package b.g.a.b; import; import java.util.Arrays; /* compiled from: Base64Variant */ public final class a implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private final int _maxLineLength; public final String _name; private final char _paddingChar; private final EnumC0071a _paddingReadBehaviour; private final boolean _writePadding; public final transient int[] j; public final transient char[] k; public final transient byte[] l; /* compiled from: Base64Variant */ /* renamed from: b.g.a.b.a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */ public enum EnumC0071a { PADDING_FORBIDDEN, PADDING_REQUIRED, PADDING_ALLOWED } public a(a aVar, String str, int i) { this(aVar, str, aVar._writePadding, aVar._paddingChar, aVar._paddingReadBehaviour, i); } public a(a aVar, String str, boolean z2, char c, int i) { this(aVar, str, z2, c, aVar._paddingReadBehaviour, i); } public a(a aVar, String str, boolean z2, char c, EnumC0071a aVar2, int i) { int[] iArr = new int[128]; this.j = iArr; char[] cArr = new char[64]; this.k = cArr; byte[] bArr = new byte[64]; this.l = bArr; this._name = str; byte[] bArr2 = aVar.l; System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr, 0, bArr2.length); char[] cArr2 = aVar.k; System.arraycopy(cArr2, 0, cArr, 0, cArr2.length); int[] iArr2 = aVar.j; System.arraycopy(iArr2, 0, iArr, 0, iArr2.length); this._writePadding = z2; this._paddingChar = c; this._maxLineLength = i; this._paddingReadBehaviour = aVar2; } public a(String str, String str2, boolean z2, char c, int i) { int[] iArr = new int[128]; this.j = iArr; char[] cArr = new char[64]; this.k = cArr; this.l = new byte[64]; this._name = str; this._writePadding = z2; this._paddingChar = c; this._maxLineLength = i; int length = str2.length(); if (length == 64) { str2.getChars(0, length, cArr, 0); Arrays.fill(iArr, -1); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) { char c2 = this.k[i2]; this.l[i2] = (byte) c2; this.j[c2] = i2; } if (z2) { this.j[c] = -2; } this._paddingReadBehaviour = z2 ? EnumC0071a.PADDING_REQUIRED : EnumC0071a.PADDING_FORBIDDEN; return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.q("Base64Alphabet length must be exactly 64 (was ", length, ")")); } public String a(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((length >> 2) + length + (length >> 3)); int i = this._maxLineLength >> 2; int i2 = 0; int i3 = length - 3; while (i2 <= i3) { int i4 = i2 + 1; int i5 = i4 + 1; int i6 = i5 + 1; int i7 = (((bArr[i2] << 8) | (bArr[i4] & 255)) << 8) | (bArr[i5] & 255); sb.append(this.k[(i7 >> 18) & 63]); sb.append(this.k[(i7 >> 12) & 63]); sb.append(this.k[(i7 >> 6) & 63]); sb.append(this.k[i7 & 63]); i--; if (i <= 0) { sb.append('\\'); sb.append('n'); i = this._maxLineLength >> 2; } i2 = i6; } int i8 = length - i2; if (i8 > 0) { int i9 = i2 + 1; int i10 = bArr[i2] << 16; if (i8 == 2) { i10 |= (bArr[i9] & 255) << 8; } sb.append(this.k[(i10 >> 18) & 63]); sb.append(this.k[(i10 >> 12) & 63]); if (this._writePadding) { sb.append(i8 == 2 ? this.k[(i10 >> 6) & 63] : this._paddingChar); sb.append(this._paddingChar); } else if (i8 == 2) { sb.append(this.k[(i10 >> 6) & 63]); } } return sb.toString(); } public int b(int i, char[] cArr, int i2) { int i3 = i2 + 1; char[] cArr2 = this.k; cArr[i2] = cArr2[(i >> 18) & 63]; int i4 = i3 + 1; cArr[i3] = cArr2[(i >> 12) & 63]; int i5 = i4 + 1; cArr[i4] = cArr2[(i >> 6) & 63]; int i6 = i5 + 1; cArr[i5] = cArr2[i & 63]; return i6; } public int c(int i, int i2, char[] cArr, int i3) { int i4 = i3 + 1; char[] cArr2 = this.k; cArr[i3] = cArr2[(i >> 18) & 63]; int i5 = i4 + 1; cArr[i4] = cArr2[(i >> 12) & 63]; if (this._writePadding) { int i6 = i5 + 1; cArr[i5] = i2 == 2 ? cArr2[(i >> 6) & 63] : this._paddingChar; int i7 = i6 + 1; cArr[i6] = this._paddingChar; return i7; } else if (i2 != 2) { return i5; } else { int i8 = i5 + 1; cArr[i5] = cArr2[(i >> 6) & 63]; return i8; } } public int d() { return this._maxLineLength; } @Override // java.lang.Object public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != a.class) { return false; } a aVar = (a) obj; return aVar._paddingChar == this._paddingChar && aVar._maxLineLength == this._maxLineLength && aVar._writePadding == this._writePadding && aVar._paddingReadBehaviour == this._paddingReadBehaviour && this._name.equals(aVar._name); } @Override // java.lang.Object public int hashCode() { return this._name.hashCode(); } public Object readResolve() { String str = this._name; a aVar = b.a; if (!aVar._name.equals(str)) { aVar = b.f653b; if (!aVar._name.equals(str)) { aVar = b.c; if (!aVar._name.equals(str)) { aVar = b.d; if (!aVar._name.equals(str)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.v("No Base64Variant with name ", str == null ? "" : b.d.b.a.a.w("'", str, "'"))); } } } } boolean z2 = this._writePadding; boolean z3 = aVar._writePadding; return (z2 == z3 && this._paddingChar == aVar._paddingChar && this._paddingReadBehaviour == aVar._paddingReadBehaviour && this._maxLineLength == aVar._maxLineLength && z2 == z3) ? aVar : new a(aVar, this._name, z2, this._paddingChar, this._paddingReadBehaviour, this._maxLineLength); } @Override // java.lang.Object public String toString() { return this._name; } }