package c.m.a.g.d; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; /* compiled from: SntpClient */ public class e { public final c.m.a.b a; public final c b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final a f1465c; /* compiled from: SntpClient */ public static class a extends IOException { public a(String str) { super(str); } } /* compiled from: SntpClient */ public static final class b { public final long a; public final long b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final long f1466c; public final c.m.a.b d; public b(long j, long j2, long j3, c.m.a.b bVar) { this.a = j; this.b = j2; this.f1466c = j3; this.d = bVar; } public long a() { return this.a + this.f1466c + (this.d.b() - this.b); } } public e(c.m.a.b bVar, c cVar, a aVar) { this.a = bVar; this.b = cVar; this.f1465c = aVar; } public static void a(byte b2, byte b3, int i, long j) throws a { if (b2 == 3) { throw new a("unsynchronized server"); } else if (b3 != 4 && b3 != 5) { throw new a(c.d.b.a.a.k("untrusted mode: ", b3)); } else if (i == 0 || i > 15) { throw new a(c.d.b.a.a.k("untrusted stratum: ", i)); } else if (j == 0) { throw new a("zero transmitTime"); } } public static long b(byte[] bArr, int i) { byte b2 = bArr[i]; byte b3 = bArr[i + 1]; byte b4 = bArr[i + 2]; byte b5 = bArr[i + 3]; int i2 = b2 & 128; byte b6 = b2; if (i2 == 128) { b6 = (b2 & Byte.MAX_VALUE) + 128; } int i3 = b3 & 128; byte b7 = b3; if (i3 == 128) { b7 = (b3 & Byte.MAX_VALUE) + 128; } int i4 = b4 & 128; byte b8 = b4; if (i4 == 128) { b8 = (b4 & Byte.MAX_VALUE) + 128; } int i5 = b5 & 128; byte b9 = b5; if (i5 == 128) { b9 = (b5 & Byte.MAX_VALUE) + 128; } return ((b6 == 1 ? 1 : 0) << 24) + ((b7 == 1 ? 1 : 0) << 16) + ((b8 == 1 ? 1 : 0) << 8) + (b9 == 1 ? 1 : 0); } public static long c(byte[] bArr, int i) { long b2 = b(bArr, i); return ((b(bArr, i + 4) * 1000) / 4294967296L) + ((b2 - 2208988800L) * 1000); } public b d(String str, Long l) throws IOException { DatagramSocket datagramSocket = null; try { InetAddress a2 = this.b.a(str); datagramSocket = this.f1465c.c(); datagramSocket.setSoTimeout(l.intValue()); byte[] bArr = new byte[48]; DatagramPacket b2 = this.f1465c.b(bArr, a2, 123); bArr[0] = 27; long a3 = this.a.a(); long b3 = this.a.b(); long j = a3 / 1000; Long.signum(j); long j2 = a3 - (j * 1000); long j3 = j + 2208988800L; bArr[40] = (byte) ((int) (j3 >> 24)); bArr[41] = (byte) ((int) (j3 >> 16)); bArr[42] = (byte) ((int) (j3 >> 8)); bArr[43] = (byte) ((int) (j3 >> 0)); long j4 = (j2 * 4294967296L) / 1000; bArr[44] = (byte) ((int) (j4 >> 24)); bArr[45] = (byte) ((int) (j4 >> 16)); bArr[46] = (byte) ((int) (j4 >> 8)); bArr[47] = (byte) ((int) (Math.random() * 255.0d)); datagramSocket.send(b2); byte[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(bArr, 48); datagramSocket.receive(this.f1465c.a(copyOf)); long b4 = this.a.b(); long j5 = (b4 - b3) + a3; long c2 = c(copyOf, 24); long c3 = c(copyOf, 32); long c4 = c(copyOf, 40); a((byte) ((copyOf[0] >> 6) & 3), (byte) (copyOf[0] & 7), copyOf[1] & 255, c4); b bVar = new b(j5, b4, ((c4 - j5) + (c3 - c2)) / 2, this.a); datagramSocket.close(); return bVar; } catch (Throwable th) { if (datagramSocket != null) { datagramSocket.close(); } throw th; } } }