package c.o.a.p; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import c.o.a.n.b; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /* compiled from: ByteBufferFrameManager */ public class a extends c { public LinkedBlockingQueue i; public AbstractC0165a j; public final int k = 0; /* compiled from: ByteBufferFrameManager */ /* renamed from: c.o.a.p.a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */ public interface AbstractC0165a { } public a(int i, @Nullable AbstractC0165a aVar) { super(i, byte[].class); this.j = aVar; } /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, boolean] */ @Override // c.o.a.p.c public void c(@NonNull byte[] bArr, boolean z2) { byte[] bArr2 = bArr; if (z2 && bArr2.length == this.f1501c) { if (this.k == 0) { ((b) this.j).m1(bArr2); } else { this.i.offer(bArr2); } } } @Override // c.o.a.p.c public void d() { super.d(); if (this.k == 1) { this.i.clear(); } } @Override // c.o.a.p.c public void e(int i, @NonNull c.o.a.x.b bVar, @NonNull c.o.a.n.t.a aVar) { super.e(i, bVar, aVar); int i2 = this.f1501c; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < this.b; i3++) { if (this.k == 0) { ((b) this.j).m1(new byte[i2]); } else { this.i.offer(new byte[i2]); } } } }