package b.c.a.w.b; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import androidx.annotation.CallSuper; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import b.c.a.b0.g; import b.c.a.j; import b.c.a.o; import b.c.a.w.c.a; import b.c.a.w.c.c; import b.c.a.w.c.e; import b.c.a.w.c.p; import b.c.a.y.f; import b.c.a.y.k.d; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /* compiled from: BaseStrokeContent */ public abstract class a implements a.b, k, e { public final PathMeasure a = new PathMeasure(); /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final Path f373b = new Path(); public final Path c = new Path(); public final RectF d = new RectF(); public final j e; public final b.c.a.y.m.b f; public final List g = new ArrayList(); public final float[] h; public final Paint i; public final b.c.a.w.c.a j; public final b.c.a.w.c.a k; public final List> l; @Nullable public final b.c.a.w.c.a m; @Nullable public b.c.a.w.c.a n; /* compiled from: BaseStrokeContent */ public static final class b { public final List a = new ArrayList(); @Nullable /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final s f374b; public b(s sVar, C0054a aVar) { this.f374b = sVar; } } public a(j jVar, b.c.a.y.m.b bVar, Paint.Cap cap, Paint.Join join, float f, d dVar, b.c.a.y.k.b bVar2, List list, b.c.a.y.k.b bVar3) { b.c.a.w.a aVar = new b.c.a.w.a(1); this.i = aVar; this.e = jVar; this.f = bVar; aVar.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); aVar.setStrokeCap(cap); aVar.setStrokeJoin(join); aVar.setStrokeMiter(f); this.k = dVar.a(); this.j = bVar2.a(); if (bVar3 == null) { this.m = null; } else { this.m = bVar3.a(); } this.l = new ArrayList(list.size()); this.h = new float[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { this.l.add(list.get(i).a()); } bVar.e(this.k); bVar.e(this.j); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.l.size(); i2++) { bVar.e(this.l.get(i2)); } b.c.a.w.c.a aVar2 = this.m; if (aVar2 != null) { bVar.e(aVar2); } this.k.a.add(this); this.j.a.add(this); for (int i3 = 0; i3 < list.size(); i3++) { this.l.get(i3).a.add(this); } b.c.a.w.c.a aVar3 = this.m; if (aVar3 != null) { aVar3.a.add(this); } } @Override // b.c.a.w.c.a.b public void a() { this.e.invalidateSelf(); } @Override // b.c.a.w.b.c public void b(List list, List list2) { s sVar = null; for (int size = list.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) { c cVar = list.get(size); if (cVar instanceof s) { s sVar2 = (s) cVar; if (sVar2.c == 2) { sVar = sVar2; } } } if (sVar != null) { sVar.f388b.add(this); } b bVar = null; for (int size2 = list2.size() - 1; size2 >= 0; size2--) { c cVar2 = list2.get(size2); if (cVar2 instanceof s) { s sVar3 = (s) cVar2; if (sVar3.c == 2) { if (bVar != null) { this.g.add(bVar); } bVar = new b(sVar3, null); sVar3.f388b.add(this); } } if (cVar2 instanceof m) { if (bVar == null) { bVar = new b(sVar, null); } bVar.a.add((m) cVar2); } } if (bVar != null) { this.g.add(bVar); } } @Override // b.c.a.y.g public void c(f fVar, int i, List list, f fVar2) { b.c.a.b0.f.f(fVar, i, list, fVar2, this); } @Override // b.c.a.w.b.e public void d(RectF rectF, Matrix matrix, boolean z2) { this.f373b.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < this.g.size(); i++) { b bVar = this.g.get(i); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bVar.a.size(); i2++) { this.f373b.addPath(bVar.a.get(i2).getPath(), matrix); } } this.f373b.computeBounds(this.d, false); float j = ((c) this.j).j(); RectF rectF2 = this.d; float f = j / 2.0f; rectF2.set(rectF2.left - f, - f, rectF2.right + f, rectF2.bottom + f); rectF.set(this.d); rectF.set(rectF.left - 1.0f, - 1.0f, rectF.right + 1.0f, rectF.bottom + 1.0f); b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#getBounds"); } @Override // b.c.a.w.b.e public void f(Canvas canvas, Matrix matrix, int i) { float[] fArr = g.d; boolean z2 = false; fArr[0] = 0.0f; fArr[1] = 0.0f; fArr[2] = 37394.73f; fArr[3] = 39575.234f; matrix.mapPoints(fArr); if (fArr[0] == fArr[2] || fArr[1] == fArr[3]) { b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#draw"); return; } e eVar = (e) this.k; float j = (((float) i) / 255.0f) * ((float) eVar.j(eVar.a(), eVar.c())); float f = 100.0f; this.i.setAlpha(b.c.a.b0.f.c((int) ((j / 100.0f) * 255.0f), 0, 255)); this.i.setStrokeWidth(g.d(matrix) * ((c) this.j).j()); if (this.i.getStrokeWidth() <= 0.0f) { b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#draw"); return; } float f2 = 1.0f; if (this.l.isEmpty()) { b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#applyDashPattern"); } else { float d = g.d(matrix); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.l.size(); i2++) { this.h[i2] = this.l.get(i2).e().floatValue(); if (i2 % 2 == 0) { float[] fArr2 = this.h; if (fArr2[i2] < 1.0f) { fArr2[i2] = 1.0f; } } else { float[] fArr3 = this.h; if (fArr3[i2] < 0.1f) { fArr3[i2] = 0.1f; } } float[] fArr4 = this.h; fArr4[i2] = fArr4[i2] * d; } b.c.a.w.c.a aVar = this.m; this.i.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(this.h, aVar == null ? 0.0f : aVar.e().floatValue() * d)); b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#applyDashPattern"); } b.c.a.w.c.a aVar2 = this.n; if (aVar2 != null) { this.i.setColorFilter(aVar2.e()); } int i3 = 0; while (i3 < this.g.size()) { b bVar = this.g.get(i3); s sVar = bVar.f374b; if (sVar == null) { this.f373b.reset(); for (int size = bVar.a.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) { this.f373b.addPath(bVar.a.get(size).getPath(), matrix); } b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#buildPath"); canvas.drawPath(this.f373b, this.i); b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#drawPath"); } else if (sVar == null) { b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#applyTrimPath"); } else { this.f373b.reset(); int size2 = bVar.a.size(); while (true) { size2--; if (size2 < 0) { break; } this.f373b.addPath(bVar.a.get(size2).getPath(), matrix); } this.a.setPath(this.f373b, z2); float length = this.a.getLength(); while (this.a.nextContour()) { length += this.a.getLength(); } float floatValue = (bVar.f374b.f.e().floatValue() * length) / 360.0f; float floatValue2 = ((bVar.f374b.d.e().floatValue() * length) / f) + floatValue; float floatValue3 = ((bVar.f374b.e.e().floatValue() * length) / f) + floatValue; int size3 = bVar.a.size() - 1; float f3 = 0.0f; while (size3 >= 0) { this.c.set(bVar.a.get(size3).getPath()); this.c.transform(matrix); this.a.setPath(this.c, z2); float length2 = this.a.getLength(); if (floatValue3 > length) { float f4 = floatValue3 - length; if (f4 < f3 + length2 && f3 < f4) { g.a(this.c, floatValue2 > length ? (floatValue2 - length) / length2 : 0.0f, Math.min(f4 / length2, f2), 0.0f); canvas.drawPath(this.c, this.i); f3 += length2; size3--; z2 = false; f2 = 1.0f; } } float f5 = f3 + length2; if (f5 >= floatValue2 && f3 <= floatValue3) { if (f5 > floatValue3 || floatValue2 >= f3) { g.a(this.c, floatValue2 < f3 ? 0.0f : (floatValue2 - f3) / length2, floatValue3 > f5 ? 1.0f : (floatValue3 - f3) / length2, 0.0f); canvas.drawPath(this.c, this.i); } else { canvas.drawPath(this.c, this.i); } } f3 += length2; size3--; z2 = false; f2 = 1.0f; } b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#applyTrimPath"); } i3++; z2 = false; f = 100.0f; f2 = 1.0f; } b.c.a.c.a("StrokeContent#draw"); } /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v0, resolved type: b.c.a.c0.c */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // b.c.a.y.g @CallSuper public void g(T t, @Nullable b.c.a.c0.c cVar) { if (t == o.d) { b.c.a.w.c.a aVar = this.k; b.c.a.c0.c cVar2 = aVar.e; aVar.e = cVar; } else if (t == o.o) { b.c.a.w.c.a aVar2 = this.j; b.c.a.c0.c cVar3 = aVar2.e; aVar2.e = cVar; } else if (t == o.C) { b.c.a.w.c.a aVar3 = this.n; if (aVar3 != null) { this.f.u.remove(aVar3); } if (cVar == 0) { this.n = null; return; } p pVar = new p(cVar, null); this.n = pVar; pVar.a.add(this); this.f.e(this.n); } } }