package h0.a.a; import c.d.b.a.a; import h0.a.a.b; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassTooLargeException; import org.objectweb.asm.MethodTooLargeException; /* compiled from: ClassWriter */ public class f extends e { public b A; public int B; public int a; public final v b = new v(this); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2793c; public int d; public int e; public int f; public int[] g; public l h; public l i; public r j; public r k; public int l; public c m; public int n; public int o; public int p; public int q; public c r; /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public a f2794s; public a t; public a u; public a v; public s w; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2795x; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2796y; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public c f2797z; public f(int i) { super(458752); if ((i & 2) != 0) { this.B = 4; } else if ((i & 1) != 0) { this.B = 1; } else { this.B = 0; } } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:395:0x0aa5, code lost: if (r1.f2812y != 0) goto L_0x0acf; */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:407:0x0ad2 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:408:0x0ad7 */ public final byte[] a(byte[] bArr, boolean z2) { String str; String str2; String str3; f fVar; String str4; String str5; String str6; String str7; boolean z3; boolean z4; int i; String str8; String str9; String str10; String str11; int i2; String str12; String str13; String str14; String str15; String str16; String str17; String str18; String str19; String str20; String str21; String str22; String str23; String str24; String str25; int i3; String str26; String str27; h hVar; d dVar; int i4; String str28; String str29; String str30; int i5; String str31; String[] strArr; String[] strArr2; String[] strArr3; int i6; String str32; int i7; int i8; String str33; b.a aVar = new b.a(); aVar.a(this.A); for (l lVar = this.h; lVar != null; lVar = (l) lVar.a) { aVar.a(lVar.l); } r rVar = this.j; while (true) { str = null; if (rVar == null) { break; } aVar.a(rVar.M); aVar.a(null); rVar = (r) rVar.b; } int i9 = aVar.a; b[] bVarArr = new b[i9]; System.arraycopy(aVar.b, 0, bVarArr, 0, i9); this.h = null; this.i = null; this.j = null; this.k = null; this.f2794s = null; this.t = null; this.u = null; this.v = null; this.w = null; this.f2795x = 0; this.f2796y = 0; this.f2797z = null; this.A = null; this.B = z2 ? 3 : 0; d dVar2 = new d(bArr, 0, false); int i10 = (z2 ? 8 : 0) | 256; h hVar2 = new h(); hVar2.a = bVarArr; hVar2.b = i10; char[] cArr = new char[dVar2.f]; hVar2.f2799c = cArr; int i11 = dVar2.g; int u = dVar2.u(i11); String g = dVar2.g(i11 + 2, cArr); String g2 = dVar2.g(i11 + 4, cArr); int u2 = dVar2.u(i11 + 6); String[] strArr4 = new String[u2]; int i12 = i11 + 8; for (int i13 = 0; i13 < u2; i13++) { strArr4[i13] = dVar2.g(i12, cArr); i12 += 2; } int c2 = dVar2.c(); String str34 = null; b bVar = null; String str35 = null; String str36 = null; int i14 = u; int u3 = dVar2.u(c2 - 2); String[] strArr5 = strArr4; int i15 = 0; int i16 = 0; int i17 = 0; int i18 = 0; int i19 = 0; int i20 = 0; int i21 = 0; int i22 = 0; int i23 = 0; String str37 = null; while (true) { str2 = "Synthetic"; str3 = "Deprecated"; if (u3 <= 0) { break; } String t = dVar2.t(c2, cArr); int l = dVar2.l(c2 + 2); int i24 = c2 + 6; if ("SourceFile".equals(t)) { str34 = dVar2.t(i24, cArr); str37 = str37; i15 = i15; str = str; } else { if ("InnerClasses".equals(t)) { i23 = i24; } else if ("EnclosingMethod".equals(t)) { i17 = i24; } else if ("NestHost".equals(t)) { str36 = dVar2.g(i24, cArr); } else if ("NestMembers".equals(t)) { i22 = i24; } else if ("Signature".equals(t)) { str35 = dVar2.t(i24, cArr); } else if ("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations".equals(t)) { i18 = i24; } else if ("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(t)) { i20 = i24; } else if (str3.equals(t)) { i14 |= 131072; } else if (str2.equals(t)) { i14 |= 4096; } else if ("SourceDebugExtension".equals(t)) { str37 = dVar2.v(i24, l, new char[l]); i15 = i15; str = str; str34 = str34; } else if ("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations".equals(t)) { i19 = i24; } else if ("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(t)) { i21 = i24; } else if ("Module".equals(t)) { i15 = i24; str = str; str37 = str37; str34 = str34; } else if ("ModuleMainClass".equals(t)) { str = dVar2.g(i24, cArr); i15 = i15; str37 = str37; str34 = str34; } else if ("ModulePackages".equals(t)) { i16 = i24; } else { if (!"BootstrapMethods".equals(t)) { i6 = i24; i8 = i15; str33 = str34; str32 = str37; i7 = i14; strArr3 = strArr5; bVar = dVar2.e(bVarArr, t, i6, l, cArr, -1, null); bVar.f2791c = bVar; } else { str33 = str34; i6 = i24; str32 = str37; i8 = i15; i7 = i14; strArr3 = strArr5; bVar = bVar; } str34 = str33; i15 = i8; i14 = i7; str = str; str37 = str32; c2 = i6 + l; u3--; strArr5 = strArr3; i12 = i12; hVar2 = hVar2; } i15 = i15; str = str; str37 = str37; str34 = str34; } bVar = bVar; i6 = i24; strArr3 = strArr5; c2 = i6 + l; u3--; strArr5 = strArr3; i12 = i12; hVar2 = hVar2; } String str38 = "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"; String str39 = "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"; h hVar3 = hVar2; d dVar3 = dVar2; String str40 = "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"; c(dVar2.l(dVar2.b[1] - 7), i14, g, str35, g2, strArr5); if ((i10 & 2) != 0 || (str34 == null && str37 == null)) { fVar = this; str4 = "Signature"; } else { fVar = this; str4 = "Signature"; if (str34 != null) { fVar.q = fVar.b.l(str34); } if (str37 != null) { c cVar = new c(); cVar.a(str37, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); fVar.r = cVar; } } if (i15 != 0) { char[] cArr2 = hVar3.f2799c; String t2 = dVar3.t(dVar3.b[dVar3.u(i15)], cArr2); int u4 = dVar3.u(i15 + 2); String t3 = dVar3.t(i15 + 4, cArr2); int i25 = i15 + 6; v vVar = fVar.b; str5 = "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"; s sVar = new s(vVar, vVar.m(19, t2).a, u4, t3 == null ? 0 : fVar.b.l(t3)); fVar.w = sVar; if (str != null) { sVar.q = vVar.m(7, str).a; } if (i16 != 0) { int u5 = dVar3.u(i16); int i26 = i16 + 2; while (true) { int i27 = u5 - 1; if (u5 <= 0) { break; } sVar.p.j(sVar.a.m(20, dVar3.o(i26, cArr2)).a); sVar.o++; i26 += 2; u5 = i27; } } int u6 = dVar3.u(i25); int i28 = i25 + 2; while (true) { int i29 = u6 - 1; if (u6 <= 0) { break; } String n = dVar3.n(i28, cArr2); int u7 = dVar3.u(i28 + 2); String t4 = dVar3.t(i28 + 4, cArr2); i28 += 6; c cVar2 = sVar.f; cVar2.j(sVar.a.m(19, n).a); cVar2.j(u7); cVar2.j(t4 == null ? 0 : sVar.a.l(t4)); sVar.e++; u6 = i29; str2 = str2; } str6 = str2; int u8 = dVar3.u(i28); int i30 = i28 + 2; while (true) { int i31 = u8 - 1; if (u8 <= 0) { break; } String o = dVar3.o(i30, cArr2); int u9 = dVar3.u(i30 + 2); int u10 = dVar3.u(i30 + 4); i30 += 6; if (u10 != 0) { strArr2 = new String[u10]; int i32 = i30; for (int i33 = 0; i33 < u10; i33++) { strArr2[i33] = dVar3.n(i32, cArr2); i32 += 2; } i30 = i32; } else { strArr2 = null; } c cVar3 = sVar.h; cVar3.j(sVar.a.m(20, o).a); cVar3.j(u9); if (strArr2 == null) { sVar.h.j(0); } else { sVar.h.j(strArr2.length); for (String str41 : strArr2) { sVar.h.j(sVar.a.j(str41).a); } } sVar.g++; u8 = i31; } int u11 = dVar3.u(i30); int i34 = i30 + 2; while (true) { int i35 = u11 - 1; if (u11 <= 0) { break; } String o2 = dVar3.o(i34, cArr2); int u12 = dVar3.u(i34 + 2); int u13 = dVar3.u(i34 + 4); i34 += 6; if (u13 != 0) { strArr = new String[u13]; int i36 = i34; for (int i37 = 0; i37 < u13; i37++) { strArr[i37] = dVar3.n(i36, cArr2); i36 += 2; } i34 = i36; } else { strArr = null; } c cVar4 = sVar.j; cVar4.j(sVar.a.m(20, o2).a); cVar4.j(u12); if (strArr == null) { sVar.j.j(0); } else { sVar.j.j(strArr.length); for (String str42 : strArr) { sVar.j.j(sVar.a.j(str42).a); } } sVar.i++; u11 = i35; } int u14 = dVar3.u(i34); int i38 = i34 + 2; while (true) { int i39 = u14 - 1; if (u14 <= 0) { break; } sVar.l.j(sVar.a.m(7, dVar3.g(i38, cArr2)).a); sVar.k++; i38 += 2; u14 = i39; } int u15 = dVar3.u(i38); int i40 = i38 + 2; while (true) { int i41 = u15 - 1; if (u15 <= 0) { break; } String g3 = dVar3.g(i40, cArr2); int u16 = dVar3.u(i40 + 2); String[] strArr6 = new String[u16]; int i42 = i40 + 4; for (int i43 = 0; i43 < u16; i43++) { strArr6[i43] = dVar3.g(i42, cArr2); i42 += 2; } sVar.n.j(sVar.a.m(7, g3).a); sVar.n.j(u16); for (int i44 = 0; i44 < u16; i44++) { sVar.n.j(sVar.a.c(strArr6[i44]).a); } sVar.m++; u15 = i41; i40 = i42; cArr2 = cArr2; } } else { str5 = "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"; str6 = str2; } if (str36 != null) { fVar.f2795x = fVar.b.m(7, str36).a; } if (i17 != 0) { String g4 = dVar3.g(i17, cArr); int u17 = dVar3.u(i17 + 2); String t5 = u17 == 0 ? null : dVar3.t(dVar3.b[u17], cArr); String t6 = u17 == 0 ? null : dVar3.t(dVar3.b[u17] + 2, cArr); fVar.n = fVar.b.m(7, g4).a; if (!(t5 == null || t6 == null)) { fVar.o = fVar.b.k(t5, t6); } } if (i18 != 0) { int u18 = dVar3.u(i18); int i45 = i18 + 2; while (true) { int i46 = u18 - 1; if (u18 <= 0) { break; } i45 = dVar3.k(fVar.d(dVar3.t(i45, cArr), true), i45 + 2, true, cArr); u18 = i46; } } if (i19 != 0) { int u19 = dVar3.u(i19); int i47 = i19 + 2; while (true) { int i48 = u19 - 1; if (u19 <= 0) { break; } i47 = dVar3.k(fVar.d(dVar3.t(i47, cArr), false), i47 + 2, true, cArr); u19 = i48; } } if (i20 != 0) { int u20 = dVar3.u(i20); int i49 = i20 + 2; while (true) { int i50 = u20 - 1; if (u20 <= 0) { break; } int r = dVar3.r(hVar3, i49); i49 = dVar3.k(fVar.f(hVar3.h, hVar3.i, dVar3.t(r, cArr), true), r + 2, true, cArr); u20 = i50; } } if (i21 != 0) { int u21 = dVar3.u(i21); int i51 = i21 + 2; while (true) { int i52 = u21 - 1; if (u21 <= 0) { break; } int r2 = dVar3.r(hVar3, i51); i51 = dVar3.k(fVar.f(hVar3.h, hVar3.i, dVar3.t(r2, cArr), false), r2 + 2, true, cArr); u21 = i52; } } b bVar2 = bVar; while (bVar2 != null) { b bVar3 = bVar2.f2791c; bVar2.f2791c = null; bVar2.f2791c = fVar.A; fVar.A = bVar2; bVar2 = bVar3; } if (i22 != 0) { int u22 = dVar3.u(i22); int i53 = i22 + 2; while (true) { int i54 = u22 - 1; if (u22 <= 0) { break; } String g5 = dVar3.g(i53, cArr); if (fVar.f2797z == null) { fVar.f2797z = new c(); } fVar.f2796y++; fVar.f2797z.j(fVar.b.m(7, g5).a); i53 += 2; u22 = i54; } } if (i23 != 0) { int u23 = dVar3.u(i23); int i55 = i23 + 2; while (true) { int i56 = u23 - 1; if (u23 <= 0) { break; } String g6 = dVar3.g(i55, cArr); String g7 = dVar3.g(i55 + 2, cArr); String t7 = dVar3.t(i55 + 4, cArr); int u24 = dVar3.u(i55 + 6); if (fVar.m == null) { fVar.m = new c(); } u m = fVar.b.m(7, g6); if (m.g == 0) { fVar.l++; fVar.m.j(m.a); fVar.m.j(g7 == null ? 0 : fVar.b.m(7, g7).a); fVar.m.j(t7 == null ? 0 : fVar.b.l(t7)); fVar.m.j(u24); m.g = fVar.l; } i55 += 8; u23 = i56; } } int u25 = dVar3.u(i12); int i57 = i12 + 2; while (true) { int i58 = u25 - 1; if (u25 <= 0) { break; } char[] cArr3 = hVar3.f2799c; int u26 = dVar3.u(i57); String t8 = dVar3.t(i57 + 2, cArr3); String t9 = dVar3.t(i57 + 4, cArr3); int i59 = i57 + 6; int u27 = dVar3.u(i59); i57 = i59 + 2; int i60 = u26; int i61 = 0; int i62 = 0; int i63 = 0; b bVar4 = null; int i64 = 0; String str43 = null; Object obj = null; while (true) { int i65 = u27 - 1; if (u27 <= 0) { break; } String t10 = dVar3.t(i57, cArr3); int l2 = dVar3.l(i57 + 2); int i66 = i57 + 6; if ("ConstantValue".equals(t10)) { int u28 = dVar3.u(i66); if (u28 == 0) { str30 = str6; obj = null; i3 = i58; i5 = i60; i4 = i64; str29 = str40; str28 = str39; str27 = str5; str31 = str38; str22 = str31; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str25 = str29; str26 = str3; dVar = dVar3; str23 = str28; hVar = hVar3; i64 = i4; i60 = i5; i57 = i66 + l2; dVar3 = dVar; hVar3 = hVar; u27 = i65; str3 = str26; i58 = i3; str6 = str24; str39 = str23; str38 = str22; str4 = str21; str5 = str27; str40 = str25; } else { obj = dVar3.i(u28, cArr3); } } else if (str4.equals(t10)) { str43 = dVar3.t(i66, cArr3); } else if (str3.equals(t10)) { i60 |= 131072; } else { str30 = str6; if (str30.equals(t10)) { i60 |= 4096; i3 = i58; i5 = i60; i4 = i64; str29 = str40; str28 = str39; str27 = str5; str31 = str38; str22 = str31; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str25 = str29; str26 = str3; dVar = dVar3; str23 = str28; hVar = hVar3; i64 = i4; i60 = i5; i57 = i66 + l2; dVar3 = dVar; hVar3 = hVar; u27 = i65; str3 = str26; i58 = i3; str6 = str24; str39 = str23; str38 = str22; str4 = str21; str5 = str27; str40 = str25; } else { i3 = i58; if (str5.equals(t10)) { str22 = str38; i61 = i66; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str26 = str3; hVar = hVar3; str25 = str40; str23 = str39; str27 = str5; dVar = dVar3; } else { str29 = str40; if (str29.equals(t10)) { i63 = i66; i4 = i64; str28 = str39; } else { i4 = i64; str28 = str39; if (str28.equals(t10)) { i62 = i66; } else { str27 = str5; str31 = str38; if (str31.equals(t10)) { i5 = i60; i4 = i66; str22 = str31; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str25 = str29; str26 = str3; dVar = dVar3; str23 = str28; hVar = hVar3; i64 = i4; i60 = i5; } else { str25 = str29; str24 = str30; str23 = str28; str26 = str3; str21 = str4; dVar = dVar3; str22 = str31; hVar = hVar3; b e = dVar3.e(hVar3.a, t10, i66, l2, cArr3, -1, null); e.f2791c = bVar4; bVar4 = e; i60 = i60; i64 = i4; } } } i5 = i60; str27 = str5; str31 = str38; str22 = str31; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str25 = str29; str26 = str3; dVar = dVar3; str23 = str28; hVar = hVar3; i64 = i4; i60 = i5; } i57 = i66 + l2; dVar3 = dVar; hVar3 = hVar; u27 = i65; str3 = str26; i58 = i3; str6 = str24; str39 = str23; str38 = str22; str4 = str21; str5 = str27; str40 = str25; } } str30 = str6; i3 = i58; i5 = i60; i4 = i64; str29 = str40; str28 = str39; str27 = str5; str31 = str38; str22 = str31; str21 = str4; str24 = str30; str25 = str29; str26 = str3; dVar = dVar3; str23 = str28; hVar = hVar3; i64 = i4; i60 = i5; i57 = i66 + l2; dVar3 = dVar; hVar3 = hVar; u27 = i65; str3 = str26; i58 = i3; str6 = str24; str39 = str23; str38 = str22; str4 = str21; str5 = str27; str40 = str25; } l lVar2 = new l(fVar.b, i60, t8, t9, str43, obj); if (fVar.h == null) { fVar.h = lVar2; } else { fVar.i.a = lVar2; } fVar.i = lVar2; if (i61 != 0) { int u29 = dVar3.u(i61); int i67 = i61 + 2; while (true) { int i68 = u29 - 1; if (u29 <= 0) { break; } i67 = dVar3.k(lVar2.a(dVar3.t(i67, cArr3), true), i67 + 2, true, cArr3); u29 = i68; } } if (i62 != 0) { int u30 = dVar3.u(i62); int i69 = i62 + 2; while (true) { int i70 = u30 - 1; if (u30 <= 0) { break; } i69 = dVar3.k(lVar2.a(dVar3.t(i69, cArr3), false), i69 + 2, true, cArr3); u30 = i70; } } if (i63 != 0) { int u31 = dVar3.u(i63); int i71 = i63 + 2; while (true) { int i72 = u31 - 1; if (u31 <= 0) { break; } int r3 = dVar3.r(hVar3, i71); i71 = dVar3.k(lVar2.b(hVar3.h, hVar3.i, dVar3.t(r3, cArr3), true), r3 + 2, true, cArr3); u31 = i72; } } if (i64 != 0) { int u32 = dVar3.u(i64); int i73 = i64 + 2; while (true) { int i74 = u32 - 1; if (u32 <= 0) { break; } int r4 = dVar3.r(hVar3, i73); i73 = dVar3.k(lVar2.b(hVar3.h, hVar3.i, dVar3.t(r4, cArr3), false), r4 + 2, true, cArr3); u32 = i74; } } b bVar5 = bVar4; while (bVar5 != null) { b bVar6 = bVar5.f2791c; bVar5.f2791c = null; bVar5.f2791c = lVar2.l; lVar2.l = bVar5; bVar5 = bVar6; } dVar3 = dVar3; hVar3 = hVar3; str3 = str3; u25 = i58; str6 = str6; str39 = str39; str38 = str38; str4 = str4; str5 = str5; str40 = str40; } String str44 = str38; String str45 = str3; d dVar4 = dVar3; String str46 = str40; String str47 = str39; String str48 = str6; String str49 = str5; String str50 = str4; h hVar4 = hVar3; int i75 = 1; int u33 = dVar4.u(i57); int i76 = i57 + 2; while (true) { int i77 = u33 - 1; if (u33 <= 0) { return b(); } char[] cArr4 = hVar4.f2799c; hVar4.d = dVar4.u(i76); hVar4.e = dVar4.t(i76 + 2, cArr4); int i78 = i76 + 4; hVar4.f = dVar4.t(i78, cArr4); int i79 = i76 + 6; int u34 = dVar4.u(i79); int i80 = i79 + 2; int i81 = 0; int i82 = 0; boolean z5 = false; b bVar7 = null; String[] strArr7 = null; int i83 = 0; int i84 = 0; int i85 = 0; int i86 = 0; int i87 = 0; int i88 = 0; int i89 = 0; int i90 = 0; int i91 = 0; while (true) { int i92 = u34 - 1; if (u34 <= 0) { break; } String t11 = dVar4.t(i80, cArr4); int l3 = dVar4.l(i80 + 2); int i93 = i80 + 6; if ("Code".equals(t11)) { if ((hVar4.b & i75) == 0) { i91 = i93; } else { str18 = str50; str16 = str45; str50 = str18; str17 = str49; i = i79; str14 = str17; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } } else if ("Exceptions".equals(t11)) { int u35 = dVar4.u(i93); String[] strArr8 = new String[u35]; int i94 = i93 + 2; for (int i95 = 0; i95 < u35; i95++) { strArr8[i95] = dVar4.g(i94, cArr4); i94 += 2; } strArr7 = strArr8; i82 = i93; } else { str18 = str50; if (str18.equals(t11)) { i85 = dVar4.u(i93); str16 = str45; str50 = str18; str17 = str49; i = i79; str14 = str17; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } else { str16 = str45; if (str16.equals(t11)) { hVar4.d |= 131072; str50 = str18; str17 = str49; i = i79; str14 = str17; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } else { str50 = str18; str17 = str49; if (str17.equals(t11)) { i84 = i93; i = i79; str14 = str17; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } else { str14 = str17; if (str46.equals(t11)) { i = i79; i87 = i93; } else { i = i79; if ("AnnotationDefault".equals(t11)) { i81 = i93; } else { str20 = str48; if (str20.equals(t11)) { hVar4.d |= 4096; str8 = str50; str48 = str20; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str10 = str46; str9 = str14; str11 = str47; str13 = str44; z5 = true; } else { str46 = str46; str19 = str47; if (str19.equals(t11)) { i86 = i93; str48 = str20; str47 = str19; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; } else { str47 = str19; str15 = str44; if (str15.equals(t11)) { str48 = str20; i88 = i93; } else { str48 = str20; if ("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations".equals(t11)) { i89 = i93; } else if ("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations".equals(t11)) { i90 = i93; } else if ("MethodParameters".equals(t11)) { i83 = i93; } else { str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str8 = str50; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; b e2 = dVar4.e(hVar4.a, t11, i93, l3, cArr4, -1, null); e2.f2791c = bVar7; z5 = z5; i82 = i82; bVar7 = e2; i81 = i81; } } str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; } } i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } } str46 = str46; str20 = str48; str19 = str47; str48 = str20; str47 = str19; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } } } } str17 = str49; str16 = str45; i = i79; str14 = str17; str15 = str44; str8 = str50; str12 = str16; i2 = i93; str9 = str14; str10 = str46; str11 = str47; str13 = str15; i80 = i2 + l3; i79 = i; str44 = str13; u34 = i92; str45 = str12; str47 = str11; str46 = str10; str49 = str9; str50 = str8; i75 = 1; } int i96 = hVar4.d; String str51 = hVar4.e; String str52 = hVar4.f; if (i85 == 0) { z3 = z5; str7 = null; } else { str7 = dVar4.w(i85, cArr4); z3 = z5; } str45 = str45; q e3 = e(i96, str51, str52, str7, strArr7); r rVar2 = (r) e3; int i97 = i80 - i76; boolean z6 = (hVar4.d & 131072) != 0; int u36 = dVar4.u(i78); v vVar2 = rVar2.d; if (dVar4 == vVar2.b && u36 == rVar2.h && i85 == rVar2.A) { int i98 = rVar2.e; if (z6 == ((i98 & 131072) != 0)) { if (z3 == (vVar2.f2817c < 49 && (i98 & 4096) != 0)) { if (i82 != 0) { if (dVar4.u(i82) == rVar2.f2812y) { int i99 = i82 + 2; int i100 = 0; while (true) { if (i100 >= rVar2.f2812y) { break; } else if (dVar4.u(i99) != rVar2.f2813z[i100]) { break; } else { i99 += 2; i100++; } } } } rVar2.f2808a0 = i79; rVar2.f2809b0 = i97 - 6; z4 = true; if (z4) { if (i83 != 0) { int f = dVar4.f(i83); int i101 = i83 + 1; while (true) { int i102 = f - 1; if (f <= 0) { break; } String t12 = dVar4.t(i101, cArr4); int u37 = dVar4.u(i101 + 2); if (rVar2.L == null) { rVar2.L = new c(); } rVar2.K++; c cVar5 = rVar2.L; cVar5.j(t12 == null ? 0 : rVar2.d.l(t12)); cVar5.j(u37); i101 += 4; f = i102; } } if (i81 != 0) { c cVar6 = new c(); rVar2.J = cVar6; a aVar2 = new a(rVar2.d, false, cVar6, null); dVar4.j(aVar2, i81, null, cArr4); aVar2.g(); } if (i84 != 0) { int u38 = dVar4.u(i84); int i103 = i84 + 2; while (true) { int i104 = u38 - 1; if (u38 <= 0) { break; } i103 = dVar4.k(e3.a(dVar4.t(i103, cArr4), true), i103 + 2, true, cArr4); u38 = i104; } } if (i86 != 0) { int u39 = dVar4.u(i86); int i105 = i86 + 2; while (true) { int i106 = u39 - 1; if (u39 <= 0) { break; } i105 = dVar4.k(e3.a(dVar4.t(i105, cArr4), false), i105 + 2, true, cArr4); u39 = i106; } } if (i87 != 0) { int u40 = dVar4.u(i87); int i107 = i87 + 2; while (true) { int i108 = u40 - 1; if (u40 <= 0) { break; } int r5 = dVar4.r(hVar4, i107); i107 = dVar4.k(e3.r(hVar4.h, hVar4.i, dVar4.t(r5, cArr4), true), r5 + 2, true, cArr4); u40 = i108; } } if (i88 != 0) { int u41 = dVar4.u(i88); int i109 = i88 + 2; while (true) { int i110 = u41 - 1; if (u41 <= 0) { break; } int r6 = dVar4.r(hVar4, i109); i109 = dVar4.k(e3.r(hVar4.h, hVar4.i, dVar4.t(r6, cArr4), false), r6 + 2, true, cArr4); u41 = i110; } } if (i89 != 0) { dVar4.p(e3, hVar4, i89, true); } if (i90 != 0) { dVar4.p(e3, hVar4, i90, false); } b bVar8 = bVar7; while (bVar8 != null) { b bVar9 = bVar8.f2791c; bVar8.f2791c = null; bVar8.f2791c = rVar2.M; rVar2.M = bVar8; bVar8 = bVar9; } if (i91 != 0) { dVar4.h(e3, hVar4, i91); } } u33 = i77; i76 = i80; dVar4 = dVar4; hVar4 = hVar4; str48 = str48; str44 = str44; str49 = str49; str50 = str50; str47 = str47; str46 = str46; i75 = 1; } } } z4 = false; if (z4) { } u33 = i77; i76 = i80; dVar4 = dVar4; hVar4 = hVar4; str48 = str48; str44 = str44; str49 = str49; str50 = str50; str47 = str47; str46 = str46; i75 = 1; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:337:0x06b8 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:340:0x06c8 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:343:0x06ef */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:345:0x06f6 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:347:0x06fd */ public byte[] b() throws ClassTooLargeException, MethodTooLargeException { int i; int i2; String str; int i3; String str2; String str3; int i4; int i5; int i6; b bVar; String str4; String str5; int i7; int i8; int i9; int i10; int i11 = (this.f * 2) + 24; l lVar = this.h; int i12 = 0; while (true) { i = 16; if (lVar == null) { break; } i12++; if (lVar.g != 0) { lVar.b.l("ConstantValue"); } else { i = 8; } if ((lVar.f2802c & 4096) != 0) { v vVar = lVar.b; if (vVar.f2817c < 49) { vVar.l("Synthetic"); i += 6; } } if (lVar.f != 0) { lVar.b.l("Signature"); i += 8; } if ((lVar.f2802c & 131072) != 0) { lVar.b.l("Deprecated"); i += 6; } a aVar = lVar.h; if (aVar != null) { i += aVar.a("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); } a aVar2 = lVar.i; if (aVar2 != null) { i += aVar2.a("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); } a aVar3 = lVar.j; if (aVar3 != null) { i += aVar3.a("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); } a aVar4 = lVar.k; if (aVar4 != null) { i += aVar4.a("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); } b bVar2 = lVar.l; if (bVar2 != null) { i += bVar2.a(lVar.b); } i11 += i; lVar = (l) lVar.a; } r rVar = this.j; int i13 = 0; while (true) { boolean z2 = true; if (rVar != null) { int i14 = i13 + 1; if (rVar.f2808a0 != 0) { i9 = rVar.f2809b0 + 6; i8 = i14; } else { int i15 = rVar.l.b; if (i15 <= 0) { i8 = i14; i10 = 8; } else if (i15 <= 65535) { rVar.d.l("Code"); int i16 = rVar.l.b + i; int i17 = 0; for (o oVar = rVar.m; oVar != null; oVar = oVar.f) { i17++; } i10 = (i17 * 8) + 2 + i16 + 8; if (rVar.v != null) { v vVar2 = rVar.d; i8 = i14; vVar2.l(vVar2.f2817c >= 50 ? "StackMapTable" : "StackMap"); i10 += rVar.v.b + 8; } else { i8 = i14; } if (rVar.p != null) { rVar.d.l("LineNumberTable"); i10 += rVar.p.b + 8; } if (rVar.r != null) { rVar.d.l("LocalVariableTable"); i10 += rVar.r.b + 8; } if (rVar.t != null) { rVar.d.l("LocalVariableTypeTable"); i10 += rVar.t.b + 8; } a aVar5 = rVar.w; if (aVar5 != null) { i10 += aVar5.a("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); } a aVar6 = rVar.f2811x; if (aVar6 != null) { i10 += aVar6.a("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); } } else { throw new MethodTooLargeException(rVar.d.d, rVar.g, rVar.i, rVar.l.b); } if (rVar.f2812y > 0) { rVar.d.l("Exceptions"); i10 += (rVar.f2812y * 2) + 8; } v vVar3 = rVar.d; if (vVar3.f2817c >= 49) { z2 = false; } if ((rVar.e & 4096) != 0 && z2) { vVar3.l("Synthetic"); i10 += 6; } if (rVar.A != 0) { rVar.d.l("Signature"); i10 += 8; } if ((rVar.e & 131072) != 0) { rVar.d.l("Deprecated"); i10 += 6; } a aVar7 = rVar.B; if (aVar7 != null) { i10 += aVar7.a("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); } a aVar8 = rVar.C; if (aVar8 != null) { i10 += aVar8.a("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); } a[] aVarArr = rVar.E; if (aVarArr != null) { int i18 = rVar.D; if (i18 == 0) { i18 = aVarArr.length; } i10 += a.b("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations", aVarArr, i18); } a[] aVarArr2 = rVar.G; if (aVarArr2 != null) { int i19 = rVar.F; if (i19 == 0) { i19 = aVarArr2.length; } i10 += a.b("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations", aVarArr2, i19); } a aVar9 = rVar.H; if (aVar9 != null) { i10 += aVar9.a("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); } a aVar10 = rVar.I; if (aVar10 != null) { i10 += aVar10.a("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); } if (rVar.J != null) { rVar.d.l("AnnotationDefault"); i10 += rVar.J.b + 6; } if (rVar.L != null) { rVar.d.l("MethodParameters"); i9 = rVar.L.b + 7 + i10; } else { i9 = i10; } b bVar3 = rVar.M; if (bVar3 != null) { i9 += bVar3.a(rVar.d); } } i11 += i9; rVar = (r) rVar.b; i = 16; i13 = i8; } else { c cVar = this.m; if (cVar != null) { i11 += cVar.b + 8; this.b.l("InnerClasses"); i2 = 1; } else { i2 = 0; } if (this.n != 0) { i2++; i11 += 10; this.b.l("EnclosingMethod"); } if ((this.f2793c & 4096) != 0) { str = "EnclosingMethod"; if ((this.a & 65535) < 49) { i2++; i11 += 6; this.b.l("Synthetic"); } } else { str = "EnclosingMethod"; } if (this.p != 0) { i2++; i11 += 8; this.b.l("Signature"); } if (this.q != 0) { i2++; i11 += 8; this.b.l("SourceFile"); } c cVar2 = this.r; if (cVar2 != null) { i2++; i11 += cVar2.b + 6; this.b.l("SourceDebugExtension"); } if ((this.f2793c & 131072) != 0) { i2++; i11 += 6; this.b.l("Deprecated"); } a aVar11 = this.f2794s; if (aVar11 != null) { i2++; i11 += aVar11.a("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); } a aVar12 = this.t; if (aVar12 != null) { i2++; i11 += aVar12.a("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); } a aVar13 = this.u; if (aVar13 != null) { i2++; i11 += aVar13.a("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); } a aVar14 = this.v; if (aVar14 != null) { i2++; i11 += aVar14.a("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); } v vVar4 = this.b; if (vVar4.j != null) { vVar4.l("BootstrapMethods"); i3 = vVar4.j.b + 8; } else { i3 = 0; } if (i3 > 0) { i2++; v vVar5 = this.b; if (vVar5.j != null) { vVar5.l("BootstrapMethods"); i7 = vVar5.j.b + 8; } else { i7 = 0; } i11 += i7; } s sVar = this.w; String str6 = "ModuleMainClass"; if (sVar != null) { str3 = "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"; str2 = "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"; i2 += (sVar.o > 0 ? 1 : 0) + 1 + (sVar.q > 0 ? 1 : 0); sVar.a.l("Module"); int i20 = sVar.f.b + 22 + sVar.h.b + sVar.j.b + sVar.l.b + sVar.n.b; if (sVar.o > 0) { sVar.a.l("ModulePackages"); i20 += sVar.p.b + 8; } if (sVar.q > 0) { sVar.a.l(str6); i20 += 8; } i11 += i20; } else { str3 = "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"; str2 = "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"; } if (this.f2795x != 0) { i2++; i11 += 8; this.b.l("NestHost"); } c cVar3 = this.f2797z; if (cVar3 != null) { i2++; i11 += cVar3.b + 8; this.b.l("NestMembers"); } b bVar4 = this.A; if (bVar4 != null) { int c2 = i2 + bVar4.c(); i11 += this.A.a(this.b); i2 = c2; } v vVar6 = this.b; int i21 = i11 + vVar6.h.b; int i22 = vVar6.g; if (i22 <= 65535) { c cVar4 = new c(i21); cVar4.i(-889275714); cVar4.i(this.a); v vVar7 = this.b; cVar4.j(vVar7.g); c cVar5 = vVar7.h; cVar4.h(cVar5.a, 0, cVar5.b); cVar4.j((~((this.a & 65535) < 49 ? 4096 : 0)) & this.f2793c); cVar4.j(this.d); cVar4.j(this.e); cVar4.j(this.f); for (int i23 = 0; i23 < this.f; i23++) { cVar4.j(this.g[i23]); } cVar4.j(i12); l lVar2 = this.h; while (lVar2 != null) { boolean z3 = lVar2.b.f2817c < 49; cVar4.j((~(z3 ? 4096 : 0)) & lVar2.f2802c); cVar4.j(lVar2.d); cVar4.j(lVar2.e); int i24 = lVar2.g != 0 ? 1 : 0; int i25 = lVar2.f2802c; if ((i25 & 4096) != 0 && z3) { i24++; } if (lVar2.f != 0) { i24++; } if ((i25 & 131072) != 0) { i24++; } if (lVar2.h != null) { i24++; } if (lVar2.i != null) { i24++; } if (lVar2.j != null) { i24++; } if (lVar2.k != null) { i24++; } b bVar5 = lVar2.l; if (bVar5 != null) { i24 += bVar5.c(); } cVar4.j(i24); if (lVar2.g != 0) { a.l0(lVar2.b, "ConstantValue", cVar4, 2); cVar4.j(lVar2.g); } if ((lVar2.f2802c & 4096) != 0 && z3) { a.l0(lVar2.b, "Synthetic", cVar4, 0); } if (lVar2.f != 0) { a.l0(lVar2.b, "Signature", cVar4, 2); cVar4.j(lVar2.f); } if ((lVar2.f2802c & 131072) != 0) { a.l0(lVar2.b, "Deprecated", cVar4, 0); } a aVar15 = lVar2.h; if (aVar15 != null) { aVar15.c(lVar2.b.l("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), cVar4); } a aVar16 = lVar2.i; if (aVar16 != null) { aVar16.c(lVar2.b.l("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), cVar4); } a aVar17 = lVar2.j; if (aVar17 != null) { str4 = str2; aVar17.c(lVar2.b.l(str4), cVar4); } else { str4 = str2; } a aVar18 = lVar2.k; if (aVar18 != null) { str5 = str3; aVar18.c(lVar2.b.l(str5), cVar4); } else { str5 = str3; } b bVar6 = lVar2.l; if (bVar6 != null) { bVar6.d(lVar2.b, cVar4); } lVar2 = (l) lVar2.a; str2 = str4; str3 = str5; str6 = str6; } cVar4.j(i13); boolean z4 = false; boolean z5 = false; for (r rVar2 = this.j; rVar2 != null; rVar2 = (r) rVar2.b) { z5 |= rVar2.u > 0; z4 |= rVar2.Y; rVar2.y(cVar4); } cVar4.j(i2); if (this.m != null) { cVar4.j(this.b.l("InnerClasses")); cVar4.i(this.m.b + 2); cVar4.j(this.l); c cVar6 = this.m; cVar4.h(cVar6.a, 0, cVar6.b); } if (this.n != 0) { a.l0(this.b, str, cVar4, 4); cVar4.j(this.n); cVar4.j(this.o); } if ((this.f2793c & 4096) != 0 && (this.a & 65535) < 49) { a.l0(this.b, "Synthetic", cVar4, 0); } if (this.p != 0) { i4 = 2; a.l0(this.b, "Signature", cVar4, 2); cVar4.j(this.p); } else { i4 = 2; } if (this.q != 0) { a.l0(this.b, "SourceFile", cVar4, i4); cVar4.j(this.q); } c cVar7 = this.r; if (cVar7 != null) { int i26 = cVar7.b; a.l0(this.b, "SourceDebugExtension", cVar4, i26); i5 = 0; cVar4.h(this.r.a, 0, i26); } else { i5 = 0; } if ((this.f2793c & 131072) != 0) { a.l0(this.b, "Deprecated", cVar4, i5); } a aVar19 = this.f2794s; if (aVar19 != null) { aVar19.c(this.b.l("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), cVar4); } a aVar20 = this.t; if (aVar20 != null) { aVar20.c(this.b.l("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), cVar4); } a aVar21 = this.u; if (aVar21 != null) { aVar21.c(this.b.l(str2), cVar4); } a aVar22 = this.v; if (aVar22 != null) { aVar22.c(this.b.l(str3), cVar4); } v vVar8 = this.b; if (vVar8.j != null) { cVar4.j(vVar8.l("BootstrapMethods")); cVar4.i(vVar8.j.b + 2); cVar4.j(vVar8.i); c cVar8 = vVar8.j; cVar4.h(cVar8.a, 0, cVar8.b); } s sVar2 = this.w; if (sVar2 != null) { a.l0(sVar2.a, "Module", cVar4, sVar2.f.b + 16 + sVar2.h.b + sVar2.j.b + sVar2.l.b + sVar2.n.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.f2814c); cVar4.j(sVar2.d); cVar4.j(sVar2.e); c cVar9 = sVar2.f; cVar4.h(cVar9.a, 0, cVar9.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.g); c cVar10 = sVar2.h; cVar4.h(cVar10.a, 0, cVar10.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.i); c cVar11 = sVar2.j; cVar4.h(cVar11.a, 0, cVar11.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.k); c cVar12 = sVar2.l; cVar4.h(cVar12.a, 0, cVar12.b); cVar4.j(sVar2.m); c cVar13 = sVar2.n; cVar4.h(cVar13.a, 0, cVar13.b); if (sVar2.o > 0) { cVar4.j(sVar2.a.l("ModulePackages")); cVar4.i(sVar2.p.b + 2); cVar4.j(sVar2.o); c cVar14 = sVar2.p; cVar4.h(cVar14.a, 0, cVar14.b); } if (sVar2.q > 0) { i6 = 2; a.l0(sVar2.a, str6, cVar4, 2); cVar4.j(sVar2.q); if (this.f2795x != 0) { a.l0(this.b, "NestHost", cVar4, i6); cVar4.j(this.f2795x); } if (this.f2797z != null) { cVar4.j(this.b.l("NestMembers")); cVar4.i(this.f2797z.b + 2); cVar4.j(this.f2796y); c cVar15 = this.f2797z; cVar4.h(cVar15.a, 0, cVar15.b); } bVar = this.A; if (bVar != null) { bVar.d(this.b, cVar4); } return !z4 ? a(cVar4.a, z5) : cVar4.a; } } i6 = 2; if (this.f2795x != 0) { } if (this.f2797z != null) { } bVar = this.A; if (bVar != null) { } if (!z4) { } } else { throw new ClassTooLargeException(this.b.d, i22); } } } } public final void c(int i, int i2, String str, String str2, String str3, String[] strArr) { this.a = i; this.f2793c = i2; v vVar = this.b; int i3 = i & 65535; vVar.f2817c = i3; vVar.d = str; this.d = vVar.m(7, str).a; if (str2 != null) { this.p = this.b.l(str2); } this.e = str3 == null ? 0 : this.b.m(7, str3).a; if (strArr != null && strArr.length > 0) { int length = strArr.length; this.f = length; this.g = new int[length]; for (int i4 = 0; i4 < this.f; i4++) { this.g[i4] = this.b.c(strArr[i4]).a; } } if (this.B == 1 && i3 >= 51) { this.B = 2; } } public final a d(String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); cVar.j(this.b.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.b, true, cVar, this.f2794s); this.f2794s = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.b, true, cVar, this.t); this.t = aVar2; return aVar2; } public final q e(int i, String str, String str2, String str3, String[] strArr) { r rVar = new r(this.b, i, str, str2, str3, strArr, this.B); if (this.j == null) { this.j = rVar; } else { this.k.b = rVar; } this.k = rVar; return rVar; } public final a f(int i, x xVar, String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); c.q.a.k.a.K(i, cVar); x.a(xVar, cVar); cVar.j(this.b.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.b, true, cVar, this.u); this.u = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.b, true, cVar, this.v); this.v = aVar2; return aVar2; } }