package j0.l.e; import c.d.b.a.a; import j0.l.a.e; import j0.l.e.m.c; import j0.l.e.n.n; import; import java.util.Queue; import rx.Subscription; import rx.exceptions.MissingBackpressureException; /* compiled from: RxRingBuffer */ public class h implements Subscription { public static final int i; public Queue j; public volatile Object k; static { int i2 = g.b ? 16 : 128; String property = System.getProperty("rx.ring-buffer.size"); if (property != null) { try { i2 = Integer.parseInt(property); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { PrintStream printStream = System.err; StringBuilder Q = a.Q("Failed to set 'rx.buffer.size' with value ", property, " => "); Q.append(e.getMessage()); printStream.println(Q.toString()); } } i = i2; } public h() { this.j = new c(i); } public h(boolean z2, int i2) { this.j = z2 ? new j0.l.e.n.h<>(i2) : new n<>(i2); } public void a(Object obj) throws MissingBackpressureException { boolean z2; boolean z3; synchronized (this) { Queue queue = this.j; z2 = true; z3 = false; if (queue != null) { if (obj == null) { obj = e.b; } z3 = !queue.offer(obj); z2 = false; } } if (z2) { throw new IllegalStateException("This instance has been unsubscribed and the queue is no longer usable."); } else if (z3) { throw new MissingBackpressureException(); } } public Object b() { synchronized (this) { Queue queue = this.j; if (queue == null) { return null; } Object peek = queue.peek(); Object obj = this.k; if (peek == null && obj != null && queue.peek() == null) { peek = obj; } return peek; } } public Object c() { synchronized (this) { Queue queue = this.j; if (queue == null) { return null; } Object poll = queue.poll(); Object obj = this.k; if (poll == null && obj != null && queue.peek() == null) { this.k = null; poll = obj; } return poll; } } @Override // rx.Subscription public boolean isUnsubscribed() { return this.j == null; } @Override // rx.Subscription public void unsubscribe() { synchronized (this) { } } }