package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import c.a.d.h; import c.a.d.i; import; import com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger; import com.discord.utilities.mg_recycler.MGRecyclerDataPayload; import com.discord.utilities.rx.ObservableExtensionsKt; import com.discord.utilities.systemlog.SystemLogUtils; import; import d0.g0.w; import d0.g0.y; import d0.t.k; import d0.t.u; import d0.z.d.m; import d0.z.d.o; import j0.q.a; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2; import org.webrtc.Logging; import rx.subjects.SerializedSubject; /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ public final class AppLog extends Logger { public static int a = 99; public static boolean b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public static SharedPreferences f1588c; public static final SerializedSubject d = new SerializedSubject<>(new j0.q.a(new a.d(new a.c(5000)))); public static boolean e; public static final String[] f = {"com.discord", "co.discord"}; public static final AppLog g = new AppLog(); /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ public static final class LoggedItem implements MGRecyclerDataPayload { public final String i; public final int j; public final String k; public final Throwable l; public LoggedItem(int i, String str, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); this.j = i; this.k = str; this.l = th; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(uuid, "UUID.randomUUID().toString()"); this.i = uuid; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof LoggedItem)) { return false; } LoggedItem loggedItem = (LoggedItem) obj; return this.j == loggedItem.j && m.areEqual(this.k, loggedItem.k) && m.areEqual(this.l, loggedItem.l); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.mg_recycler.MGRecyclerDataPayload, com.discord.utilities.recycler.DiffKeyProvider public String getKey() { return this.i; } @Override // com.discord.utilities.mg_recycler.MGRecyclerDataPayload public int getType() { return 0; } public int hashCode() { int i = this.j * 31; String str = this.k; int i2 = 0; int hashCode = (i + (str != null ? str.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Throwable th = this.l; if (th != null) { i2 = th.hashCode(); } return hashCode + i2; } public String toString() { StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("LoggedItem(priority="); L.append(this.j); L.append(", message="); L.append(this.k); L.append(", throwable="); L.append(this.l); L.append(")"); return L.toString(); } } /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ public static final class a extends o implements Function1 { public final /* synthetic */ Map $metadata; public final /* synthetic */ int $priority; public final /* synthetic */ Throwable $throwable; /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ /* renamed from:$a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */ public static final class C0173a extends o implements Function2 { public final /* synthetic */ a this$0; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public C0173a(a aVar) { super(2); this.this$0 = aVar; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Unit invoke(String str, Integer num) { invoke(str, num.intValue()); return Unit.a; } public final void invoke(String str, int i) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); for (String str2 : y.chunked(str, i)) { Log.println(this.this$0.$priority, AppLog.g.getDefaultTag(), str2); } } } /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public a(int i, Map map, Throwable th) { super(1); this.$priority = i; this.$metadata = map; this.$throwable = th; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Unit invoke(String str) { invoke(str); return Unit.a; } public final void invoke(String str) { Set entrySet; String joinToString$default; m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); C0173a aVar = new C0173a(this); aVar.invoke(str, 1000); Map map = this.$metadata; if (!(map == null || (entrySet = map.entrySet()) == null || (joinToString$default = u.joinToString$default(entrySet, "\n\t", null, null, 0, null, null, 62, null)) == null)) { aVar.invoke("Metadata: " + joinToString$default, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } String stackTraceString = Log.getStackTraceString(this.$throwable); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(stackTraceString, "Log.getStackTraceString(throwable)"); aVar.invoke(stackTraceString, 1000); } } /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ public static final class b extends o implements Function1 { public final /* synthetic */ Map $metadata; public final /* synthetic */ Throwable $throwable; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public b(Throwable th, Map map) { super(1); this.$throwable = th; this.$metadata = map; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Unit invoke(String str) { invoke(str); return Unit.a; } public final void invoke(String str) { Set entrySet; m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); try { if (this.$throwable != null) { AppLog appLog = AppLog.g; appLog.recordBreadcrumb("Message " + str, "Error"); } Map map = this.$metadata; if (!(map == null || (entrySet = map.entrySet()) == null)) { for (Map.Entry entry : entrySet) { AppLog appLog2 = AppLog.g; appLog2.recordBreadcrumb("Metadata: " + ((String) entry.getKey()) + ", " + ((String) entry.getValue()), "Error"); } } Exception exc = new Exception(str, this.$throwable); AppLog appLog3 = AppLog.g; StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = exc.getStackTrace(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(stackTrace, "e.stackTrace"); exc.setStackTrace(AppLog.a(appLog3, stackTrace, str)); Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); if (cause != null) { StackTraceElement[] stackTrace2 = cause.getStackTrace(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(stackTrace2, "cause.stackTrace"); cause.setStackTrace(AppLog.a(appLog3, stackTrace2, str)); } FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().recordException(exc); } catch (Exception e) { AppLog.g.w("Unable to notify error logging.", e); } if (this.$throwable != null) { try { AnalyticsTracker analyticsTracker = AnalyticsTracker.INSTANCE; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.$throwable.getClass().toString()); sb.append(":\n"); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace3 = this.$throwable.getStackTrace(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(stackTrace3, "throwable.stackTrace"); sb.append(k.joinToString$default(stackTrace3, "\n", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, (Function1) null, 62, (Object) null)); analyticsTracker.appExceptionThrown(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e2) { AppLog.g.w("Unable to report to analytics.", e2); } } } } /* compiled from: AppLog.kt */ public static final /* synthetic */ class c extends d0.z.d.k implements Function2 { public c(AppLog appLog) { super(2, appLog, AppLog.class, "v", "v(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V", 0); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2 public Unit invoke(String str, Throwable th) { String str2 = str; m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "p1"); ((AppLog) this.receiver).v(str2, th); return Unit.a; } } public AppLog() { super("Discord"); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x0085 A[LOOP:0: B:1:0x0006->B:22:0x0085, LOOP_END] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x008a A[EDGE_INSN: B:50:0x008a->B:24:0x008a ?: BREAK , SYNTHETIC] */ public static final StackTraceElement[] a(AppLog appLog, StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElementArr, String str) { StackTraceElement stackTraceElement; int i; boolean z2; String className; boolean z3; Objects.requireNonNull(appLog); int length = stackTraceElementArr.length; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; while (true) { stackTraceElement = null; i = -1; if (i3 >= length) { i3 = -1; break; } StackTraceElement stackTraceElement2 = stackTraceElementArr[i3]; String className2 = stackTraceElement2.getClassName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(className2, "stackTraceElement.className"); boolean z4 = w.contains$default(className2, "MediaEngineLegacy", false, 2, null) && m.areEqual(stackTraceElement2.getMethodName(), "e"); String className3 = stackTraceElement2.getClassName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(className3, "stackTraceElement.className"); String name = Logger.class.getName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(name, ""); if (!w.contains$default((CharSequence) className3, (CharSequence) name, false, 2, (Object) null)) { String className4 = stackTraceElement2.getClassName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(className4, "stackTraceElement.className"); String name2 = Logging.class.getName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(name2, ""); if (!w.contains$default((CharSequence) className4, (CharSequence) name2, false, 2, (Object) null)) { String className5 = stackTraceElement2.getClassName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(className5, "stackTraceElement.className"); String name3 = AppLog.class.getName(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(name3, ""); if (!w.contains$default((CharSequence) className5, (CharSequence) name3, false, 2, (Object) null)) { z3 = false; if (!(z3 && !z4)) { break; } i3++; } } } z3 = true; if (!(z3 && !z4)) { } } int length2 = stackTraceElementArr.length - i3; StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElementArr2 = new StackTraceElement[length2]; System.arraycopy(stackTraceElementArr, i3, stackTraceElementArr2, 0, length2); int i4 = 0; while (true) { if (i4 >= length2) { break; } StackTraceElement stackTraceElement3 = stackTraceElementArr2[i4]; String[] strArr = f; int length3 = strArr.length; int i5 = 0; while (true) { if (i5 >= length3) { z2 = false; break; } if ((stackTraceElement3 == null || (className = stackTraceElement3.getClassName()) == null || !w.contains$default(className, strArr[i5], false, 2, null)) ? false : true) { z2 = true; break; } i5++; } if (z2) { i = i4; break; } i4++; } if (i > 0) { i2 = i; } StackTraceElement stackTraceElement4 = stackTraceElementArr2[i2]; if (stackTraceElement4 != null) { stackTraceElement = new StackTraceElement(stackTraceElement4.getClassName(), stackTraceElement4.getMethodName(), c.d.b.a.a.v(stackTraceElement4.getFileName(), ", ", str), stackTraceElement4.getLineNumber()); } stackTraceElementArr2[i2] = stackTraceElement; return stackTraceElementArr2; } public static final void g(Long l, String str, String str2) { String str3; if (b) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = f1588c; if (sharedPreferences != null) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = sharedPreferences.edit(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(edit, "editor"); if (l != null) { l.longValue(); edit.putString("LOG_CACHE_KEY_USER_ID", String.valueOf(l)); } if (str != null) { edit.putString("LOG_CACHE_KEY_USER_LOGIN", str); } if (str2 != null) { edit.putString("LOG_CACHE_KEY_USER_NAME", str2); } edit.apply(); } FirebaseCrashlytics instance = FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance(); if (l == null || (str3 = String.valueOf(l.longValue())) == null) { str3 = ""; } instance.setUserId(str3); if (str != null) { FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCustomKey("userLogin", str); } if (str2 != null) { FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCustomKey("userName", str2); } if (l != null && !e) { e = true; Objects.requireNonNull(g); if (new Random().nextInt(10) == 1) { ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(SystemLogUtils.INSTANCE.fetchLastTombstone(), AppLog.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, h.i, (Function0) null, (Function0) null, i.i, 54, (Object) null); } } } } public static final void i(String str) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); g.i(str, null); } public final void b(String str, int i, Throwable th, Map map) { if (i >= a) { a aVar = new a(i, map, th); d.j.onNext(new LoggedItem(i, str, th)); b bVar = new b(th, map); if (i == 6) { bVar.invoke(str); } aVar.invoke(str); } } public final void c(String str, String str2, Throwable th, Function2 function2) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "category"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function2, "loggingFn"); if (b) { String str3 = '[' + str2 + "]: " + str; function2.invoke("Breadcrumb, " + str3, th); FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().log(str3); } } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void d(String str, String str2, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "message"); d(str + " -> " + str2, th); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void d(String str, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); b(str, 3, th, null); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void e(String str, String str2, Throwable th, Map map) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "message"); e(str + " -> " + str2, th, map); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void e(String str, Throwable th, Map map) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); b(str, 6, th, map); } public final void f(String str, String str2) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "from"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "to"); recordBreadcrumb("Navigation [" + str + "] > [" + str2 + ']', "navigation"); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void i(String str, String str2, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "message"); i(str + " -> " + str2, th); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void i(String str, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); b(str, 4, th, null); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void recordBreadcrumb(String str, String str2) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "category"); c(str, str2, null, new c(this)); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void v(String str, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); b(str, 2, th, null); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void w(String str, String str2, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "tag"); m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "message"); w(str + " -> " + str2, th); } @Override // com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger public void w(String str, Throwable th) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "message"); b(str, 5, th, null); } }