package co.discord.media_engine; import; import android.os.Process; import android.util.Log; import c.d.b.a.a; import d0.z.d.m; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import org.webrtc.ThreadUtils; import org.webrtc.TimestampAligner; /* compiled from: SoundshareAudioSource.kt */ public final class SoundshareAudioSource { private static final long AUDIO_RECORD_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000; private static final int BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 16; private static final int BUFFERS_PER_SECOND = 100; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_FACTOR = 2; private static final int CALLBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_MS = 10; public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); private static final String TAG = "SoundshareAudioSource"; private static volatile boolean microphoneMute; private AudioRecord audioRecord; private AudioRecordThread audioThread; private ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private final long nativeInstance = nativeCreateInstance(); private boolean released; /* compiled from: SoundshareAudioSource.kt */ public final class AudioRecordThread extends Thread { private final AudioRecord audioRecord; private final ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private final byte[] emptyBytes; private volatile boolean keepAlive = true; public final /* synthetic */ SoundshareAudioSource this$0; private long timestamp; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public AudioRecordThread(SoundshareAudioSource soundshareAudioSource, String str, AudioRecord audioRecord, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long j) { super(str); m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "name"); m.checkNotNullParameter(audioRecord, "audioRecord"); m.checkNotNullParameter(byteBuffer, "byteBuffer"); this.this$0 = soundshareAudioSource; this.audioRecord = audioRecord; this.byteBuffer = byteBuffer; this.timestamp = j; this.emptyBytes = new byte[byteBuffer.capacity()]; } @Override // java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runnable public void run() { Process.setThreadPriority(-19); Companion.access$assertTrue(SoundshareAudioSource.Companion, this.audioRecord.getRecordingState() == 3); while (this.keepAlive) { AudioRecord audioRecord = this.audioRecord; ByteBuffer byteBuffer = this.byteBuffer; int read =, byteBuffer.capacity()); this.timestamp = TimestampAligner.getRtcTimeNanos(); if (read == this.byteBuffer.capacity()) { if (SoundshareAudioSource.access$getMicrophoneMute$cp()) { this.byteBuffer.clear(); this.byteBuffer.put(this.emptyBytes); } if (this.keepAlive) { SoundshareAudioSource.access$dataIsRecorded(this.this$0, read, this.timestamp); } } else { String str = " failed: " + read; Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", str); if (read == -3) { this.keepAlive = false; SoundshareAudioSource.access$reportSoundshareAudioSourceError(this.this$0, str); } } } try { this.audioRecord.stop(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { StringBuilder L = a.L("AudioRecord.stop failed: "); L.append(e.getMessage()); Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", L.toString()); } } public final void stopThread() { this.keepAlive = false; } } /* compiled from: SoundshareAudioSource.kt */ public static final class Companion { private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$assertTrue(Companion companion, boolean z2) { companion.assertTrue(z2); } private final void assertTrue(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { throw new AssertionError("Expected condition to be true"); } } public final void setMicrophoneMute(boolean z2) { Log.w("SoundshareAudioSource", "setMicrophoneMute(" + z2 + ')'); SoundshareAudioSource.access$setMicrophoneMute$cp(z2); } } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$dataIsRecorded(SoundshareAudioSource soundshareAudioSource, int i, long j) { soundshareAudioSource.dataIsRecorded(i, j); } public static final /* synthetic */ boolean access$getMicrophoneMute$cp() { return microphoneMute; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$reportSoundshareAudioSourceError(SoundshareAudioSource soundshareAudioSource, String str) { soundshareAudioSource.reportSoundshareAudioSourceError(str); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setMicrophoneMute$cp(boolean z2) { microphoneMute = z2; } private final int channelCountToConfiguration(int i) { return i == 1 ? 16 : 12; } private final synchronized void dataIsRecorded(int i, long j) { if (!this.released) { nativeDataIsRecorded(this.nativeInstance, i, j); } } private final native synchronized void nativeCacheDirectBufferAddress(long j, ByteBuffer byteBuffer); private final native synchronized long nativeCreateInstance(); private final native void nativeDataIsRecorded(long j, int i, long j2); private final native synchronized void nativeDestroyInstance(long j); private final native void nativeSetSampleFormat(long j, int i, int i2, int i3); private final void reportSoundshareAudioSourceError(String str) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "Run-time recording error: " + str); } private final void reportSoundshareAudioSourceInitError(String str) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "Init recording error: " + str); } private final void reportSoundshareAudioSourceStartError(String str) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "Start recording error: " + str); } public final long getNativeInstance() { return this.nativeInstance; } public final synchronized void release() { if (!this.released) { AudioRecord audioRecord = this.audioRecord; if (audioRecord != null) { audioRecord.release(); } this.audioRecord = null; nativeDestroyInstance(this.nativeInstance); this.released = true; } } public final void setSampleFormat(int i, int i2, int i3) { nativeSetSampleFormat(this.nativeInstance, i, i2, i3); } public final boolean startRecording(AudioRecord audioRecord) { m.checkNotNullParameter(audioRecord, "audioRecord"); int channelCount = audioRecord.getChannelCount(); int sampleRate = audioRecord.getSampleRate(); if (this.audioRecord != null) { reportSoundshareAudioSourceInitError("StartRecording called twice without StopRecording."); return false; } this.audioRecord = audioRecord; setSampleFormat(sampleRate, 16, channelCount); ByteBuffer allocateDirect = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((sampleRate / 100) * channelCount * 2); this.byteBuffer = allocateDirect; nativeCacheDirectBufferAddress(this.nativeInstance, allocateDirect); int minBufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, channelCountToConfiguration(channelCount), 2); if (minBufferSize == -1 || minBufferSize == -2) { reportSoundshareAudioSourceInitError(a.l("AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize failed: ", minBufferSize)); return false; } Math.max(minBufferSize * 2, allocateDirect.capacity()); if (audioRecord.getState() != 1) { reportSoundshareAudioSourceInitError("Failed to create a new AudioRecord instance"); release(); return false; } try { Companion.access$assertTrue(Companion, this.audioThread == null); try { long rtcTimeNanos = TimestampAligner.getRtcTimeNanos(); try { audioRecord.startRecording(); if (audioRecord.getRecordingState() != 3) { reportSoundshareAudioSourceStartError("AudioRecord.startRecording failed - incorrect state :" + audioRecord.getRecordingState()); return false; } m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(allocateDirect, "byteBuffer"); AudioRecordThread audioRecordThread = new AudioRecordThread(this, "SoundshareThread", audioRecord, allocateDirect, rtcTimeNanos); this.audioThread = audioRecordThread; m.checkNotNull(audioRecordThread); audioRecordThread.start(); return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { reportSoundshareAudioSourceStartError("AudioRecord.startRecording failed: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } catch (Throwable th) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "SoundshareAudioSource.startRecording fail hard!", th); throw th; } } catch (Throwable th2) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "WebrtcAudioRecord.startRecording: audioThread != null!", th2); throw th2; } } public final boolean stopRecording() { AudioRecordThread audioRecordThread = this.audioThread; if (audioRecordThread == null) { return false; } audioRecordThread.stopThread(); if (!ThreadUtils.joinUninterruptibly(audioRecordThread, 2000)) { Log.e("SoundshareAudioSource", "Join of SoundshareThread timed out"); } this.audioThread = null; return true; } }