package c.f.h.a.b.e; import; import android.util.SparseArray; import c.f.h.a.b.b; import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference; import com.facebook.imagepipeline.bitmaps.PlatformBitmapFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; /* compiled from: DefaultBitmapFramePreparer */ public class c implements b { public final PlatformBitmapFactory a; public final c.f.h.a.b.c b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final Bitmap.Config f416c; public final ExecutorService d; public final SparseArray e = new SparseArray<>(); /* compiled from: DefaultBitmapFramePreparer */ public class a implements Runnable { public final b i; public final c.f.h.a.a.a j; public final int k; public final int l; public a(c.f.h.a.a.a aVar, b bVar, int i, int i2) { this.j = aVar; this.i = bVar; this.k = i; this.l = i2; } public final boolean a(int i, int i2) { CloseableReference closeableReference; int i3 = 2; CloseableReference closeableReference2 = null; if (i2 == 1) { closeableReference = this.i.a(i, this.j.i(), this.j.g()); } else if (i2 != 2) { Class cls = CloseableReference.i; return false; } else { try { closeableReference = c.this.a.a(this.j.i(), this.j.g(), c.this.f416c); i3 = -1; } catch (RuntimeException e) { c.f.d.e.a.l(c.class, "Failed to create frame bitmap", e); Class cls2 = CloseableReference.i; return false; } catch (Throwable th) { Class cls3 = CloseableReference.i; if (0 != 0) { closeableReference2.close(); } throw th; } } boolean b = b(i, closeableReference, i2); if (closeableReference != null) { closeableReference.close(); } return (b || i3 == -1) ? b : a(i, i3); } public final boolean b(int i, CloseableReference closeableReference, int i2) { if (!CloseableReference.z(closeableReference)) { return false; } if (!((c.f.h.a.b.f.b) c.this.b).a(i, closeableReference.w())) { return false; } int i3 = c.f.d.e.a.a; synchronized (c.this.e) { this.i.b(this.k, closeableReference, i2); } return true; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { try { if (this.i.c(this.k)) { int i = c.f.d.e.a.a; synchronized (c.this.e) { c.this.e.remove(this.l); } return; } if (a(this.k, 1)) { int i2 = c.f.d.e.a.a; } else { c.f.d.e.a.c(c.class, "Could not prepare frame %d.", Integer.valueOf(this.k)); } synchronized (c.this.e) { c.this.e.remove(this.l); } } catch (Throwable th) { synchronized (c.this.e) { c.this.e.remove(this.l); throw th; } } } } public c(PlatformBitmapFactory platformBitmapFactory, c.f.h.a.b.c cVar, Bitmap.Config config, ExecutorService executorService) { this.a = platformBitmapFactory; this.b = cVar; this.f416c = config; this.d = executorService; } }