package b.c.a.a0; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.Process; import android.os.Trace; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.RecentlyNonNull; import; import androidx.core.internal.view.SupportMenu; import androidx.core.text.TextUtilsCompat; import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.ItemTouchHelper; import b.c.a.b0.g; import b.f.d.d.i; import b.f.g.e.b0; import b.f.g.e.d0; import b.f.g.e.p; import b.f.g.e.r; import b.f.g.e.s; import b.f.g.e.t; import b.f.g.e.u; import b.f.g.e.v; import b.f.g.e.w; import b.f.g.e.x; import b.f.g.e.z; import b.f.g.f.c; import b.f.j.d.e; import b.f.m.h; import b.g.a.a.p; import b.g.a.c.c0.e0; import b.g.a.c.h0.m; import b.g.a.c.j; import b.i.a.b.i.d; import b.i.a.c.b3.b; import b.i.a.c.b3.t.f; import b.i.a.c.f3.t; import b.i.a.c.g3.z.h; import b.i.a.c.x2.o; import com.adjust.sdk.Constants; import com.discord.api.stageinstance.StageInstance; import com.discord.api.stageinstance.StageInstancePrivacyLevel; import com.discord.api.voice.state.StageRequestToSpeakState; import com.discord.api.voice.state.VoiceState; import; import com.discord.i18n.RenderContext; import com.discord.player.MediaSource; import com.discord.player.MediaType; import com.discord.simpleast.core.node.Node; import com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger; import com.discord.utilities.logging.LoggingProvider; import com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey; import com.facebook.common.file.FileUtils$CreateDirectoryException; import com.facebook.common.file.FileUtils$FileDeleteException; import com.facebook.common.file.FileUtils$ParentDirNotFoundException; import com.facebook.common.file.FileUtils$RenameException; import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference; import com.facebook.datasource.DataSource; import com.facebook.drawee.R; import com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ScalingUtils$ScaleType; import com.facebook.soloader.SysUtil$LollipopSysdeps; import com.facebook.soloader.SysUtil$MarshmallowSysdeps; import; import; import; import; import; import$ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; import d0.t.k; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; /* compiled from: AnimatableValueParser */ public class d { public static boolean a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public static ScheduledExecutorService f326b; @Nullable public static Boolean c; @Nullable public static Boolean d; @Nullable public static Boolean e; @Nullable public static Boolean f; /* compiled from: ArrayBuilders */ public static class a { public final /* synthetic */ Class a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final /* synthetic */ int f327b; public final /* synthetic */ Object c; public a(Class cls, int i, Object obj) { this.a = cls; this.f327b = i; this.c = obj; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(b.g.a.c.i0.d.o(obj, this.a) && Array.getLength(obj) == this.f327b)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.f327b; i++) { Object obj2 = Array.get(this.c, i); Object obj3 = Array.get(obj, i); if (!(obj2 == obj3 || obj2 == null || obj2.equals(obj3))) { return false; } } return true; } } @NonNull @EnsuresNonNull({"#1"}) public static T A(@Nullable T t) { Objects.requireNonNull(t, "null reference"); return t; } public static ScalingUtils$ScaleType A0(TypedArray typedArray, int i) { switch (typedArray.getInt(i, -2)) { case -1: return null; case 0: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return z.l; case 1: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType2 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return x.l; case 2: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType3 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return v.l; case 3: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType4 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return w.l; case 4: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType5 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return r.l; case 5: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType6 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return t.l; case 6: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType7 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return s.l; case 7: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType8 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return b0.l; case 8: ScalingUtils$ScaleType scalingUtils$ScaleType9 = ScalingUtils$ScaleType.a; return u.l; default: throw new RuntimeException("XML attribute not specified!"); } } public static boolean A1(e0 e0Var, j jVar, Type type) { if (!jVar.B(e0Var.a(type)._class)) { return false; } ParameterizedType h1 = h1(type); if (h1 == null || !Objects.equals(jVar._class, h1.getRawType())) { return true; } Type[] actualTypeArguments = h1.getActualTypeArguments(); m j = jVar.j(); if (j.j() != actualTypeArguments.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < j.j(); i++) { if (!A1(e0Var, j.f(i), actualTypeArguments[i])) { return false; } } return true; } public static void A2(Parcel parcel, int i) { int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); parcel.setDataPosition(i - 4); parcel.writeInt(dataPosition - i); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition); } public static void B(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @NonNull public static String B0(int i) { switch (i) { case -1: return "SUCCESS_CACHE"; case 0: return "SUCCESS"; case 1: case 9: case 11: case 12: default: return b.d.b.a.a.f(32, "unknown status code: ", i); case 2: return "SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED"; case 3: return "SERVICE_DISABLED"; case 4: return "SIGN_IN_REQUIRED"; case 5: return "INVALID_ACCOUNT"; case 6: return "RESOLUTION_REQUIRED"; case 7: return "NETWORK_ERROR"; case 8: return "INTERNAL_ERROR"; case 10: return "DEVELOPER_ERROR"; case 13: return "ERROR"; case 14: return "INTERRUPTED"; case 15: return "TIMEOUT"; case 16: return "CANCELED"; case 17: return "API_NOT_CONNECTED"; case 18: return "DEAD_CLIENT"; case 19: return "REMOTE_EXCEPTION"; case 20: return "CONNECTION_SUSPENDED_DURING_CALL"; case 21: return "RECONNECTION_TIMED_OUT_DURING_UPDATE"; case 22: return "RECONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"; } } public static int B1(InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (i2 >= 0) { int i3 = 0; while (i3 < i2) { int read =, i + i3, i2 - i3); if (read == -1) { break; } i3 += read; } return i3; } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("len is negative"); } public static void B2(Parcel parcel, T t, int i) { int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); parcel.writeInt(1); int dataPosition2 = parcel.dataPosition(); t.writeToParcel(parcel, i); int dataPosition3 = parcel.dataPosition(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition); parcel.writeInt(dataPosition3 - dataPosition2); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition3); } public static void C(boolean z2, Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } public static String[] C0() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 ? SysUtil$MarshmallowSysdeps.getSupportedAbis() : SysUtil$LollipopSysdeps.getSupportedAbis(); } public static void C1(FileChannel fileChannel, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int i, long j) throws IOException { int read; byteBuffer.position(0); byteBuffer.limit(i); while (byteBuffer.remaining() > 0 && (read =, j)) != -1) { j += (long) read; } if (byteBuffer.remaining() <= 0) { byteBuffer.position(0); return; } throw new h("ELF file truncated"); } @Pure public static void D(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public static String D0(String str) { return b.d.b.a.a.v("TransportRuntime.", str); } public static int D1(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { return ((((byte) ( & 255)) << 16) & ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_MODE_DRAG_MASK) | ((((byte) ( & 255)) << 8) & 65280) | (((byte) ( & 255)) & 255); } @Pure public static void E(boolean z2, Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } public static Pair E0(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { inputStream.skip(7); short read = (short) ( & 255); short read2 = (short) ( & 255); short read3 = (short) ( & 255); if (read == 157 && read2 == 1 && read3 == 42) { return new Pair<>(Integer.valueOf(n0(inputStream)), Integer.valueOf(n0(inputStream))); } return null; } public static boolean E1(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { x2(parcel, i, 4); return parcel.readInt() != 0; } public static void F(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public static Pair F0(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { w0(inputStream); if (((byte) ( & 255)) != 47) { return null; } int read = ((byte) & 255; return new Pair<>(Integer.valueOf(((((byte) & 255) | ((read & 63) << 8)) + 1), Integer.valueOf(((((((byte) & 255) & 15) << 10) | ((((byte) & 255) << 2) | ((read & 192) >> 6)) + 1)); } @RecentlyNonNull public static IBinder F1(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } IBinder readStrongBinder = parcel.readStrongBinder(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return readStrongBinder; } public static void G(boolean z2, @RecentlyNonNull Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } public static long G0(FileChannel fileChannel, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long j) throws IOException { C1(fileChannel, byteBuffer, 4, j); return ((long) byteBuffer.getInt()) & 4294967295L; } public static int G1(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { x2(parcel, i, 4); return parcel.readInt(); } @EnsuresNonNull({"#1"}) @Pure public static T H(@Nullable T t) { if (t != null) { return t; } throw new IllegalStateException(); } public static final boolean H0(Long l, long j) { return l != null && (l.longValue() & j) == j; } public static long H1(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { x2(parcel, i, 8); return parcel.readLong(); } public static boolean I(byte[] bArr, String str) { if (bArr.length != str.length()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < bArr.length; i++) { if (str.charAt(i) != bArr[i]) { return false; } } return true; } public static boolean I0(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2, int i) { Objects.requireNonNull(bArr); Objects.requireNonNull(bArr2); if (bArr2.length + i > bArr.length) { return false; } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bArr2.length; i2++) { if (bArr[i + i2] != bArr2[i2]) { return false; } } return true; } public static int I1(b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar) { int i = 0; while (xVar.a() != 0) { int t = xVar.t(); i += t; if (t != 255) { return i; } } return -1; } public static void J(long j, b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar, b.i.a.c.x2.w[] wVarArr) { while (true) { boolean z2 = true; if (xVar.a() > 1) { int I1 = I1(xVar); int I12 = I1(xVar); int i = xVar.f981b + I12; if (I12 == -1 || I12 > xVar.a()) { Log.w("CeaUtil", "Skipping remainder of malformed SEI NAL unit."); i = xVar.c; } else if (I1 == 4 && I12 >= 8) { int t = xVar.t(); int y2 = xVar.y(); int f2 = y2 == 49 ? xVar.f() : 0; int t2 = xVar.t(); if (y2 == 47) { xVar.F(1); } boolean z3 = t == 181 && (y2 == 49 || y2 == 47) && t2 == 3; if (y2 == 49) { if (f2 != 1195456820) { z2 = false; } z3 &= z2; } if (z3) { K(j, xVar, wVarArr); } } xVar.E(i); } else { return; } } } public static int J0(int i, int i2) { return ((i + 31) * 31) + i2; } public static int J1(InputStream inputStream, int i, boolean z2) throws IOException { int i2; int i3 = 0; for (int i4 = 0; i4 < i; i4++) { int read =; if (read != -1) { if (z2) { i2 = (read & 255) << (i4 * 8); } else { i3 <<= 8; i2 = read & 255; } i3 |= i2; } else { throw new IOException("no more bytes"); } } return i3; } public static void K(long j, b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar, b.i.a.c.x2.w[] wVarArr) { int t = xVar.t(); if ((t & 64) != 0) { xVar.F(1); int i = (t & 31) * 3; int i2 = xVar.f981b; for (b.i.a.c.x2.w wVar : wVarArr) { xVar.E(i2); wVar.c(xVar, i); if (j != -9223372036854775807L) { wVar.d(j, 1, i, 0, null); } } } } public static int K0(Object obj, Object obj2) { int i = 0; int hashCode = obj == null ? 0 : obj.hashCode(); if (obj2 != null) { i = obj2.hashCode(); } return J0(hashCode, i); } public static long K1(b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar, int i, int i2) { xVar.E(i); if (xVar.a() < 5) { return -9223372036854775807L; } int f2 = xVar.f(); if ((8388608 & f2) != 0 || ((2096896 & f2) >> 8) != i2) { return -9223372036854775807L; } if (((f2 & 32) != 0) && xVar.t() >= 7 && xVar.a() >= 7) { if ((xVar.t() & 16) == 16) { byte[] bArr = new byte[6]; System.arraycopy(xVar.a, xVar.f981b, bArr, 0, 6); xVar.f981b += 6; return ((((long) bArr[0]) & 255) << 25) | ((((long) bArr[1]) & 255) << 17) | ((((long) bArr[2]) & 255) << 9) | ((((long) bArr[3]) & 255) << 1) | ((((long) bArr[4]) & 255) >> 7); } } return -9223372036854775807L; } public static void L(Drawable drawable, Drawable drawable2) { if (drawable != null && drawable != drawable2) { drawable.setBounds(drawable2.getBounds()); drawable.setChangingConfigurations(drawable2.getChangingConfigurations()); drawable.setLevel(drawable2.getLevel()); drawable.setVisible(drawable2.isVisible(), false); drawable.setState(drawable2.getState()); } } public static void L0(String str, String str2) { Log.i(D0(str), str2); } public static o.a L1(b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar) { xVar.F(1); int v = xVar.v(); long j = ((long) xVar.f981b) + ((long) v); int i = v / 18; long[] jArr = new long[i]; long[] jArr2 = new long[i]; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= i) { break; } long m = xVar.m(); if (m == -1) { jArr = Arrays.copyOf(jArr, i2); jArr2 = Arrays.copyOf(jArr2, i2); break; } jArr[i2] = m; jArr2[i2] = xVar.m(); xVar.F(2); i2++; } xVar.F((int) (j - ((long) xVar.f981b))); return new o.a(jArr, jArr2); } @RecentlyNonNull public static Bundle M(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } Bundle readBundle = parcel.readBundle(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return readBundle; } public static int M0(int i) { int i2 = 0; while (i > 0) { i2++; i >>>= 1; } return i2; } public static int M1(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { return (i & SupportMenu.CATEGORY_MASK) != -65536 ? (char) (i >> 16) : parcel.readInt(); } @RecentlyNonNull public static byte[] N(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } byte[] createByteArray = parcel.createByteArray(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createByteArray; } public static DataSource N0(Throwable th) { b.f.e.h hVar = new b.f.e.h(); Objects.requireNonNull(th); hVar.k(th, null); return hVar; } public static b.i.a.c.x2.z N1(b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar, boolean z2, boolean z3) throws ParserException { if (z2) { n2(3, xVar, false); } String q = xVar.q((int) xVar.j()); long j = xVar.j(); String[] strArr = new String[((int) j)]; int length = q.length() + 11 + 4; for (int i = 0; ((long) i) < j; i++) { strArr[i] = xVar.q((int) xVar.j()); length = length + 4 + strArr[i].length(); } if (!z3 || (xVar.t() & 1) != 0) { return new b.i.a.c.x2.z(q, strArr, length + 1); } throw ParserException.a("framing bit expected to be set", null); } @RecentlyNonNull public static int[] O(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } int[] createIntArray = parcel.createIntArray(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createIntArray; } /* JADX INFO: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:98:0x01a2, code lost: if (r0.equals("video/mp2t") == false) goto L_0x01bc; */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:102:0x01b1 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:105:0x01bc */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:107:0x01c2 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:108:0x01c4 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:109:0x01c6 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:110:0x01c9 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:111:0x01cc A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:112:0x01ce A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:113:0x01d0 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:114:0x01d3 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:115:0x01d6 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:116:0x01d9 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:117:0x01db A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:118:0x01dd A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:119:0x01e0 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:120:0x01e3 A[ORIG_RETURN, RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:27:0x0072 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x007b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:34:0x0085 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:37:0x0094 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:40:0x00a2 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:43:0x00ae */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x00ba */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:49:0x00c8 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:52:0x00d6 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x00e5 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x00f1 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:61:0x00ff */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:64:0x010d */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:67:0x011b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:70:0x0129 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:73:0x0137 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:76:0x0146 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:79:0x0154 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:82:0x0162 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:85:0x016e */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:88:0x0179 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:91:0x0184 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:94:0x018f */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:97:0x019b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:99:0x01a5 */ public static int O0(Map> map) { char c2; List list = map.get("Content-Type"); String str = (list == null || list.isEmpty()) ? null : list.get(0); if (str != null) { ArrayList arrayList = b.i.a.c.f3.t.a; int hashCode = str.hashCode(); char c3 = 2; if (hashCode != -1007807498) { if (hashCode != -586683234) { if (hashCode == 187090231 && str.equals("audio/mp3")) { c2 = 2; if (c2 != 0) { str = "audio/flac"; } else if (c2 == 1) { str = "audio/wav"; } else if (c2 == 2) { str = "audio/mpeg"; } switch (str.hashCode()) { case -2123537834: if (str.equals("audio/eac3-joc")) { c3 = 0; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1662384011: if (str.equals("video/mp2p")) { c3 = 1; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1662384007: break; case -1662095187: if (str.equals("video/webm")) { c3 = 3; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1606874997: if (str.equals("audio/amr-wb")) { c3 = 4; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1487394660: if (str.equals("image/jpeg")) { c3 = 5; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1248337486: if (str.equals("application/mp4")) { c3 = 6; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -1004728940: if (str.equals("text/vtt")) { c3 = 7; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -387023398: if (str.equals("audio/x-matroska")) { c3 = '\b'; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case -43467528: if (str.equals("application/webm")) { c3 = '\t'; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 13915911: if (str.equals("video/x-flv")) { c3 = '\n'; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187078296: if (str.equals("audio/ac3")) { c3 = 11; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187078297: if (str.equals("audio/ac4")) { c3 = '\f'; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187078669: if (str.equals("audio/amr")) { c3 = '\r'; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187090232: if (str.equals("audio/mp4")) { c3 = 14; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187091926: if (str.equals("audio/ogg")) { c3 = 15; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 187099443: if (str.equals("audio/wav")) { c3 = 16; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1331848029: if (str.equals("video/mp4")) { c3 = 17; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1503095341: if (str.equals("audio/3gpp")) { c3 = 18; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1504578661: if (str.equals("audio/eac3")) { c3 = 19; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1504619009: if (str.equals("audio/flac")) { c3 = 20; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1504831518: if (str.equals("audio/mpeg")) { c3 = 21; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 1505118770: if (str.equals("audio/webm")) { c3 = 22; break; } c3 = 65535; break; case 2039520277: if (str.equals("video/x-matroska")) { c3 = 23; break; } c3 = 65535; break; default: c3 = 65535; break; } switch (c3) { case 0: case 11: case 19: return 0; case 1: return 10; case 2: return 11; case 3: case '\b': case '\t': case 22: case 23: return 6; case 4: case '\r': case 18: return 3; case 5: return 14; case 6: case 14: case 17: return 8; case 7: return 13; case '\n': return 5; case '\f': return 1; case 15: return 9; case 16: return 12; case 20: return 4; case 21: return 7; } } } else if (str.equals("audio/x-wav")) { c2 = 1; if (c2 != 0) { } switch (str.hashCode()) { case -2123537834: break; case -1662384011: break; case -1662384007: break; case -1662095187: break; case -1606874997: break; case -1487394660: break; case -1248337486: break; case -1004728940: break; case -387023398: break; case -43467528: break; case 13915911: break; case 187078296: break; case 187078297: break; case 187078669: break; case 187090232: break; case 187091926: break; case 187099443: break; case 1331848029: break; case 1503095341: break; case 1504578661: break; case 1504619009: break; case 1504831518: break; case 1505118770: break; case 2039520277: break; } switch (c3) { } } } else if (str.equals("audio/x-flac")) { c2 = 0; if (c2 != 0) { } switch (str.hashCode()) { case -2123537834: break; case -1662384011: break; case -1662384007: break; case -1662095187: break; case -1606874997: break; case -1487394660: break; case -1248337486: break; case -1004728940: break; case -387023398: break; case -43467528: break; case 13915911: break; case 187078296: break; case 187078297: break; case 187078669: break; case 187090232: break; case 187091926: break; case 187099443: break; case 1331848029: break; case 1503095341: break; case 1504578661: break; case 1504619009: break; case 1504831518: break; case 1505118770: break; case 2039520277: break; } switch (c3) { } } c2 = 65535; if (c2 != 0) { } switch (str.hashCode()) { case -2123537834: break; case -1662384011: break; case -1662384007: break; case -1662095187: break; case -1606874997: break; case -1487394660: break; case -1248337486: break; case -1004728940: break; case -387023398: break; case -43467528: break; case 13915911: break; case 187078296: break; case 187078297: break; case 187078669: break; case 187090232: break; case 187091926: break; case 187099443: break; case 1331848029: break; case 1503095341: break; case 1504578661: break; case 1504619009: break; case 1504831518: break; case 1505118770: break; case 2039520277: break; } switch (c3) { } } return -1; } public static void O1(b.C0085b bVar) { bVar.k = -3.4028235E38f; bVar.j = Integer.MIN_VALUE; CharSequence charSequence = bVar.a; if (charSequence instanceof Spanned) { if (!(charSequence instanceof Spannable)) { bVar.a = SpannableString.valueOf(charSequence); } CharSequence charSequence2 = bVar.a; Objects.requireNonNull(charSequence2); P1((Spannable) charSequence2, b.i.a.c.d3.h.a); } } public static final MediaSource P(MediaType mediaType, String str, String str2) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(mediaType, "mediaType"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "progressiveMediaUri"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "featureTag"); Uri parse = Uri.parse(str); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(parse, "Uri.parse(progressiveMediaUri)"); return new MediaSource(parse, str2, mediaType); } public static int P0(Uri uri) { String lastPathSegment = uri.getLastPathSegment(); if (lastPathSegment == null) { return -1; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".ac3") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".ec3")) { return 0; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".ac4")) { return 1; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".adts") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".aac")) { return 2; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".amr")) { return 3; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".flac")) { return 4; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".flv")) { return 5; } if (lastPathSegment.startsWith(".mk", lastPathSegment.length() - 4) || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".webm")) { return 6; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".mp3")) { return 7; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".mp4") || lastPathSegment.startsWith(".m4", lastPathSegment.length() - 4) || lastPathSegment.startsWith(".mp4", lastPathSegment.length() - 5) || lastPathSegment.startsWith(".cmf", lastPathSegment.length() - 5)) { return 8; } if (lastPathSegment.startsWith(".og", lastPathSegment.length() - 4) || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".opus")) { return 9; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".ps") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".mpeg") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".mpg") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".m2p")) { return 10; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".ts") || lastPathSegment.startsWith(".ts", lastPathSegment.length() - 4)) { return 11; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".wav") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".wave")) { return 12; } if (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".vtt") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".webvtt")) { return 13; } return (lastPathSegment.endsWith(".jpg") || lastPathSegment.endsWith(".jpeg")) ? 14 : -1; } public static void P1(Spannable spannable, b.i.b.a.h hVar) { Object[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), Object.class); for (Object obj : spans) { if (hVar.apply(obj)) { spannable.removeSpan(obj); } } } @RecentlyNonNull public static T Q(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull Parcelable.Creator creator) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } T createFromParcel = creator.createFromParcel(parcel); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createFromParcel; } public static void Q0(String str) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.v("Unknown library: ", str)); } public static void Q1(File file, File file2) throws FileUtils$RenameException { Objects.requireNonNull(file); file2.delete(); if (!file.renameTo(file2)) { Throwable th = null; if (file2.exists()) { th = new FileUtils$FileDeleteException(file2.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { th = new FileUtils$ParentDirNotFoundException(file.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (!file.exists()) { th = new FileNotFoundException(file.getAbsolutePath()); } StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("Unknown error renaming "); R.append(file.getAbsolutePath()); R.append(" to "); R.append(file2.getAbsolutePath()); throw new FileUtils$RenameException(R.toString(), th); } } @RecentlyNonNull public static String R(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } String readString = parcel.readString(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return readString; } public static boolean R0(XmlPullParser xmlPullParser, String str) throws XmlPullParserException { return (xmlPullParser.getEventType() == 3) && xmlPullParser.getName().equals(str); } public static final RenderContext R1(Function1 function1, Object... objArr) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "init"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "orderedArguments"); RenderContext renderContext = new RenderContext(); function1.invoke(renderContext); if (!(objArr.length == 0)) { if (!(!renderContext.a.isEmpty())) { renderContext.c = k.toList(objArr); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must provide named arguments OR formatArgs, not both."); } } return renderContext; } @RecentlyNonNull public static String[] S(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } String[] createStringArray = parcel.createStringArray(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createStringArray; } public static boolean S0(int i, int i2, e eVar) { return eVar == null ? ((float) o0(i)) >= 2048.0f && o0(i2) >= 2048 : o0(i) >= eVar.a && o0(i2) >= eVar.f563b; } public static /* synthetic */ void S1(AppPermissionsRequests appPermissionsRequests, Function0 function0, Function0 function02, int i, Object obj) { int i2 = i & 1; appPermissionsRequests.requestMicrophone(null, function02); } @RecentlyNonNull public static ArrayList T(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } ArrayList createStringArrayList = parcel.createStringArrayList(); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createStringArrayList; } public static boolean T0(b.f.j.j.e eVar, e eVar2) { if (eVar == null) { return false; } eVar.x(); int i = eVar.m; if (i == 90 || i == 270) { eVar.x(); int i2 = eVar.p; eVar.x(); return S0(i2, eVar.o, eVar2); } eVar.x(); int i3 = eVar.o; eVar.x(); return S0(i3, eVar.p, eVar2); } @Nullable public static f T1(@Nullable f fVar, @Nullable String[] strArr, Map map) { int i = 0; if (fVar == null) { if (strArr == null) { return null; } if (strArr.length == 1) { return map.get(strArr[0]); } if (strArr.length > 1) { f fVar2 = new f(); int length = strArr.length; while (i < length) { fVar2.a(map.get(strArr[i])); i++; } return fVar2; } } else if (strArr != null && strArr.length == 1) { fVar.a(map.get(strArr[0])); return fVar; } else if (strArr != null && strArr.length > 1) { int length2 = strArr.length; while (i < length2) { fVar.a(map.get(strArr[i])); i++; } } return fVar; } @RecentlyNonNull public static T[] U(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull Parcelable.Creator creator) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } T[] tArr = (T[]) parcel.createTypedArray(creator); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return tArr; } public static final boolean U0(Context context) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "$this$isLtr"); return TextUtilsCompat.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(Locale.getDefault()) == 0; } public static float U1(int i, float f2, int i2, int i3) { float f3; if (f2 == -3.4028235E38f) { return -3.4028235E38f; } if (i == 0) { f3 = (float) i3; } else if (i == 1) { f3 = (float) i2; } else if (i != 2) { return -3.4028235E38f; } else { return f2; } return f2 * f3; } @RecentlyNonNull public static ArrayList V(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull Parcelable.Creator creator) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (M1 == 0) { return null; } ArrayList createTypedArrayList = parcel.createTypedArrayList(creator); parcel.setDataPosition(dataPosition + M1); return createTypedArrayList; } public static final boolean V0(VoiceState voiceState) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(voiceState, "$this$isMutedByAnySource"); return voiceState.h() || voiceState.e() || voiceState.l(); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARNING: Unknown variable types count: 1 */ public static TResult V1(int i, TInput tinput, b.i.a.b.i.b bVar, b.i.a.b.j.s.a aVar) throws Throwable { TResult tresult; if (i < 1) { return (TResult) bVar.a(tinput); } do { tresult = (TResult) bVar.a(tinput); TInput tinput2 = tinput; TResult tresult2 = tresult; URL url = tresult2.f743b; if (url != null) { X("CctTransportBackend", "Following redirect to: %s", url); tinput = new d.a(tresult2.f743b, tinput2.f742b, tinput2.c); } else { tinput = null; } if (tinput == null) { break; } i--; } while (i >= 1); return tresult; } public static String W(String str) { StringBuilder Q = b.d.b.a.a.Q(b.d.b.a.a.b(str, b.d.b.a.a.b(str, 5)), ".", str, ",.", str); Q.append(" *"); return Q.toString(); } public static final boolean W0(StageInstance stageInstance) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(stageInstance, "$this$isPublic"); return stageInstance.e() == StageInstancePrivacyLevel.PUBLIC; } public static String W1(CacheKey cacheKey) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { byte[] bytes = cacheKey.b().getBytes(Constants.ENCODING); try { MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance(Constants.SHA1); instance.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length); return Base64.encodeToString(instance.digest(), 11); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e2) { throw new RuntimeException(e2); } } public static void X(String str, String str2, Object obj) { Log.d(D0(str), String.format(str2, obj)); } public static final boolean X0(VoiceState voiceState) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(voiceState, "$this$isRemoveSignal"); return voiceState.a() == null; } public static void X1(Drawable drawable, Drawable.Callback callback, b.f.g.e.e0 e0Var) { if (drawable != null) { drawable.setCallback(callback); if (drawable instanceof d0) { ((d0) drawable).b(e0Var); } } } public static void Y(String str, String str2, Object... objArr) { Log.d(D0(str), String.format(str2, objArr)); } public static boolean Y0(XmlPullParser xmlPullParser, String str) throws XmlPullParserException { return (xmlPullParser.getEventType() == 2) && xmlPullParser.getName().equals(str); } public static void Y1(MediaFormat mediaFormat, List list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { mediaFormat.setByteBuffer(b.d.b.a.a.f(15, "csd-", i), ByteBuffer.wrap(list.get(i))); } } public static boolean Z(File file) { File[] listFiles; if (file.isDirectory() && (listFiles = file.listFiles()) != null) { for (File file2 : listFiles) { Z(file2); } } return file.delete(); } @TargetApi(20) public static boolean Z0(@RecentlyNonNull Context context) { PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); if (c == null) { c = Boolean.valueOf(packageManager.hasSystemFeature("")); } return c.booleanValue(); } public static void Z1(Drawable drawable, b.f.g.e.e eVar) { if (drawable != null && eVar != null) { int i = eVar.a; if (i != -1) { drawable.setAlpha(i); } if (eVar.f503b) { drawable.setColorFilter(eVar.c); } int i2 = eVar.d; boolean z2 = false; if (i2 != -1) { drawable.setDither(i2 != 0); } int i3 = eVar.e; if (i3 != -1) { if (i3 != 0) { z2 = true; } drawable.setFilterBitmap(z2); } } } public static float a(float f2) { return f2 <= 0.04045f ? f2 / 12.92f : (float) Math.pow((double) ((f2 + 0.055f) / 1.055f), 2.4000000953674316d); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:38:0x009c */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:44:0x00b2 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:51:0x00dd */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:52:0x00e0 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x00ea */ public static int a0(b.f.j.d.f fVar, e eVar, b.f.j.j.e eVar2, int i) { float f2; int max; float f3; int i2; int i3; int i4; int i5 = 1; if (!b.f.j.j.e.s(eVar2)) { return 1; } i(Boolean.valueOf(b.f.j.j.e.s(eVar2))); if (eVar != null && eVar.f563b > 0 && eVar.a > 0) { eVar2.x(); if (eVar2.o != 0) { eVar2.x(); if (eVar2.p != 0) { boolean z2 = false; if (!fVar.c()) { i2 = 0; } else { eVar2.x(); i2 = eVar2.m; i(Boolean.valueOf(i2 == 0 || i2 == 90 || i2 == 180 || i2 == 270)); } if (i2 == 90 || i2 == 270) { z2 = true; } if (z2) { eVar2.x(); i3 = eVar2.p; } else { eVar2.x(); i3 = eVar2.o; } if (z2) { eVar2.x(); i4 = eVar2.o; } else { eVar2.x(); i4 = eVar2.p; } f2 = Math.max(((float) eVar.a) / ((float) i3), ((float) eVar.f563b) / ((float) i4)); int i6 = b.f.d.e.a.a; eVar2.x(); int i7 = 2; if (eVar2.l != b.f.i.b.a) { if (f2 <= 0.6666667f) { i5 = 2; while (true) { int i8 = i5 * 2; double d2 = 1.0d / ((double) i8); if ((d2 * 0.3333333432674408d) + d2 <= ((double) f2)) { break; } i5 = i8; } } } else if (f2 <= 0.6666667f) { while (true) { double d3 = (double) i7; if (((1.0d / (Math.pow(d3, 2.0d) - d3)) * 0.3333333432674408d) + (1.0d / d3) <= ((double) f2)) { break; } i7++; } i5 = i7 - 1; } eVar2.x(); int i9 = eVar2.p; eVar2.x(); max = Math.max(i9, eVar2.o); f3 = eVar == null ? eVar.c : (float) i; while (((float) (max / i5)) > f3) { eVar2.x(); i5 = eVar2.l == b.f.i.b.a ? i5 * 2 : i5 + 1; } return i5; } } } f2 = 1.0f; eVar2.x(); int i7 = 2; if (eVar2.l != b.f.i.b.a) { } eVar2.x(); int i9 = eVar2.p; eVar2.x(); max = Math.max(i9, eVar2.o); if (eVar == null) { } while (((float) (max / i5)) > f3) { } return i5; } @TargetApi(26) public static boolean a1(@RecentlyNonNull Context context) { if (!Z0(context)) { return false; } if (!(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24)) { return true; } if (d == null) { d = Boolean.valueOf(context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("")); } return d.booleanValue() && !b.i.a.f.e.o.f.A0(); } public static void a2(Status status, @Nullable TResult tresult, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource) { if (status.w0()) { taskCompletionSource.a.s(tresult); return; } taskCompletionSource.a.t(new ApiException(status)); } public static float b(float f2) { return f2 <= 0.0031308f ? f2 * 12.92f : (float) ((Math.pow((double) f2, 0.4166666567325592d) * 1.0549999475479126d) - 0.054999999701976776d); } public static void b0(File file) throws IOException { if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] listFiles = file.listFiles(); if (listFiles != null) { for (File file2 : listFiles) { b0(file2); } } else { return; } } File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null && !parentFile.canWrite() && !parentFile.setWritable(true)) { Log.e("SysUtil", "Enable write permission failed: " + parentFile); } if (!file.delete() && file.exists()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file " + file); } } public static final void b1(String str, String str2) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE); Logger.d$default(LoggingProvider.INSTANCE.get(), str, str2, null, 4, null); } public static boolean b2(Object obj, Collection collection, Collection collection2) { if (collection == null && collection2 == null) { return false; } return collection2 == null ? collection.contains(obj) : collection == null ? !collection2.contains(obj) : !collection2.contains(obj) || collection.contains(obj); } public static void c(Spannable spannable, Object obj, int i, int i2, int i3) { Object[] spans = spannable.getSpans(i, i2, obj.getClass()); for (Object obj2 : spans) { if (spannable.getSpanStart(obj2) == i && spannable.getSpanEnd(obj2) == i2 && spannable.getSpanFlags(obj2) == i3) { spannable.removeSpan(obj2); } } spannable.setSpan(obj, i, i2, i3); } public static void c0(String str, String str2, Throwable th) { Log.e(D0(str), str2, th); } public static final void c1(String str, String str2, Throwable th) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE); Logger.e$default(LoggingProvider.INSTANCE.get(), str, str2, th, null, 8, null); } public static long c2(InputStream inputStream, long j) throws IOException { i(Boolean.valueOf(j >= 0)); long j2 = j; while (j2 > 0) { long skip = inputStream.skip(j2); if (skip <= 0) { if ( == -1) { return j - j2; } skip = 1; } j2 -= skip; } return j; } public static int d(int i, int i2, int i3) { return Math.min(Math.max(0, i3 - i), i2); } public static void d0() { if (b.i.a.c.f3.e0.a >= 18) { Trace.endSection(); } } public static final void d1(String str, String str2) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE); Logger.i$default(LoggingProvider.INSTANCE.get(), str, str2, null, 4, null); } public static void d2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.setDataPosition(parcel.dataPosition() + M1(parcel, i)); } public static byte[] e(String str) { try { return str.getBytes("ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) { throw new RuntimeException("ASCII not found!", e2); } } public static synchronized void e0() { synchronized (d.class) { if (!a) { b.f.m.n.a.c("native-imagetranscoder"); a = true; } } } public static final void e1(String str, String str2) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE); Logger.v$default(LoggingProvider.INSTANCE.get(), str, str2, null, 4, null); } public static final

Bundle e2(P p) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(p, "$this$toBundle"); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable("intent_args_key", p); return bundle; } public static void f(String str) { if (b.i.a.c.f3.e0.a >= 18) { Trace.beginSection(str); } } public static void f0(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i) { if (parcel.dataPosition() != i) { throw new SafeParcelReader$ParseException(b.d.b.a.a.f(37, "Overread allowed size end=", i), parcel); } } public static final void f1(String str, String str2) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE); Logger.w$default(LoggingProvider.INSTANCE.get(), str, str2, null, 4, null); } public static String f2(@ColorInt int i) { return b.i.a.c.f3.e0.k("rgba(%d,%d,%d,%.3f)", Integer.valueOf(, Integer.valueOf(, Integer.valueOf(, Double.valueOf(((double) Color.alpha(i)) / 255.0d)); } public static List g(byte[] bArr) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(3); arrayList.add(bArr); arrayList.add(h((((long) (((bArr[11] & 255) << 8) | (bArr[10] & 255))) * 1000000000) / 48000)); arrayList.add(h(80000000)); return arrayList; } public static boolean g0(Object obj, Object obj2) { return obj == obj2 || (obj != null && obj.equals(obj2)); } public static boolean g1(b.f.j.t.a aVar, CloseableReference closeableReference) { return false; } public static final

Intent g2(P p) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(p, "$this$toIntent"); Intent putExtra = new Intent().putExtra("intent_args_key", p); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(putExtra, "Intent().putExtra(INTENT_ARGS, this)"); return putExtra; } public static byte[] h(long j) { return ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).putLong(j).array(); } public static boolean h0(@Nullable Object obj, @Nullable Object obj2) { return obj == obj2 || (obj != null && obj.equals(obj2)); } public static ParameterizedType h1(Type type) { if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { return (ParameterizedType) type; } if (type instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType wildcardType = (WildcardType) type; if (wildcardType.getLowerBounds().length != 0) { return null; } Type[] upperBounds = wildcardType.getUpperBounds(); if (upperBounds.length == 1) { return h1(upperBounds[0]); } } return null; } public static i h2(Object obj) { return new i(obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), null); } public static void i(Boolean bool) { if (bool != null && !bool.booleanValue()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public static int i0(float f2, int i, int i2) { if (i == i2) { return i; } float f3 = ((float) ((i >> 24) & 255)) / 255.0f; float a2 = a(((float) ((i >> 16) & 255)) / 255.0f); float a3 = a(((float) ((i >> 8) & 255)) / 255.0f); float a4 = a(((float) (i & 255)) / 255.0f); float a5 = a(((float) ((i2 >> 16) & 255)) / 255.0f); float a6 = a(((float) ((i2 >> 8) & 255)) / 255.0f); float a7 = a(((float) (i2 & 255)) / 255.0f); float a8 = b.d.b.a.a.a(((float) ((i2 >> 24) & 255)) / 255.0f, f3, f2, f3); float a9 = b.d.b.a.a.a(a5, a2, f2, a2); float a10 = b.d.b.a.a.a(a6, a3, f2, a3); float a11 = b.d.b.a.a.a(a7, a4, f2, a4); int round = Math.round(b(a9) * 255.0f) << 16; return Math.round(b(a11) * 255.0f) | round | (Math.round(a8 * 255.0f) << 24) | (Math.round(b(a10) * 255.0f) << 8); } public static TypeVariable i1(Type type) { if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { return (TypeVariable) type; } if (type instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType wildcardType = (WildcardType) type; if (wildcardType.getLowerBounds().length != 0) { return null; } Type[] upperBounds = wildcardType.getUpperBounds(); if (upperBounds.length == 1) { return i1(upperBounds[0]); } } return null; } public static void i2(Collection collection, b.a.t.b.c.a aVar) { for (Node node : collection) { j2(node, aVar); } } @Pure public static void j(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public static String[] j0(FileChannel fileChannel) throws IOException { long j; long j2; long j3; long j4; long j5; long j6; long j7; long j8; long j9; long j10; long j11; long j12; long j13; long j14; int i = 8; ByteBuffer allocate = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); allocate.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); long G0 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, 0); if (G0 == 1179403647) { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 1, 4); boolean z2 = ((short) (allocate.get() & 255)) == 1; C1(fileChannel, allocate, 1, 5); if (((short) (allocate.get() & 255)) == 2) { allocate.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } if (z2) { j = G0(fileChannel, allocate, 28); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, 32); j = allocate.getLong(); } long j15 = 44; if (!z2) { j15 = 56; } C1(fileChannel, allocate, 2, j15); long j16 = (long) (allocate.getShort() & 65535); C1(fileChannel, allocate, 2, z2 ? 42 : 54); int i2 = 65535 & allocate.getShort(); if (j16 == 65535) { if (z2) { j14 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, 32); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, 40); j14 = allocate.getLong(); } j16 = z2 ? G0(fileChannel, allocate, j14 + 28) : G0(fileChannel, allocate, j14 + 44); } long j17 = 0; long j18 = j; while (true) { if (j17 >= j16) { j2 = 0; break; } if ((z2 ? G0(fileChannel, allocate, j18 + 0) : G0(fileChannel, allocate, 0 + j18)) != 2) { j18 += (long) i2; j17++; } else if (z2) { j2 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j18 + 4); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j18 + 8); j2 = allocate.getLong(); } } long j19 = 0; if (j2 != 0) { int i3 = 0; long j20 = j2; long j21 = 0; while (true) { long j22 = j20 + j19; if (z2) { j3 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j22); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, i, j22); j3 = allocate.getLong(); } if (j3 == 1) { j4 = j2; if (i3 != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { i3++; } else { throw new h("malformed DT_NEEDED section"); } } else { j4 = j2; if (j3 == 5) { if (z2) { j13 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j20 + 4); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j20 + 8); j13 = allocate.getLong(); } j21 = j13; } } long j23 = 16; j20 += z2 ? 8 : 16; long j24 = 0; if (j3 != 0) { i = 8; j2 = j4; j19 = 0; } else if (j21 != 0) { int i4 = 0; while (true) { if (((long) i4) >= j16) { j5 = 0; break; } if ((z2 ? G0(fileChannel, allocate, j + j24) : G0(fileChannel, allocate, j + j24)) == 1) { if (z2) { j10 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j + 8); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j23 + j); j10 = allocate.getLong(); } if (z2) { j11 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, 20 + j); j9 = j16; } else { j9 = j16; C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, 40 + j); j11 = allocate.getLong(); } if (j10 <= j21 && j21 < j11 + j10) { if (z2) { j12 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j + 4); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j + 8); j12 = allocate.getLong(); } j5 = (j21 - j10) + j12; } } else { j9 = j16; } j += (long) i2; i4++; j23 = 16; j24 = 0; j16 = j9; } if (j5 != 0) { String[] strArr = new String[i3]; long j25 = 0; long j26 = j4; int i5 = 0; while (true) { long j27 = j25 + j26; if (z2) { j6 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, j27); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j27); j6 = allocate.getLong(); } if (j6 == 1) { if (z2) { j8 = G0(fileChannel, allocate, 4 + j26); } else { C1(fileChannel, allocate, 8, j26 + 8); j8 = allocate.getLong(); } long j28 = j8 + j5; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { long j29 = j28 + 1; j7 = j5; C1(fileChannel, allocate, 1, j28); short s2 = (short) (allocate.get() & 255); if (s2 == 0) { break; } sb.append((char) s2); j28 = j29; j5 = j7; } strArr[i5] = sb.toString(); if (i5 != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { i5++; } else { throw new h("malformed DT_NEEDED section"); } } else { j7 = j5; } j26 += z2 ? 8 : 16; if (j6 != 0) { j25 = 0; j5 = j7; } else if (i5 == i3) { return strArr; } else { throw new h("malformed DT_NEEDED section"); } } } else { throw new h("did not find file offset of DT_STRTAB table"); } } else { throw new h("Dynamic section string-table not found"); } } } else { throw new h("ELF file does not contain dynamic linking information"); } } else { StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("file is not ELF: 0x"); R.append(Long.toHexString(G0)); throw new h(R.toString()); } } public static void j1(MediaFormat mediaFormat, String str, int i) { if (i != -1) { mediaFormat.setInteger(str, i); } } public static void j2(Node node, b.a.t.b.c.a aVar) { if (node.hasChildren()) { for (Node node2 : node.getChildren()) { j2(node2, aVar); } } aVar.processNode(node); } public static void k(boolean z2, Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } public static String k0(String str, Object... objArr) { int indexOf; String valueOf = String.valueOf(str); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((objArr.length * 16) + valueOf.length()); int i = 0; int i2 = 0; while (i < objArr.length && (indexOf = valueOf.indexOf("%s", i2)) != -1) { sb.append(valueOf.substring(i2, indexOf)); sb.append(objArr[i]); i2 = indexOf + 2; i++; } sb.append(valueOf.substring(i2)); if (i < objArr.length) { sb.append(" ["); sb.append(objArr[i]); for (int i3 = i + 1; i3 < objArr.length; i3++) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(objArr[i3]); } sb.append(']'); } return sb.toString(); } public static String k1(String str, String str2) { int length = str.length() - str2.length(); if (length < 0 || length > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input received"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str2.length() + str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { sb.append(str.charAt(i)); if (str2.length() > i) { sb.append(str2.charAt(i)); } } return sb.toString(); } public static void k2(Node node, b.a.t.b.c.a aVar) { aVar.processNode(node); if (node.hasChildren()) { for (Node node2 : node.getChildren()) { k2(node2, aVar); } } } public static void l(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @NonNull public static ApiException l0(@NonNull Status status) { return status.r != null ? new ResolvableApiException(status) : new ApiException(status); } public static void l1(File file) throws FileUtils$CreateDirectoryException { if (file.exists()) { if (!file.isDirectory()) { if (!file.delete()) { throw new FileUtils$CreateDirectoryException(file.getAbsolutePath(), new FileUtils$FileDeleteException(file.getAbsolutePath())); } } else { return; } } if (!file.mkdirs() && !file.isDirectory()) { throw new FileUtils$CreateDirectoryException(file.getAbsolutePath()); } } /* JADX INFO: finally extract failed */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:142:0x024a, code lost: if (r15 != false) goto L_0x0266; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:156:0x0264, code lost: if (r16 != false) goto L_0x0266; */ public static b.f.g.f.a l2(b.f.g.f.a aVar, Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { int i; int i2; boolean z2; boolean z3; boolean z4; boolean z5; boolean z6; boolean z7; int i3; boolean z8; int i4; boolean z9; boolean z10; Context context2 = context; int i5 = 1; if (attributeSet != null) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context2.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy); try { int indexCount = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndexCount(); int i6 = 0; int i7 = 0; i = 0; boolean z11 = true; boolean z12 = true; boolean z13 = true; boolean z14 = true; boolean z15 = true; boolean z16 = true; boolean z17 = true; boolean z18 = true; while (i6 < indexCount) { int index = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndex(i6); if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_actualImageScaleType) { aVar.n = A0(obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_placeholderImage) { aVar.f = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else { if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_pressedStateOverlayImage) { Drawable u0 = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); if (u0 == null) { aVar.q = null; } else { StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); i3 = indexCount; int[] iArr = new int[i5]; iArr[0] = 16842919; stateListDrawable.addState(iArr, u0); aVar.q = stateListDrawable; } } else { i3 = indexCount; if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_progressBarImage) { aVar.l = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_fadeDuration) { aVar.d = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, 0); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_viewAspectRatio) { aVar.e = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, 0.0f); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_placeholderImageScaleType) { aVar.g = A0(obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_retryImage) { aVar.h = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_retryImageScaleType) { aVar.i = A0(obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_failureImage) { aVar.j = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_failureImageScaleType) { aVar.k = A0(obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_progressBarImageScaleType) { aVar.m = A0(obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else { if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_progressBarAutoRotateInterval) { i = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(index, i); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_backgroundImage) { aVar.o = u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_overlayImage) { aVar.b(u0(context2, obtainStyledAttributes, index)); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundAsCircle) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } aVar.r.f520b = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, false); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundedCornerRadius) { i7 = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, i7); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundTopLeft) { z11 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z11); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundTopRight) { z14 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z14); } else { if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundBottomLeft) { z9 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z18); } else { z9 = z18; if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundBottomRight) { z15 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z15); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundTopStart) { z12 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z12); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundTopEnd) { z13 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z13); } else { if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundBottomStart) { z8 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z17); } else { z8 = z17; if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundBottomEnd) { z16 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, z16); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundWithOverlayColor) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } aVar.r.b(obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(index, 0)); } else { if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundingBorderWidth) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } c cVar = aVar.r; float dimensionPixelSize = (float) obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, 0); Objects.requireNonNull(cVar); if (dimensionPixelSize >= 0.0f) { i4 = i7; z10 = true; } else { i4 = i7; z10 = false; } k(z10, "the border width cannot be < 0"); cVar.e = dimensionPixelSize; } else { i4 = i7; if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundingBorderColor) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } aVar.r.f = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(index, 0); } else if (index == R.a.GenericDraweeHierarchy_roundingBorderPadding) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } c cVar2 = aVar.r; float dimensionPixelSize2 = (float) obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, 0); Objects.requireNonNull(cVar2); k(dimensionPixelSize2 >= 0.0f, "the padding cannot be < 0"); cVar2.g = dimensionPixelSize2; } } i7 = i4; z18 = z9; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } } i4 = i7; i7 = i4; z18 = z9; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } } i4 = i7; z8 = z17; i7 = i4; z18 = z9; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } z8 = z17; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } } z8 = z17; z9 = z18; i4 = i7; i7 = i4; z18 = z9; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } i3 = indexCount; z8 = z17; z9 = z18; i4 = i7; i7 = i4; z18 = z9; i6++; context2 = context; z17 = z8; i5 = 1; indexCount = i3; } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); if (context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLayoutDirection() == 1) { z7 = z11 && z13; z6 = z14 && z12; z3 = z15 && z17; if (z18) { } z2 = false; i2 = i7; z4 = z7; z5 = z6; } else { z7 = z11 && z12; z6 = z14 && z13; z3 = z15 && z16; if (z18) { } z2 = false; i2 = i7; z4 = z7; z5 = z6; } z2 = true; i2 = i7; z4 = z7; z5 = z6; } catch (Throwable th) { obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLayoutDirection(); throw th; } } else { z5 = true; z4 = true; z3 = true; z2 = true; i2 = 0; i = 0; } if (aVar.l != null && i > 0) { aVar.l = new b.f.g.e.c(aVar.l, i); } if (i2 > 0) { if (aVar.r == null) { aVar.r = new c(); } c cVar3 = aVar.r; float f2 = z4 ? (float) i2 : 0.0f; float f3 = z5 ? (float) i2 : 0.0f; float f4 = z3 ? (float) i2 : 0.0f; float f5 = z2 ? (float) i2 : 0.0f; if (cVar3.c == null) { cVar3.c = new float[8]; } float[] fArr = cVar3.c; fArr[1] = f2; fArr[0] = f2; fArr[3] = f3; fArr[2] = f3; fArr[5] = f4; fArr[4] = f4; fArr[7] = f5; fArr[6] = f5; } return aVar; } @Pure public static void m(boolean z2, Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:19:0x0051, code lost: r1 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:21:?, code lost: r0.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x0056, code lost: r0 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:23:0x0057, code lost: r3.addSuppressed(r0); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:0x005a, code lost: throw r1; */ public static void m0(File file) throws IOException { if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] listFiles = file.listFiles(); if (listFiles != null) { for (File file2 : listFiles) { m0(file2); } return; } throw new IOException("cannot list directory " + file); } else if (!file.getPath().endsWith("_lock")) { RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); randomAccessFile.getFD().sync(); randomAccessFile.close(); } } public static int m1(int i, int i2) { if (i2 == 255) { return i; } if (i2 == 0) { return i & ViewCompat.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK; } int i3 = i2 + (i2 >> 7); return (i & ViewCompat.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK) | ((((i >>> 24) * i3) >> 8) << 24); } public static int m2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel) { int readInt = parcel.readInt(); int M1 = M1(parcel, readInt); int dataPosition = parcel.dataPosition(); if (((char) readInt) != 20293) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(Integer.toHexString(readInt)); throw new SafeParcelReader$ParseException(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "Expected object header. Got 0x".concat(valueOf) : new String("Expected object header. Got 0x"), parcel); } int i = M1 + dataPosition; if (i >= dataPosition && i <= parcel.dataSize()) { return i; } throw new SafeParcelReader$ParseException(b.d.b.a.a.g(54, "Size read is invalid start=", dataPosition, " end=", i), parcel); } public static void n(boolean z2, @RecentlyNonNull String str, @RecentlyNonNull Object... objArr) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(str, objArr)); } } public static int n0(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { return ((((byte) << 8) & 65280) | (((byte) & 255); } public static final Integer n1(JsonReader jsonReader) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(jsonReader, "$this$nextIntOrNull"); if (jsonReader.N() != JsonToken.NULL) { return Integer.valueOf(jsonReader.y()); } jsonReader.H(); return null; } public static boolean n2(int i, b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar, boolean z2) throws ParserException { if (xVar.a() < 7) { if (z2) { return false; } throw b.d.b.a.a.t0(29, "too short header: ", xVar.a(), null); } else if (xVar.t() != i) { if (z2) { return false; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(Integer.toHexString(i)); throw ParserException.a(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "expected header type ".concat(valueOf) : new String("expected header type "), null); } else if (xVar.t() == 118 && xVar.t() == 111 && xVar.t() == 114 && xVar.t() == 98 && xVar.t() == 105 && xVar.t() == 115) { return true; } else { if (z2) { return false; } throw ParserException.a("expected characters 'vorbis'", null); } } public static void o(boolean z2, @RecentlyNonNull Object obj) { if (!z2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(obj)); } } public static int o0(int i) { return (int) (((float) i) * 1.3333334f); } @Nullable public static List> o1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar, h0 h0Var) throws IOException { return r.a(cVar, dVar, 1.0f, h0Var); } public static void o2(File file, b.f.d.c.a aVar) { aVar.b(file); File[] listFiles = file.listFiles(); if (listFiles != null) { for (File file2 : listFiles) { if (file2.isDirectory()) { o2(file2, aVar); } else { aVar.a(file2); } } } aVar.c(file); } public static void p(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) { boolean z2 = true; i(Boolean.valueOf(i4 >= 0)); i(Boolean.valueOf(i >= 0)); i(Boolean.valueOf(i3 >= 0)); i(Boolean.valueOf(i + i4 <= i5)); if (i3 + i4 > i2) { z2 = false; } i(Boolean.valueOf(z2)); } public static p p0(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable == null) { return null; } if (drawable instanceof p) { return (p) drawable; } if (drawable instanceof b.f.g.e.d) { return p0(((b.f.g.e.d) drawable).l()); } if (drawable instanceof b.f.g.e.b) { b.f.g.e.b bVar = (b.f.g.e.b) drawable; int length = bVar.l.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { p p0 = p0(bVar.a(i)); if (p0 != null) { return p0; } } } return null; } public static b.c.a.y.k.a p1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar) throws IOException { return new b.c.a.y.k.a(o1(cVar, dVar, f.a)); } public static void p2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull Bundle bundle, boolean z2) { if (bundle != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcel.writeBundle(bundle); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } @Pure public static void q(boolean z2, @Nullable String str) throws ParserException { if (!z2) { throw ParserException.a(str, null); } } public static Object q0(Object obj) { return new a(obj.getClass(), Array.getLength(obj), obj); } public static b.c.a.y.k.b q1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar) throws IOException { return r1(cVar, dVar, true); } public static void q2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull byte[] bArr, boolean z2) { if (bArr != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcel.writeByteArray(bArr); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } public static boolean r(b.i.a.c.x2.i iVar) throws IOException { b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar = new b.i.a.c.f3.x(8); if (b.i.a.c.x2.l0.d.a(iVar, xVar).a != 1380533830) { return false; } iVar.o(xVar.a, 0, 4); xVar.E(0); int f2 = xVar.f(); if (f2 == 1463899717) { return true; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(34); sb.append("Unsupported form type: "); sb.append(f2); Log.e("WavHeaderReader", sb.toString()); return false; } @Nullable public static String r0(XmlPullParser xmlPullParser, String str) { int attributeCount = xmlPullParser.getAttributeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { if (xmlPullParser.getAttributeName(i).equals(str)) { return xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(i); } } return null; } public static b.c.a.y.k.b r1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar, boolean z2) throws IOException { return new b.c.a.y.k.b(r.a(cVar, dVar, z2 ? g.c() : 1.0f, i.a)); } public static void r2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull IBinder iBinder, boolean z2) { if (iBinder != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcel.writeStrongBinder(iBinder); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } public static void s(@RecentlyNonNull Handler handler) { Looper myLooper = Looper.myLooper(); if (myLooper != handler.getLooper()) { String name = myLooper != null ? myLooper.getThread().getName() : "null current looper"; String name2 = handler.getLooper().getThread().getName(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(name2).length() + 36 + String.valueOf(name).length()); b.d.b.a.a.q0(sb, "Must be called on ", name2, " thread, but got ", name); sb.append("."); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } } public static int s0(int i) { if (i == 3) { return BaseTransientBottomBar.ANIMATION_FADE_DURATION; } if (i != 6) { return i != 8 ? 0 : 270; } return 90; } public static b.c.a.y.k.d s1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar) throws IOException { return new b.c.a.y.k.d(o1(cVar, dVar, o.a)); } public static void s2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull Parcelable parcelable, int i2, boolean z2) { if (parcelable != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcelable.writeToParcel(parcel, i2); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } @Pure public static int t(int i, int i2, int i3) { if (i >= i2 && i < i3) { return i; } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } public static Object t0(j jVar) { Class cls = jVar._class; Class v = b.g.a.c.i0.d.v(cls); if (v != null) { if (v == Integer.TYPE) { return 0; } if (v == Long.TYPE) { return 0L; } if (v == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if (v == Double.TYPE) { return Double.valueOf((double) ShadowDrawableWrapper.COS_45); } if (v == Float.TYPE) { return Float.valueOf(0.0f); } if (v == Byte.TYPE) { return (byte) 0; } if (v == Short.TYPE) { return (short) 0; } if (v == Character.TYPE) { return (char) 0; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.n(v, b.d.b.a.a.R("Class "), " is not a primitive type")); } else if (jVar.v() || jVar.b()) { return p.a.NON_EMPTY; } else { if (cls == String.class) { return ""; } if (jVar.B(Date.class)) { return new Date(0); } if (!jVar.B(Calendar.class)) { return null; } GregorianCalendar gregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); gregorianCalendar.setTimeInMillis(0); return gregorianCalendar; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x01a5 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:66:0x01bc A[SYNTHETIC] */ @Nullable public static ArrayList t1(b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar) { int i; ArrayList arrayList; ArrayList arrayList2; h.a aVar; b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar2 = xVar; if (xVar.t() != 0) { return null; } xVar2.F(7); int f2 = xVar.f(); if (f2 == 1684433976) { b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar3 = new b.i.a.c.f3.x(); Inflater inflater = new Inflater(true); try { if (!b.i.a.c.f3.e0.x(xVar2, xVar3, inflater)) { return null; } inflater.end(); xVar2 = xVar3; } finally { inflater.end(); } } else if (f2 != 1918990112) { return null; } ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList<>(); int i2 = xVar2.f981b; int i3 = xVar2.c; while (i2 < i3) { int f3 = xVar2.f() + i2; if (f3 > i2 && f3 <= i3) { if (xVar2.f() == 1835365224) { int f4 = xVar2.f(); if (f4 <= 10000) { float[] fArr = new float[f4]; for (int i4 = 0; i4 < f4; i4++) { fArr[i4] = Float.intBitsToFloat(xVar2.f()); } int f5 = xVar2.f(); if (f5 <= 32000) { double log = Math.log(2.0d); arrayList2 = arrayList3; int ceil = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(((double) f4) * 2.0d) / log); b.i.a.c.f3.w wVar = new b.i.a.c.f3.w(xVar2.a); wVar.k(xVar2.f981b * 8); float[] fArr2 = new float[(f5 * 5)]; int i5 = 5; int[] iArr = new int[5]; int i6 = 0; int i7 = 0; while (true) { if (i6 >= f5) { wVar.k((wVar.e() + 7) & -8); int i8 = 32; int g = wVar.g(32); h.b[] bVarArr = new h.b[g]; int i9 = 0; while (true) { if (i9 >= g) { i = i3; aVar = new h.a(bVarArr); break; } int g2 = wVar.g(8); int g3 = wVar.g(8); int g4 = wVar.g(i8); if (g4 > 128000) { break; } i = i3; int ceil2 = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(((double) f5) * 2.0d) / log); float[] fArr3 = new float[(g4 * 3)]; float[] fArr4 = new float[(g4 * 2)]; int i10 = 0; int i11 = 0; while (i10 < g4) { int g5 = wVar.g(ceil2); int i12 = i11 + ((-(g5 & 1)) ^ (g5 >> 1)); if (i12 < 0 || i12 >= f5) { break; } int i13 = i10 * 3; int i14 = i12 * 5; fArr3[i13] = fArr2[i14]; fArr3[i13 + 1] = fArr2[i14 + 1]; fArr3[i13 + 2] = fArr2[i14 + 2]; int i15 = i10 * 2; fArr4[i15] = fArr2[i14 + 3]; fArr4[i15 + 1] = fArr2[i14 + 4]; i10++; i11 = i12; fArr4 = fArr4; g = g; wVar = wVar; } bVarArr[i9] = new h.b(g2, fArr3, fArr4, g3); i9++; i3 = i; g = g; i8 = 32; } } else { int i16 = 0; while (i16 < i5) { int i17 = iArr[i16]; int g6 = wVar.g(ceil); int i18 = i17 + ((-(g6 & 1)) ^ (g6 >> 1)); if (i18 >= f4 || i18 < 0) { break; } fArr2[i7] = fArr[i18]; iArr[i16] = i18; i16++; i7++; i5 = 5; } i6++; i5 = 5; } } i = i3; aVar = null; if (aVar == null) { arrayList = arrayList2; arrayList.add(aVar); } } } arrayList2 = arrayList3; i = i3; aVar = null; if (aVar == null) { } } else { arrayList = arrayList3; i = i3; } xVar2.E(f3); arrayList3 = arrayList; i2 = f3; i3 = i; } return null; } return arrayList3; } public static void t2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull String str, boolean z2) { if (str != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcel.writeString(str); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } public static void u(@RecentlyNonNull String str) { if (!(Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper())) { throw new IllegalStateException(str); } } public static Drawable u0(Context context, TypedArray typedArray, int i) { int resourceId = typedArray.getResourceId(i, 0); if (resourceId == 0) { return null; } return context.getResources().getDrawable(resourceId); } public static b.c.a.y.k.f u1(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, b.c.a.d dVar) throws IOException { return new b.c.a.y.k.f(r.a(cVar, dVar, g.c(), w.a)); } public static void u2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull String[] strArr, boolean z2) { if (strArr != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); parcel.writeStringArray(strArr); A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } @RecentlyNonNull @EnsuresNonNull({"#1"}) public static String v(@Nullable String str, @RecentlyNonNull Object obj) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { return str; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(obj)); } @RecentlyNonNull public static String v0(@RecentlyNonNull PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock, @RecentlyNonNull String str) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(String.valueOf(((long) System.identityHashCode(wakeLock)) | (((long) Process.myPid()) << 32))); String str2 = null; if (true == TextUtils.isEmpty(null)) { str2 = ""; } String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(str2); return valueOf2.length() != 0 ? valueOf.concat(valueOf2) : new String(valueOf); } @Nullable public static b.i.a.c.x2.i0.j v1(byte[] bArr) { b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar = new b.i.a.c.f3.x(bArr); if (xVar.c < 32) { return null; } xVar.E(0); if (xVar.f() != xVar.a() + 4 || xVar.f() != 1886614376) { return null; } int f2 = (xVar.f() >> 24) & 255; if (f2 > 1) { b.d.b.a.a.d0(37, "Unsupported pssh version: ", f2, "PsshAtomUtil"); return null; } UUID uuid = new UUID(xVar.m(), xVar.m()); if (f2 == 1) { xVar.F(xVar.w() * 16); } int w = xVar.w(); if (w != xVar.a()) { return null; } byte[] bArr2 = new byte[w]; System.arraycopy(xVar.a, xVar.f981b, bArr2, 0, w); xVar.f981b += w; return new b.i.a.c.x2.i0.j(uuid, f2, bArr2); } public static void v2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull T[] tArr, int i2, boolean z2) { if (tArr != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); int length = tArr.length; parcel.writeInt(length); for (T t : tArr) { if (t == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); } else { B2(parcel, t, i2); } } A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } @RecentlyNonNull @EnsuresNonNull({"#1"}) public static String w(@Nullable String str) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { return str; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given String is empty or null"); } public static int w0(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { return ((((byte) << 24) & ViewCompat.MEASURED_STATE_MASK) | ((((byte) << 16) & ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_MODE_DRAG_MASK) | ((((byte) << 8) & 65280) | (((byte) & 255); } @Nullable public static byte[] w1(byte[] bArr, UUID uuid) { b.i.a.c.x2.i0.j v1 = v1(bArr); if (v1 == null) { return null; } if (uuid.equals(v1.a)) { return v1.c; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(uuid); String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(v1.a); b.d.b.a.a.o0(b.d.b.a.a.Q(valueOf2.length() + valueOf.length() + 33, "UUID mismatch. Expected: ", valueOf, ", got: ", valueOf2), ".", "PsshAtomUtil"); return null; } public static void w2(@RecentlyNonNull Parcel parcel, int i, @RecentlyNonNull List list, boolean z2) { if (list != null) { int y2 = y2(parcel, i); int size = list.size(); parcel.writeInt(size); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < size; i2++) { T t = list.get(i2); if (t == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); } else { B2(parcel, t, 0); } } A2(parcel, y2); } else if (z2) { parcel.writeInt(i | 0); } } public static void x(@RecentlyNonNull String str) { if (Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper()) { throw new IllegalStateException(str); } } public static final Integer x0(Intent intent, String str) { d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(intent, "$this$getIntExtraOrNull"); d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "key"); Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(intent.getIntExtra(str, Integer.MIN_VALUE)); if (!(valueOf.intValue() == Integer.MIN_VALUE)) { return valueOf; } return null; } public static boolean x1(b.i.a.c.x2.i iVar, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, boolean z2) throws IOException { try { return iVar.e(bArr, i, i2, z2); } catch (EOFException e2) { if (z2) { return false; } throw e2; } } public static void x2(Parcel parcel, int i, int i2) { int M1 = M1(parcel, i); if (M1 != i2) { String hexString = Integer.toHexString(M1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(hexString).length() + 46); sb.append("Expected size "); sb.append(i2); sb.append(" got "); sb.append(M1); throw new SafeParcelReader$ParseException(b.d.b.a.a.J(sb, " (0x", hexString, ")"), parcel); } } public static T y(T t, Object obj) { if (t != null) { return t; } throw new NullPointerException(String.valueOf(obj)); } public static final StageRequestToSpeakState y0(VoiceState voiceState) { return voiceState == null ? StageRequestToSpeakState.NONE : (!voiceState.l() || voiceState.f() == null) ? (voiceState.l() || voiceState.f() == null) ? !voiceState.l() ? StageRequestToSpeakState.ON_STAGE : StageRequestToSpeakState.NONE : StageRequestToSpeakState.REQUESTED_TO_SPEAK_AND_AWAITING_USER_ACK : StageRequestToSpeakState.REQUESTED_TO_SPEAK; } @Nullable public static Metadata y1(b.i.a.c.x2.i iVar, boolean z2) throws IOException { b.i.a.c.z2.k.a aVar; if (z2) { aVar = null; } else { int i = b.i.a.c.z2.k.b.a; aVar = b.i.a.c.z2.k.a.a; } b.i.a.c.f3.x xVar = new b.i.a.c.f3.x(10); Metadata metadata = null; int i2 = 0; while (true) { try { iVar.o(xVar.a, 0, 10); xVar.E(0); if (xVar.v() != 4801587) { break; } xVar.F(3); int s2 = xVar.s(); int i3 = s2 + 10; if (metadata == null) { byte[] bArr = new byte[i3]; System.arraycopy(xVar.a, 0, bArr, 0, 10); iVar.o(bArr, 10, s2); metadata = new b.i.a.c.z2.k.b(aVar).d(bArr, i3); } else { iVar.g(s2); } i2 += i3; } catch (EOFException unused) { } } iVar.k(); iVar.g(i2); if (metadata == null || metadata.j.length == 0) { return null; } return metadata; } public static int y2(Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.writeInt(i | SupportMenu.CATEGORY_MASK); parcel.writeInt(0); return parcel.dataPosition(); } @NonNull @EnsuresNonNull({"#1"}) public static T z(@RecentlyNonNull T t, @RecentlyNonNull Object obj) { if (t != null) { return t; } throw new NullPointerException(String.valueOf(obj)); } public static List z0(CacheKey cacheKey) { try { if (!(cacheKey instanceof b.f.b.a.c)) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(1); arrayList.add(cacheKey.a() ? cacheKey.b() : W1(cacheKey)); return arrayList; } Objects.requireNonNull((b.f.b.a.c) cacheKey); throw null; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) { throw new RuntimeException(e2); } } public static int z1(b.i.a.c.x2.i iVar, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { int i3 = 0; while (i3 < i2) { int i4 = iVar.i(bArr, i + i3, i2 - i3); if (i4 == -1) { break; } i3 += i4; } return i3; } public static void z2(Parcel parcel, int i, int i2, int i3) { if (i2 != i3) { String hexString = Integer.toHexString(i2); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(hexString).length() + 46); sb.append("Expected size "); sb.append(i3); sb.append(" got "); sb.append(i2); throw new SafeParcelReader$ParseException(b.d.b.a.a.J(sb, " (0x", hexString, ")"), parcel); } } }