package j0.l.a; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import b.i.a.f.e.o.f; import j0.l.a.q0; import rx.Scheduler; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.observers.SerializedSubscriber; import rx.subscriptions.SerialSubscription; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class p0 extends Subscriber { public final q0.a j = new q0.a<>(); public final Subscriber k = this; public final /* synthetic */ SerialSubscription l; public final /* synthetic */ Scheduler.Worker m; public final /* synthetic */ SerializedSubscriber n; public final /* synthetic */ q0 o; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class a implements Action0 { public final /* synthetic */ int j; public a(int i) { this.j = i; } @Override // rx.functions.Action0 public void call() { p0 p0Var = p0.this; q0.a aVar = p0Var.j; int i = this.j; SerializedSubscriber serializedSubscriber = p0Var.n; Subscriber subscriber = p0Var.k; synchronized (aVar) { if (!aVar.e && aVar.c && i == aVar.a) { T t = aVar.f3760b; aVar.f3760b = null; aVar.c = false; aVar.e = true; try { serializedSubscriber.onNext(t); synchronized (aVar) { if (!aVar.d) { aVar.e = false; } else { serializedSubscriber.onCompleted(); } } } catch (Throwable th) { f.p1(th, subscriber, t); } } } } } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public p0(q0 q0Var, Subscriber subscriber, SerialSubscription serialSubscription, Scheduler.Worker worker, SerializedSubscriber serializedSubscriber) { super(subscriber); this.o = q0Var; this.l = serialSubscription; this.m = worker; this.n = serializedSubscriber; } @Override // j0.g public void onCompleted() { q0.a aVar = this.j; SerializedSubscriber serializedSubscriber = this.n; synchronized (aVar) { if (aVar.e) { aVar.d = true; return; } T t = aVar.f3760b; boolean z2 = aVar.c; aVar.f3760b = null; aVar.c = false; aVar.e = true; if (z2) { try { serializedSubscriber.onNext(t); } catch (Throwable th) { f.p1(th, this, t); return; } } serializedSubscriber.onCompleted(); } } @Override // j0.g public void onError(Throwable th) { this.n.j.onError(th); unsubscribe(); q0.a aVar = this.j; synchronized (aVar) { aVar.a++; aVar.f3760b = null; aVar.c = false; } } @Override // j0.g public void onNext(T t) { int i; q0.a aVar = this.j; synchronized (aVar) { aVar.f3760b = t; aVar.c = true; i = aVar.a + 1; aVar.a = i; } SerialSubscription serialSubscription = this.l; Scheduler.Worker worker = this.m; a aVar2 = new a(i); q0 q0Var = this.o; serialSubscription.a(worker.b(aVar2, q0Var.j, q0Var.k)); } @Override // rx.Subscriber public void onStart() { request(RecyclerView.FOREVER_NS); } }