package c.i.a.c; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import c.i.a.c.d2.h0; import c.i.a.c.d2.r; import c.i.a.c.d2.s; import c.i.a.c.d2.t; import c.i.a.c.d2.u; import c.i.a.c.d2.v; import c.i.a.c.d2.y; import c.i.a.c.d2.z; import c.i.a.c.h2.x; import c.i.a.c.i2.f0; import c.i.a.c.u1.c1; import c.i.a.c.z1.q; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /* compiled from: MediaSourceList */ public final class b1 { public final List a = new ArrayList(); public final IdentityHashMap b = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final Map f761c = new HashMap(); public final d d; public final z.a e; public final q.a f; public final HashMap g; public final Set h; public h0 i = new h0.a(0, new Random()); public boolean j; @Nullable public x k; /* compiled from: MediaSourceList */ public final class a implements z, q { public final c i; public z.a j; public q.a k; public a(c cVar) { this.j = b1.this.e; this.k = b1.this.f; this.i = cVar; } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void B(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.b(); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void F(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.d(); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void L(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.a(); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.d2.z public void N(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, r rVar, u uVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.j.d(rVar, uVar); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void R(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.f(); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.d2.z public void U(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, r rVar, u uVar, IOException iOException, boolean z2) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.j.e(rVar, uVar, iOException, z2); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void W(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.c(); } } public final boolean a(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar) { y.a aVar2 = null; if (aVar != null) { c cVar = this.i; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= cVar.f763c.size()) { break; } else if (cVar.f763c.get(i2).d == aVar.d) { aVar2 = aVar.b(Pair.create(cVar.b, aVar.a)); break; } else { i2++; } } if (aVar2 == null) { return false; } } int i3 = i + this.i.d; z.a aVar3 = this.j; if (aVar3.a != i3 || !f0.a(aVar3.b, aVar2)) { this.j = b1.this.e.g(i3, aVar2, 0); } q.a aVar4 = this.k; if (aVar4.a == i3 && f0.a(aVar4.b, aVar2)) { return true; } this.k = b1.this.f.g(i3, aVar2); return true; } @Override // c.i.a.c.d2.z public void l(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, u uVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.j.b(uVar); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.d2.z public void m(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, r rVar, u uVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.j.c(rVar, uVar); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.z1.q public void o(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, Exception exc) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.k.e(exc); } } @Override // c.i.a.c.d2.z public void q(int i, @Nullable y.a aVar, r rVar, u uVar) { if (a(i, aVar)) { this.j.f(rVar, uVar); } } } /* compiled from: MediaSourceList */ public static final class b { public final y a; public final y.b b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final z f762c; public b(y yVar, y.b bVar, z zVar) { this.a = yVar; this.b = bVar; this.f762c = zVar; } } /* compiled from: MediaSourceList */ public static final class c implements a1 { public final t a; public final Object b = new Object(); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final List f763c = new ArrayList(); public int d; public boolean e; public c(y yVar, boolean z2) { this.a = new t(yVar, z2); } @Override // c.i.a.c.a1 public r1 a() { return this.a.n; } @Override // c.i.a.c.a1 public Object getUid() { return this.b; } } /* compiled from: MediaSourceList */ public interface d { } public b1(d dVar, @Nullable c1 c1Var, Handler handler) { this.d = dVar; z.a aVar = new z.a(); this.e = aVar; q.a aVar2 = new q.a(); this.f = aVar2; this.g = new HashMap<>(); this.h = new HashSet(); if (c1Var != null) { aVar.f811c.add(new z.a.C0087a(handler, c1Var)); aVar2.f1017c.add(new q.a.C0095a(handler, c1Var)); } } public r1 a(int i, List list, h0 h0Var) { if (!list.isEmpty()) { this.i = h0Var; for (int i2 = i; i2 < list.size() + i; i2++) { c cVar = list.get(i2 - i); if (i2 > 0) { c cVar2 = this.a.get(i2 - 1); t.a aVar = cVar2.a.n; cVar.d = aVar.p() + cVar2.d; cVar.e = false; cVar.f763c.clear(); } else { cVar.d = 0; cVar.e = false; cVar.f763c.clear(); } b(i2, cVar.a.n.p()); this.a.add(i2, cVar); this.f761c.put(cVar.b, cVar); if (this.j) { g(cVar); if (this.b.isEmpty()) { this.h.add(cVar); } else { b bVar = this.g.get(cVar); if (bVar != null) { bVar.a.d(bVar.b); } } } } } return c(); } public final void b(int i, int i2) { while (i < this.a.size()) { this.a.get(i).d += i2; i++; } } public r1 c() { if (this.a.isEmpty()) { return r1.a; } int i = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.a.size(); i2++) { c cVar = this.a.get(i2); cVar.d = i; i += cVar.a.n.p(); } return new i1(this.a, this.i); } public final void d() { Iterator it = this.h.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { c next =; if (next.f763c.isEmpty()) { b bVar = this.g.get(next); if (bVar != null) { bVar.a.d(bVar.b); } it.remove(); } } } public int e() { return this.a.size(); } public final void f(c cVar) { if (cVar.e && cVar.f763c.isEmpty()) { b remove = this.g.remove(cVar); Objects.requireNonNull(remove); remove.a.a(remove.b); remove.a.c(remove.f762c); this.h.remove(cVar); } } public final void g(c cVar) { t tVar = cVar.a; z zVar = new z(this); a aVar = new a(cVar); this.g.put(cVar, new b(tVar, zVar, aVar)); Handler handler = new Handler(f0.o(), null); Objects.requireNonNull(tVar); z.a aVar2 = tVar.f800c; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); aVar2.f811c.add(new z.a.C0087a(handler, aVar)); Handler handler2 = new Handler(f0.o(), null); q.a aVar3 = tVar.d; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar3); aVar3.f1017c.add(new q.a.C0095a(handler2, aVar)); tVar.k(zVar, this.k); } public void h(v vVar) { c remove = this.b.remove(vVar); Objects.requireNonNull(remove); remove.a.i(vVar); remove.f763c.remove(((s) vVar).i); if (!this.b.isEmpty()) { d(); } f(remove); } public final void i(int i, int i2) { for (int i3 = i2 - 1; i3 >= i; i3--) { c remove = this.a.remove(i3); this.f761c.remove(remove.b); b(i3, -remove.a.n.p()); remove.e = true; if (this.j) { f(remove); } } } }