package c.c.a.a0; import; import c.c.a.a0.h0.c; import c.c.a.b0.g; import c.c.a.d; import c.c.a.y.k.a; import c.c.a.y.k.b; import c.c.a.y.k.h; import c.c.a.y.k.j; import c.c.a.y.k.k; import c.c.a.y.k.l; import c.c.a.y.l.f; import c.c.a.y.m.e; import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.AnimatableValueParser; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /* compiled from: LayerParser */ public class r { public static final c.a a = c.a.a("nm", "ind", "refId", "ty", "parent", "sw", "sh", "sc", "ks", "tt", "masksProperties", "shapes", "t", "ef", "sr", "st", "w", "h", "ip", "op", "tm", "cl", "hd"); public static final c.a b = c.a.a("d", "a"); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public static final c.a f255c = c.a.a("nm"); /* JADX DEBUG: Failed to insert an additional move for type inference into block B:226:0x0303 */ /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r6v10, resolved type: c.c.a.y.k.d */ /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r6v11, resolved type: c.c.a.y.k.d */ /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r6v13, resolved type: c.c.a.y.k.d */ /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r6v23, resolved type: c.c.a.y.k.d */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:110:0x0259 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:139:0x02b4 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:149:0x02e4 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:153:0x02fe */ public static e a(c cVar, d dVar) throws IOException { ArrayList arrayList; ArrayList arrayList2; String str; String str2; long j; char c2; char c3; String str3; ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(); cVar.b(); Float valueOf = Float.valueOf(1.0f); Float valueOf2 = Float.valueOf(0.0f); int i = 1; boolean z2 = false; long j2 = -1; float f = 0.0f; String str4 = null; e.a aVar = null; String str5 = null; l lVar = null; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; float f2 = 1.0f; float f3 = 0.0f; int i5 = 0; int i6 = 0; j jVar = null; k kVar = null; int i7 = 1; b bVar = null; boolean z3 = false; long j3 = 0; String str6 = "UNSET"; float f4 = 0.0f; while (cVar.e()) { switch (cVar.z(a)) { case 0: str2 = str4; str6 = cVar.t(); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 1: str2 = str4; j3 = (long) cVar.r(); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 2: str2 = str4; str5 = cVar.t(); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 3: str2 = str4; j = j3; int r = cVar.r(); aVar = r < 6 ? e.a.values()[r] : e.a.UNKNOWN; j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 4: str2 = str4; j = j3; j2 = (long) cVar.r(); j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 5: str2 = str4; i2 = (int) (g.c() * ((float) cVar.r())); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 6: str2 = str4; i3 = (int) (g.c() * ((float) cVar.r())); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 7: str2 = str4; i4 = Color.parseColor(cVar.t()); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 8: str2 = str4; lVar = c.a(cVar, dVar); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 9: str2 = str4; j = j3; i7 =$airbnb$lottie$model$layer$Layer$MatteType$s$values()[cVar.r()]; dVar.o++; j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 10: str2 = str4; h hVar = null; cVar.a(); while (cVar.e()) { cVar.b(); h hVar2 = hVar; c.c.a.y.k.d dVar2 = hVar2; int i8 = 0; boolean z4 = false; while (cVar.e()) { String s2 = cVar.s(); s2.hashCode(); int hashCode = s2.hashCode(); if (hashCode != 111) { if (hashCode != 3588) { if (hashCode != 104433) { if (hashCode == 3357091 && s2.equals("mode")) { c2 = 3; if (c2 == 0) { dVar2 = AnimatableValueParser.T1(cVar, dVar); } else if (c2 == 1) { hVar2 = new h(q.a(cVar, dVar, g.c(), a0.a)); } else if (c2 == 2) { z4 = cVar.f(); } else if (c2 != 3) { cVar.C(); } else { String t = cVar.t(); t.hashCode(); int hashCode2 = t.hashCode(); if (hashCode2 != 97) { if (hashCode2 != 105) { if (hashCode2 != 110) { if (hashCode2 == 115 && t.equals("s")) { c3 = 3; if (c3 != 0) { if (c3 == 1) { dVar.a("Animation contains intersect masks. They are not supported but will be treated like add masks."); i8 = 3; } else if (c3 == 2) { i8 = 4; } else if (c3 != 3) { c.c.a.b0.c.b("Unknown mask mode " + s2 + ". Defaulting to Add."); } else { i8 = 2; } } i8 = 1; } } else if (t.equals("n")) { c3 = 2; if (c3 != 0) { } i8 = 1; } } else if (t.equals("i")) { c3 = 1; if (c3 != 0) { } i8 = 1; } } else if (t.equals("a")) { c3 = 0; if (c3 != 0) { } i8 = 1; } c3 = 65535; if (c3 != 0) { } i8 = 1; } j3 = j3; dVar2 = dVar2; } } else if (s2.equals("inv")) { c2 = 2; if (c2 == 0) { } j3 = j3; dVar2 = dVar2; } } else if (s2.equals("pt")) { c2 = 1; if (c2 == 0) { } j3 = j3; dVar2 = dVar2; } } else if (s2.equals("o")) { c2 = 0; if (c2 == 0) { } j3 = j3; dVar2 = dVar2; } c2 = 65535; if (c2 == 0) { } j3 = j3; dVar2 = dVar2; } cVar.d(); arrayList3.add(new f(i8, hVar2, dVar2, z4)); j3 = j3; hVar = null; } j = j3; dVar.o += arrayList3.size(); cVar.c(); j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 11: str2 = str4; cVar.a(); while (cVar.e()) { c.c.a.y.l.b a2 = f.a(cVar, dVar); if (a2 != null) { arrayList4.add(a2); } } cVar.c(); j = j3; j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 12: cVar.b(); while (cVar.e()) { int z5 = cVar.z(b); if (z5 == 0) { str3 = str4; jVar = new j(AnimatableValueParser.P1(cVar, dVar, g.a)); } else if (z5 != i) { cVar.B(); cVar.C(); } else { cVar.a(); if (cVar.e()) { c.a aVar2 = b.a; cVar.b(); k kVar2 = null; while (cVar.e()) { if (cVar.z(b.a) != 0) { cVar.B(); cVar.C(); } else { cVar.b(); b bVar2 = null; b bVar3 = null; a aVar3 = null; a aVar4 = null; while (cVar.e()) { int z6 = cVar.z(b.b); if (z6 == 0) { aVar3 = AnimatableValueParser.Q1(cVar, dVar); } else if (z6 == i) { aVar4 = AnimatableValueParser.Q1(cVar, dVar); } else if (z6 == 2) { bVar2 = AnimatableValueParser.R1(cVar, dVar); } else if (z6 != 3) { cVar.B(); cVar.C(); } else { bVar3 = AnimatableValueParser.R1(cVar, dVar); } i = 1; } cVar.d(); kVar2 = new k(aVar3, aVar4, bVar2, bVar3); str4 = str4; i = 1; } } str3 = str4; cVar.d(); kVar = kVar2 == null ? new k(null, null, null, null) : kVar2; } else { str3 = str4; } while (cVar.e()) { cVar.C(); } cVar.c(); } str4 = str3; i = 1; } str2 = str4; cVar.d(); str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 13: cVar.a(); ArrayList arrayList5 = new ArrayList(); while (cVar.e()) { cVar.b(); while (cVar.e()) { if (cVar.z(f255c) != 0) { cVar.B(); cVar.C(); } else { arrayList5.add(cVar.t()); } } cVar.d(); } cVar.c(); dVar.a("Lottie doesn't support layer effects. If you are using them for fills, strokes, trim paths etc. then try adding them directly as contents in your shape. Found: " + arrayList5); str2 = str4; j = j3; j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 14: f2 = (float) cVar.p(); str2 = str4; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 15: f3 = (float) cVar.p(); str2 = str4; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 16: i5 = (int) (g.c() * ((float) cVar.r())); str2 = str4; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 17: i6 = (int) (g.c() * ((float) cVar.r())); str2 = str4; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 18: f = (float) cVar.p(); str2 = str4; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; case 19: f4 = (float) cVar.p(); i = 1; z2 = false; case 20: bVar = AnimatableValueParser.S1(cVar, dVar, z2); i = 1; z2 = false; case 21: str4 = cVar.t(); i = 1; z2 = false; case 22: z3 = cVar.f(); i = 1; z2 = false; default: str2 = str4; j = j3; cVar.B(); cVar.C(); j3 = j; str4 = str2; i = 1; z2 = false; } } cVar.d(); float f5 = f / f2; float f6 = f4 / f2; ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList(); if (f5 > 0.0f) { arrayList = arrayList4; arrayList2 = arrayList3; str = str4; arrayList6.add(new c.c.a.c0.a(dVar, valueOf2, valueOf2, null, 0.0f, Float.valueOf(f5))); } else { arrayList = arrayList4; arrayList2 = arrayList3; str = str4; } if (f6 <= 0.0f) { f6 = dVar.l; } arrayList6.add(new c.c.a.c0.a(dVar, valueOf, valueOf, null, f5, Float.valueOf(f6))); arrayList6.add(new c.c.a.c0.a(dVar, valueOf2, valueOf2, null, f6, Float.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE))); if (str6.endsWith(".ai") || "ai".equals(str)) { dVar.a("Convert your Illustrator layers to shape layers."); } return new e(arrayList, dVar, str6, j3, aVar, j2, str5, arrayList2, lVar, i2, i3, i4, f2, f3, i5, i6, jVar, kVar, arrayList6, i7, bVar, z3); } }