package; import c.b.a.d.d; import; import com.lytefast.flexinput.fragment.FlexInputFragment; /* compiled from: WidgetChatInputAttachments.kt */ public final class WidgetChatInputAttachments$configureFlexInputFragment$1$1$2 extends d.a { public final /* synthetic */ FlexInputFragment $this_apply; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public WidgetChatInputAttachments$configureFlexInputFragment$1$1$2(FlexInputFragment flexInputFragment, int i, int i2) { super(i, i2); this.$this_apply = flexInputFragment; } @Override // c.b.a.d.d.a public WidgetChatInputAttachments.DiscordFilesFragment createFragment() { return new WidgetChatInputAttachments.DiscordFilesFragment(); } }