package i0; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry; import d0.z.d.m; import f0.u; import f0.w; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import okhttp3.Headers; import okhttp3.MediaType; import okhttp3.MultipartBody; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.RequestBody; import okio.BufferedSink; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class v { public static final char[] a = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public static final Pattern f3752b = Pattern.compile("(.*/)?(\\.|%2e|%2E){1,2}(/.*)?"); public final String c; public final w d; public String e; public w.a f; public final Request.a g = new Request.a(); public final Headers.a h; public MediaType i; public final boolean j; public MultipartBody.a k; public u.a l; public RequestBody m; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static class a extends RequestBody { public final RequestBody a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final MediaType f3753b; public a(RequestBody requestBody, MediaType mediaType) { this.a = requestBody; this.f3753b = mediaType; } @Override // okhttp3.RequestBody public long contentLength() throws IOException { return this.a.contentLength(); } @Override // okhttp3.RequestBody public MediaType contentType() { return this.f3753b; } @Override // okhttp3.RequestBody public void writeTo(BufferedSink bufferedSink) throws IOException { this.a.writeTo(bufferedSink); } } public v(String str, w wVar, String str2, Headers headers, MediaType mediaType, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4) { this.c = str; this.d = wVar; this.e = str2; this.i = mediaType; this.j = z2; if (headers != null) { this.h = headers.e(); } else { this.h = new Headers.a(); } if (z3) { this.l = new u.a(); } else if (z4) { MultipartBody.a aVar = new MultipartBody.a(); this.k = aVar; aVar.c(MultipartBody.f3802b); } } public void a(String str, String str2, boolean z2) { if (z2) { u.a aVar = this.l; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "value"); List list = aVar.a; w.b bVar = w.f3674b; list.add(w.b.a(bVar, str, 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~", true, false, true, false, aVar.c, 83)); aVar.f3672b.add(w.b.a(bVar, str2, 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~", true, false, true, false, aVar.c, 83)); return; } u.a aVar2 = this.l; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str2, "value"); List list2 = aVar2.a; w.b bVar2 = w.f3674b; list2.add(w.b.a(bVar2, str, 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~", false, false, true, false, aVar2.c, 91)); aVar2.f3672b.add(w.b.a(bVar2, str2, 0, 0, " \"':;<=>@[]^`{}|/\\?#&!$(),~", false, false, true, false, aVar2.c, 91)); } public void b(String str, String str2) { if ("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { try { MediaType.a aVar = MediaType.c; this.i = MediaType.a.a(str2); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.d.b.a.a.v("Malformed content type: ", str2), e); } } else { this.h.a(str, str2); } } public void c(Headers headers, RequestBody requestBody) { MultipartBody.a aVar = this.k; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(requestBody, "body"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(requestBody, "body"); boolean z2 = false; if ((headers != null ? headers.c("Content-Type") : null) == null) { if ((headers != null ? headers.c("Content-Length") : null) == null) { z2 = true; } if (z2) { aVar.a(new MultipartBody.Part(headers, requestBody, null)); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected header: Content-Length".toString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected header: Content-Type".toString()); } public void d(String str, String str2, boolean z2) { String str3 = this.e; String str4 = null; if (str3 != null) { w.a g = this.d.g(str3); this.f = g; if (g != null) { this.e = null; } else { StringBuilder R = b.d.b.a.a.R("Malformed URL. Base: "); R.append(this.d); R.append(", Relative: "); R.append(this.e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(R.toString()); } } if (z2) { this.f.a(str, str2); return; } w.a aVar = this.f; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); if (aVar.h == null) { aVar.h = new ArrayList(); } List list = aVar.h; if (list == null) { m.throwNpe(); } w.b bVar = w.f3674b; list.add(w.b.a(bVar, str, 0, 0, " !\"#$&'(),/:;<=>?@[]\\^`{|}~", false, false, true, false, null, 219)); List list2 = aVar.h; if (list2 == null) { m.throwNpe(); } if (str2 != null) { str4 = w.b.a(bVar, str2, 0, 0, " !\"#$&'(),/:;<=>?@[]\\^`{|}~", false, false, true, false, null, 219); } list2.add(str4); } }