package c.a.q.o0; import c.a.q.o0.e; import co.discord.media_engine.InboundRtpVideo; import co.discord.media_engine.OutboundRtpAudio; import co.discord.media_engine.OutboundRtpVideo; import co.discord.media_engine.ReceiverReport; import co.discord.media_engine.Stats; import co.discord.media_engine.Transport; import com.discord.rtcconnection.KrispOveruseDetector; import com.discord.rtcconnection.mediaengine.MediaEngineConnection; import com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger; import d0.z.d.k; import d0.z.d.m; import f0.e0.c; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import kotlin.Pair; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1; /* compiled from: RtcStatsCollector.kt */ public final /* synthetic */ class a extends k implements Function1 { public a(d dVar) { super(1, dVar, d.class, "onStatsReceived", "onStatsReceived(Lco/discord/media_engine/Stats;)V", 0); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public Unit invoke(Stats stats) { e eVar; Throwable th; long j; OutboundRtpVideo outboundRtpVideo; ReceiverReport[] receiverReports; Stats stats2 = stats; m.checkNotNullParameter(stats2, "p1"); d dVar = (d) this.receiver; dVar.a.add(stats2); if (dVar.a.size() > dVar.i) { dVar.a.removeFirst(); } dVar.f.update(stats2); e eVar2 = dVar.g; synchronized (eVar2) { try { m.checkNotNullParameter(stats2, "stats"); long currentTimeMillis = eVar2.q.currentTimeMillis(); Transport transport = stats2.getTransport(); eVar2.f(null, Integer.valueOf((transport == null || (receiverReports = transport.getReceiverReports()) == null) ? 0 : receiverReports.length), currentTimeMillis); if (!eVar2.k.a() && (outboundRtpVideo = stats2.getOutboundRtpVideo()) != null) { eVar2.a(eVar2.l, new e.h((long) outboundRtpVideo.getResolution().getHeight(), currentTimeMillis, new e.a(outboundRtpVideo.getFramesEncoded(), outboundRtpVideo.getFramesSent(), outboundRtpVideo.getPacketsSent(), (long) outboundRtpVideo.getPacketsLost(), 0, outboundRtpVideo.getBytesSent(), outboundRtpVideo.getNackCount(), outboundRtpVideo.getPliCount()))); if (eVar2.l.d == null && outboundRtpVideo.getFramesEncoded() > 0) { eVar2.e.notifyAsync(g.i); eVar2.l.d = Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis - eVar2.g); Logger.i$default(eVar2.p, "VideoQuality: outboundStats.timeToFirstFrame: " + eVar2.l.d, null, 2, null); } eVar2.b(outboundRtpVideo.getBitrateTarget()); } if (!eVar2.i.a()) { Iterator> it = stats2.getInboundRtpVideo().entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry next =; String key = next.getKey(); InboundRtpVideo value = next.getValue(); Map map = eVar2.m; e.C0043e eVar3 = map.get(key); if (eVar3 == null) { eVar3 = new e.C0043e(); map.put(key, eVar3); } e.C0043e eVar4 = eVar3; try { eVar = eVar2; try { eVar.a(eVar4, new e.h((long) value.getResolution().getHeight(), currentTimeMillis, new e.a((long) value.getFramesDecoded(), (long) value.getFramesReceived(), (long) value.getPacketsReceived(), (long) value.getPacketsLost(), (long) value.getFramesDropped(), value.getBytesReceived(), value.getNackCount(), value.getPliCount()))); if (eVar4.d == null && value.getFramesDecoded() > 0) { byte[] bArr = c.a; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(key, "$this$toLongOrDefault"); try { j = Long.parseLong(key); } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { j = 0; } Long l = eVar.n.get(Long.valueOf(value.getSsrc())); if (l != null) { eVar.e.notifyAsync(new h(value)); eVar4.d = Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis - l.longValue()); Logger.i$default(eVar.p, "VideoQuality: inbound.timeToFirstFrame: " + eVar4.d + " (userId: " + j + ", ssrc: " + value.getSsrc() + ')', null, 2, null); } else { Logger.e$default(eVar.p, "VideoQuality: inbound.timeToFirstFrame: Unable to locate start time. (userId: " + j + ", ssrc: " + value.getSsrc() + ')', null, null, 6, null); } } eVar2 = eVar; it = it; stats2 = stats2; dVar = dVar; currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; throw th; } } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; eVar = eVar2; throw th; } } } KrispOveruseDetector krispOveruseDetector = dVar.h; Objects.requireNonNull(krispOveruseDetector); m.checkNotNullParameter(stats2, "stats"); if (krispOveruseDetector.d.getType() == MediaEngineConnection.Type.DEFAULT && krispOveruseDetector.d.b()) { OutboundRtpAudio outboundRtpAudio = stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(); if (outboundRtpAudio != null && outboundRtpAudio.getNoiseCancellerIsEnabled()) { OutboundRtpAudio outboundRtpAudio2 = krispOveruseDetector.b; if (outboundRtpAudio2 != null) { Pair a = krispOveruseDetector.a(outboundRtpAudio2, stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(), 8.0d); boolean booleanValue = a.component1().booleanValue(); long longValue = a.component2().longValue(); if (booleanValue) { krispOveruseDetector.d.f(KrispOveruseDetector.Status.CPU_OVERUSE); } else if (longValue == 0) { int i = krispOveruseDetector.f2154c + 1; krispOveruseDetector.f2154c = i; if (i > 2) { krispOveruseDetector.d.f(KrispOveruseDetector.Status.FAILED); } } else { krispOveruseDetector.f2154c = 0; } } krispOveruseDetector.b = stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(); } OutboundRtpAudio outboundRtpAudio3 = stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(); if (outboundRtpAudio3 != null && outboundRtpAudio3.getVoiceActivityDetectorIsEnabled()) { OutboundRtpAudio outboundRtpAudio4 = krispOveruseDetector.a; if (outboundRtpAudio4 != null && krispOveruseDetector.a(outboundRtpAudio4, stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(), 4.0d).component1().booleanValue()) { krispOveruseDetector.d.f(KrispOveruseDetector.Status.VAD_CPU_OVERUSE); } krispOveruseDetector.a = stats2.getOutboundRtpAudio(); } } return Unit.a; } catch (Throwable th4) { th = th4; eVar = eVar2; throw th; } } } }