package c.o.a.v; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult; import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi; import c.o.a.l; import c.o.a.n.d; import c.o.a.n.o.e; import c.o.a.n.o.h; import c.o.a.n.o.i; import java.util.Arrays; /* compiled from: Snapshot2PictureRecorder */ @RequiresApi(21) public class f extends g { /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public final c.o.a.n.o.a f1508s; public final c.o.a.n.o.c t; public final boolean u; public Integer v; public Integer w; /* compiled from: Snapshot2PictureRecorder */ public class a extends c.o.a.n.o.f { public a() { } @Override // c.o.a.n.o.f public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.a aVar) { i.l.a(1, "Taking picture with super.take()."); f.d(f.this); } } /* compiled from: Snapshot2PictureRecorder */ public class b extends e { public b(f fVar, a aVar) { } @Override // c.o.a.n.o.e, c.o.a.n.o.a public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.c cVar, @NonNull CaptureRequest captureRequest, @NonNull TotalCaptureResult totalCaptureResult) { Integer num = (Integer) totalCaptureResult.get(CaptureResult.FLASH_STATE); if (num == null) { i.l.a(2, "FlashAction:", "Waiting flash, but flashState is null!", "Taking snapshot."); l(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (num.intValue() == 3) { i.l.a(1, "FlashAction:", "Waiting flash and we have FIRED state!", "Taking snapshot."); l(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { i.l.a(1, "FlashAction:", "Waiting flash but flashState is", num, ". Waiting..."); } } @Override // c.o.a.n.o.e public void j(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.c cVar) { this.f1491c = cVar; i.l.a(1, "FlashAction:", "Parameters locked, opening torch."); ((d) cVar).f1482h0.set(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE, 2); d dVar = (d) cVar; dVar.f1482h0.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, 1); dVar.k1(); } } /* compiled from: Snapshot2PictureRecorder */ public class c extends e { public c(a aVar) { } @Override // c.o.a.n.o.e public void j(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.c cVar) { this.f1491c = cVar; try { i.l.a(1, "ResetFlashAction:", "Reverting the flash changes."); CaptureRequest.Builder builder = ((d) cVar).f1482h0; builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, 1); builder.set(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE, 0); ((d) cVar).e1(this, builder); builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, f.this.v); builder.set(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE, f.this.w); ((d) cVar).k1(); } catch (CameraAccessException unused) { } } } public f(@NonNull l.a aVar, @NonNull d dVar, @NonNull c.o.a.w.e eVar, @NonNull c.o.a.x.a aVar2) { super(aVar, dVar, eVar, aVar2, dVar.f1486b0); this.t = dVar; boolean z2 = false; Integer num = null; h hVar = new h(Arrays.asList(new i(2500, new c.o.a.n.p.d()), new b(this, null))); this.f1508s = hVar; hVar.f(new a()); TotalCaptureResult totalCaptureResult = dVar.f1483i0; if (totalCaptureResult == null) { i.l.a(2, "Picture snapshot requested very early, before the first preview frame.", "Metering might not work as intended."); } num = totalCaptureResult != null ? (Integer) totalCaptureResult.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) : num; if (dVar.G && num != null && num.intValue() == 4) { z2 = true; } this.u = z2; this.v = (Integer) dVar.f1482h0.get(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE); this.w = (Integer) dVar.f1482h0.get(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE); } public static /* synthetic */ void d(f fVar) { super.c(); } @Override // c.o.a.v.g, c.o.a.v.d public void b() { new c(null).e(this.t); super.b(); } @Override // c.o.a.v.g, c.o.a.v.d public void c() { if (!this.u) { i.l.a(1, "take:", "Engine does no metering or needs no flash.", "Taking fast snapshot."); super.c(); return; } i.l.a(1, "take:", "Engine needs flash. Starting action"); this.f1508s.e(this.t); } }