package com.discord.databinding; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.Guideline; import androidx.viewbinding.ViewBinding; import c.a.i.d2; import c.a.i.e2; import c.a.i.k4; import com.discord.utilities.view.text.LinkifiedTextView; import com.discord.widgets.mobile_reports.MobileReportsBottomButton; import com.discord.widgets.mobile_reports.MobileReportsBreadcrumbs; import com.facebook.drawee.view.SimpleDraweeView; import; import; public final class ViewReportsMenuNodeBinding implements ViewBinding { @NonNull public final ConstraintLayout a; @NonNull public final e2 b; @NonNull /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final k4 f1661c; @NonNull public final LinearLayout d; @NonNull public final d2 e; @NonNull public final MobileReportsBottomButton f; @NonNull public final MobileReportsBreadcrumbs g; @NonNull public final MaterialCardView h; @NonNull public final LinearLayout i; @NonNull public final TextView j; @NonNull public final MaterialCardView k; @NonNull public final TextView l; @NonNull public final LinkifiedTextView m; @NonNull public final ImageView n; public ViewReportsMenuNodeBinding(@NonNull ConstraintLayout constraintLayout, @NonNull e2 e2Var, @NonNull k4 k4Var, @NonNull LinearLayout linearLayout, @NonNull d2 d2Var, @NonNull MobileReportsBottomButton mobileReportsBottomButton, @NonNull MobileReportsBreadcrumbs mobileReportsBreadcrumbs, @NonNull MaterialCardView materialCardView, @NonNull LinearLayout linearLayout2, @NonNull TextView textView, @NonNull MaterialCardView materialCardView2, @NonNull TextView textView2, @NonNull MaterialCardView materialCardView3, @NonNull LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView, @NonNull ImageView imageView) { this.a = constraintLayout; this.b = e2Var; this.f1661c = k4Var; this.d = linearLayout; this.e = d2Var; this.f = mobileReportsBottomButton; this.g = mobileReportsBreadcrumbs; this.h = materialCardView; this.i = linearLayout2; this.j = textView; this.k = materialCardView2; this.l = textView2; this.m = linkifiedTextView; this.n = imageView; } @NonNull public static ViewReportsMenuNodeBinding a(@NonNull LayoutInflater layoutInflater, @Nullable ViewGroup viewGroup, boolean z2) { View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(2131558795, viewGroup, false); if (z2) { viewGroup.addView(inflate); } int i = 2131364014; View findViewById = inflate.findViewById(2131364014); if (findViewById != null) { int i2 = 2131364015; Guideline guideline = (Guideline) findViewById.findViewById(2131364015); if (guideline != null) { i2 = 2131364016; TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById.findViewById(2131364016); if (textView != null) { i2 = 2131364017; Guideline guideline2 = (Guideline) findViewById.findViewById(2131364017); if (guideline2 != null) { i2 = 2131364018; SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById.findViewById(2131364018); if (simpleDraweeView != null) { i2 = 2131364019; LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView = (LinkifiedTextView) findViewById.findViewById(2131364019); if (linkifiedTextView != null) { i2 = 2131364020; Guideline guideline3 = (Guideline) findViewById.findViewById(2131364020); if (guideline3 != null) { i2 = 2131364021; Guideline guideline4 = (Guideline) findViewById.findViewById(2131364021); if (guideline4 != null) { e2 e2Var = new e2((ConstraintLayout) findViewById, guideline, textView, guideline2, simpleDraweeView, linkifiedTextView, guideline3, guideline4); i = 2131364024; View findViewById2 = inflate.findViewById(2131364024); if (findViewById2 != null) { int i3 = 2131362535; ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131362535); if (imageView != null) { i3 = 2131362552; LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView2 = (LinkifiedTextView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131362552); if (linkifiedTextView2 != null) { i3 = 2131362553; SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView2 = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131362553); if (simpleDraweeView2 != null) { i3 = 2131362564; TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131362564); if (textView2 != null) { i3 = 2131364502; Guideline guideline5 = (Guideline) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364502); if (guideline5 != null) { i3 = 2131364503; Guideline guideline6 = (Guideline) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364503); if (guideline6 != null) { i3 = 2131364504; Guideline guideline7 = (Guideline) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364504); if (guideline7 != null) { k4 k4Var = new k4((ConstraintLayout) findViewById2, imageView, linkifiedTextView2, simpleDraweeView2, textView2, guideline5, guideline6, guideline7); i = 2131364025; LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) inflate.findViewById(2131364025); if (linearLayout != null) { i = 2131364026; View findViewById3 = inflate.findViewById(2131364026); if (findViewById3 != null) { int i4 = 2131364009; SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView3 = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364009); if (simpleDraweeView3 != null) { i4 = 2131364010; MaterialButton materialButton = (MaterialButton) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364010); if (materialButton != null) { i4 = 2131364011; TextView textView3 = (TextView) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364011); if (textView3 != null) { i4 = 2131364012; TextView textView4 = (TextView) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364012); if (textView4 != null) { i4 = 2131364013; TextView textView5 = (TextView) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364013); if (textView5 != null) { d2 d2Var = new d2((LinearLayout) findViewById3, simpleDraweeView3, materialButton, textView3, textView4, textView5); i = 2131364027; MobileReportsBottomButton mobileReportsBottomButton = (MobileReportsBottomButton) inflate.findViewById(2131364027); if (mobileReportsBottomButton != null) { i = 2131364028; MobileReportsBreadcrumbs mobileReportsBreadcrumbs = (MobileReportsBreadcrumbs) inflate.findViewById(2131364028); if (mobileReportsBreadcrumbs != null) { i = 2131364029; MaterialCardView materialCardView = (MaterialCardView) inflate.findViewById(2131364029); if (materialCardView != null) { i = 2131364030; LinearLayout linearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) inflate.findViewById(2131364030); if (linearLayout2 != null) { i = 2131364031; TextView textView6 = (TextView) inflate.findViewById(2131364031); if (textView6 != null) { i = 2131364032; MaterialCardView materialCardView2 = (MaterialCardView) inflate.findViewById(2131364032); if (materialCardView2 != null) { i = 2131364033; TextView textView7 = (TextView) inflate.findViewById(2131364033); if (textView7 != null) { i = 2131364034; MaterialCardView materialCardView3 = (MaterialCardView) inflate.findViewById(2131364034); if (materialCardView3 != null) { i = 2131364035; LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView3 = (LinkifiedTextView) inflate.findViewById(2131364035); if (linkifiedTextView3 != null) { i = 2131364036; ImageView imageView2 = (ImageView) inflate.findViewById(2131364036); if (imageView2 != null) { return new ViewReportsMenuNodeBinding((ConstraintLayout) inflate, e2Var, k4Var, linearLayout, d2Var, mobileReportsBottomButton, mobileReportsBreadcrumbs, materialCardView, linearLayout2, textView6, materialCardView2, textView7, materialCardView3, linkifiedTextView3, imageView2); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById3.getResources().getResourceName(i4))); } } } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById2.getResources().getResourceName(i3))); } } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById.getResources().getResourceName(i2))); } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(inflate.getResources().getResourceName(i))); } @Override // androidx.viewbinding.ViewBinding @NonNull public View getRoot() { return this.a; } }