package okhttp3; import androidx.browser.trusted.sharing.ShareTarget; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry; import; import d0.g0.t; import d0.t.h0; import d0.t.n; import d0.z.d.m; import f0.d; import f0.e0.c; import f0.e0.h.f; import f0.w; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import kotlin.Pair; import okhttp3.Headers; /* compiled from: Request.kt */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class Request { public d a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final w f3805b; public final String c; public final Headers d; public final RequestBody e; public final Map, Object> f; /* compiled from: Request.kt */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static class a { public w a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public String f3806b; public Headers.a c; public RequestBody d; public Map, Object> e; public a() { this.e = new LinkedHashMap(); this.f3806b = ShareTarget.METHOD_GET; this.c = new Headers.a(); } public a(Request request) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(request, "request"); this.e = new LinkedHashMap(); this.a = request.f3805b; this.f3806b = request.c; this.d = request.e; this.e = request.f.isEmpty() ? new LinkedHashMap<>() : h0.toMutableMap(request.f); this.c = request.d.e(); } public Request a() { w wVar = this.a; if (wVar != null) { return new Request(wVar, this.f3806b, this.c.c(), this.d, c.A(this.e)); } throw new IllegalStateException("url == null".toString()); } public a b(String str, String str2) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "value"); Headers.a aVar = this.c; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "value"); Headers.b bVar = Headers.j; bVar.a(str); bVar.b(str2, str); aVar.d(str); aVar.b(str, str2); return this; } public a c(String str, RequestBody requestBody) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "method"); boolean z2 = false; if (str.length() > 0) { if (requestBody == null) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "method"); if (m.areEqual(str, ShareTarget.METHOD_POST) || m.areEqual(str, "PUT") || m.areEqual(str, "PATCH") || m.areEqual(str, "PROPPATCH") || m.areEqual(str, "REPORT")) { z2 = true; } if (!(!z2)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.w("method ", str, " must have a request body.").toString()); } } else if (!f.a(str)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.w("method ", str, " must not have a request body.").toString()); } this.f3806b = str; this.d = requestBody; return this; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("method.isEmpty() == true".toString()); } public a d(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); this.c.d(str); return this; } public a e(Class cls, T t) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(cls, "type"); if (t == null) { this.e.remove(cls); } else { if (this.e.isEmpty()) { this.e = new LinkedHashMap(); } Map, Object> map = this.e; Object cast = cls.cast(t); if (cast == null) { m.throwNpe(); } map.put(cls, cast); } return this; } public a f(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "url"); if (t.startsWith(str, "ws:", true)) { StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("http:"); String substring = str.substring(3); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)"); R.append(substring); str = R.toString(); } else if (t.startsWith(str, "wss:", true)) { StringBuilder R2 = b.d.b.a.a.R("https:"); String substring2 = str.substring(4); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring2, "(this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)"); R2.append(substring2); str = R2.toString(); } m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$toHttpUrl"); w.a aVar = new w.a(); aVar.e(null, str); g(aVar.b()); return this; } public a g(w wVar) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(wVar, "url"); this.a = wVar; return this; } } public Request(w wVar, String str, Headers headers, RequestBody requestBody, Map, ? extends Object> map) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(wVar, "url"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "method"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(headers, "headers"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(map, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_TAGS); this.f3805b = wVar; this.c = str; this.d = headers; this.e = requestBody; this.f = map; } public final d a() { d dVar = this.a; if (dVar != null) { return dVar; } d b2 = d.a.b(this.d); this.a = b2; return b2; } public final String b(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); return this.d.c(str); } public String toString() { StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("Request{method="); R.append(this.c); R.append(", url="); R.append(this.f3805b); if (this.d.size() != 0) { R.append(", headers=["); int i = 0; for (Pair pair : this.d) { i++; if (i < 0) { n.throwIndexOverflow(); } Pair pair2 = pair; String str = (String) pair2.component1(); String str2 = (String) pair2.component2(); if (i > 0) { R.append(", "); } R.append(str); R.append(MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR); R.append(str2); } R.append(']'); } if (!this.f.isEmpty()) { R.append(", tags="); R.append(this.f); } R.append('}'); String sb = R.toString(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(sb, "StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()"); return sb; } }