package b.g.a.b.q; import b.g.a.b.d; import b.g.a.b.i; import b.g.a.b.j; import b.g.a.b.k; import b.g.a.b.p.a; import b.g.a.b.p.c; import b.g.a.b.p.g; import b.g.a.b.t.m; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: WriterBasedJsonGenerator */ public class d extends b { /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public static final char[] f669x = ((char[]) a.a.clone()); public char[] A; public int B; public int C; public int D; public char[] E; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public final Writer f670y; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public char f671z; public d(c cVar, int i, i iVar, Writer writer, char c) { super(cVar, i, iVar); int[] iArr; this.f670y = writer; if (cVar.e == null) { char[] a = cVar.c.a(1, 0); cVar.e = a; this.A = a; this.D = a.length; this.f671z = c; if (c != '\"') { if (c == '\"') { iArr = a.f; } else { a.C0072a aVar = a.C0072a.a; int[] iArr2 = aVar.f662b[c]; if (iArr2 == null) { iArr2 = Arrays.copyOf(a.f, 128); if (iArr2[c] == 0) { iArr2[c] = -1; } aVar.f662b[c] = iArr2; } iArr = iArr2; } this.t = iArr; return; } return; } throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to call same allocXxx() method second time"); } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void A() throws IOException { t0("write a null"); H0(); } public final void A0(char c, int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int i2; if (i >= 0) { if (this.C + 2 > this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i3 = this.C; int i4 = i3 + 1; this.C = i4; cArr[i3] = '\\'; this.C = i4 + 1; cArr[i4] = (char) i; } else if (i != -2) { if (this.C + 5 >= this.D) { B0(); } int i5 = this.C; char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i6 = i5 + 1; cArr2[i5] = '\\'; int i7 = i6 + 1; cArr2[i6] = 'u'; if (c > 255) { int i8 = 255 & (c >> '\b'); int i9 = i7 + 1; char[] cArr3 = f669x; cArr2[i7] = cArr3[i8 >> 4]; i2 = i9 + 1; cArr2[i9] = cArr3[i8 & 15]; c = (char) (c & 255); } else { int i10 = i7 + 1; cArr2[i7] = '0'; i2 = i10 + 1; cArr2[i10] = '0'; } int i11 = i2 + 1; char[] cArr4 = f669x; cArr2[i2] = cArr4[c >> 4]; cArr2[i11] = cArr4[c & 15]; this.C = i11 + 1; } else { Objects.requireNonNull(null); throw null; } } public void B0() throws IOException { int i = this.C; int i2 = this.B; int i3 = i - i2; if (i3 > 0) { this.B = 0; this.C = 0; this.f670y.write(this.A, i2, i3); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void C(double d) throws IOException { if (!this.p) { String str = g.a; if (!(Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) || !d(d.a.QUOTE_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS)) { t0("write a number"); T(String.valueOf(d)); return; } } j0(String.valueOf(d)); } public final int C0(char[] cArr, int i, int i2, char c, int i3) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int i4; if (i3 >= 0) { if (i <= 1 || i >= i2) { char[] cArr2 = this.E; if (cArr2 == null) { cArr2 = z0(); } cArr2[1] = (char) i3; this.f670y.write(cArr2, 0, 2); return i; } int i5 = i - 2; cArr[i5] = '\\'; cArr[i5 + 1] = (char) i3; return i5; } else if (i3 == -2) { Objects.requireNonNull(null); throw null; } else if (i <= 5 || i >= i2) { char[] cArr3 = this.E; if (cArr3 == null) { cArr3 = z0(); } this.B = this.C; if (c > 255) { int i6 = (c >> '\b') & 255; int i7 = c & 255; char[] cArr4 = f669x; cArr3[10] = cArr4[i6 >> 4]; cArr3[11] = cArr4[i6 & 15]; cArr3[12] = cArr4[i7 >> 4]; cArr3[13] = cArr4[i7 & 15]; this.f670y.write(cArr3, 8, 6); return i; } char[] cArr5 = f669x; cArr3[6] = cArr5[c >> 4]; cArr3[7] = cArr5[c & 15]; this.f670y.write(cArr3, 2, 6); return i; } else { int i8 = i - 6; int i9 = i8 + 1; cArr[i8] = '\\'; int i10 = i9 + 1; cArr[i9] = 'u'; if (c > 255) { int i11 = (c >> '\b') & 255; int i12 = i10 + 1; char[] cArr6 = f669x; cArr[i10] = cArr6[i11 >> 4]; i4 = i12 + 1; cArr[i12] = cArr6[i11 & 15]; c = (char) (c & 255); } else { int i13 = i10 + 1; cArr[i10] = '0'; i4 = i13 + 1; cArr[i13] = '0'; } int i14 = i4 + 1; char[] cArr7 = f669x; cArr[i4] = cArr7[c >> 4]; cArr[i14] = cArr7[c & 15]; return i14 - 5; } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void D(float f) throws IOException { if (!this.p) { String str = g.a; if (!(Float.isNaN(f) || Float.isInfinite(f)) || !d(d.a.QUOTE_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS)) { t0("write a number"); T(String.valueOf(f)); return; } } j0(String.valueOf(f)); } public final void D0(char c, int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int i2; if (i >= 0) { int i3 = this.C; if (i3 >= 2) { int i4 = i3 - 2; this.B = i4; char[] cArr = this.A; cArr[i4] = '\\'; cArr[i4 + 1] = (char) i; return; } char[] cArr2 = this.E; if (cArr2 == null) { cArr2 = z0(); } this.B = this.C; cArr2[1] = (char) i; this.f670y.write(cArr2, 0, 2); } else if (i != -2) { int i5 = this.C; if (i5 >= 6) { char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i6 = i5 - 6; this.B = i6; cArr3[i6] = '\\'; int i7 = i6 + 1; cArr3[i7] = 'u'; if (c > 255) { int i8 = (c >> '\b') & 255; int i9 = i7 + 1; char[] cArr4 = f669x; cArr3[i9] = cArr4[i8 >> 4]; i2 = i9 + 1; cArr3[i2] = cArr4[i8 & 15]; c = (char) (c & 255); } else { int i10 = i7 + 1; cArr3[i10] = '0'; i2 = i10 + 1; cArr3[i2] = '0'; } int i11 = i2 + 1; char[] cArr5 = f669x; cArr3[i11] = cArr5[c >> 4]; cArr3[i11 + 1] = cArr5[c & 15]; return; } char[] cArr6 = this.E; if (cArr6 == null) { cArr6 = z0(); } this.B = this.C; if (c > 255) { int i12 = (c >> '\b') & 255; int i13 = c & 255; char[] cArr7 = f669x; cArr6[10] = cArr7[i12 >> 4]; cArr6[11] = cArr7[i12 & 15]; cArr6[12] = cArr7[i13 >> 4]; cArr6[13] = cArr7[i13 & 15]; this.f670y.write(cArr6, 8, 6); return; } char[] cArr8 = f669x; cArr6[6] = cArr8[c >> 4]; cArr6[7] = cArr8[c & 15]; this.f670y.write(cArr6, 2, 6); } else { Objects.requireNonNull(null); throw null; } } public final int E0(InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, int i3) throws IOException { int i4 = 0; while (i < i2) { bArr[i4] = bArr[i]; i4++; i++; } int min = Math.min(i3, bArr.length); do { int i5 = min - i4; if (i5 == 0) { break; } int read =, i4, i5); if (read < 0) { return i4; } i4 += read; } while (i4 < 3); return i4; } public final int F0(b.g.a.b.a aVar, InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int i = this.D - 6; int i2 = 2; int d = aVar.d() >> 2; int i3 = -3; int i4 = 0; int i5 = 0; int i6 = 0; while (true) { if (i4 > i3) { i5 = E0(inputStream, bArr, i4, i5, bArr.length); if (i5 < 3) { break; } i3 = i5 - 3; i4 = 0; } if (this.C > i) { B0(); } int i7 = i4 + 1; int i8 = i7 + 1; i4 = i8 + 1; i6 += 3; int b2 = aVar.b((((bArr[i7] & 255) | (bArr[i4] << 8)) << 8) | (bArr[i8] & 255), this.A, this.C); this.C = b2; d--; if (d <= 0) { char[] cArr = this.A; int i9 = b2 + 1; this.C = i9; cArr[b2] = '\\'; this.C = i9 + 1; cArr[i9] = 'n'; d = aVar.d() >> 2; } } if (i5 <= 0) { return i6; } if (this.C > i) { B0(); } int i10 = bArr[0] << 16; if (1 < i5) { i10 |= (bArr[1] & 255) << 8; } else { i2 = 1; } int i11 = i6 + i2; this.C = aVar.c(i10, i2, this.A, this.C); return i11; } public final int G0(b.g.a.b.a aVar, InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr, int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { int E0; int i2 = this.D - 6; int i3 = 2; int d = aVar.d() >> 2; int i4 = -3; int i5 = 0; int i6 = 0; while (true) { if (i <= 2) { break; } if (i5 > i4) { i6 = E0(inputStream, bArr, i5, i6, i); if (i6 < 3) { i5 = 0; break; } i4 = i6 - 3; i5 = 0; } if (this.C > i2) { B0(); } int i7 = i5 + 1; int i8 = i7 + 1; i5 = i8 + 1; i -= 3; int b2 = aVar.b((((bArr[i7] & 255) | (bArr[i5] << 8)) << 8) | (bArr[i8] & 255), this.A, this.C); this.C = b2; d--; if (d <= 0) { char[] cArr = this.A; int i9 = b2 + 1; this.C = i9; cArr[b2] = '\\'; this.C = i9 + 1; cArr[i9] = 'n'; d = aVar.d() >> 2; } } if (i <= 0 || (E0 = E0(inputStream, bArr, i5, i6, i)) <= 0) { return i; } if (this.C > i2) { B0(); } int i10 = bArr[0] << 16; if (1 < E0) { i10 |= (bArr[1] & 255) << 8; } else { i3 = 1; } this.C = aVar.c(i10, i3, this.A, this.C); return i - i3; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void H(int i) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (this.p) { if (this.C + 13 >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i2 = this.C; int i3 = i2 + 1; this.C = i3; cArr[i2] = this.f671z; int d = g.d(i, cArr, i3); this.C = d; char[] cArr2 = this.A; this.C = d + 1; cArr2[d] = this.f671z; return; } if (this.C + 11 >= this.D) { B0(); } this.C = g.d(i, this.A, this.C); } public final void H0() throws IOException { if (this.C + 4 >= this.D) { B0(); } int i = this.C; char[] cArr = this.A; cArr[i] = 'n'; int i2 = i + 1; cArr[i2] = 'u'; int i3 = i2 + 1; cArr[i3] = 'l'; int i4 = i3 + 1; cArr[i4] = 'l'; this.C = i4 + 1; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void I(long j) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (this.p) { if (this.C + 23 >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; int i2 = i + 1; this.C = i2; cArr[i] = this.f671z; int e = g.e(j, cArr, i2); this.C = e; char[] cArr2 = this.A; this.C = e + 1; cArr2[e] = this.f671z; return; } if (this.C + 21 >= this.D) { B0(); } this.C = g.e(j, this.A, this.C); } public final void I0(String str) throws IOException { if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = this.f671z; T(str); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr2[i2] = this.f671z; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void J(String str) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (str == null) { H0(); } else if (this.p) { I0(str); } else { T(str); } } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:67:0x010a, code lost: r5 = r18.B; r4 = r4 - r5; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:68:0x010d, code lost: if (r4 <= 0) goto L_0x0114; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:69:0x010f, code lost: r18.f670y.write(r3, r5, r4); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:70:0x0114, code lost: r3 = r18.A; r4 = r18.C; r18.C = r4 + 1; r3 = r3[r4]; D0(r3, r0[r3]); */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:88:0x012a A[SYNTHETIC] */ public final void J0(String str) throws IOException { char[] cArr; int i; char c; int i2; int i3; char[] cArr2; char c2; char[] cArr3; char c3; int i4; int length = str.length(); int i5 = this.D; if (length > i5) { B0(); int length2 = str.length(); int i6 = 0; while (true) { int i7 = this.D; if (i6 + i7 > length2) { i7 = length2 - i6; } int i8 = i6 + i7; str.getChars(i6, i8, this.A, 0); int i9 = this.u; if (i9 != 0) { int[] iArr = this.t; int min = Math.min(iArr.length, i9 + 1); int i10 = 0; int i11 = 0; int i12 = 0; while (i10 < i7) { while (true) { cArr3 = this.A; c3 = cArr3[i10]; if (c3 >= min) { if (c3 > i9) { i4 = -1; break; } } else { i11 = iArr[c3]; if (i11 != 0) { break; } } i10++; if (i10 >= i7) { break; } } i4 = i11; int i13 = i10 - i12; if (i13 > 0) { this.f670y.write(cArr3, i12, i13); if (i10 >= i7) { break; } } int i14 = i10 + 1; i12 = C0(this.A, i14, i7, c3, i4); i11 = i4; i10 = i14; } } else { int[] iArr2 = this.t; int length3 = iArr2.length; int i15 = 0; int i16 = 0; while (i15 < i7) { do { cArr2 = this.A; c2 = cArr2[i15]; if (c2 < length3 && iArr2[c2] != 0) { break; } i15++; } while (i15 < i7); int i17 = i15 - i16; if (i17 > 0) { this.f670y.write(cArr2, i16, i17); if (i15 >= i7) { break; } } int i18 = i15 + 1; i16 = C0(this.A, i18, i7, c2, iArr2[c2]); i15 = i18; } } if (i8 < length2) { i6 = i8; } else { return; } } } else { if (this.C + length > i5) { B0(); } str.getChars(0, length, this.A, this.C); int i19 = this.u; if (i19 != 0) { int i20 = this.C + length; int[] iArr3 = this.t; int min2 = Math.min(iArr3.length, i19 + 1); while (this.C < i20) { while (true) { cArr = this.A; i = this.C; c = cArr[i]; if (c < min2) { i3 = iArr3[c]; if (i3 != 0) { break; } i2 = i + 1; this.C = i2; if (i2 >= i20) { return; } } else { if (c > i19) { i3 = -1; break; } i2 = i + 1; this.C = i2; if (i2 >= i20) { } } } int i21 = this.B; int i22 = i - i21; if (i22 > 0) { this.f670y.write(cArr, i21, i22); } this.C++; D0(c, i3); } return; } int i23 = this.C + length; int[] iArr4 = this.t; int length4 = iArr4.length; while (this.C < i23) { while (true) { char[] cArr4 = this.A; int i24 = this.C; char c4 = cArr4[i24]; if (c4 < length4 && iArr4[c4] != 0) { break; } int i25 = i24 + 1; this.C = i25; if (i25 >= i23) { return; } } } } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void L(BigDecimal bigDecimal) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (bigDecimal == null) { H0(); } else if (this.p) { I0(o0(bigDecimal)); } else { T(o0(bigDecimal)); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void N(BigInteger bigInteger) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (bigInteger == null) { H0(); } else if (this.p) { I0(bigInteger.toString()); } else { T(bigInteger.toString()); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void O(short s2) throws IOException { t0("write a number"); if (this.p) { if (this.C + 8 >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; int i2 = i + 1; this.C = i2; cArr[i] = this.f671z; int d = g.d(s2, cArr, i2); this.C = d; char[] cArr2 = this.A; this.C = d + 1; cArr2[d] = this.f671z; return; } if (this.C + 6 >= this.D) { B0(); } this.C = g.d(s2, this.A, this.C); } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void R(char c) throws IOException { if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = c; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void S(k kVar) throws IOException { int b2 = kVar.b(this.A, this.C); if (b2 < 0) { T(kVar.getValue()); } else { this.C += b2; } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void T(String str) throws IOException { int length = str.length(); int i = this.D - this.C; if (i == 0) { B0(); i = this.D - this.C; } if (i >= length) { str.getChars(0, length, this.A, this.C); this.C += length; return; } int i2 = this.D; int i3 = this.C; int i4 = i2 - i3; str.getChars(0, i4, this.A, i3); this.C += i4; B0(); int length2 = str.length() - i4; while (true) { int i5 = this.D; if (length2 > i5) { int i6 = i4 + i5; str.getChars(i4, i6, this.A, 0); this.B = 0; this.C = i5; B0(); length2 -= i5; i4 = i6; } else { str.getChars(i4, i4 + length2, this.A, 0); this.B = 0; this.C = length2; return; } } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void U(char[] cArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (i2 < 32) { if (i2 > this.D - this.C) { B0(); } System.arraycopy(cArr, i, this.A, this.C, i2); this.C += i2; return; } B0(); this.f670y.write(cArr, i, i2); } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void W() throws IOException { t0("start an array"); this.q = this.q.f(); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.g(this); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = '['; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void X(Object obj) throws IOException { t0("start an array"); this.q = this.q.g(obj); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.g(this); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = '['; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void b0(Object obj, int i) throws IOException { t0("start an array"); this.q = this.q.g(obj); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.g(this); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr[i2] = '['; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void c0() throws IOException { t0("start an object"); this.q = this.q.h(); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.a(this); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = '{'; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d,, java.lang.AutoCloseable public void close() throws IOException { if (this.A != null && d(d.a.AUTO_CLOSE_JSON_CONTENT)) { while (true) { c cVar = this.q; if (!cVar.b()) { if (!cVar.c()) { break; } u(); } else { t(); } } } B0(); this.B = 0; this.C = 0; if (this.f670y != null) { if (this.f668s.f663b || d(d.a.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET)) { this.f670y.close(); } else if (d(d.a.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)) { this.f670y.flush(); } } char[] cArr = this.A; if (cArr != null) { this.A = null; c cVar2 = this.f668s; Objects.requireNonNull(cVar2); char[] cArr2 = cVar2.e; if (cArr == cArr2 || cArr.length >= cArr2.length) { cVar2.e = null; cVar2.c.d.set(1, cArr); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to release buffer smaller than original"); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void d0(Object obj) throws IOException { t0("start an object"); this.q = this.q.i(obj); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.a(this); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = '{'; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public int f(b.g.a.b.a aVar, InputStream inputStream, int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { t0("write a binary value"); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr[i2] = this.f671z; c cVar = this.f668s; if (cVar.d == null) { b.g.a.b.t.a aVar2 = cVar.c; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); int i3 = b.g.a.b.t.a.a[3]; if (i3 <= 0) { i3 = 0; } byte[] andSet = aVar2.c.getAndSet(3, null); if (andSet == null || andSet.length < i3) { andSet = new byte[i3]; } cVar.d = andSet; if (i < 0) { try { i = F0(aVar, inputStream, andSet); } catch (Throwable th) { this.f668s.a(andSet); throw th; } } else { int G0 = G0(aVar, inputStream, andSet, i); if (G0 > 0) { throw new JsonGenerationException("Too few bytes available: missing " + G0 + " bytes (out of " + i + ")", this); } } this.f668s.a(andSet); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i4 = this.C; this.C = i4 + 1; cArr2[i4] = this.f671z; return i; } throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to call same allocXxx() method second time"); } @Override // public void flush() throws IOException { B0(); if (this.f670y != null && d(d.a.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)) { this.f670y.flush(); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void g0(k kVar) throws IOException { t0("write a string"); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; int i2 = i + 1; this.C = i2; cArr[i] = this.f671z; int c = kVar.c(cArr, i2); if (c < 0) { char[] a = kVar.a(); int length = a.length; if (length < 32) { if (length > this.D - this.C) { B0(); } System.arraycopy(a, 0, this.A, this.C, length); this.C += length; } else { B0(); this.f670y.write(a, 0, length); } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i3 = this.C; this.C = i3 + 1; cArr2[i3] = this.f671z; return; } int i4 = this.C + c; this.C = i4; if (i4 >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i5 = this.C; this.C = i5 + 1; cArr3[i5] = this.f671z; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void j0(String str) throws IOException { t0("write a string"); if (str == null) { H0(); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = this.f671z; J0(str); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr2[i2] = this.f671z; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void m0(char[] cArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { char c; t0("write a string"); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i3 = this.C; this.C = i3 + 1; cArr2[i3] = this.f671z; int i4 = this.u; if (i4 != 0) { int i5 = i2 + i; int[] iArr = this.t; int min = Math.min(iArr.length, i4 + 1); int i6 = 0; while (i < i5) { int i7 = i; while (true) { c = cArr[i7]; if (c >= min) { if (c > i4) { i6 = -1; break; } } else { i6 = iArr[c]; if (i6 != 0) { break; } } i7++; if (i7 >= i5) { break; } } int i8 = i7 - i; if (i8 < 32) { if (this.C + i8 > this.D) { B0(); } if (i8 > 0) { System.arraycopy(cArr, i, this.A, this.C, i8); this.C += i8; } } else { B0(); this.f670y.write(cArr, i, i8); } if (i7 >= i5) { break; } i = i7 + 1; A0(c, i6); } } else { int i9 = i2 + i; int[] iArr2 = this.t; int length = iArr2.length; while (i < i9) { int i10 = i; do { char c2 = cArr[i10]; if (c2 < length && iArr2[c2] != 0) { break; } i10++; } while (i10 < i9); int i11 = i10 - i; if (i11 < 32) { if (this.C + i11 > this.D) { B0(); } if (i11 > 0) { System.arraycopy(cArr, i, this.A, this.C, i11); this.C += i11; } } else { B0(); this.f670y.write(cArr, i, i11); } if (i10 >= i9) { break; } i = i10 + 1; char c3 = cArr[i10]; A0(c3, iArr2[c3]); } } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i12 = this.C; this.C = i12 + 1; cArr3[i12] = this.f671z; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void n(b.g.a.b.a aVar, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { t0("write a binary value"); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i3 = this.C; this.C = i3 + 1; cArr[i3] = this.f671z; int i4 = i2 + i; int i5 = i4 - 3; int i6 = this.D - 6; int d = aVar.d() >> 2; while (i <= i5) { if (this.C > i6) { B0(); } int i7 = i + 1; int i8 = i7 + 1; int i9 = i8 + 1; int b2 = aVar.b((((bArr[i] << 8) | (bArr[i7] & 255)) << 8) | (bArr[i8] & 255), this.A, this.C); this.C = b2; d--; if (d <= 0) { char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i10 = b2 + 1; this.C = i10; cArr2[b2] = '\\'; this.C = i10 + 1; cArr2[i10] = 'n'; d = aVar.d() >> 2; } i = i9; } int i11 = i4 - i; if (i11 > 0) { if (this.C > i6) { B0(); } int i12 = i + 1; int i13 = bArr[i] << 16; if (i11 == 2) { i13 |= (bArr[i12] & 255) << 8; } this.C = aVar.c(i13, i11, this.A, this.C); } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i14 = this.C; this.C = i14 + 1; cArr3[i14] = this.f671z; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void s(boolean z2) throws IOException { int i; t0("write a boolean value"); if (this.C + 5 >= this.D) { B0(); } int i2 = this.C; char[] cArr = this.A; if (z2) { cArr[i2] = 't'; int i3 = i2 + 1; cArr[i3] = 'r'; int i4 = i3 + 1; cArr[i4] = 'u'; i = i4 + 1; cArr[i] = 'e'; } else { cArr[i2] = 'f'; int i5 = i2 + 1; cArr[i5] = 'a'; int i6 = i5 + 1; cArr[i6] = 'l'; int i7 = i6 + 1; cArr[i7] = 's'; i = i7 + 1; cArr[i] = 'e'; } this.C = i + 1; } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void t() throws IOException { if (this.q.b()) { j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.j(this, this.q.f658b + 1); } else { if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = ']'; } c cVar = this.q; cVar.g = null; this.q = cVar.c; return; } StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("Current context not Array but "); R.append(this.q.e()); throw new JsonGenerationException(R.toString(), this); } @Override // b.g.a.b.o.a public final void t0(String str) throws IOException { char c; int m = this.q.m(); j jVar = this.l; if (jVar == null) { if (m == 1) { c = ','; } else if (m == 2) { c = MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR; } else if (m == 3) { k kVar = this.v; if (kVar != null) { T(kVar.getValue()); return; } return; } else if (m == 5) { x0(str); throw null; } else { return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = c; } else if (m != 0) { if (m == 1) { jVar.c(this); } else if (m == 2) { jVar.k(this); } else if (m == 3) { jVar.b(this); } else if (m != 5) { int i2 = m.a; throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: this code path should never get executed"); } else { x0(str); throw null; } } else if (this.q.b()) { this.l.h(this); } else if (this.q.c()) { this.l.d(this); } } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void u() throws IOException { if (this.q.c()) { j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { jVar.f(this, this.q.f658b + 1); } else { if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = '}'; } c cVar = this.q; cVar.g = null; this.q = cVar.c; return; } StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("Current context not Object but "); R.append(this.q.e()); throw new JsonGenerationException(R.toString(), this); } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void x(k kVar) throws IOException { int l = this.q.l(kVar.getValue()); if (l != 4) { boolean z2 = l == 1; j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { if (z2) { jVar.i(this); } else { jVar.d(this); } char[] a = kVar.a(); if (this.w) { U(a, 0, a.length); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = this.f671z; U(a, 0, a.length); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr2[i2] = this.f671z; return; } if (this.C + 1 >= this.D) { B0(); } if (z2) { char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i3 = this.C; this.C = i3 + 1; cArr3[i3] = ','; } if (this.w) { char[] a2 = kVar.a(); U(a2, 0, a2.length); return; } char[] cArr4 = this.A; int i4 = this.C; int i5 = i4 + 1; this.C = i5; cArr4[i4] = this.f671z; int c = kVar.c(cArr4, i5); if (c < 0) { char[] a3 = kVar.a(); U(a3, 0, a3.length); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr5 = this.A; int i6 = this.C; this.C = i6 + 1; cArr5[i6] = this.f671z; return; } int i7 = this.C + c; this.C = i7; if (i7 >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr6 = this.A; int i8 = this.C; this.C = i8 + 1; cArr6[i8] = this.f671z; return; } throw new JsonGenerationException("Can not write a field name, expecting a value", this); } @Override // b.g.a.b.d public void y(String str) throws IOException { int l = this.q.l(str); if (l != 4) { boolean z2 = l == 1; j jVar = this.l; if (jVar != null) { if (z2) { jVar.i(this); } else { jVar.d(this); } if (this.w) { J0(str); return; } if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr = this.A; int i = this.C; this.C = i + 1; cArr[i] = this.f671z; J0(str); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr2 = this.A; int i2 = this.C; this.C = i2 + 1; cArr2[i2] = this.f671z; return; } if (this.C + 1 >= this.D) { B0(); } if (z2) { char[] cArr3 = this.A; int i3 = this.C; this.C = i3 + 1; cArr3[i3] = ','; } if (this.w) { J0(str); return; } char[] cArr4 = this.A; int i4 = this.C; this.C = i4 + 1; cArr4[i4] = this.f671z; J0(str); if (this.C >= this.D) { B0(); } char[] cArr5 = this.A; int i5 = this.C; this.C = i5 + 1; cArr5[i5] = this.f671z; return; } throw new JsonGenerationException("Can not write a field name, expecting a value", this); } public final char[] z0() { char[] cArr = new char[14]; cArr[0] = '\\'; cArr[2] = '\\'; cArr[3] = 'u'; cArr[4] = '0'; cArr[5] = '0'; cArr[8] = '\\'; cArr[9] = 'u'; this.E = cArr; return cArr; } }