package b.a.k; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import android.text.method.MovementMethod; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.annotation.StringRes; import; import com.discord.i18n.RenderContext; import com.discord.simpleast.core.parser.Parser; import d0.z.d.m; import d0.z.d.o; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1; import kotlin.text.MatchResult; import kotlin.text.Regex; /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public final class b { public static final Regex a = new Regex("\\{(\\S+?)\\}"); /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class a extends o implements Function1 { public static final a j = new a(); public a() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ /* renamed from: b.a.k.b$b reason: collision with other inner class name */ public static final class C0027b extends o implements Function1 { public static final C0027b j = new C0027b(); public C0027b() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class c extends o implements Function1 { public static final c j = new c(); public c() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class d extends o implements Function1 { public static final d j = new d(); public d() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class e extends o implements Function1 { public static final e j = new e(); public e() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class f extends o implements Function1 { public final /* synthetic */ Map $namedArgs; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public f(Map map) { super(1); this.$namedArgs = map; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public CharSequence invoke(MatchResult matchResult) { MatchResult matchResult2 = matchResult; m.checkNotNullParameter(matchResult2, "matchResult"); String str = (String) this.$namedArgs.get(matchResult2.getGroupValues().get(1)); return str != null ? str : matchResult2.getValue(); } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class g extends o implements Function1 { public static final g j = new g(); public g() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: FormatUtils.kt */ public static final class h extends o implements Function1 { public static final h j = new h(); public h() { super(1); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "$receiver"); return Unit.a; } } public static final void a(TextView textView, CharSequence charSequence) { m.checkNotNullParameter(textView, "$this$bindText"); textView.setText(charSequence); int i = 0; if (!(!(charSequence == null || charSequence.length() == 0))) { i = 8; } textView.setVisibility(i); } public static final CharSequence b(Context context, @StringRes int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); Resources resources = context.getResources(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(resources, "resources"); return c(resources, i, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length), function1); } public static final CharSequence c(Resources resources, @StringRes int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(resources, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); String string = resources.getString(i); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(string, "getString(stringResId)"); return g(string, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length), function1); } public static final CharSequence d(View view, @StringRes int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(view, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); Context context = view.getContext(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(context, "context"); return b(context, i, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length), function1); } public static final CharSequence e(Fragment fragment, @StringRes int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(fragment, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); Context requireContext = fragment.requireContext(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(requireContext, "requireContext()"); return b(requireContext, i, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length), function1); } public static final CharSequence f(CharSequence charSequence, Object[] objArr, RenderContext renderContext) { m.checkNotNullParameter(charSequence, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "renderContext"); Map map = renderContext.a; List list = renderContext.c; boolean z2 = true; if (!map.isEmpty()) { charSequence = a.replace(charSequence, new f(map)); } else { if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { z2 = false; } if (!z2) { String replace = a.replace(charSequence, "%s"); Object[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length); charSequence = b.d.b.a.a.N(copyOf, copyOf.length, replace, "java.lang.String.format(this, *args)"); } } a aVar = a.d; b.a.k.g.b bVar = a.a; if (bVar == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("formattingParserProvider"); } b.a.k.g.a a2 = bVar.a(); if (renderContext.f) { String obj = charSequence.toString(); Locale locale = Locale.ROOT; m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(locale, "Locale.ROOT"); Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); charSequence = obj.toUpperCase(locale); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(charSequence, "(this as java.lang.String).toUpperCase(locale)"); } Objects.requireNonNull(a2); m.checkNotNullParameter(charSequence, "input"); m.checkNotNullParameter(renderContext, "renderContext"); List parse$default = Parser.parse$default(a2, charSequence, new b.a.k.g.c(false, 0, 3), null, 4, null); SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); b.a.t.b.b.h.a(spannableStringBuilder, parse$default, renderContext); return spannableStringBuilder; } public static final CharSequence g(CharSequence charSequence, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(charSequence, "$this$i18nFormat"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); return f(charSequence, objArr, b.c.a.a0.d.R1(function1, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length))); } public static /* synthetic */ CharSequence h(Context context, int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i2) { return b(context, i, objArr, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? C0027b.j : null); } public static /* synthetic */ CharSequence i(Resources resources, int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i2) { return c(resources, i, objArr, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? d.j : null); } public static /* synthetic */ CharSequence j(View view, int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i2) { return d(view, i, objArr, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? c.j : null); } public static /* synthetic */ CharSequence k(Fragment fragment, int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i2) { return e(fragment, i, objArr, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? a.j : null); } public static /* synthetic */ CharSequence l(CharSequence charSequence, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i) { return g(charSequence, objArr, (i & 2) != 0 ? e.j : null); } public static final void m(TextView textView, @StringRes int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(textView, "$this$i18nSetText"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "initializer"); RenderContext R1 = b.c.a.a0.d.R1(function1, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length)); textView.setMovementMethod(R1.g ? LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() : null); String string = textView.getContext().getString(i); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(string, "context.getString(stringResId)"); textView.setText(f(string, objArr, R1)); } public static /* synthetic */ void n(TextView textView, int i, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i2) { m(textView, i, objArr, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? g.j : null); } public static void o(TextView textView, CharSequence charSequence, Object[] objArr, Function1 function1, int i) { int i2 = i & 4; MovementMethod movementMethod = null; h hVar = i2 != 0 ? h.j : null; m.checkNotNullParameter(textView, "$this$i18nSetText"); m.checkNotNullParameter(objArr, "formatArgs"); m.checkNotNullParameter(hVar, "initializer"); if (charSequence == null) { textView.setText((CharSequence) null); textView.setMovementMethod(null); return; } RenderContext R1 = b.c.a.a0.d.R1(hVar, Arrays.copyOf(objArr, objArr.length)); if (R1.g) { movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance(); } textView.setMovementMethod(movementMethod); textView.setText(f(charSequence, objArr, R1)); } }