package c.f.j.p; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: ThreadHandoffProducer */ public class e1 implements v0 { public final v0 a; public final f1 b; /* compiled from: ThreadHandoffProducer */ public class a extends d1 { public final /* synthetic */ y0 n; public final /* synthetic */ w0 o; public final /* synthetic */ l p; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public a(l lVar, y0 y0Var, w0 w0Var, String str, y0 y0Var2, w0 w0Var2, l lVar2) { super(lVar, y0Var, w0Var, str); this.n = y0Var2; this.o = w0Var2; this.p = lVar2; } @Override // c.f.j.p.d1 public void b(T t) { } @Override // c.f.j.p.d1 public T d() throws Exception { return null; } @Override // c.f.j.p.d1 public void g(T t) { this.n.j(this.o, "BackgroundThreadHandoffProducer", null); e1.this.a.b(this.p, this.o); } } /* compiled from: ThreadHandoffProducer */ public class b extends e { public final /* synthetic */ d1 a; public b(d1 d1Var) { this.a = d1Var; } @Override // c.f.j.p.x0 public void a() { this.a.a(); f1 f1Var = e1.this.b; d1 d1Var = this.a; g1 g1Var = (g1) f1Var; synchronized (g1Var) { g1Var.a.remove(d1Var); } } } public e1(v0 v0Var, f1 f1Var) { Objects.requireNonNull(v0Var); this.a = v0Var; this.b = f1Var; } /* JADX INFO: finally extract failed */ @Override // c.f.j.p.v0 public void b(l lVar, w0 w0Var) { try { c.f.j.r.b.b(); y0 o = w0Var.o(); a aVar = new a(lVar, o, w0Var, "BackgroundThreadHandoffProducer", o, w0Var, lVar); w0Var.f(new b(aVar)); g1 g1Var = (g1) this.b; synchronized (g1Var) { g1Var.b.execute(aVar); } c.f.j.r.b.b(); } catch (Throwable th) { c.f.j.r.b.b(); throw th; } } }