package c.f.j.p; import c.f.j.c.d; import c.f.j.c.f; import c.f.j.c.i; import c.f.j.c.n; import c.f.j.c.w; import c.f.j.j.c; import c.f.j.r.b; import com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey; import com.facebook.common.memory.PooledByteBuffer; import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference; import com.facebook.imagepipeline.request.ImageRequest; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: BitmapProbeProducer */ public class j implements v0> { public final w a; public final f b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final f f492c; public final i d; public final v0> e; public final d f; public final d g; /* compiled from: BitmapProbeProducer */ public static class a extends p, CloseableReference> { /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final w0 f493c; public final w d; public final f e; public final f f; public final i g; public final d h; public final d i; public a(l> lVar, w0 w0Var, w wVar, f fVar, f fVar2, i iVar, d dVar, d dVar2) { super(lVar); this.f493c = w0Var; this.d = wVar; this.e = fVar; this.f = fVar2; this.g = iVar; this.h = dVar; this.i = dVar2; } /* JADX INFO: finally extract failed */ @Override // c.f.j.p.b public void i(Object obj, int i) { CloseableReference closeableReference = (CloseableReference) obj; try { b.b(); if (!b.f(i) && closeableReference != null) { if (!b.l(i, 8)) { ImageRequest e = this.f493c.e(); ((n) this.g).b(e, this.f493c.b()); if (this.f493c.l("origin").equals("memory_bitmap")) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.f493c.g().w); Objects.requireNonNull(this.f493c.g().w); } this.b.b(closeableReference, i); b.b(); } } this.b.b(closeableReference, i); b.b(); } catch (Throwable th) { b.b(); throw th; } } } public j(w wVar, f fVar, f fVar2, i iVar, d dVar, d dVar2, v0> v0Var) { this.a = wVar; this.b = fVar; this.f492c = fVar2; this.d = iVar; this.f = dVar; this.g = dVar2; this.e = v0Var; } @Override // c.f.j.p.v0 public void b(l> lVar, w0 w0Var) { try { b.b(); y0 o = w0Var.o(); o.e(w0Var, "BitmapProbeProducer"); a aVar = new a(lVar, w0Var, this.a, this.b, this.f492c, this.d, this.f, this.g); o.j(w0Var, "BitmapProbeProducer", null); b.b(); this.e.b(aVar, w0Var); b.b(); } finally { b.b(); } } }