder R2 = c.d.b.a.a.R("Invalid URL port: \""); String substring2 = str9.substring(i25, g); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring2, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); R2.append(substring2); R2.append('\"'); throw new IllegalArgumentException(R2.toString().toString()); } } } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { } i16 = 1; i17 = -1; this.f = i17; if (!(i17 == -1)) { } } else { i15 = i23; b bVar3 = w.b; this.e = f.j1(b.d(bVar3, str, i15, i14, false, 4)); String str10 = this.b; if (str10 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } this.f = bVar3.b(str10); i3 = 1; } if (this.e != null) { o = g; } else { StringBuilder R3 = c.d.b.a.a.R("Invalid URL host: \""); String substring3 = str9.substring(i15, i14); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring3, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); R3.append(substring3); R3.append(c10); throw new IllegalArgumentException(R3.toString().toString()); } } else { this.f2937c = wVar.e(); this.d = wVar.a(); this.e = wVar.g; this.f = wVar.h; this.g.clear(); this.g.addAll(wVar.c()); if (o == p || str9.charAt(o) == '#') { d(wVar.d()); } i3 = 1; i2 = p; } int g2 = c.g(str9, "?#", o, i2); if (o == g2) { aVar = this; i4 = i2; str2 = str9; } else { char charAt6 = str9.charAt(o); if (charAt6 != '/' && charAt6 != '\\') { List list = this.g; list.set(list.size() - i3, ""); aVar3 = this; aVar2 = aVar3; r14 = i3; i6 = g2; i5 = i2; str3 = ""; str5 = str9; str4 = str5; str2 = str4; i8 = o; i7 = i6; while (true) { if (i8 < i7) { int g3 = c.g(str4, "/\\", i8, i7); boolean z5 = g3 < i7; String a3 = b.a(w.b, str4, i8, g3, " \"<>^`{}|/\\?#", true, false, false, false, null, 240); if (!(m.areEqual(a3, ".") || t.equals(a3, "%2e", r14))) { if (m.areEqual(a3, "..") || t.equals(a3, "%2e.", r14) || t.equals(a3, ".%2e", r14) || t.equals(a3, "%2e%2e", r14)) { aVar4 = aVar3; List list2 = aVar4.g; if (list2.remove(list2.size() - r14).length() == 0) { boolean isEmpty = aVar4.g.isEmpty(); char c11 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; char c12 = isEmpty ? 1 : 0; char c13 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; char c14 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; if (c12 ^ c11) { List list3 = aVar4.g; str6 = str3; list3.set(list3.size() - r14, str6); } } str6 = str3; aVar4.g.add(str6); } else { aVar4 = aVar3; str6 = str3; List list4 = aVar4.g; int size = list4.size(); int i26 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; int i27 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; int i28 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; if (list4.get(size - i26).length() == 0) { List list5 = aVar4.g; list5.set(list5.size() - r14, a3); } else { aVar4.g.add(a3); } if (z5) { aVar4.g.add(str6); } } } else { aVar4 = aVar3; str6 = str3; } if (z5) { str7 = str6; str8 = str2; int i29 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; Object[] objArr = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; Object[] objArr2 = r14 == true ? 1 : 0; i9 = i29; i10 = i6; aVar5 = aVar2; i11 = i5; str9 = str4; i12 = i7; i13 = g3; break; } str3 = str6; aVar3 = aVar4; str4 = str4; i7 = i7; i8 = g3; } str9 = str5; g2 = i6; aVar = aVar2; i4 = i5; break; } } else { this.g.clear(); this.g.add(""); aVar5 = this; aVar4 = aVar5; i10 = g2; i11 = i2; str7 = ""; i13 = o; i12 = i10; str8 = str9; i9 = i3; str5 = str8; } i8 = i13 + i9; r14 = i9; i6 = i10; str3 = str7; aVar2 = aVar5; aVar3 = aVar4; str4 = str9; i5 = i11; str2 = str8; i7 = i12; while (true) { if (i8 < i7) { } str9 = str5; g2 = i6; aVar = aVar2; i4 = i5; str3 = str6; aVar3 = aVar4; str4 = str4; i7 = i7; i8 = g3; } } if (g2 < i4 && str2.charAt(g2) == '?') { int f2 = c.f(str2, MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR, g2, i4); b bVar4 = w.b; aVar.h = bVar4.e(b.a(bVar4, str9, g2 + 1, f2, " \"'<>#", true, false, true, false, null, 208)); g2 = f2; } if (g2 < i4 && str2.charAt(g2) == '#') { aVar.i = b.a(w.b, str9, g2 + 1, i4, "", true, false, false, true, null, 176); } return aVar; } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x0033, code lost: if ((r9.d.length() > 0) != false) goto L_0x0035; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:47:0x00b8, code lost: if (r1 != r5) goto L_0x00ba; */ public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String str = this.b; if (str != null) { sb.append(str); sb.append("://"); } else { sb.append("//"); } boolean z2 = true; if (!(this.f2937c.length() > 0)) { } sb.append(this.f2937c); if (this.d.length() <= 0) { z2 = false; } if (z2) { sb.append(MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR); sb.append(this.d); } sb.append(MentionUtilsKt.MENTIONS_CHAR); String str2 = this.e; if (str2 != null) { if (str2 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } if (d0.g0.w.contains$default((CharSequence) str2, (char) MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR, false, 2, (Object) null)) { sb.append('['); sb.append(this.e); sb.append(']'); } else { sb.append(this.e); } } int i = -1; if (!(this.f == -1 && this.b == null)) { int c2 = c(); String str3 = this.b; if (str3 != null) { if (str3 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str3, "scheme"); int hashCode = str3.hashCode(); if (hashCode != 3213448) { if (hashCode == 99617003 && str3.equals(Constants.SCHEME)) { i = 443; } } else if (str3.equals("http")) { i = 80; } } sb.append(MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR); sb.append(c2); } List list = this.g; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(list, "$this$toPathString"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(sb, "out"); int size = list.size(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < size; i2++) { sb.append(MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR); sb.append(list.get(i2)); } if (this.h != null) { sb.append('?'); List list2 = this.h; if (list2 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } m.checkParameterIsNotNull(list2, "$this$toQueryString"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(sb, "out"); IntProgression step = d0.d0.f.step(d0.d0.f.until(0, list2.size()), 2); int first = step.getFirst(); int last = step.getLast(); int step2 = step.getStep(); if (step2 < 0 ? first >= last : first <= last) { while (true) { String str4 = list2.get(first); String str5 = list2.get(first + 1); if (first > 0) { sb.append('&'); } sb.append(str4); if (str5 != null) { sb.append('='); sb.append(str5); } if (first == last) { break; } first += step2; } } } if (this.i != null) { sb.append(MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR); sb.append(this.i); } String sb2 = sb.toString(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(sb2, "StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()"); return sb2; } } /* compiled from: HttpUrl.kt */ public static final class b { public b(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { } public static String a(b bVar, String str, int i, int i2, String str2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, Charset charset, int i3) { String str3; boolean z6; String str4; int i4 = (i3 & 1) != 0 ? 0 : i; int length = (i3 & 2) != 0 ? str.length() : i2; boolean z7 = (i3 & 8) != 0 ? false : z2; boolean z8 = (i3 & 16) != 0 ? false : z3; boolean z9 = (i3 & 32) != 0 ? false : z4; boolean z10 = (i3 & 64) != 0 ? false : z5; Charset charset2 = (i3 & 128) != 0 ? null : charset; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$canonicalize"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "encodeSet"); int i5 = i4; while (i5 < length) { int codePointAt = str.codePointAt(i5); int i6 = 2; if (codePointAt < 32 || codePointAt == 127 || (codePointAt >= 128 && !z10)) { str3 = "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"; } else { str3 = "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"; if (!d0.g0.w.contains$default((CharSequence) str2, (char) codePointAt, false, 2, (Object) null) && ((codePointAt != 37 || (z7 && (!z8 || bVar.c(str, i5, length)))) && (codePointAt != 43 || !z9))) { i5 += Character.charCount(codePointAt); } } e eVar = new e(); eVar.c0(str, i4, i5); e eVar2 = null; while (i5 < length) { int codePointAt2 = str.codePointAt(i5); if (!z7 || !(codePointAt2 == 9 || codePointAt2 == 10 || codePointAt2 == 12 || codePointAt2 == 13)) { if (codePointAt2 != 43 || !z9) { if (codePointAt2 < 32 || codePointAt2 == 127 || (codePointAt2 >= 128 && !z10)) { z6 = z9; } else { z6 = z9; if (!d0.g0.w.contains$default((CharSequence) str2, (char) codePointAt2, false, i6, (Object) null) && (codePointAt2 != 37 || (z7 && (!z8 || bVar.c(str, i5, length))))) { eVar.d0(codePointAt2); str4 = str3; i5 += Character.charCount(codePointAt2); i6 = 2; z9 = z6; str3 = str4; } } if (eVar2 == null) { eVar2 = new e(); } if (charset2 == null || m.areEqual(charset2, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { str4 = str3; eVar2.d0(codePointAt2); } else { int charCount = Character.charCount(codePointAt2) + i5; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "string"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(charset2, "charset"); boolean z11 = true; if (i5 >= 0) { if (charCount >= i5) { if (charCount > str.length()) { z11 = false; } if (!z11) { StringBuilder S = c.d.b.a.a.S("endIndex > string.length: ", charCount, " > "); S.append(str.length()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(S.toString().toString()); } else if (m.areEqual(charset2, d0.g0.c.a)) { eVar2.c0(str, i5, charCount); str4 = str3; } else { String substring = str.substring(i5, charCount); str4 = str3; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, str4); if (substring != null) { byte[] bytes = substring.getBytes(charset2); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(bytes, "(this as java.lang.String).getBytes(charset)"); eVar2.S(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } else { throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(c.d.b.a.a.r("endIndex < beginIndex: ", charCount, " < ", i5).toString()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(c.d.b.a.a.p("beginIndex < 0: ", i5).toString()); } } while (!eVar2.w()) { int readByte = eVar2.readByte() & 255; eVar.T(37); char[] cArr = w.a; eVar.T(cArr[(readByte >> 4) & 15]); eVar.T(cArr[readByte & 15]); } i5 += Character.charCount(codePointAt2); i6 = 2; z9 = z6; str3 = str4; } else { eVar.b0(z7 ? BadgeDrawable.DEFAULT_EXCEED_MAX_BADGE_NUMBER_SUFFIX : "%2B"); } } z6 = z9; str4 = str3; i5 += Character.charCount(codePointAt2); i6 = 2; z9 = z6; str3 = str4; } return eVar.D(); } String substring2 = str.substring(i4, length); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring2, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring2; } public static String d(b bVar, String str, int i, int i2, boolean z2, int i3) { int i4; if ((i3 & 1) != 0) { i = 0; } if ((i3 & 2) != 0) { i2 = str.length(); } if ((i3 & 4) != 0) { z2 = false; } m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$percentDecode"); int i5 = i; while (i5 < i2) { char charAt = str.charAt(i5); if (charAt == '%' || (charAt == '+' && z2)) { e eVar = new e(); eVar.c0(str, i, i5); while (i5 < i2) { int codePointAt = str.codePointAt(i5); if (codePointAt == 37 && (i4 = i5 + 2) < i2) { int r = c.r(str.charAt(i5 + 1)); int r2 = c.r(str.charAt(i4)); if (!(r == -1 || r2 == -1)) { eVar.T((r << 4) + r2); i5 = Character.charCount(codePointAt) + i4; } } else if (codePointAt == 43 && z2) { eVar.T(32); i5++; } eVar.d0(codePointAt); i5 += Character.charCount(codePointAt); } return eVar.D(); } i5++; } String substring = str.substring(i, i2); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring; } public final int b(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "scheme"); int hashCode = str.hashCode(); if (hashCode != 3213448) { if (hashCode == 99617003 && str.equals(Constants.SCHEME)) { return 443; } } else if (str.equals("http")) { return 80; } return -1; } public final boolean c(String str, int i, int i2) { int i3 = i + 2; return i3 < i2 && str.charAt(i) == '%' && c.r(str.charAt(i + 1)) != -1 && c.r(str.charAt(i3)) != -1; } public final List e(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$toQueryNamesAndValues"); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i <= str.length()) { int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) str, '&', i, false, 4, (Object) null); if (indexOf$default == -1) { indexOf$default = str.length(); } int indexOf$default2 = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) str, '=', i, false, 4, (Object) null); if (indexOf$default2 == -1 || indexOf$default2 > indexOf$default) { String substring = str.substring(i, indexOf$default); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); arrayList.add(substring); arrayList.add(null); } else { String substring2 = str.substring(i, indexOf$default2); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring2, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); arrayList.add(substring2); String substring3 = str.substring(indexOf$default2 + 1, indexOf$default); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring3, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); arrayList.add(substring3); } i = indexOf$default + 1; } return arrayList; } } public w(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, int i, List list, List list2, String str5, String str6) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "scheme"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "username"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str3, "password"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str4, "host"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(list, "pathSegments"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str6, "url"); this.d = str; this.e = str2; this.f = str3; this.g = str4; this.h = i; this.i = list; this.j = list2; this.k = str5; this.l = str6; this.f2936c = m.areEqual(str, Constants.SCHEME); } public final String a() { if (this.f.length() == 0) { return ""; } int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, (char) MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR, this.d.length() + 3, false, 4, (Object) null) + 1; int indexOf$default2 = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, (char) MentionUtilsKt.MENTIONS_CHAR, 0, false, 6, (Object) null); String str = this.l; if (str != null) { String substring = str.substring(indexOf$default, indexOf$default2); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } public final String b() { int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, (char) MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR, this.d.length() + 3, false, 4, (Object) null); String str = this.l; int g = c.g(str, "?#", indexOf$default, str.length()); String str2 = this.l; if (str2 != null) { String substring = str2.substring(indexOf$default, g); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } public final List c() { int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, (char) MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR, this.d.length() + 3, false, 4, (Object) null); String str = this.l; int g = c.g(str, "?#", indexOf$default, str.length()); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); while (indexOf$default < g) { int i = indexOf$default + 1; int f = c.f(this.l, MentionUtilsKt.SLASH_CHAR, i, g); String str2 = this.l; if (str2 != null) { String substring = str2.substring(i, f); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); arrayList.add(substring); indexOf$default = f; } else { throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } } return arrayList; } public final String d() { if (this.j == null) { return null; } int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, '?', 0, false, 6, (Object) null) + 1; String str = this.l; int f = c.f(str, MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR, indexOf$default, str.length()); String str2 = this.l; if (str2 != null) { String substring = str2.substring(indexOf$default, f); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } public final String e() { if (this.e.length() == 0) { return ""; } int length = this.d.length() + 3; String str = this.l; int g = c.g(str, ":@", length, str.length()); String str2 = this.l; if (str2 != null) { String substring = str2.substring(length, g); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); return substring; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj instanceof w) && m.areEqual(((w) obj).l, this.l); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0053 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x0070 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x0072 */ public final a f() { int i; String str; a aVar = new a(); aVar.b = this.d; String e = e(); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(e, ""); aVar.f2937c = e; String a2 = a(); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(a2, ""); aVar.d = a2; aVar.e = this.g; int i2 = this.h; String str2 = this.d; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "scheme"); int hashCode = str2.hashCode(); int i3 = -1; if (hashCode != 3213448) { if (hashCode == 99617003 && str2.equals(Constants.SCHEME)) { i = 443; if (i2 != i) { i3 = this.h; } aVar.f = i3; aVar.g.clear(); aVar.g.addAll(c()); aVar.d(d()); if (this.k == null) { str = null; } else { int indexOf$default = d0.g0.w.indexOf$default((CharSequence) this.l, (char) MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR, 0, false, 6, (Object) null) + 1; String str3 = this.l; if (str3 != null) { str = str3.substring(indexOf$default); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(str, "(this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)"); } else { throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } } aVar.i = str; return aVar; } } else if (str2.equals("http")) { i = 80; if (i2 != i) { } aVar.f = i3; aVar.g.clear(); aVar.g.addAll(c()); aVar.d(d()); if (this.k == null) { } aVar.i = str; return aVar; } i = -1; if (i2 != i) { } aVar.f = i3; aVar.g.clear(); aVar.g.addAll(c()); aVar.d(d()); if (this.k == null) { } aVar.i = str; return aVar; } public final a g(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "link"); try { a aVar = new a(); aVar.e(this, str); return aVar; } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { return null; } } public final String h() { a g = g("/..."); if (g == null) { m.throwNpe(); } Objects.requireNonNull(g); m.checkParameterIsNotNull("", "username"); b bVar = b; g.f2937c = b.a(bVar, "", 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#", false, false, false, false, null, 251); m.checkParameterIsNotNull("", "password"); g.d = b.a(bVar, "", 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#", false, false, false, false, null, 251); return g.b().l; } public int hashCode() { return this.l.hashCode(); } public final URI i() { a f = f(); String str = f.e; String str2 = null; f.e = str != null ? new Regex("[\"<>^`{|}]").replace(str, "") : null; int size = f.g.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { List list = f.g; list.set(i, b.a(b, list.get(i), 0, 0, "[]", true, true, false, false, null, 227)); } List list2 = f.h; if (list2 != null) { int size2 = list2.size(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < size2; i2++) { String str3 = list2.get(i2); list2.set(i2, str3 != null ? b.a(b, str3, 0, 0, "\\^`{|}", true, true, true, false, null, 195) : null); } } String str4 = f.i; if (str4 != null) { str2 = b.a(b, str4, 0, 0, " \"#<>\\^`{|}", true, true, false, true, null, 163); } f.i = str2; String aVar = f.toString(); try { return new URI(aVar); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { try { URI create = URI.create(new Regex("[\\u0000-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F\\p{javaWhitespace}]").replace(aVar, "")); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(create, "URI.create(stripped)"); return create; } catch (Exception unused) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public String toString() { return this.l; } }