package b.f.j.c; import b.f.b.b.d; import b.f.b.b.h; import b.f.b.b.i; import b.f.d.g.g; import b.f.d.g.j; import b.f.j.j.e; import b.f.j.r.b; import com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey; import com.facebook.common.memory.PooledByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class f { public final h a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public final g f554b; public final j c; public final Executor d; public final Executor e; public final a0 f = new a0(); public final r g; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class a implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ CacheKey j; public final /* synthetic */ e k; public a(Object obj, CacheKey cacheKey, e eVar) { this.j = cacheKey; this.k = eVar; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { try { f.b(f.this, this.j, this.k); } catch (Throwable th) { try { throw th; } finally { f.this.f.d(this.j, this.k); e eVar = this.k; if (eVar != null) { eVar.close(); } } } } } public f(h hVar, g gVar, j jVar, Executor executor, Executor executor2, r rVar) { this.a = hVar; this.f554b = gVar; this.c = jVar; this.d = executor; this.e = executor2; this.g = rVar; } public static PooledByteBuffer a(f fVar, CacheKey cacheKey) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(fVar); try { cacheKey.b(); int i = b.f.d.e.a.a; b.f.a.a b2 = ((d) fVar.a).b(cacheKey); if (b2 == null) { cacheKey.b(); Objects.requireNonNull((z) fVar.g); return null; } cacheKey.b(); Objects.requireNonNull((z) fVar.g); FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(b2.a); PooledByteBuffer d = fVar.f554b.d(fileInputStream, (int) b2.a()); fileInputStream.close(); cacheKey.b(); return d; } catch (IOException e) { b.f.d.e.a.n(f.class, e, "Exception reading from cache for %s", cacheKey.b()); Objects.requireNonNull((z) fVar.g); throw e; } } public static void b(f fVar, CacheKey cacheKey, e eVar) { Objects.requireNonNull(fVar); cacheKey.b(); int i = b.f.d.e.a.a; try { ((d) fVar.a).d(cacheKey, new h(fVar, eVar)); Objects.requireNonNull((z) fVar.g); cacheKey.b(); } catch (IOException e) { b.f.d.e.a.n(f.class, e, "Failed to write to disk-cache for key %s", cacheKey.b()); } } public void c(CacheKey cacheKey) { d dVar = (d) this.a; Objects.requireNonNull(dVar); try { synchronized (dVar.q) { List z0 = b.c.a.a0.d.z0(cacheKey); int i = 0; while (true) { ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList) z0; if (i < arrayList.size()) { String str = (String) arrayList.get(i); if (dVar.k.c(str, cacheKey)) { dVar.h.add(str); return; } i++; } else { return; } } } } catch (IOException unused) { i a2 = i.a(); a2.d = cacheKey; Objects.requireNonNull((b.f.b.a.e) dVar.g); a2.b(); } } public final z.g d(CacheKey cacheKey, e eVar) { cacheKey.b(); int i = b.f.d.e.a.a; Objects.requireNonNull((z) this.g); ExecutorService executorService = z.g.a; if (eVar instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) eVar).booleanValue() ? z.g.e : z.g.f; } z.g gVar = new z.g<>(); if (gVar.h(eVar)) { return gVar; } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the result of a completed task."); } public z.g e(CacheKey cacheKey, AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean) { z.g gVar; try { b.b(); e a2 = this.f.a(cacheKey); if (a2 != null) { return d(cacheKey, a2); } try { gVar = z.g.a(new e(this, null, atomicBoolean, cacheKey), this.d); } catch (Exception e) { b.f.d.e.a.n(f.class, e, "Failed to schedule disk-cache read for %s", ((b.f.b.a.f) cacheKey).a); gVar = z.g.c(e); } return gVar; } finally { b.b(); } } public void f(CacheKey cacheKey, e eVar) { try { b.b(); Objects.requireNonNull(cacheKey); b.c.a.a0.d.i(Boolean.valueOf(e.u(eVar))); this.f.b(cacheKey, eVar); e a2 = e.a(eVar); try { this.e.execute(new a(null, cacheKey, a2)); } catch (Exception e) { b.f.d.e.a.n(f.class, e, "Failed to schedule disk-cache write for %s", cacheKey.b()); this.f.d(cacheKey, eVar); if (a2 != null) { a2.close(); } } } finally { b.b(); } } }