package z; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class h { public final g a = new g<>(); public void a() { if (!this.a.g()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot cancel a completed task."); } } public void b(Exception exc) { boolean z2; g gVar = this.a; synchronized (gVar.g) { z2 = false; if (!gVar.h) { gVar.h = true; gVar.k = exc; gVar.l = false; gVar.g.notifyAll(); gVar.f(); z2 = true; } } if (!z2) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the error on a completed task."); } } public void c(TResult tresult) { if (!this.a.h(tresult)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the result of a completed task."); } } }