package c.o.a.q; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; /* compiled from: GestureAction */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum i can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum j can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum k can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum l can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum m can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum n can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum o can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum p can be incorrect */ public enum b { NONE(0, r1), AUTO_FOCUS(1, r1), TAKE_PICTURE(2, r1), TAKE_PICTURE_SNAPSHOT(3, r1), ZOOM(4, r8), EXPOSURE_CORRECTION(5, r8), FILTER_CONTROL_1(6, r8), FILTER_CONTROL_2(7, r8); private d type; private int value; static { d dVar = d.ONE_SHOT; d dVar2 = d.CONTINUOUS; } public b(int i, @NonNull d dVar) { this.value = i; this.type = dVar; } @Nullable public static b f(int i) { b[] values = values(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 8; i2++) { b bVar = values[i2]; if (bVar.value == i) { return bVar; } } return null; } @NonNull public d g() { return this.type; } public int h() { return this.value; } }