package androidx.constraintlayout.widget; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.util.Xml; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.utils.Easing; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.Debug; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.MotionScene; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.ConstraintWidget; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.HelperWidget; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintAttribute; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.Constraints; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.R; import c.d.b.a.a; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; public class ConstraintSet { private static final int ALPHA = 43; private static final int ANIMATE_RELATIVE_TO = 64; private static final int BARRIER_ALLOWS_GONE_WIDGETS = 75; private static final int BARRIER_DIRECTION = 72; private static final int BARRIER_MARGIN = 73; private static final int BARRIER_TYPE = 1; public static final int BASELINE = 5; private static final int BASELINE_TO_BASELINE = 1; public static final int BOTTOM = 4; private static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 2; private static final int BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM = 3; private static final int BOTTOM_TO_TOP = 4; public static final int CHAIN_PACKED = 2; public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD = 0; public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE = 1; private static final int CHAIN_USE_RTL = 71; private static final int CIRCLE = 61; private static final int CIRCLE_ANGLE = 63; private static final int CIRCLE_RADIUS = 62; private static final int CONSTRAINED_HEIGHT = 81; private static final int CONSTRAINED_WIDTH = 80; private static final int CONSTRAINT_REFERENCED_IDS = 74; private static final int CONSTRAINT_TAG = 77; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int DIMENSION_RATIO = 5; private static final int DRAW_PATH = 66; private static final int EDITOR_ABSOLUTE_X = 6; private static final int EDITOR_ABSOLUTE_Y = 7; private static final int ELEVATION = 44; public static final int END = 7; private static final int END_MARGIN = 8; private static final int END_TO_END = 9; private static final int END_TO_START = 10; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "XML parser error must be within a Constraint "; public static final int GONE = 8; private static final int GONE_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 11; private static final int GONE_END_MARGIN = 12; private static final int GONE_LEFT_MARGIN = 13; private static final int GONE_RIGHT_MARGIN = 14; private static final int GONE_START_MARGIN = 15; private static final int GONE_TOP_MARGIN = 16; private static final int GUIDE_BEGIN = 17; private static final int GUIDE_END = 18; private static final int GUIDE_PERCENT = 19; private static final int HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 55; private static final int HEIGHT_MAX = 57; private static final int HEIGHT_MIN = 59; private static final int HEIGHT_PERCENT = 70; public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0; private static final int HORIZONTAL_BIAS = 20; public static final int HORIZONTAL_GUIDELINE = 0; private static final int HORIZONTAL_STYLE = 41; private static final int HORIZONTAL_WEIGHT = 39; public static final int INVISIBLE = 4; private static final int LAYOUT_HEIGHT = 21; private static final int LAYOUT_VISIBILITY = 22; private static final int LAYOUT_WIDTH = 23; public static final int LEFT = 1; private static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 24; private static final int LEFT_TO_LEFT = 25; private static final int LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 26; public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT = 0; public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD = 0; public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP = 1; private static final int MOTION_STAGGER = 79; private static final int ORIENTATION = 27; public static final int PARENT_ID = 0; private static final int PATH_MOTION_ARC = 76; private static final int PROGRESS = 68; public static final int RIGHT = 2; private static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 28; private static final int RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 29; private static final int RIGHT_TO_RIGHT = 30; private static final int ROTATION = 60; private static final int ROTATION_X = 45; private static final int ROTATION_Y = 46; private static final int SCALE_X = 47; private static final int SCALE_Y = 48; public static final int START = 6; private static final int START_MARGIN = 31; private static final int START_TO_END = 32; private static final int START_TO_START = 33; private static final String TAG = "ConstraintSet"; public static final int TOP = 3; private static final int TOP_MARGIN = 34; private static final int TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 35; private static final int TOP_TO_TOP = 36; private static final int TRANSFORM_PIVOT_X = 49; private static final int TRANSFORM_PIVOT_Y = 50; private static final int TRANSITION_EASING = 65; private static final int TRANSITION_PATH_ROTATE = 67; private static final int TRANSLATION_X = 51; private static final int TRANSLATION_Y = 52; private static final int TRANSLATION_Z = 53; public static final int UNSET = -1; private static final int UNUSED = 82; public static final int VERTICAL = 1; private static final int VERTICAL_BIAS = 37; public static final int VERTICAL_GUIDELINE = 1; private static final int VERTICAL_STYLE = 42; private static final int VERTICAL_WEIGHT = 40; private static final int VIEW_ID = 38; private static final int[] VISIBILITY_FLAGS = {0, 4, 8}; private static final int VISIBILITY_MODE = 78; public static final int VISIBILITY_MODE_IGNORE = 1; public static final int VISIBILITY_MODE_NORMAL = 0; public static final int VISIBLE = 0; private static final int WIDTH_DEFAULT = 54; private static final int WIDTH_MAX = 56; private static final int WIDTH_MIN = 58; private static final int WIDTH_PERCENT = 69; public static final int WRAP_CONTENT = -2; private static SparseIntArray mapToConstant; private HashMap mConstraints = new HashMap<>(); private boolean mForceId = true; private HashMap mSavedAttributes = new HashMap<>(); private boolean mValidate; public static class Constraint { public final Layout layout = new Layout(); public HashMap mCustomConstraints = new HashMap<>(); public int mViewId; public final Motion motion = new Motion(); public final PropertySet propertySet = new PropertySet(); public final Transform transform = new Transform(); public static /* synthetic */ void access$000(Constraint constraint, int i, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams) { constraint.fillFrom(i, layoutParams); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$300(Constraint constraint, ConstraintHelper constraintHelper, int i, Constraints.LayoutParams layoutParams) { constraint.fillFromConstraints(constraintHelper, i, layoutParams); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$400(Constraint constraint, int i, Constraints.LayoutParams layoutParams) { constraint.fillFromConstraints(i, layoutParams); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$500(Constraint constraint, String str, int i) { constraint.setIntValue(str, i); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$600(Constraint constraint, String str, int i) { constraint.setColorValue(str, i); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$700(Constraint constraint, String str, float f) { constraint.setFloatValue(str, f); } public static /* synthetic */ void access$800(Constraint constraint, String str, String str2) { constraint.setStringValue(str, str2); } private void fillFrom(int i, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams) { this.mViewId = i; Layout layout = this.layout; layout.leftToLeft = layoutParams.leftToLeft; layout.leftToRight = layoutParams.leftToRight; layout.rightToLeft = layoutParams.rightToLeft; layout.rightToRight = layoutParams.rightToRight; layout.topToTop = layoutParams.topToTop; layout.topToBottom = layoutParams.topToBottom; layout.bottomToTop = layoutParams.bottomToTop; layout.bottomToBottom = layoutParams.bottomToBottom; layout.baselineToBaseline = layoutParams.baselineToBaseline; layout.startToEnd = layoutParams.startToEnd; layout.startToStart = layoutParams.startToStart; layout.endToStart = layoutParams.endToStart; layout.endToEnd = layoutParams.endToEnd; layout.horizontalBias = layoutParams.horizontalBias; layout.verticalBias = layoutParams.verticalBias; layout.dimensionRatio = layoutParams.dimensionRatio; layout.circleConstraint = layoutParams.circleConstraint; layout.circleRadius = layoutParams.circleRadius; layout.circleAngle = layoutParams.circleAngle; layout.editorAbsoluteX = layoutParams.editorAbsoluteX; layout.editorAbsoluteY = layoutParams.editorAbsoluteY; layout.orientation = layoutParams.orientation; layout.guidePercent = layoutParams.guidePercent; layout.guideBegin = layoutParams.guideBegin; layout.guideEnd = layoutParams.guideEnd; Layout layout2 = this.layout; layout2.mWidth = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).width; layout2.mHeight = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).height; layout2.leftMargin = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).leftMargin; layout2.rightMargin = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).rightMargin; layout2.topMargin = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).topMargin; layout2.bottomMargin = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).bottomMargin; layout2.verticalWeight = layoutParams.verticalWeight; layout2.horizontalWeight = layoutParams.horizontalWeight; layout2.verticalChainStyle = layoutParams.verticalChainStyle; layout2.horizontalChainStyle = layoutParams.horizontalChainStyle; layout2.constrainedWidth = layoutParams.constrainedWidth; layout2.constrainedHeight = layoutParams.constrainedHeight; layout2.widthDefault = layoutParams.matchConstraintDefaultWidth; layout2.heightDefault = layoutParams.matchConstraintDefaultHeight; layout2.widthMax = layoutParams.matchConstraintMaxWidth; layout2.heightMax = layoutParams.matchConstraintMaxHeight; layout2.widthMin = layoutParams.matchConstraintMinWidth; layout2.heightMin = layoutParams.matchConstraintMinHeight; layout2.widthPercent = layoutParams.matchConstraintPercentWidth; layout2.heightPercent = layoutParams.matchConstraintPercentHeight; layout2.mConstraintTag = layoutParams.constraintTag; layout2.goneTopMargin = layoutParams.goneTopMargin; layout2.goneBottomMargin = layoutParams.goneBottomMargin; layout2.goneLeftMargin = layoutParams.goneLeftMargin; layout2.goneRightMargin = layoutParams.goneRightMargin; Layout layout3 = this.layout; layout3.goneStartMargin = layoutParams.goneStartMargin; layout3.goneEndMargin = layoutParams.goneEndMargin; layout3.endMargin = layoutParams.getMarginEnd(); this.layout.startMargin = layoutParams.getMarginStart(); } private void fillFromConstraints(int i, Constraints.LayoutParams layoutParams) { fillFrom(i, layoutParams); this.propertySet.alpha = layoutParams.alpha; Transform transform = this.transform; transform.rotation = layoutParams.rotation; transform.rotationX = layoutParams.rotationX; transform.rotationY = layoutParams.rotationY; transform.scaleX = layoutParams.scaleX; transform.scaleY = layoutParams.scaleY; transform.transformPivotX = layoutParams.transformPivotX; transform.transformPivotY = layoutParams.transformPivotY; transform.translationX = layoutParams.translationX; transform.translationY = layoutParams.translationY; transform.translationZ = layoutParams.translationZ; transform.elevation = layoutParams.elevation; transform.applyElevation = layoutParams.applyElevation; } private void fillFromConstraints(ConstraintHelper constraintHelper, int i, Constraints.LayoutParams layoutParams) { fillFromConstraints(i, layoutParams); if (constraintHelper instanceof Barrier) { Layout layout = this.layout; layout.mHelperType = 1; Barrier barrier = (Barrier) constraintHelper; layout.mBarrierDirection = barrier.getType(); this.layout.mReferenceIds = barrier.getReferencedIds(); this.layout.mBarrierMargin = barrier.getMargin(); } } private ConstraintAttribute get(String str, ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType attributeType) { if (this.mCustomConstraints.containsKey(str)) { ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute = this.mCustomConstraints.get(str); if (constraintAttribute.getType() == attributeType) { return constraintAttribute; } StringBuilder L = a.L("ConstraintAttribute is already a "); L.append(constraintAttribute.getType().name()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.toString()); } ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute2 = new ConstraintAttribute(str, attributeType); this.mCustomConstraints.put(str, constraintAttribute2); return constraintAttribute2; } private void setColorValue(String str, int i) { get(str, ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.COLOR_TYPE).setColorValue(i); } private void setFloatValue(String str, float f) { get(str, ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.FLOAT_TYPE).setFloatValue(f); } private void setIntValue(String str, int i) { get(str, ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.INT_TYPE).setIntValue(i); } private void setStringValue(String str, String str2) { get(str, ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.STRING_TYPE).setStringValue(str2); } public void applyTo(ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams) { Layout layout = this.layout; layoutParams.leftToLeft = layout.leftToLeft; layoutParams.leftToRight = layout.leftToRight; layoutParams.rightToLeft = layout.rightToLeft; layoutParams.rightToRight = layout.rightToRight; layoutParams.topToTop = layout.topToTop; layoutParams.topToBottom = layout.topToBottom; layoutParams.bottomToTop = layout.bottomToTop; layoutParams.bottomToBottom = layout.bottomToBottom; layoutParams.baselineToBaseline = layout.baselineToBaseline; layoutParams.startToEnd = layout.startToEnd; layoutParams.startToStart = layout.startToStart; layoutParams.endToStart = layout.endToStart; layoutParams.endToEnd = layout.endToEnd; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).leftMargin = layout.leftMargin; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).rightMargin = layout.rightMargin; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).topMargin = layout.topMargin; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).bottomMargin = layout.bottomMargin; layoutParams.goneStartMargin = layout.goneStartMargin; layoutParams.goneEndMargin = layout.goneEndMargin; layoutParams.goneTopMargin = layout.goneTopMargin; layoutParams.goneBottomMargin = layout.goneBottomMargin; layoutParams.horizontalBias = layout.horizontalBias; layoutParams.verticalBias = layout.verticalBias; layoutParams.circleConstraint = layout.circleConstraint; layoutParams.circleRadius = layout.circleRadius; Layout layout2 = this.layout; layoutParams.circleAngle = layout2.circleAngle; layoutParams.dimensionRatio = layout2.dimensionRatio; layoutParams.editorAbsoluteX = layout2.editorAbsoluteX; layoutParams.editorAbsoluteY = layout2.editorAbsoluteY; layoutParams.verticalWeight = layout2.verticalWeight; layoutParams.horizontalWeight = layout2.horizontalWeight; layoutParams.verticalChainStyle = layout2.verticalChainStyle; layoutParams.horizontalChainStyle = layout2.horizontalChainStyle; layoutParams.constrainedWidth = layout2.constrainedWidth; layoutParams.constrainedHeight = layout2.constrainedHeight; layoutParams.matchConstraintDefaultWidth = layout2.widthDefault; layoutParams.matchConstraintDefaultHeight = layout2.heightDefault; layoutParams.matchConstraintMaxWidth = layout2.widthMax; layoutParams.matchConstraintMaxHeight = layout2.heightMax; layoutParams.matchConstraintMinWidth = layout2.widthMin; layoutParams.matchConstraintMinHeight = layout2.heightMin; layoutParams.matchConstraintPercentWidth = layout2.widthPercent; layoutParams.matchConstraintPercentHeight = layout2.heightPercent; layoutParams.orientation = layout2.orientation; layoutParams.guidePercent = layout2.guidePercent; layoutParams.guideBegin = layout2.guideBegin; layoutParams.guideEnd = layout2.guideEnd; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).width = layout2.mWidth; ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams).height = layout2.mHeight; String str = layout2.mConstraintTag; if (str != null) { layoutParams.constraintTag = str; } layoutParams.setMarginStart(this.layout.startMargin); layoutParams.setMarginEnd(this.layout.endMargin); layoutParams.validate(); } public Constraint clone() { Constraint constraint = new Constraint(); constraint.layout.copyFrom(this.layout); constraint.motion.copyFrom(this.motion); constraint.propertySet.copyFrom(this.propertySet); constraint.transform.copyFrom(this.transform); constraint.mViewId = this.mViewId; return constraint; } } public static class Layout { private static final int BARRIER_ALLOWS_GONE_WIDGETS = 75; private static final int BARRIER_DIRECTION = 72; private static final int BARRIER_MARGIN = 73; private static final int BASELINE_TO_BASELINE = 1; private static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 2; private static final int BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM = 3; private static final int BOTTOM_TO_TOP = 4; private static final int CHAIN_USE_RTL = 71; private static final int CIRCLE = 61; private static final int CIRCLE_ANGLE = 63; private static final int CIRCLE_RADIUS = 62; private static final int CONSTRAINT_REFERENCED_IDS = 74; private static final int DIMENSION_RATIO = 5; private static final int EDITOR_ABSOLUTE_X = 6; private static final int EDITOR_ABSOLUTE_Y = 7; private static final int END_MARGIN = 8; private static final int END_TO_END = 9; private static final int END_TO_START = 10; private static final int GONE_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 11; private static final int GONE_END_MARGIN = 12; private static final int GONE_LEFT_MARGIN = 13; private static final int GONE_RIGHT_MARGIN = 14; private static final int GONE_START_MARGIN = 15; private static final int GONE_TOP_MARGIN = 16; private static final int GUIDE_BEGIN = 17; private static final int GUIDE_END = 18; private static final int GUIDE_PERCENT = 19; private static final int HEIGHT_PERCENT = 70; private static final int HORIZONTAL_BIAS = 20; private static final int HORIZONTAL_STYLE = 39; private static final int HORIZONTAL_WEIGHT = 37; private static final int LAYOUT_HEIGHT = 21; private static final int LAYOUT_WIDTH = 22; private static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 23; private static final int LEFT_TO_LEFT = 24; private static final int LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 25; private static final int ORIENTATION = 26; private static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 27; private static final int RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 28; private static final int RIGHT_TO_RIGHT = 29; private static final int START_MARGIN = 30; private static final int START_TO_END = 31; private static final int START_TO_START = 32; private static final int TOP_MARGIN = 33; private static final int TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 34; private static final int TOP_TO_TOP = 35; public static final int UNSET = -1; private static final int UNUSED = 76; private static final int VERTICAL_BIAS = 36; private static final int VERTICAL_STYLE = 40; private static final int VERTICAL_WEIGHT = 38; private static final int WIDTH_PERCENT = 69; private static SparseIntArray mapToConstant; public int baselineToBaseline = -1; public int bottomMargin = -1; public int bottomToBottom = -1; public int bottomToTop = -1; public float circleAngle = 0.0f; public int circleConstraint = -1; public int circleRadius = 0; public boolean constrainedHeight = false; public boolean constrainedWidth = false; public String dimensionRatio = null; public int editorAbsoluteX = -1; public int editorAbsoluteY = -1; public int endMargin = -1; public int endToEnd = -1; public int endToStart = -1; public int goneBottomMargin = -1; public int goneEndMargin = -1; public int goneLeftMargin = -1; public int goneRightMargin = -1; public int goneStartMargin = -1; public int goneTopMargin = -1; public int guideBegin = -1; public int guideEnd = -1; public float guidePercent = -1.0f; public int heightDefault = 0; public int heightMax = -1; public int heightMin = -1; public float heightPercent = 1.0f; public float horizontalBias = 0.5f; public int horizontalChainStyle = 0; public float horizontalWeight = -1.0f; public int leftMargin = -1; public int leftToLeft = -1; public int leftToRight = -1; public boolean mApply = false; public boolean mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = true; public int mBarrierDirection = -1; public int mBarrierMargin = 0; public String mConstraintTag; public int mHeight; public int mHelperType = -1; public boolean mIsGuideline = false; public String mReferenceIdString; public int[] mReferenceIds; public int mWidth; public int orientation = -1; public int rightMargin = -1; public int rightToLeft = -1; public int rightToRight = -1; public int startMargin = -1; public int startToEnd = -1; public int startToStart = -1; public int topMargin = -1; public int topToBottom = -1; public int topToTop = -1; public float verticalBias = 0.5f; public int verticalChainStyle = 0; public float verticalWeight = -1.0f; public int widthDefault = 0; public int widthMax = -1; public int widthMin = -1; public float widthPercent = 1.0f; static { SparseIntArray sparseIntArray = new SparseIntArray(); mapToConstant = sparseIntArray; sparseIntArray.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf, 24); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf, 25); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf, 28); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintRight_toRightOf, 29); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintTop_toTopOf, 35); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf, 34); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf, 4); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf, 3); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf, 1); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_editor_absoluteX, 6); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_editor_absoluteY, 7); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintGuide_begin, 17); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintGuide_end, 18); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintGuide_percent, 19); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_orientation, 26); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintStart_toEndOf, 31); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintStart_toStartOf, 32); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf, 10); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf, 9); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginLeft, 13); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginTop, 16); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginRight, 14); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginBottom, 11); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginStart, 15); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_goneMarginEnd, 12); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintVertical_weight, 38); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_weight, 37); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle, 39); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle, 40); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_bias, 20); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintVertical_bias, 36); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintDimensionRatio, 5); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintLeft_creator, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintTop_creator, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintRight_creator, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintBottom_creator, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintBaseline_creator, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginLeft, 23); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginRight, 27); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginStart, 30); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginEnd, 8); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginTop, 33); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_marginBottom, 2); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_width, 22); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_android_layout_height, 21); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintCircle, 61); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintCircleRadius, 62); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintCircleAngle, 63); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintWidth_percent, 69); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_layout_constraintHeight_percent, 70); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_chainUseRtl, 71); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_barrierDirection, 72); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_barrierMargin, 73); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_constraint_referenced_ids, 74); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Layout_barrierAllowsGoneWidgets, 75); } public void copyFrom(Layout layout) { this.mIsGuideline = layout.mIsGuideline; this.mWidth = layout.mWidth; this.mApply = layout.mApply; this.mHeight = layout.mHeight; this.guideBegin = layout.guideBegin; this.guideEnd = layout.guideEnd; this.guidePercent = layout.guidePercent; this.leftToLeft = layout.leftToLeft; this.leftToRight = layout.leftToRight; this.rightToLeft = layout.rightToLeft; this.rightToRight = layout.rightToRight; this.topToTop = layout.topToTop; this.topToBottom = layout.topToBottom; this.bottomToTop = layout.bottomToTop; this.bottomToBottom = layout.bottomToBottom; this.baselineToBaseline = layout.baselineToBaseline; this.startToEnd = layout.startToEnd; this.startToStart = layout.startToStart; this.endToStart = layout.endToStart; this.endToEnd = layout.endToEnd; this.horizontalBias = layout.horizontalBias; this.verticalBias = layout.verticalBias; this.dimensionRatio = layout.dimensionRatio; this.circleConstraint = layout.circleConstraint; this.circleRadius = layout.circleRadius; this.circleAngle = layout.circleAngle; this.editorAbsoluteX = layout.editorAbsoluteX; this.editorAbsoluteY = layout.editorAbsoluteY; this.orientation = layout.orientation; this.leftMargin = layout.leftMargin; this.rightMargin = layout.rightMargin; this.topMargin = layout.topMargin; this.bottomMargin = layout.bottomMargin; this.endMargin = layout.endMargin; this.startMargin = layout.startMargin; this.goneLeftMargin = layout.goneLeftMargin; this.goneTopMargin = layout.goneTopMargin; this.goneRightMargin = layout.goneRightMargin; this.goneBottomMargin = layout.goneBottomMargin; this.goneEndMargin = layout.goneEndMargin; this.goneStartMargin = layout.goneStartMargin; this.verticalWeight = layout.verticalWeight; this.horizontalWeight = layout.horizontalWeight; this.horizontalChainStyle = layout.horizontalChainStyle; this.verticalChainStyle = layout.verticalChainStyle; this.widthDefault = layout.widthDefault; this.heightDefault = layout.heightDefault; this.widthMax = layout.widthMax; this.heightMax = layout.heightMax; this.widthMin = layout.widthMin; this.heightMin = layout.heightMin; this.widthPercent = layout.widthPercent; this.heightPercent = layout.heightPercent; this.mBarrierDirection = layout.mBarrierDirection; this.mBarrierMargin = layout.mBarrierMargin; this.mHelperType = layout.mHelperType; this.mConstraintTag = layout.mConstraintTag; int[] iArr = layout.mReferenceIds; if (iArr != null) { this.mReferenceIds = Arrays.copyOf(iArr, iArr.length); } else { this.mReferenceIds = null; } this.mReferenceIdString = layout.mReferenceIdString; this.constrainedWidth = layout.constrainedWidth; this.constrainedHeight = layout.constrainedHeight; this.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = layout.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets; } public void dump(MotionScene motionScene, StringBuilder sb) { Field[] declaredFields = getClass().getDeclaredFields(); sb.append("\n"); for (Field field : declaredFields) { String name = field.getName(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { try { Object obj = field.get(this); Class type = field.getType(); if (type == Integer.TYPE) { Integer num = (Integer) obj; if (num.intValue() != -1) { Object lookUpConstraintName = motionScene.lookUpConstraintName(num.intValue()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(name); sb.append(" = \""); Integer num2 = num; if (lookUpConstraintName != null) { num2 = lookUpConstraintName; } sb.append(num2); sb.append("\"\n"); } } else if (type == Float.TYPE) { Float f = (Float) obj; if (f.floatValue() != -1.0f) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(name); sb.append(" = \""); sb.append(f); sb.append("\"\n"); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void fillFromAttributeList(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.Layout); this.mApply = true; int indexCount = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { int index = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndex(i); int i2 = mapToConstant.get(index); if (i2 == 80) { this.constrainedWidth = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, this.constrainedWidth); } else if (i2 != 81) { switch (i2) { case 1: this.baselineToBaseline = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.baselineToBaseline); continue; case 2: this.bottomMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.bottomMargin); continue; case 3: this.bottomToBottom = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.bottomToBottom); continue; case 4: this.bottomToTop = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.bottomToTop); continue; case 5: this.dimensionRatio = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(index); continue; case 6: this.editorAbsoluteX = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, this.editorAbsoluteX); continue; case 7: this.editorAbsoluteY = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, this.editorAbsoluteY); continue; case 8: this.endMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.endMargin); continue; case 9: this.endToEnd = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.endToEnd); continue; case 10: this.endToStart = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.endToStart); continue; case 11: this.goneBottomMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneBottomMargin); continue; case 12: this.goneEndMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneEndMargin); continue; case 13: this.goneLeftMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneLeftMargin); continue; case 14: this.goneRightMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneRightMargin); continue; case 15: this.goneStartMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneStartMargin); continue; case 16: this.goneTopMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.goneTopMargin); continue; case 17: this.guideBegin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, this.guideBegin); continue; case 18: this.guideEnd = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, this.guideEnd); continue; case 19: this.guidePercent = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.guidePercent); continue; case 20: this.horizontalBias = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.horizontalBias); continue; case 21: this.mHeight = obtainStyledAttributes.getLayoutDimension(index, this.mHeight); continue; case 22: this.mWidth = obtainStyledAttributes.getLayoutDimension(index, this.mWidth); continue; case 23: this.leftMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.leftMargin); continue; case 24: this.leftToLeft = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.leftToLeft); continue; case 25: this.leftToRight = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.leftToRight); continue; case 26: this.orientation = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.orientation); continue; case 27: this.rightMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.rightMargin); continue; case 28: this.rightToLeft = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.rightToLeft); continue; case 29: this.rightToRight = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.rightToRight); continue; case 30: this.startMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.startMargin); continue; case 31: this.startToEnd = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.startToEnd); continue; case 32: this.startToStart = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.startToStart); continue; case 33: this.topMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.topMargin); continue; case 34: this.topToBottom = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.topToBottom); continue; case 35: this.topToTop = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.topToTop); continue; case 36: this.verticalBias = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.verticalBias); continue; case 37: this.horizontalWeight = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.horizontalWeight); continue; case 38: this.verticalWeight = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.verticalWeight); continue; case 39: this.horizontalChainStyle = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.horizontalChainStyle); continue; case 40: this.verticalChainStyle = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.verticalChainStyle); continue; default: switch (i2) { case 54: this.widthDefault = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.widthDefault); continue; case 55: this.heightDefault = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.heightDefault); continue; case 56: this.widthMax = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.widthMax); continue; case 57: this.heightMax = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.heightMax); continue; case 58: this.widthMin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.widthMin); continue; case 59: this.heightMin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.heightMin); continue; default: switch (i2) { case 61: this.circleConstraint = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.circleConstraint); continue; case 62: this.circleRadius = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.circleRadius); continue; case 63: this.circleAngle = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.circleAngle); continue; default: switch (i2) { case 69: this.widthPercent = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, 1.0f); continue; case 70: this.heightPercent = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, 1.0f); continue; case 71: Log.e("ConstraintSet", "CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED"); continue; case 72: this.mBarrierDirection = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.mBarrierDirection); continue; case 73: this.mBarrierMargin = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(index, this.mBarrierMargin); continue; case 74: this.mReferenceIdString = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(index); continue; case 75: this.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, this.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets); continue; case 76: StringBuilder L = a.L("unused attribute 0x"); L.append(Integer.toHexString(index)); L.append(" "); L.append(mapToConstant.get(index)); Log.w("ConstraintSet", L.toString()); continue; case 77: this.mConstraintTag = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(index); continue; default: StringBuilder L2 = a.L("Unknown attribute 0x"); L2.append(Integer.toHexString(index)); L2.append(" "); L2.append(mapToConstant.get(index)); Log.w("ConstraintSet", L2.toString()); continue; continue; continue; continue; } } } } } else { this.constrainedHeight = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(index, this.constrainedHeight); } } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } } public static class Motion { private static final int ANIMATE_RELATIVE_TO = 5; private static final int MOTION_DRAW_PATH = 4; private static final int MOTION_STAGGER = 6; private static final int PATH_MOTION_ARC = 2; private static final int TRANSITION_EASING = 3; private static final int TRANSITION_PATH_ROTATE = 1; private static SparseIntArray mapToConstant; public int mAnimateRelativeTo = -1; public boolean mApply = false; public int mDrawPath = 0; public float mMotionStagger = Float.NaN; public int mPathMotionArc = -1; public float mPathRotate = Float.NaN; public String mTransitionEasing = null; static { SparseIntArray sparseIntArray = new SparseIntArray(); mapToConstant = sparseIntArray; sparseIntArray.append(R.styleable.Motion_motionPathRotate, 1); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Motion_pathMotionArc, 2); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Motion_transitionEasing, 3); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Motion_drawPath, 4); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Motion_animate_relativeTo, 5); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Motion_motionStagger, 6); } public void copyFrom(Motion motion) { this.mApply = motion.mApply; this.mAnimateRelativeTo = motion.mAnimateRelativeTo; this.mTransitionEasing = motion.mTransitionEasing; this.mPathMotionArc = motion.mPathMotionArc; this.mDrawPath = motion.mDrawPath; this.mPathRotate = motion.mPathRotate; this.mMotionStagger = motion.mMotionStagger; } public void fillFromAttributeList(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.Motion); this.mApply = true; int indexCount = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { int index = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndex(i); switch (mapToConstant.get(index)) { case 1: this.mPathRotate = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.mPathRotate); break; case 2: this.mPathMotionArc = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.mPathMotionArc); break; case 3: if (obtainStyledAttributes.peekValue(index).type == 3) { this.mTransitionEasing = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(index); break; } else { this.mTransitionEasing = Easing.NAMED_EASING[obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(index, 0)]; break; } case 4: this.mDrawPath = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, 0); break; case 5: this.mAnimateRelativeTo = ConstraintSet.access$100(obtainStyledAttributes, index, this.mAnimateRelativeTo); break; case 6: this.mMotionStagger = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.mMotionStagger); break; } } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } } public static class PropertySet { public float alpha = 1.0f; public boolean mApply = false; public float mProgress = Float.NaN; public int mVisibilityMode = 0; public int visibility = 0; public void copyFrom(PropertySet propertySet) { this.mApply = propertySet.mApply; this.visibility = propertySet.visibility; this.alpha = propertySet.alpha; this.mProgress = propertySet.mProgress; this.mVisibilityMode = propertySet.mVisibilityMode; } public void fillFromAttributeList(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.PropertySet); this.mApply = true; int indexCount = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { int index = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndex(i); if (index == R.styleable.PropertySet_android_alpha) { this.alpha = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.alpha); } else if (index == R.styleable.PropertySet_android_visibility) { this.visibility = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.visibility); this.visibility = ConstraintSet.access$200()[this.visibility]; } else if (index == R.styleable.PropertySet_visibilityMode) { this.mVisibilityMode = obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(index, this.mVisibilityMode); } else if (index == R.styleable.PropertySet_motionProgress) { this.mProgress = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.mProgress); } } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } } public static class Transform { private static final int ELEVATION = 11; private static final int ROTATION = 1; private static final int ROTATION_X = 2; private static final int ROTATION_Y = 3; private static final int SCALE_X = 4; private static final int SCALE_Y = 5; private static final int TRANSFORM_PIVOT_X = 6; private static final int TRANSFORM_PIVOT_Y = 7; private static final int TRANSLATION_X = 8; private static final int TRANSLATION_Y = 9; private static final int TRANSLATION_Z = 10; private static SparseIntArray mapToConstant; public boolean applyElevation = false; public float elevation = 0.0f; public boolean mApply = false; public float rotation = 0.0f; public float rotationX = 0.0f; public float rotationY = 0.0f; public float scaleX = 1.0f; public float scaleY = 1.0f; public float transformPivotX = Float.NaN; public float transformPivotY = Float.NaN; public float translationX = 0.0f; public float translationY = 0.0f; public float translationZ = 0.0f; static { SparseIntArray sparseIntArray = new SparseIntArray(); mapToConstant = sparseIntArray; sparseIntArray.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_rotation, 1); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_rotationX, 2); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_rotationY, 3); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_scaleX, 4); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_scaleY, 5); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_transformPivotX, 6); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_transformPivotY, 7); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_translationX, 8); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_translationY, 9); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_translationZ, 10); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Transform_android_elevation, 11); } public void copyFrom(Transform transform) { this.mApply = transform.mApply; this.rotation = transform.rotation; this.rotationX = transform.rotationX; this.rotationY = transform.rotationY; this.scaleX = transform.scaleX; this.scaleY = transform.scaleY; this.transformPivotX = transform.transformPivotX; this.transformPivotY = transform.transformPivotY; this.translationX = transform.translationX; this.translationY = transform.translationY; this.translationZ = transform.translationZ; this.applyElevation = transform.applyElevation; this.elevation = transform.elevation; } public void fillFromAttributeList(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.Transform); this.mApply = true; int indexCount = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { int index = obtainStyledAttributes.getIndex(i); switch (mapToConstant.get(index)) { case 1: this.rotation = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.rotation); break; case 2: this.rotationX = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.rotationX); break; case 3: this.rotationY = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.rotationY); break; case 4: this.scaleX = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.scaleX); break; case 5: this.scaleY = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(index, this.scaleY); break; case 6: this.transformPivotX = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.transformPivotX); break; case 7: this.transformPivotY = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.transformPivotY); break; case 8: this.translationX = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.translationX); break; case 9: this.translationY = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.translationY); break; case 10: this.translationZ = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.translationZ); break; case 11: this.applyElevation = true; this.elevation = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(index, this.elevation); break; } } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } } static { SparseIntArray sparseIntArray = new SparseIntArray(); mapToConstant = sparseIntArray; sparseIntArray.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf, 25); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf, 26); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf, 29); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintRight_toRightOf, 30); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintTop_toTopOf, 36); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf, 35); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf, 4); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf, 3); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf, 1); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_editor_absoluteX, 6); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_editor_absoluteY, 7); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintGuide_begin, 17); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintGuide_end, 18); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintGuide_percent, 19); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_orientation, 27); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintStart_toEndOf, 32); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintStart_toStartOf, 33); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf, 10); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf, 9); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginLeft, 13); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginTop, 16); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginRight, 14); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginBottom, 11); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginStart, 15); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_goneMarginEnd, 12); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintVertical_weight, 40); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHorizontal_weight, 39); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle, 41); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle, 42); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHorizontal_bias, 20); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintVertical_bias, 37); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintDimensionRatio, 5); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintLeft_creator, 82); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintTop_creator, 82); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintRight_creator, 82); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintBottom_creator, 82); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintBaseline_creator, 82); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginLeft, 24); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginRight, 28); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginStart, 31); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginEnd, 8); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginTop, 34); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginBottom, 2); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_width, 23); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_height, 21); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_visibility, 22); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_alpha, 43); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_elevation, 44); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_rotationX, 45); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_rotationY, 46); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_rotation, 60); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_scaleX, 47); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_scaleY, 48); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_transformPivotX, 49); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_transformPivotY, 50); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_translationX, 51); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_translationY, 52); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_translationZ, 53); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintWidth_default, 54); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHeight_default, 55); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintWidth_max, 56); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHeight_max, 57); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintWidth_min, 58); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHeight_min, 59); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintCircle, 61); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintCircleRadius, 62); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintCircleAngle, 63); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_animate_relativeTo, 64); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_transitionEasing, 65); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_drawPath, 66); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_transitionPathRotate, 67); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_motionStagger, 79); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_android_id, 38); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_motionProgress, 68); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintWidth_percent, 69); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintHeight_percent, 70); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_chainUseRtl, 71); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_barrierDirection, 72); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_barrierMargin, 73); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_constraint_referenced_ids, 74); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_barrierAllowsGoneWidgets, 75); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_pathMotionArc, 76); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constraintTag, 77); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_visibilityMode, 78); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constrainedWidth, 80); mapToConstant.append(R.styleable.Constraint_layout_constrainedHeight, 81); } public static /* synthetic */ int access$100(TypedArray typedArray, int i, int i2) { return lookupID(typedArray, i, i2); } public static /* synthetic */ int[] access$200() { return VISIBILITY_FLAGS; } private void addAttributes(ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType attributeType, String... strArr) { for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) { if (this.mSavedAttributes.containsKey(strArr[i])) { ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute = this.mSavedAttributes.get(strArr[i]); if (constraintAttribute.getType() != attributeType) { StringBuilder L = a.L("ConstraintAttribute is already a "); L.append(constraintAttribute.getType().name()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.toString()); } } else { this.mSavedAttributes.put(strArr[i], new ConstraintAttribute(strArr[i], attributeType)); } } } private int[] convertReferenceString(View view, String str) { int i; Object designInformation; String[] split = str.split(","); Context context = view.getContext(); int[] iArr = new int[split.length]; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; while (i2 < split.length) { String trim = split[i2].trim(); try { i =; } catch (Exception unused) { i = 0; } if (i == 0) { i = context.getResources().getIdentifier(trim, "id", context.getPackageName()); } if (i == 0 && view.isInEditMode() && (view.getParent() instanceof ConstraintLayout) && (designInformation = ((ConstraintLayout) view.getParent()).getDesignInformation(0, trim)) != null && (designInformation instanceof Integer)) { i = ((Integer) designInformation).intValue(); } iArr[i3] = i; i2++; i3++; } return i3 != split.length ? Arrays.copyOf(iArr, i3) : iArr; } private void createHorizontalChain(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int[] iArr, float[] fArr, int i5, int i6, int i7) { if (iArr.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have 2 or more widgets in a chain"); } else if (fArr == null || fArr.length == iArr.length) { if (fArr != null) { get(iArr[0]).layout.horizontalWeight = fArr[0]; } get(iArr[0]).layout.horizontalChainStyle = i5; connect(iArr[0], i6, i, i2, -1); for (int i8 = 1; i8 < iArr.length; i8++) { int i9 = iArr[i8]; int i10 = i8 - 1; connect(iArr[i8], i6, iArr[i10], i7, -1); connect(iArr[i10], i7, iArr[i8], i6, -1); if (fArr != null) { get(iArr[i8]).layout.horizontalWeight = fArr[i8]; } } connect(iArr[iArr.length - 1], i7, i3, i4, -1); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have 2 or more widgets in a chain"); } } private Constraint fillFromAttributeList(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { Constraint constraint = new Constraint(); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.Constraint); populateConstraint(context, constraint, obtainStyledAttributes); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); return constraint; } private Constraint get(int i) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(i), new Constraint()); } return this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); } private static int lookupID(TypedArray typedArray, int i, int i2) { int resourceId = typedArray.getResourceId(i, i2); return resourceId == -1 ? typedArray.getInt(i, -1) : resourceId; } private void populateConstraint(Context context, Constraint constraint, TypedArray typedArray) { int indexCount = typedArray.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { int index = typedArray.getIndex(i); if (!(index == R.styleable.Constraint_android_id || R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginStart == index || R.styleable.Constraint_android_layout_marginEnd == index)) { constraint.motion.mApply = true; constraint.layout.mApply = true; constraint.propertySet.mApply = true; constraint.transform.mApply = true; } switch (mapToConstant.get(index)) { case 1: Layout layout = constraint.layout; layout.baselineToBaseline = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout.baselineToBaseline); break; case 2: Layout layout2 = constraint.layout; layout2.bottomMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout2.bottomMargin); break; case 3: Layout layout3 = constraint.layout; layout3.bottomToBottom = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout3.bottomToBottom); break; case 4: Layout layout4 = constraint.layout; layout4.bottomToTop = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout4.bottomToTop); break; case 5: constraint.layout.dimensionRatio = typedArray.getString(index); break; case 6: Layout layout5 = constraint.layout; layout5.editorAbsoluteX = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, layout5.editorAbsoluteX); break; case 7: Layout layout6 = constraint.layout; layout6.editorAbsoluteY = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, layout6.editorAbsoluteY); break; case 8: Layout layout7 = constraint.layout; layout7.endMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout7.endMargin); break; case 9: Layout layout8 = constraint.layout; layout8.endToEnd = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout8.endToEnd); break; case 10: Layout layout9 = constraint.layout; layout9.endToStart = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout9.endToStart); break; case 11: Layout layout10 = constraint.layout; layout10.goneBottomMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout10.goneBottomMargin); break; case 12: Layout layout11 = constraint.layout; layout11.goneEndMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout11.goneEndMargin); break; case 13: Layout layout12 = constraint.layout; layout12.goneLeftMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout12.goneLeftMargin); break; case 14: Layout layout13 = constraint.layout; layout13.goneRightMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout13.goneRightMargin); break; case 15: Layout layout14 = constraint.layout; layout14.goneStartMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout14.goneStartMargin); break; case 16: Layout layout15 = constraint.layout; layout15.goneTopMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout15.goneTopMargin); break; case 17: Layout layout16 = constraint.layout; layout16.guideBegin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, layout16.guideBegin); break; case 18: Layout layout17 = constraint.layout; layout17.guideEnd = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(index, layout17.guideEnd); break; case 19: Layout layout18 = constraint.layout; layout18.guidePercent = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout18.guidePercent); break; case 20: Layout layout19 = constraint.layout; layout19.horizontalBias = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout19.horizontalBias); break; case 21: Layout layout20 = constraint.layout; layout20.mHeight = typedArray.getLayoutDimension(index, layout20.mHeight); break; case 22: PropertySet propertySet = constraint.propertySet; propertySet.visibility = typedArray.getInt(index, propertySet.visibility); PropertySet propertySet2 = constraint.propertySet; propertySet2.visibility = VISIBILITY_FLAGS[propertySet2.visibility]; break; case 23: Layout layout21 = constraint.layout; layout21.mWidth = typedArray.getLayoutDimension(index, layout21.mWidth); break; case 24: Layout layout22 = constraint.layout; layout22.leftMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout22.leftMargin); break; case 25: Layout layout23 = constraint.layout; layout23.leftToLeft = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout23.leftToLeft); break; case 26: Layout layout24 = constraint.layout; layout24.leftToRight = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout24.leftToRight); break; case 27: Layout layout25 = constraint.layout; layout25.orientation = typedArray.getInt(index, layout25.orientation); break; case 28: Layout layout26 = constraint.layout; layout26.rightMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout26.rightMargin); break; case 29: Layout layout27 = constraint.layout; layout27.rightToLeft = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout27.rightToLeft); break; case 30: Layout layout28 = constraint.layout; layout28.rightToRight = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout28.rightToRight); break; case 31: Layout layout29 = constraint.layout; layout29.startMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout29.startMargin); break; case 32: Layout layout30 = constraint.layout; layout30.startToEnd = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout30.startToEnd); break; case 33: Layout layout31 = constraint.layout; layout31.startToStart = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout31.startToStart); break; case 34: Layout layout32 = constraint.layout; layout32.topMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout32.topMargin); break; case 35: Layout layout33 = constraint.layout; layout33.topToBottom = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout33.topToBottom); break; case 36: Layout layout34 = constraint.layout; layout34.topToTop = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout34.topToTop); break; case 37: Layout layout35 = constraint.layout; layout35.verticalBias = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout35.verticalBias); break; case 38: constraint.mViewId = typedArray.getResourceId(index, constraint.mViewId); break; case 39: Layout layout36 = constraint.layout; layout36.horizontalWeight = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout36.horizontalWeight); break; case 40: Layout layout37 = constraint.layout; layout37.verticalWeight = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout37.verticalWeight); break; case 41: Layout layout38 = constraint.layout; layout38.horizontalChainStyle = typedArray.getInt(index, layout38.horizontalChainStyle); break; case 42: Layout layout39 = constraint.layout; layout39.verticalChainStyle = typedArray.getInt(index, layout39.verticalChainStyle); break; case 43: PropertySet propertySet3 = constraint.propertySet; propertySet3.alpha = typedArray.getFloat(index, propertySet3.alpha); break; case 44: Transform transform = constraint.transform; transform.applyElevation = true; transform.elevation = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform.elevation); break; case 45: Transform transform2 = constraint.transform; transform2.rotationX = typedArray.getFloat(index, transform2.rotationX); break; case 46: Transform transform3 = constraint.transform; transform3.rotationY = typedArray.getFloat(index, transform3.rotationY); break; case 47: Transform transform4 = constraint.transform; transform4.scaleX = typedArray.getFloat(index, transform4.scaleX); break; case 48: Transform transform5 = constraint.transform; transform5.scaleY = typedArray.getFloat(index, transform5.scaleY); break; case 49: Transform transform6 = constraint.transform; transform6.transformPivotX = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform6.transformPivotX); break; case 50: Transform transform7 = constraint.transform; transform7.transformPivotY = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform7.transformPivotY); break; case 51: Transform transform8 = constraint.transform; transform8.translationX = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform8.translationX); break; case 52: Transform transform9 = constraint.transform; transform9.translationY = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform9.translationY); break; case 53: Transform transform10 = constraint.transform; transform10.translationZ = typedArray.getDimension(index, transform10.translationZ); break; case 54: Layout layout40 = constraint.layout; layout40.widthDefault = typedArray.getInt(index, layout40.widthDefault); break; case 55: Layout layout41 = constraint.layout; layout41.heightDefault = typedArray.getInt(index, layout41.heightDefault); break; case 56: Layout layout42 = constraint.layout; layout42.widthMax = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout42.widthMax); break; case 57: Layout layout43 = constraint.layout; layout43.heightMax = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout43.heightMax); break; case 58: Layout layout44 = constraint.layout; layout44.widthMin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout44.widthMin); break; case 59: Layout layout45 = constraint.layout; layout45.heightMin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout45.heightMin); break; case 60: Transform transform11 = constraint.transform; transform11.rotation = typedArray.getFloat(index, transform11.rotation); break; case 61: Layout layout46 = constraint.layout; layout46.circleConstraint = lookupID(typedArray, index, layout46.circleConstraint); break; case 62: Layout layout47 = constraint.layout; layout47.circleRadius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout47.circleRadius); break; case 63: Layout layout48 = constraint.layout; layout48.circleAngle = typedArray.getFloat(index, layout48.circleAngle); break; case 64: Motion motion = constraint.motion; motion.mAnimateRelativeTo = lookupID(typedArray, index, motion.mAnimateRelativeTo); break; case 65: if (typedArray.peekValue(index).type == 3) { constraint.motion.mTransitionEasing = typedArray.getString(index); break; } else { constraint.motion.mTransitionEasing = Easing.NAMED_EASING[typedArray.getInteger(index, 0)]; break; } case 66: constraint.motion.mDrawPath = typedArray.getInt(index, 0); break; case 67: Motion motion2 = constraint.motion; motion2.mPathRotate = typedArray.getFloat(index, motion2.mPathRotate); break; case 68: PropertySet propertySet4 = constraint.propertySet; propertySet4.mProgress = typedArray.getFloat(index, propertySet4.mProgress); break; case 69: constraint.layout.widthPercent = typedArray.getFloat(index, 1.0f); break; case 70: constraint.layout.heightPercent = typedArray.getFloat(index, 1.0f); break; case 71: Log.e("ConstraintSet", "CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED"); break; case 72: Layout layout49 = constraint.layout; layout49.mBarrierDirection = typedArray.getInt(index, layout49.mBarrierDirection); break; case 73: Layout layout50 = constraint.layout; layout50.mBarrierMargin = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(index, layout50.mBarrierMargin); break; case 74: constraint.layout.mReferenceIdString = typedArray.getString(index); break; case 75: Layout layout51 = constraint.layout; layout51.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = typedArray.getBoolean(index, layout51.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets); break; case 76: Motion motion3 = constraint.motion; motion3.mPathMotionArc = typedArray.getInt(index, motion3.mPathMotionArc); break; case 77: constraint.layout.mConstraintTag = typedArray.getString(index); break; case 78: PropertySet propertySet5 = constraint.propertySet; propertySet5.mVisibilityMode = typedArray.getInt(index, propertySet5.mVisibilityMode); break; case 79: Motion motion4 = constraint.motion; motion4.mMotionStagger = typedArray.getFloat(index, motion4.mMotionStagger); break; case 80: Layout layout52 = constraint.layout; layout52.constrainedWidth = typedArray.getBoolean(index, layout52.constrainedWidth); break; case 81: Layout layout53 = constraint.layout; layout53.constrainedHeight = typedArray.getBoolean(index, layout53.constrainedHeight); break; case 82: StringBuilder L = a.L("unused attribute 0x"); L.append(Integer.toHexString(index)); L.append(" "); L.append(mapToConstant.get(index)); Log.w("ConstraintSet", L.toString()); break; default: StringBuilder L2 = a.L("Unknown attribute 0x"); L2.append(Integer.toHexString(index)); L2.append(" "); L2.append(mapToConstant.get(index)); Log.w("ConstraintSet", L2.toString()); break; } } } private String sideToString(int i) { switch (i) { case 1: return "left"; case 2: return "right"; case 3: return "top"; case 4: return "bottom"; case 5: return "baseline"; case 6: return "start"; case 7: return "end"; default: return "undefined"; } } private static String[] splitString(String str) { char[] charArray = str.toCharArray(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; boolean z2 = false; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < charArray.length; i2++) { if (charArray[i2] == ',' && !z2) { arrayList.add(new String(charArray, i, i2 - i)); i = i2 + 1; } else if (charArray[i2] == '\"') { z2 = !z2; } } arrayList.add(new String(charArray, i, charArray.length - i)); return (String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[arrayList.size()]); } public void addColorAttributes(String... strArr) { addAttributes(ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.COLOR_TYPE, strArr); } public void addFloatAttributes(String... strArr) { addAttributes(ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.FLOAT_TYPE, strArr); } public void addIntAttributes(String... strArr) { addAttributes(ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.INT_TYPE, strArr); } public void addStringAttributes(String... strArr) { addAttributes(ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.STRING_TYPE, strArr); } public void addToHorizontalChain(int i, int i2, int i3) { connect(i, 1, i2, i2 == 0 ? 1 : 2, 0); connect(i, 2, i3, i3 == 0 ? 2 : 1, 0); if (i2 != 0) { connect(i2, 2, i, 1, 0); } if (i3 != 0) { connect(i3, 1, i, 2, 0); } } public void addToHorizontalChainRTL(int i, int i2, int i3) { connect(i, 6, i2, i2 == 0 ? 6 : 7, 0); connect(i, 7, i3, i3 == 0 ? 7 : 6, 0); if (i2 != 0) { connect(i2, 7, i, 6, 0); } if (i3 != 0) { connect(i3, 6, i, 7, 0); } } public void addToVerticalChain(int i, int i2, int i3) { connect(i, 3, i2, i2 == 0 ? 3 : 4, 0); connect(i, 4, i3, i3 == 0 ? 4 : 3, 0); if (i2 != 0) { connect(i2, 4, i, 3, 0); } if (i3 != 0) { connect(i3, 3, i, 4, 0); } } public void applyCustomAttributes(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout) { int childCount = constraintLayout.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View childAt = constraintLayout.getChildAt(i); int id2 = childAt.getId(); if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { StringBuilder L = a.L("id unknown "); L.append(Debug.getName(childAt)); Log.v("ConstraintSet", L.toString()); } else if (this.mForceId && id2 == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("All children of ConstraintLayout must have ids to use ConstraintSet"); } else if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { ConstraintAttribute.setAttributes(childAt, this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)).mCustomConstraints); } } } public void applyTo(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout) { applyToInternal(constraintLayout, true); constraintLayout.setConstraintSet(null); constraintLayout.requestLayout(); } public void applyToHelper(ConstraintHelper constraintHelper, ConstraintWidget constraintWidget, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams, SparseArray sparseArray) { int id2 = constraintHelper.getId(); if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)); if (constraintWidget instanceof HelperWidget) { constraintHelper.loadParameters(constraint, (HelperWidget) constraintWidget, layoutParams, sparseArray); } } } public void applyToInternal(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout, boolean z2) { int childCount = constraintLayout.getChildCount(); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(this.mConstraints.keySet()); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View childAt = constraintLayout.getChildAt(i); int id2 = childAt.getId(); if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { StringBuilder L = a.L("id unknown "); L.append(Debug.getName(childAt)); Log.w("ConstraintSet", L.toString()); } else if (this.mForceId && id2 == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("All children of ConstraintLayout must have ids to use ConstraintSet"); } else if (id2 != -1) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { hashSet.remove(Integer.valueOf(id2)); Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)); if (childAt instanceof Barrier) { constraint.layout.mHelperType = 1; } int i2 = constraint.layout.mHelperType; if (i2 != -1 && i2 == 1) { Barrier barrier = (Barrier) childAt; barrier.setId(id2); barrier.setType(constraint.layout.mBarrierDirection); barrier.setMargin(constraint.layout.mBarrierMargin); barrier.setAllowsGoneWidget(constraint.layout.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets); Layout layout = constraint.layout; int[] iArr = layout.mReferenceIds; if (iArr != null) { barrier.setReferencedIds(iArr); } else { String str = layout.mReferenceIdString; if (str != null) { layout.mReferenceIds = convertReferenceString(barrier, str); barrier.setReferencedIds(constraint.layout.mReferenceIds); } } } ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) childAt.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.validate(); constraint.applyTo(layoutParams); if (z2) { ConstraintAttribute.setAttributes(childAt, constraint.mCustomConstraints); } childAt.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); PropertySet propertySet = constraint.propertySet; if (propertySet.mVisibilityMode == 0) { childAt.setVisibility(propertySet.visibility); } childAt.setAlpha(constraint.propertySet.alpha); childAt.setRotation(constraint.transform.rotation); childAt.setRotationX(constraint.transform.rotationX); childAt.setRotationY(constraint.transform.rotationY); childAt.setScaleX(constraint.transform.scaleX); childAt.setScaleY(constraint.transform.scaleY); if (!Float.isNaN(constraint.transform.transformPivotX)) { childAt.setPivotX(constraint.transform.transformPivotX); } if (!Float.isNaN(constraint.transform.transformPivotY)) { childAt.setPivotY(constraint.transform.transformPivotY); } childAt.setTranslationX(constraint.transform.translationX); childAt.setTranslationY(constraint.transform.translationY); childAt.setTranslationZ(constraint.transform.translationZ); Transform transform = constraint.transform; if (transform.applyElevation) { childAt.setElevation(transform.elevation); } } else { Log.v("ConstraintSet", "WARNING NO CONSTRAINTS for view " + id2); } } } Iterator it = hashSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer num = (Integer); Constraint constraint2 = this.mConstraints.get(num); int i3 = constraint2.layout.mHelperType; if (i3 != -1 && i3 == 1) { Barrier barrier2 = new Barrier(constraintLayout.getContext()); barrier2.setId(num.intValue()); Layout layout2 = constraint2.layout; int[] iArr2 = layout2.mReferenceIds; if (iArr2 != null) { barrier2.setReferencedIds(iArr2); } else { String str2 = layout2.mReferenceIdString; if (str2 != null) { layout2.mReferenceIds = convertReferenceString(barrier2, str2); barrier2.setReferencedIds(constraint2.layout.mReferenceIds); } } barrier2.setType(constraint2.layout.mBarrierDirection); barrier2.setMargin(constraint2.layout.mBarrierMargin); ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams = constraintLayout.generateDefaultLayoutParams(); barrier2.validateParams(); constraint2.applyTo(generateDefaultLayoutParams); constraintLayout.addView(barrier2, generateDefaultLayoutParams); } if (constraint2.layout.mIsGuideline) { View guideline = new Guideline(constraintLayout.getContext()); guideline.setId(num.intValue()); ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams2 = constraintLayout.generateDefaultLayoutParams(); constraint2.applyTo(generateDefaultLayoutParams2); constraintLayout.addView(guideline, generateDefaultLayoutParams2); } } } public void applyToLayoutParams(int i, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).applyTo(layoutParams); } } public void applyToWithoutCustom(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout) { applyToInternal(constraintLayout, false); constraintLayout.setConstraintSet(null); } public void center(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, float f) { if (i4 < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("margin must be > 0"); } else if (i7 < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("margin must be > 0"); } else if (f <= 0.0f || f > 1.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bias must be between 0 and 1 inclusive"); } else if (i3 == 1 || i3 == 2) { connect(i, 1, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 2, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.horizontalBias = f; } else if (i3 == 6 || i3 == 7) { connect(i, 6, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 7, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.horizontalBias = f; } else { connect(i, 3, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 4, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.verticalBias = f; } } public void centerHorizontally(int i, int i2) { if (i2 == 0) { center(i, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0.5f); } else { center(i, i2, 2, 0, i2, 1, 0, 0.5f); } } public void centerHorizontally(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, float f) { connect(i, 1, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 2, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.horizontalBias = f; } public void centerHorizontallyRtl(int i, int i2) { if (i2 == 0) { center(i, 0, 6, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0.5f); } else { center(i, i2, 7, 0, i2, 6, 0, 0.5f); } } public void centerHorizontallyRtl(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, float f) { connect(i, 6, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 7, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.horizontalBias = f; } public void centerVertically(int i, int i2) { if (i2 == 0) { center(i, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0.5f); } else { center(i, i2, 4, 0, i2, 3, 0, 0.5f); } } public void centerVertically(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, float f) { connect(i, 3, i2, i3, i4); connect(i, 4, i5, i6, i7); this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout.verticalBias = f; } public void clear(int i) { this.mConstraints.remove(Integer.valueOf(i)); } public void clear(int i, int i2) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); switch (i2) { case 1: Layout layout = constraint.layout; layout.leftToRight = -1; layout.leftToLeft = -1; layout.leftMargin = -1; layout.goneLeftMargin = -1; return; case 2: Layout layout2 = constraint.layout; layout2.rightToRight = -1; layout2.rightToLeft = -1; layout2.rightMargin = -1; layout2.goneRightMargin = -1; return; case 3: Layout layout3 = constraint.layout; layout3.topToBottom = -1; layout3.topToTop = -1; layout3.topMargin = -1; layout3.goneTopMargin = -1; return; case 4: Layout layout4 = constraint.layout; layout4.bottomToTop = -1; layout4.bottomToBottom = -1; layout4.bottomMargin = -1; layout4.goneBottomMargin = -1; return; case 5: constraint.layout.baselineToBaseline = -1; return; case 6: Layout layout5 = constraint.layout; layout5.startToEnd = -1; layout5.startToStart = -1; layout5.startMargin = -1; layout5.goneStartMargin = -1; return; case 7: Layout layout6 = constraint.layout; layout6.endToStart = -1; layout6.endToEnd = -1; layout6.endMargin = -1; layout6.goneEndMargin = -1; return; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown constraint"); } } } public void clone(Context context, int i) { clone((ConstraintLayout) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(i, (ViewGroup) null)); } public void clone(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout) { int childCount = constraintLayout.getChildCount(); this.mConstraints.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View childAt = constraintLayout.getChildAt(i); ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) childAt.getLayoutParams(); int id2 = childAt.getId(); if (!this.mForceId || id2 != -1) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(id2), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)); constraint.mCustomConstraints = ConstraintAttribute.extractAttributes(this.mSavedAttributes, childAt); Constraint.access$000(constraint, id2, layoutParams); constraint.propertySet.visibility = childAt.getVisibility(); constraint.propertySet.alpha = childAt.getAlpha(); constraint.transform.rotation = childAt.getRotation(); constraint.transform.rotationX = childAt.getRotationX(); constraint.transform.rotationY = childAt.getRotationY(); constraint.transform.scaleX = childAt.getScaleX(); constraint.transform.scaleY = childAt.getScaleY(); float pivotX = childAt.getPivotX(); float pivotY = childAt.getPivotY(); if (!(((double) pivotX) == 0.0d && ((double) pivotY) == 0.0d)) { Transform transform = constraint.transform; transform.transformPivotX = pivotX; transform.transformPivotY = pivotY; } constraint.transform.translationX = childAt.getTranslationX(); constraint.transform.translationY = childAt.getTranslationY(); constraint.transform.translationZ = childAt.getTranslationZ(); Transform transform2 = constraint.transform; if (transform2.applyElevation) { transform2.elevation = childAt.getElevation(); } if (childAt instanceof Barrier) { Barrier barrier = (Barrier) childAt; constraint.layout.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = barrier.allowsGoneWidget(); constraint.layout.mReferenceIds = barrier.getReferencedIds(); constraint.layout.mBarrierDirection = barrier.getType(); constraint.layout.mBarrierMargin = barrier.getMargin(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("All children of ConstraintLayout must have ids to use ConstraintSet"); } } } public void clone(ConstraintSet constraintSet) { this.mConstraints.clear(); for (Integer num : constraintSet.mConstraints.keySet()) { this.mConstraints.put(num, constraintSet.mConstraints.get(num).clone()); } } public void clone(Constraints constraints) { int childCount = constraints.getChildCount(); this.mConstraints.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View childAt = constraints.getChildAt(i); Constraints.LayoutParams layoutParams = (Constraints.LayoutParams) childAt.getLayoutParams(); int id2 = childAt.getId(); if (!this.mForceId || id2 != -1) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(id2), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)); if (childAt instanceof ConstraintHelper) { Constraint.access$300(constraint, (ConstraintHelper) childAt, id2, layoutParams); } Constraint.access$400(constraint, id2, layoutParams); } else { throw new RuntimeException("All children of ConstraintLayout must have ids to use ConstraintSet"); } } } public void connect(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(i), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); switch (i2) { case 1: if (i4 == 1) { Layout layout = constraint.layout; layout.leftToLeft = i3; layout.leftToRight = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 2) { Layout layout2 = constraint.layout; layout2.leftToRight = i3; layout2.leftToLeft = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("left to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } case 2: if (i4 == 1) { Layout layout3 = constraint.layout; layout3.rightToLeft = i3; layout3.rightToRight = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 2) { Layout layout4 = constraint.layout; layout4.rightToRight = i3; layout4.rightToLeft = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } case 3: if (i4 == 3) { Layout layout5 = constraint.layout; layout5.topToTop = i3; layout5.topToBottom = -1; layout5.baselineToBaseline = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 4) { Layout layout6 = constraint.layout; layout6.topToBottom = i3; layout6.topToTop = -1; layout6.baselineToBaseline = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } case 4: if (i4 == 4) { Layout layout7 = constraint.layout; layout7.bottomToBottom = i3; layout7.bottomToTop = -1; layout7.baselineToBaseline = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 3) { Layout layout8 = constraint.layout; layout8.bottomToTop = i3; layout8.bottomToBottom = -1; layout8.baselineToBaseline = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } case 5: if (i4 == 5) { Layout layout9 = constraint.layout; layout9.baselineToBaseline = i3; layout9.bottomToBottom = -1; layout9.bottomToTop = -1; layout9.topToTop = -1; layout9.topToBottom = -1; return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); case 6: if (i4 == 6) { Layout layout10 = constraint.layout; layout10.startToStart = i3; layout10.startToEnd = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 7) { Layout layout11 = constraint.layout; layout11.startToEnd = i3; layout11.startToStart = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } case 7: if (i4 == 7) { Layout layout12 = constraint.layout; layout12.endToEnd = i3; layout12.endToStart = -1; return; } else if (i4 == 6) { Layout layout13 = constraint.layout; layout13.endToStart = i3; layout13.endToEnd = -1; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } default: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(sideToString(i2)); sb.append(" to "); throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(sb, sideToString(i4), " unknown")); } } public void connect(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(i), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); switch (i2) { case 1: if (i4 == 1) { Layout layout = constraint.layout; layout.leftToLeft = i3; layout.leftToRight = -1; } else if (i4 == 2) { Layout layout2 = constraint.layout; layout2.leftToRight = i3; layout2.leftToLeft = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("Left to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.leftMargin = i5; return; case 2: if (i4 == 1) { Layout layout3 = constraint.layout; layout3.rightToLeft = i3; layout3.rightToRight = -1; } else if (i4 == 2) { Layout layout4 = constraint.layout; layout4.rightToRight = i3; layout4.rightToLeft = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.rightMargin = i5; return; case 3: if (i4 == 3) { Layout layout5 = constraint.layout; layout5.topToTop = i3; layout5.topToBottom = -1; layout5.baselineToBaseline = -1; } else if (i4 == 4) { Layout layout6 = constraint.layout; layout6.topToBottom = i3; layout6.topToTop = -1; layout6.baselineToBaseline = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.topMargin = i5; return; case 4: if (i4 == 4) { Layout layout7 = constraint.layout; layout7.bottomToBottom = i3; layout7.bottomToTop = -1; layout7.baselineToBaseline = -1; } else if (i4 == 3) { Layout layout8 = constraint.layout; layout8.bottomToTop = i3; layout8.bottomToBottom = -1; layout8.baselineToBaseline = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.bottomMargin = i5; return; case 5: if (i4 == 5) { Layout layout9 = constraint.layout; layout9.baselineToBaseline = i3; layout9.bottomToBottom = -1; layout9.bottomToTop = -1; layout9.topToTop = -1; layout9.topToBottom = -1; return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); case 6: if (i4 == 6) { Layout layout10 = constraint.layout; layout10.startToStart = i3; layout10.startToEnd = -1; } else if (i4 == 7) { Layout layout11 = constraint.layout; layout11.startToEnd = i3; layout11.startToStart = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.startMargin = i5; return; case 7: if (i4 == 7) { Layout layout12 = constraint.layout; layout12.endToEnd = i3; layout12.endToStart = -1; } else if (i4 == 6) { Layout layout13 = constraint.layout; layout13.endToStart = i3; layout13.endToEnd = -1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(a.L("right to "), sideToString(i4), " undefined")); } constraint.layout.endMargin = i5; return; default: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(sideToString(i2)); sb.append(" to "); throw new IllegalArgumentException(a.D(sb, sideToString(i4), " unknown")); } } public void constrainCircle(int i, int i2, int i3, float f) { Layout layout = get(i).layout; layout.circleConstraint = i2; layout.circleRadius = i3; layout.circleAngle = f; } public void constrainDefaultHeight(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.heightDefault = i2; } public void constrainDefaultWidth(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.widthDefault = i2; } public void constrainHeight(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.mHeight = i2; } public void constrainMaxHeight(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.heightMax = i2; } public void constrainMaxWidth(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.widthMax = i2; } public void constrainMinHeight(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.heightMin = i2; } public void constrainMinWidth(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.widthMin = i2; } public void constrainPercentHeight(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.heightPercent = f; } public void constrainPercentWidth(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.widthPercent = f; } public void constrainWidth(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.mWidth = i2; } public void constrainedHeight(int i, boolean z2) { get(i).layout.constrainedHeight = z2; } public void constrainedWidth(int i, boolean z2) { get(i).layout.constrainedWidth = z2; } public void create(int i, int i2) { Layout layout = get(i).layout; layout.mIsGuideline = true; layout.orientation = i2; } public void createBarrier(int i, int i2, int i3, int... iArr) { Layout layout = get(i).layout; layout.mHelperType = 1; layout.mBarrierDirection = i2; layout.mBarrierMargin = i3; layout.mIsGuideline = false; layout.mReferenceIds = iArr; } public void createHorizontalChain(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int[] iArr, float[] fArr, int i5) { createHorizontalChain(i, i2, i3, i4, iArr, fArr, i5, 1, 2); } public void createHorizontalChainRtl(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int[] iArr, float[] fArr, int i5) { createHorizontalChain(i, i2, i3, i4, iArr, fArr, i5, 6, 7); } public void createVerticalChain(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int[] iArr, float[] fArr, int i5) { if (iArr.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have 2 or more widgets in a chain"); } else if (fArr == null || fArr.length == iArr.length) { if (fArr != null) { get(iArr[0]).layout.verticalWeight = fArr[0]; } get(iArr[0]).layout.verticalChainStyle = i5; connect(iArr[0], 3, i, i2, 0); for (int i6 = 1; i6 < iArr.length; i6++) { int i7 = iArr[i6]; int i8 = i6 - 1; connect(iArr[i6], 3, iArr[i8], 4, 0); connect(iArr[i8], 4, iArr[i6], 3, 0); if (fArr != null) { get(iArr[i6]).layout.verticalWeight = fArr[i6]; } } connect(iArr[iArr.length - 1], 4, i3, i4, 0); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have 2 or more widgets in a chain"); } } public void dump(MotionScene motionScene, int... iArr) { HashSet hashSet; Set keySet = this.mConstraints.keySet(); if (iArr.length != 0) { hashSet = new HashSet(); for (int i : iArr) { hashSet.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } else { hashSet = new HashSet(keySet); } System.out.println(hashSet.size() + " constraints"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Integer[] numArr = (Integer[]) hashSet.toArray(new Integer[0]); for (Integer num : numArr) { sb.append("\n"); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } public boolean getApplyElevation(int i) { return get(i).transform.applyElevation; } public Constraint getConstraint(int i) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { return this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); } return null; } public HashMap getCustomAttributeSet() { return this.mSavedAttributes; } public int getHeight(int i) { return get(i).layout.mHeight; } public int[] getKnownIds() { Integer[] numArr = (Integer[]) this.mConstraints.keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]); int length = numArr.length; int[] iArr = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { iArr[i] = numArr[i].intValue(); } return iArr; } public Constraint getParameters(int i) { return get(i); } public int[] getReferencedIds(int i) { int[] iArr = get(i).layout.mReferenceIds; return iArr == null ? new int[0] : Arrays.copyOf(iArr, iArr.length); } public int getVisibility(int i) { return get(i).propertySet.visibility; } public int getVisibilityMode(int i) { return get(i).propertySet.mVisibilityMode; } public int getWidth(int i) { return get(i).layout.mWidth; } public boolean isForceId() { return this.mForceId; } public void load(Context context, int i) { XmlResourceParser xml = context.getResources().getXml(i); try { for (int eventType = xml.getEventType(); eventType != 1; eventType = { if (eventType == 0) { xml.getName(); } else if (eventType == 2) { String name = xml.getName(); Constraint fillFromAttributeList = fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xml)); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Guideline")) { fillFromAttributeList.layout.mIsGuideline = true; } this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(fillFromAttributeList.mViewId), fillFromAttributeList); } } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } /* JADX INFO: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:33:0x0079, code lost: if (r0.equals("PropertySet") != false) goto L_0x0091; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:90:0x0179, code lost: continue; */ public void load(Context context, XmlPullParser xmlPullParser) { Constraint constraint; try { int eventType = xmlPullParser.getEventType(); Constraint constraint2 = null; while (eventType != 1) { if (eventType != 0) { char c2 = 3; if (eventType == 2) { String name = xmlPullParser.getName(); switch (name.hashCode()) { case -2025855158: if (name.equals("Layout")) { c2 = 5; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case -1984451626: if (name.equals("Motion")) { c2 = 6; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case -1269513683: break; case -1238332596: if (name.equals("Transform")) { c2 = 4; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case -71750448: if (name.equals("Guideline")) { c2 = 1; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case 1331510167: if (name.equals("Barrier")) { c2 = 2; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case 1791837707: if (name.equals("CustomAttribute")) { c2 = 7; break; } c2 = 65535; break; case 1803088381: if (name.equals("Constraint")) { c2 = 0; break; } c2 = 65535; break; default: c2 = 65535; break; } switch (c2) { case 0: constraint = fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); constraint2 = constraint; break; case 1: constraint = fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); Layout layout = constraint.layout; layout.mIsGuideline = true; layout.mApply = true; constraint2 = constraint; break; case 2: constraint = fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); constraint.layout.mHelperType = 1; constraint2 = constraint; break; case 3: if (constraint2 != null) { constraint2.propertySet.fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); break; } else { throw new RuntimeException("XML parser error must be within a Constraint " + xmlPullParser.getLineNumber()); } case 4: if (constraint2 != null) { constraint2.transform.fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); break; } else { throw new RuntimeException("XML parser error must be within a Constraint " + xmlPullParser.getLineNumber()); } case 5: if (constraint2 != null) { constraint2.layout.fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); break; } else { throw new RuntimeException("XML parser error must be within a Constraint " + xmlPullParser.getLineNumber()); } case 6: if (constraint2 != null) { constraint2.motion.fillFromAttributeList(context, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlPullParser)); break; } else { throw new RuntimeException("XML parser error must be within a Constraint " + xmlPullParser.getLineNumber()); } case 7: if (constraint2 != null) { ConstraintAttribute.parse(context, xmlPullParser, constraint2.mCustomConstraints); break; } else { throw new RuntimeException("XML parser error must be within a Constraint " + xmlPullParser.getLineNumber()); } } } else if (eventType != 3) { continue; } else { String name2 = xmlPullParser.getName(); if (!"ConstraintSet".equals(name2)) { if (name2.equalsIgnoreCase("Constraint")) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(constraint2.mViewId), constraint2); constraint2 = null; } } else { return; } } } else { xmlPullParser.getName(); } eventType =; } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } public void parseColorAttributes(Constraint constraint, String str) { String[] split = str.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { String[] split2 = split[i].split("="); if (split2.length != 2) { a.j0(a.L(" Unable to parse "), split[i], "ConstraintSet"); } else { Constraint.access$600(constraint, split2[0], Color.parseColor(split2[1])); } } } public void parseFloatAttributes(Constraint constraint, String str) { String[] split = str.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { String[] split2 = split[i].split("="); if (split2.length != 2) { a.j0(a.L(" Unable to parse "), split[i], "ConstraintSet"); } else { Constraint.access$700(constraint, split2[0], Float.parseFloat(split2[1])); } } } public void parseIntAttributes(Constraint constraint, String str) { String[] split = str.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { String[] split2 = split[i].split("="); if (split2.length != 2) { a.j0(a.L(" Unable to parse "), split[i], "ConstraintSet"); } else { Constraint.access$700(constraint, split2[0], (float) Integer.decode(split2[1]).intValue()); } } } public void parseStringAttributes(Constraint constraint, String str) { String[] splitString = splitString(str); for (int i = 0; i < splitString.length; i++) { String[] split = splitString[i].split("="); a.j0(a.L(" Unable to parse "), splitString[i], "ConstraintSet"); Constraint.access$800(constraint, split[0], split[1]); } } public void readFallback(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout) { int childCount = constraintLayout.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View childAt = constraintLayout.getChildAt(i); ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) childAt.getLayoutParams(); int id2 = childAt.getId(); if (!this.mForceId || id2 != -1) { if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id2))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(id2), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(id2)); if (!constraint.layout.mApply) { Constraint.access$000(constraint, id2, layoutParams); if (childAt instanceof ConstraintHelper) { constraint.layout.mReferenceIds = ((ConstraintHelper) childAt).getReferencedIds(); if (childAt instanceof Barrier) { Barrier barrier = (Barrier) childAt; constraint.layout.mBarrierAllowsGoneWidgets = barrier.allowsGoneWidget(); constraint.layout.mBarrierDirection = barrier.getType(); constraint.layout.mBarrierMargin = barrier.getMargin(); } } constraint.layout.mApply = true; } PropertySet propertySet = constraint.propertySet; if (!propertySet.mApply) { propertySet.visibility = childAt.getVisibility(); constraint.propertySet.alpha = childAt.getAlpha(); constraint.propertySet.mApply = true; } Transform transform = constraint.transform; if (!transform.mApply) { transform.mApply = true; transform.rotation = childAt.getRotation(); constraint.transform.rotationX = childAt.getRotationX(); constraint.transform.rotationY = childAt.getRotationY(); constraint.transform.scaleX = childAt.getScaleX(); constraint.transform.scaleY = childAt.getScaleY(); float pivotX = childAt.getPivotX(); float pivotY = childAt.getPivotY(); if (!(((double) pivotX) == 0.0d && ((double) pivotY) == 0.0d)) { Transform transform2 = constraint.transform; transform2.transformPivotX = pivotX; transform2.transformPivotY = pivotY; } constraint.transform.translationX = childAt.getTranslationX(); constraint.transform.translationY = childAt.getTranslationY(); constraint.transform.translationZ = childAt.getTranslationZ(); Transform transform3 = constraint.transform; if (transform3.applyElevation) { transform3.elevation = childAt.getElevation(); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("All children of ConstraintLayout must have ids to use ConstraintSet"); } } } public void readFallback(ConstraintSet constraintSet) { for (Integer num : constraintSet.mConstraints.keySet()) { int intValue = num.intValue(); Constraint constraint = constraintSet.mConstraints.get(num); if (!this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(intValue))) { this.mConstraints.put(Integer.valueOf(intValue), new Constraint()); } Constraint constraint2 = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(intValue)); Layout layout = constraint2.layout; if (!layout.mApply) { layout.copyFrom(constraint.layout); } PropertySet propertySet = constraint2.propertySet; if (!propertySet.mApply) { propertySet.copyFrom(constraint.propertySet); } Transform transform = constraint2.transform; if (!transform.mApply) { transform.copyFrom(constraint.transform); } Motion motion = constraint2.motion; if (!motion.mApply) { motion.copyFrom(constraint.motion); } for (String str : constraint.mCustomConstraints.keySet()) { if (!constraint2.mCustomConstraints.containsKey(str)) { constraint2.mCustomConstraints.put(str, constraint.mCustomConstraints.get(str)); } } } } public void removeAttribute(String str) { this.mSavedAttributes.remove(str); } public void removeFromHorizontalChain(int i) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { Layout layout = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout; int i2 = layout.leftToRight; int i3 = layout.rightToLeft; if (i2 == -1 && i3 == -1) { int i4 = layout.startToEnd; int i5 = layout.endToStart; if (!(i4 == -1 && i5 == -1)) { if (i4 != -1 && i5 != -1) { connect(i4, 7, i5, 6, 0); connect(i5, 6, i2, 7, 0); } else if (!(i2 == -1 && i5 == -1)) { int i6 = layout.rightToRight; if (i6 != -1) { connect(i2, 7, i6, 7, 0); } else { int i7 = layout.leftToLeft; if (i7 != -1) { connect(i5, 6, i7, 6, 0); } } } } clear(i, 6); clear(i, 7); return; } if (i2 != -1 && i3 != -1) { connect(i2, 2, i3, 1, 0); connect(i3, 1, i2, 2, 0); } else if (!(i2 == -1 && i3 == -1)) { int i8 = layout.rightToRight; if (i8 != -1) { connect(i2, 2, i8, 2, 0); } else { int i9 = layout.leftToLeft; if (i9 != -1) { connect(i3, 1, i9, 1, 0); } } } clear(i, 1); clear(i, 2); } } public void removeFromVerticalChain(int i) { if (this.mConstraints.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) { Layout layout = this.mConstraints.get(Integer.valueOf(i)).layout; int i2 = layout.topToBottom; int i3 = layout.bottomToTop; if (!(i2 == -1 && i3 == -1)) { if (i2 != -1 && i3 != -1) { connect(i2, 4, i3, 3, 0); connect(i3, 3, i2, 4, 0); } else if (!(i2 == -1 && i3 == -1)) { int i4 = layout.bottomToBottom; if (i4 != -1) { connect(i2, 4, i4, 4, 0); } else { int i5 = layout.topToTop; if (i5 != -1) { connect(i3, 3, i5, 3, 0); } } } } } clear(i, 3); clear(i, 4); } public void setAlpha(int i, float f) { get(i).propertySet.alpha = f; } public void setApplyElevation(int i, boolean z2) { get(i).transform.applyElevation = z2; } public void setBarrierType(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.mHelperType = i2; } public void setColorValue(int i, String str, int i2) { Constraint.access$600(get(i), str, i2); } public void setDimensionRatio(int i, String str) { get(i).layout.dimensionRatio = str; } public void setEditorAbsoluteX(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.editorAbsoluteX = i2; } public void setEditorAbsoluteY(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.editorAbsoluteY = i2; } public void setElevation(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.elevation = f; get(i).transform.applyElevation = true; } public void setFloatValue(int i, String str, float f) { Constraint.access$700(get(i), str, f); } public void setForceId(boolean z2) { this.mForceId = z2; } public void setGoneMargin(int i, int i2, int i3) { Constraint constraint = get(i); switch (i2) { case 1: constraint.layout.goneLeftMargin = i3; return; case 2: constraint.layout.goneRightMargin = i3; return; case 3: constraint.layout.goneTopMargin = i3; return; case 4: constraint.layout.goneBottomMargin = i3; return; case 5: throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseline does not support margins"); case 6: constraint.layout.goneStartMargin = i3; return; case 7: constraint.layout.goneEndMargin = i3; return; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown constraint"); } } public void setGuidelineBegin(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.guideBegin = i2; get(i).layout.guideEnd = -1; get(i).layout.guidePercent = -1.0f; } public void setGuidelineEnd(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.guideEnd = i2; get(i).layout.guideBegin = -1; get(i).layout.guidePercent = -1.0f; } public void setGuidelinePercent(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.guidePercent = f; get(i).layout.guideEnd = -1; get(i).layout.guideBegin = -1; } public void setHorizontalBias(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.horizontalBias = f; } public void setHorizontalChainStyle(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.horizontalChainStyle = i2; } public void setHorizontalWeight(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.horizontalWeight = f; } public void setIntValue(int i, String str, int i2) { Constraint.access$500(get(i), str, i2); } public void setMargin(int i, int i2, int i3) { Constraint constraint = get(i); switch (i2) { case 1: constraint.layout.leftMargin = i3; return; case 2: constraint.layout.rightMargin = i3; return; case 3: constraint.layout.topMargin = i3; return; case 4: constraint.layout.bottomMargin = i3; return; case 5: throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseline does not support margins"); case 6: constraint.layout.startMargin = i3; return; case 7: constraint.layout.endMargin = i3; return; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown constraint"); } } public void setReferencedIds(int i, int... iArr) { get(i).layout.mReferenceIds = iArr; } public void setRotation(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.rotation = f; } public void setRotationX(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.rotationX = f; } public void setRotationY(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.rotationY = f; } public void setScaleX(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.scaleX = f; } public void setScaleY(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.scaleY = f; } public void setStringValue(int i, String str, String str2) { Constraint.access$800(get(i), str, str2); } public void setTransformPivot(int i, float f, float f2) { Transform transform = get(i).transform; transform.transformPivotY = f2; transform.transformPivotX = f; } public void setTransformPivotX(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.transformPivotX = f; } public void setTransformPivotY(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.transformPivotY = f; } public void setTranslation(int i, float f, float f2) { Transform transform = get(i).transform; transform.translationX = f; transform.translationY = f2; } public void setTranslationX(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.translationX = f; } public void setTranslationY(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.translationY = f; } public void setTranslationZ(int i, float f) { get(i).transform.translationZ = f; } public void setValidateOnParse(boolean z2) { this.mValidate = z2; } public void setVerticalBias(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.verticalBias = f; } public void setVerticalChainStyle(int i, int i2) { get(i).layout.verticalChainStyle = i2; } public void setVerticalWeight(int i, float f) { get(i).layout.verticalWeight = f; } public void setVisibility(int i, int i2) { get(i).propertySet.visibility = i2; } public void setVisibilityMode(int i, int i2) { get(i).propertySet.mVisibilityMode = i2; } }