package b.i.a.c.a3; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import b.i.a.c.a3.b0; import b.i.a.c.a3.h0; import b.i.a.c.a3.s; import b.i.a.c.a3.x; import b.i.a.c.e3.h; import b.i.a.c.e3.l; import b.i.a.c.e3.n; import b.i.a.c.e3.o; import b.i.a.c.e3.w; import b.i.a.c.e3.y; import b.i.a.c.j1; import b.i.a.c.j2; import b.i.a.c.k1; import b.i.a.c.w2.s; import b.i.a.c.w2.u; import b.i.a.c.x2.h0.f; import b.i.a.c.x2.i; import b.i.a.c.x2.j; import b.i.a.c.x2.t; import; import; import; import; import; import; import$CleartextNotPermittedException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull; /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public final class e0 implements x, j, Loader.b, Loader.f, h0.d { public static final Map j; public static final j1 k; public final Handler A; @Nullable public x.a B; @Nullable public IcyHeaders C; public h0[] D; public d[] E; public boolean F; public boolean G; public boolean H; public e I; public t J; public long K; public boolean L; public int M; public boolean N; public boolean O; public int P; public long Q; public long R; public long S; public boolean T; public int U; public boolean V; public boolean W; public final Uri l; public final l m; public final u n; public final w o; public final b0.a p; public final s.a q; public final b r; /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public final o f805s; @Nullable public final String t; public final long u; public final Loader v = new Loader("ProgressiveMediaPeriod"); public final d0 w; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public final b.i.a.c.f3.j f806x; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public final Runnable f807y; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public final Runnable f808z; /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public final class a implements Loader.e, s.a { public final long a = t.a.getAndIncrement(); /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final Uri f809b; public final y c; public final d0 d; public final j e; public final b.i.a.c.f3.j f; public final b.i.a.c.x2.s g = new b.i.a.c.x2.s(); public volatile boolean h; public boolean i = true; public long j; public n k = a(0); public long l = -1; @Nullable public b.i.a.c.x2.w m; public boolean n; public a(Uri uri, l lVar, d0 d0Var, j jVar, b.i.a.c.f3.j jVar2) { this.f809b = uri; this.c = new y(lVar); this.d = d0Var; this.e = jVar; this.f = jVar2; } public final n a(long j) { Collections.emptyMap(); Uri uri = this.f809b; String str = e0.this.t; Map map = e0.j; if (uri != null) { return new n(uri, 0, 1, null, map, j, -1, str, 6, null); } throw new IllegalStateException("The uri must be set."); } public void b() throws IOException { h hVar; int i; int i2 = 0; while (i2 == 0 && !this.h) { try { long j = this.g.a; n a = a(j); this.k = a; long a2 = this.c.a(a); this.l = a2; if (a2 != -1) { this.l = a2 + j; } e0.this.C = IcyHeaders.a(this.c.j()); y yVar = this.c; IcyHeaders icyHeaders = e0.this.C; if (icyHeaders == null || (i = icyHeaders.o) == -1) { hVar = yVar; } else { hVar = new s(yVar, i, this); b.i.a.c.x2.w B = e0.this.B(new d(0, true)); this.m = B; ((h0) B).e(e0.k); } long j2 = j; ((m) this.d).b(hVar, this.f809b, this.c.j(), j, this.l, this.e); if (e0.this.C != null) { b.i.a.c.x2.h hVar2 = ((m) this.d).f824b; if (hVar2 instanceof f) { ((f) hVar2).f1202s = true; } } if (this.i) { d0 d0Var = this.d; long j3 = this.j; b.i.a.c.x2.h hVar3 = ((m) d0Var).f824b; Objects.requireNonNull(hVar3); hVar3.g(j2, j3); this.i = false; } while (true) { while (i2 == 0 && !this.h) { try { b.i.a.c.f3.j jVar = this.f; synchronized (jVar) { while (!jVar.f967b) { jVar.wait(); } } d0 d0Var2 = this.d; b.i.a.c.x2.s sVar = this.g; m mVar = (m) d0Var2; b.i.a.c.x2.h hVar4 = mVar.f824b; Objects.requireNonNull(hVar4); i iVar = mVar.c; Objects.requireNonNull(iVar); i2 = hVar4.e(iVar, sVar); j2 = ((m) this.d).a(); if (j2 > e0.this.u + j2) { this.f.a(); e0 e0Var = e0.this;; } } catch (InterruptedException unused) { throw new InterruptedIOException(); } } } if (i2 == 1) { i2 = 0; } else if (((m) this.d).a() != -1) { this.g.a = ((m) this.d).a(); } y yVar2 = this.c; if (yVar2 != null) { try { yVar2.a.close(); } catch (IOException unused2) { } } } catch (Throwable th) { if (!(i2 == 1 || ((m) this.d).a() == -1)) { this.g.a = ((m) this.d).a(); } y yVar3 = this.c; if (yVar3 != null) { try { yVar3.a.close(); } catch (IOException unused3) { } } throw th; } } } } /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public interface b { } /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public final class c implements i0 { public final int a; public c(int i) { this.a = i; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.i0 public int a(k1 k1Var, DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer, int i) { int i2; e0 e0Var = e0.this; int i3 = this.a; if (e0Var.D()) { return -3; } e0Var.y(i3); h0 h0Var = e0Var.D[i3]; boolean z2 = e0Var.V; boolean z3 = false; boolean z4 = (i & 2) != 0; h0.b bVar = h0Var.f815b; synchronized (h0Var) { decoderInputBuffer.m = false; i2 = -5; if (!h0Var.o()) { if (!z2) { if (!h0Var.f817x) { j1 j1Var = h0Var.B; if (j1Var != null && (z4 || j1Var != h0Var.h)) { h0Var.r(j1Var, k1Var); } } } decoderInputBuffer.j = 4; i2 = -4; } else { j1 j1Var2 = h0Var.c.b(h0Var.k()).a; if (z4 || j1Var2 != h0Var.h) { h0Var.r(j1Var2, k1Var); } else { int l = h0Var.l(h0Var.t); if (!h0Var.q(l)) { decoderInputBuffer.m = true; } else { decoderInputBuffer.j = h0Var.n[l]; long j = h0Var.o[l]; decoderInputBuffer.n = j; if (j < h0Var.u) { decoderInputBuffer.j(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } bVar.a = h0Var.m[l]; bVar.f820b = h0Var.l[l]; bVar.c = h0Var.p[l]; i2 = -4; } } } i2 = -3; } if (i2 == -4 && !decoderInputBuffer.n()) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z3 = true; } if ((i & 4) == 0) { if (z3) { g0 g0Var = h0Var.a; g0.f(g0Var.e, decoderInputBuffer, h0Var.f815b, g0Var.c); } else { g0 g0Var2 = h0Var.a; g0Var2.e = g0.f(g0Var2.e, decoderInputBuffer, h0Var.f815b, g0Var2.c); } } if (!z3) { h0Var.t++; } } if (i2 == -3) { e0Var.z(i3); } return i2; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.i0 public void b() throws IOException { e0 e0Var = e0.this; h0 h0Var = e0Var.D[this.a]; DrmSession drmSession = h0Var.i; if (drmSession == null || drmSession.getState() != 1) { e0Var.A(); return; } DrmSession.DrmSessionException f = h0Var.i.f(); Objects.requireNonNull(f); throw f; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.i0 public int c(long j) { int i; e0 e0Var = e0.this; int i2 = this.a; boolean z2 = false; if (e0Var.D()) { return 0; } e0Var.y(i2); h0 h0Var = e0Var.D[i2]; boolean z3 = e0Var.V; synchronized (h0Var) { int l = h0Var.l(h0Var.t); if (h0Var.o()) { if (j >= h0Var.o[l]) { if (j <= h0Var.w || !z3) { i = h0Var.i(l, h0Var.q - h0Var.t, j, true); if (i == -1) { i = 0; } } else { i = h0Var.q - h0Var.t; } } } i = 0; } synchronized (h0Var) { if (i >= 0) { if (h0Var.t + i <= h0Var.q) { z2 = true; } } b.c.a.a0.d.j(z2); h0Var.t += i; } if (i == 0) { e0Var.z(i2); } return i; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.i0 public boolean d() { e0 e0Var = e0.this; return !e0Var.D() && e0Var.D[this.a].p(e0Var.V); } } /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public static final class d { public final int a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final boolean f811b; public d(int i, boolean z2) { this.a = i; this.f811b = z2; } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || d.class != obj.getClass()) { return false; } d dVar = (d) obj; return this.a == dVar.a && this.f811b == dVar.f811b; } public int hashCode() { return (this.a * 31) + (this.f811b ? 1 : 0); } } /* compiled from: ProgressiveMediaPeriod */ public static final class e { public final o0 a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final boolean[] f812b; public final boolean[] c; public final boolean[] d; public e(o0 o0Var, boolean[] zArr) { this.a = o0Var; this.f812b = zArr; int i = o0Var.k; this.c = new boolean[i]; this.d = new boolean[i]; } } static { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("Icy-MetaData", "1"); j = Collections.unmodifiableMap(hashMap); j1.b bVar = new j1.b(); bVar.a = "icy"; bVar.k = "application/x-icy"; k = bVar.a(); } public e0(Uri uri, l lVar, d0 d0Var, u uVar, s.a aVar, w wVar, b0.a aVar2, b bVar, o oVar, @Nullable String str, int i) { this.l = uri; this.m = lVar; this.n = uVar; this.q = aVar; this.o = wVar; this.p = aVar2; this.r = bVar; this.f805s = oVar; this.t = str; this.u = (long) i; this.w = d0Var; this.f806x = new b.i.a.c.f3.j(); this.f807y = new g(this); this.f808z = new i(this); this.A = b.i.a.c.f3.e0.j(); this.E = new d[0]; this.D = new h0[0]; this.S = -9223372036854775807L; this.Q = -1; this.K = -9223372036854775807L; this.M = 1; } public void A() throws IOException { Loader loader = this.v; int a2 = ((b.i.a.c.e3.s) this.o).a(this.M); IOException iOException = loader.e; if (iOException == null) { Loader.d dVar = loader.d; if (dVar != null) { if (a2 == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { a2 = dVar.j; } IOException iOException2 = dVar.n; if (iOException2 != null && dVar.o > a2) { throw iOException2; } return; } return; } throw iOException; } public final b.i.a.c.x2.w B(d dVar) { int length = this.D.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (dVar.equals(this.E[i])) { return this.D[i]; } } o oVar = this.f805s; Looper looper = this.A.getLooper(); u uVar = this.n; s.a aVar = this.q; Objects.requireNonNull(looper); Objects.requireNonNull(uVar); Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); h0 h0Var = new h0(oVar, looper, uVar, aVar); h0Var.g = this; int i2 = length + 1; d[] dVarArr = (d[]) Arrays.copyOf(this.E, i2); dVarArr[length] = dVar; int i3 = b.i.a.c.f3.e0.a; this.E = dVarArr; h0[] h0VarArr = (h0[]) Arrays.copyOf(this.D, i2); h0VarArr[length] = h0Var; this.D = h0VarArr; return h0Var; } public final void C() { a aVar = new a(this.l, this.m, this.w, this, this.f806x); if (this.G) { b.c.a.a0.d.D(w()); long j2 = this.K; if (j2 == -9223372036854775807L || this.S <= j2) { t tVar = this.J; Objects.requireNonNull(tVar); long j3 = tVar.h(this.S).a.c; long j4 = this.S; aVar.g.a = j3; aVar.j = j4; aVar.i = true; aVar.n = false; for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { h0Var.u = this.S; } this.S = -9223372036854775807L; } else { this.V = true; this.S = -9223372036854775807L; return; } } this.U = u(); Loader loader = this.v; int a2 = ((b.i.a.c.e3.s) this.o).a(this.M); Objects.requireNonNull(loader); Looper myLooper = Looper.myLooper(); b.c.a.a0.d.H(myLooper); loader.e = null; long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); new Loader.d(myLooper, aVar, this, a2, elapsedRealtime).b(0); n nVar = aVar.k; b0.a aVar2 = this.p; aVar2.f(new t(aVar.a, nVar, elapsedRealtime), new w(1, -1, null, 0, null, aVar2.a(aVar.j), aVar2.a(this.K))); } public final boolean D() { return this.O || w(); } @Override // b.i.a.c.x2.j public void a(t tVar) { h(this, tVar)); } /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [$e, long, long, boolean] */ @Override // public void b(a aVar, long j2, long j3, boolean z2) { a aVar2 = aVar; y yVar = aVar2.c; t tVar = new t(aVar2.a, aVar2.k, yVar.c, yVar.d, j2, j3, yVar.f952b); Objects.requireNonNull(this.o); b0.a aVar3 = this.p; aVar3.c(tVar, new w(1, -1, null, 0, null, aVar3.a(aVar2.j), aVar3.a(this.K))); if (!z2) { if (this.Q == -1) { this.Q = aVar2.l; } for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { h0Var.s(false); } if (this.P > 0) { x.a aVar4 = this.B; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar4); aVar4.a(this); } } } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long c() { if (this.P == 0) { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } return q(); } /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [$e, long, long] */ @Override // public void d(a aVar, long j2, long j3) { t tVar; a aVar2 = aVar; if (this.K == -9223372036854775807L && (tVar = this.J) != null) { boolean c2 = tVar.c(); long v = v(); long j4 = v == Long.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : v + 10000; this.K = j4; ((f0) this.r).u(j4, c2, this.L); } y yVar = aVar2.c; t tVar2 = new t(aVar2.a, aVar2.k, yVar.c, yVar.d, j2, j3, yVar.f952b); Objects.requireNonNull(this.o); b0.a aVar3 = this.p; aVar3.d(tVar2, new w(1, -1, null, 0, null, aVar3.a(aVar2.j), aVar3.a(this.K))); if (this.Q == -1) { this.Q = aVar2.l; } this.V = true; x.a aVar4 = this.B; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar4); aVar4.a(this); } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public void e() throws IOException { A(); if (this.V && !this.G) { throw ParserException.a("Loading finished before preparation is complete.", null); } } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long f(long j2) { boolean z2; t(); boolean[] zArr = this.I.f812b; if (!this.J.c()) { j2 = 0; } this.O = false; this.R = j2; if (w()) { this.S = j2; return j2; } if (this.M != 7) { int length = this.D.length; int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= length) { z2 = true; break; } else if (this.D[i].t(j2, false) || (!zArr[i] && this.H)) { i++; } } z2 = false; if (z2) { return j2; } } this.T = false; this.S = j2; this.V = false; if (this.v.b()) { for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { h0Var.h(); } Loader.d dVar = this.v.d; b.c.a.a0.d.H(dVar); dVar.a(false); } else { this.v.e = null; for (h0 h0Var2 : this.D) { h0Var2.s(false); } } return j2; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public boolean g(long j2) { if (!this.V) { if (!(this.v.e != null) && !this.T && (!this.G || this.P != 0)) { boolean b2 = this.f806x.b(); if (this.v.b()) { return b2; } C(); return true; } } return false; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public boolean h() { boolean z2; if (this.v.b()) { b.i.a.c.f3.j jVar = this.f806x; synchronized (jVar) { z2 = jVar.f967b; } if (z2) { return true; } } return false; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long i(long j2, j2 j2Var) { t(); if (!this.J.c()) { return 0; } t.a h = this.J.h(j2); long j3 = h.a.f1294b; long j4 = h.f1292b.f1294b; long j5 = j2Var.c; if (j5 == 0 && j2Var.d == 0) { return j2; } long j6 = Long.MIN_VALUE; int i = b.i.a.c.f3.e0.a; long j7 = j2 - j5; if (((j5 ^ j2) & (j2 ^ j7)) >= 0) { j6 = j7; } long j8 = j2Var.d; long j9 = RecyclerView.FOREVER_NS; long j10 = j2 + j8; if (((j8 ^ j10) & (j2 ^ j10)) >= 0) { j9 = j10; } boolean z2 = false; boolean z3 = j6 <= j3 && j3 <= j9; if (j6 <= j4 && j4 <= j9) { z2 = true; } if (!z3 || !z2) { if (z3) { return j3; } if (!z2) { return j6; } } else if (Math.abs(j3 - j2) <= Math.abs(j4 - j2)) { return j3; } return j4; } @Override // b.i.a.c.x2.j public void j() { this.F = true;; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long k() { if (!this.O) { return -9223372036854775807L; } if (!this.V && u() <= this.U) { return -9223372036854775807L; } this.O = false; return this.R; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public void l(x.a aVar, long j2) { this.B = aVar; this.f806x.b(); C(); } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long m(b.i.a.c.c3.j[] jVarArr, boolean[] zArr, i0[] i0VarArr, boolean[] zArr2, long j2) { t(); e eVar = this.I; o0 o0Var = eVar.a; boolean[] zArr3 = eVar.c; int i = this.P; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < jVarArr.length; i2++) { if (i0VarArr[i2] != null && (jVarArr[i2] == null || !zArr[i2])) { int i3 = ((c) i0VarArr[i2]).a; b.c.a.a0.d.D(zArr3[i3]); this.P--; zArr3[i3] = false; i0VarArr[i2] = null; } } boolean z2 = !this.N ? j2 != 0 : i == 0; for (int i4 = 0; i4 < jVarArr.length; i4++) { if (i0VarArr[i4] == null && jVarArr[i4] != null) { b.i.a.c.c3.j jVar = jVarArr[i4]; b.c.a.a0.d.D(jVar.length() == 1); b.c.a.a0.d.D(jVar.f(0) == 0); int a2 = o0Var.a(jVar.a()); b.c.a.a0.d.D(!zArr3[a2]); this.P++; zArr3[a2] = true; i0VarArr[i4] = new c(a2); zArr2[i4] = true; if (!z2) { h0 h0Var = this.D[a2]; z2 = !h0Var.t(j2, true) && h0Var.k() != 0; } } } if (this.P == 0) { this.T = false; this.O = false; if (this.v.b()) { for (h0 h0Var2 : this.D) { h0Var2.h(); } Loader.d dVar = this.v.d; b.c.a.a0.d.H(dVar); dVar.a(false); } else { for (h0 h0Var3 : this.D) { h0Var3.s(false); } } } else if (z2) { j2 = f(j2); for (int i5 = 0; i5 < i0VarArr.length; i5++) { if (i0VarArr[i5] != null) { zArr2[i5] = true; } } } this.N = true; return j2; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public o0 n() { t(); return this.I.a; } /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [$e, long, long,, int] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x007f */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:0x0082 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:48:0x00d6 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:49:0x00db */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:56:0x0107 */ @Override // public Loader.c o(a aVar, long j2, long j3, IOException iOException, int i) { long j4; Loader.c cVar; boolean z2; boolean z3; t tVar; boolean z4; a aVar2 = aVar; if (this.Q == -1) { this.Q = aVar2.l; } y yVar = aVar2.c; t tVar2 = new t(aVar2.a, aVar2.k, yVar.c, yVar.d, j2, j3, yVar.f952b); b.i.a.c.f3.e0.M(aVar2.j); b.i.a.c.f3.e0.M(this.K); b.i.a.c.e3.s sVar = (b.i.a.c.e3.s) this.o; boolean z5 = false; if (!(iOException instanceof ParserException) && !(iOException instanceof FileNotFoundException) && !(iOException instanceof HttpDataSource$CleartextNotPermittedException) && !(iOException instanceof Loader.UnexpectedLoaderException)) { int i2 = DataSourceException.j; Throwable th = iOException; while (true) { if (th == null) { z4 = false; break; } if ((th instanceof DataSourceException) && ((DataSourceException) th).reason == 2008) { z4 = true; break; } th = th.getCause(); } if (!z4) { j4 = (long) Math.min((i - 1) * 1000, 5000); if (j4 != -9223372036854775807L) { cVar = Loader.f2949b; } else { int u = u(); boolean z6 = u > this.U; if (this.Q != -1 || ((tVar = this.J) != null && tVar.i() != -9223372036854775807L)) { this.U = u; } else if (!this.G || D()) { this.O = this.G; this.R = 0; this.U = 0; for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { h0Var.s(false); } aVar2.g.a = 0; aVar2.j = 0; aVar2.i = true; aVar2.n = false; } else { this.T = true; z3 = false; cVar = !z3 ? Loader.a(z6, j4) : Loader.a; } z3 = true; if (!z3) { } } int i3 = cVar.a; if (i3 == 0 || i3 == 1) { z5 = true; } z2 = !z5; b0.a aVar3 = this.p; aVar3.e(tVar2, new w(1, -1, null, 0, null, aVar3.a(aVar2.j), aVar3.a(this.K)), iOException, z2); if (z2) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.o); } return cVar; } } j4 = -9223372036854775807L; if (j4 != -9223372036854775807L) { } int i3 = cVar.a; z5 = true; z2 = !z5; b0.a aVar3 = this.p; aVar3.e(tVar2, new w(1, -1, null, 0, null, aVar3.a(aVar2.j), aVar3.a(this.K)), iOException, z2); if (z2) { } return cVar; } @Override // b.i.a.c.x2.j public b.i.a.c.x2.w p(int i, int i2) { return B(new d(i, false)); } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public long q() { long j2; boolean z2; long j3; t(); boolean[] zArr = this.I.f812b; if (this.V) { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } if (w()) { return this.S; } if (this.H) { int length = this.D.length; j2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (zArr[i]) { h0 h0Var = this.D[i]; synchronized (h0Var) { z2 = h0Var.f817x; } if (!z2) { h0 h0Var2 = this.D[i]; synchronized (h0Var2) { j3 = h0Var2.w; } j2 = Math.min(j2, j3); } else { continue; } } } } else { j2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (j2 == RecyclerView.FOREVER_NS) { j2 = v(); } return j2 == Long.MIN_VALUE ? this.R : j2; } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public void r(long j2, boolean z2) { long j3; int i; t(); if (!w()) { boolean[] zArr = this.I.c; int length = this.D.length; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) { h0 h0Var = this.D[i2]; boolean z3 = zArr[i2]; g0 g0Var = h0Var.a; synchronized (h0Var) { int i3 = h0Var.q; j3 = -1; if (i3 != 0) { long[] jArr = h0Var.o; int i4 = h0Var.f816s; if (j2 >= jArr[i4]) { int i5 = h0Var.i(i4, (!z3 || (i = h0Var.t) == i3) ? i3 : i + 1, j2, z2); if (i5 != -1) { j3 = h0Var.g(i5); } } } } g0Var.a(j3); } } } @Override // b.i.a.c.a3.x public void s(long j2) { } @EnsuresNonNull({"trackState", "seekMap"}) public final void t() { b.c.a.a0.d.D(this.G); Objects.requireNonNull(this.I); Objects.requireNonNull(this.J); } public final int u() { int i = 0; for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { i += h0Var.n(); } return i; } public final long v() { long j2; h0[] h0VarArr = this.D; long j3 = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (h0 h0Var : h0VarArr) { synchronized (h0Var) { j2 = h0Var.w; } j3 = Math.max(j3, j2); } return j3; } public final boolean w() { return this.S != -9223372036854775807L; } public final void x() { if (!(this.W || this.G || !this.F || this.J == null)) { for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { if (h0Var.m() == null) { return; } } this.f806x.a(); int length = this.D.length; n0[] n0VarArr = new n0[length]; boolean[] zArr = new boolean[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { j1 m = this.D[i].m(); Objects.requireNonNull(m); String str = m.w; boolean h = b.i.a.c.f3.t.h(str); boolean z2 = h || b.i.a.c.f3.t.j(str); zArr[i] = z2; this.H = z2 | this.H; IcyHeaders icyHeaders = this.C; if (icyHeaders != null) { if (h || this.E[i].f811b) { Metadata metadata = m.u; Metadata metadata2 = metadata == null ? new Metadata(icyHeaders) : metadata.a(icyHeaders); j1.b a2 = m.a(); a2.i = metadata2; m = a2.a(); } if (h && m.q == -1 && m.r == -1 && icyHeaders.j != -1) { j1.b a3 = m.a(); a3.f = icyHeaders.j; m = a3.a(); } } int d2 = this.n.d(m); j1.b a4 = m.a(); a4.D = d2; n0VarArr[i] = new n0(a4.a()); } this.I = new e(new o0(n0VarArr), zArr); this.G = true; x.a aVar = this.B; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); aVar.b(this); } } public final void y(int i) { t(); e eVar = this.I; boolean[] zArr = eVar.d; if (!zArr[i]) { j1 j1Var = eVar.a.l[i].l[0]; b0.a aVar = this.p; aVar.b(new w(1, b.i.a.c.f3.t.g(j1Var.w), j1Var, 0, null, aVar.a(this.R), -9223372036854775807L)); zArr[i] = true; } } public final void z(int i) { t(); boolean[] zArr = this.I.f812b; if (this.T && zArr[i] && !this.D[i].p(false)) { this.S = 0; this.T = false; this.O = true; this.R = 0; this.U = 0; for (h0 h0Var : this.D) { h0Var.s(false); } x.a aVar = this.B; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); aVar.a(this); } } }