package androidx.browser.trusted; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.MainThread; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import b.d.b.a.a; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import y.a.b.c; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class TrustedWebActivityServiceConnectionPool { private static final String TAG = "TWAConnectionPool"; private final Map mConnections = new HashMap(); private final Context mContext; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class BindToServiceAsyncTask extends AsyncTask { private final Context mAppContext; private final ConnectionHolder mConnection; private final Intent mIntent; public BindToServiceAsyncTask(Context context, Intent intent, ConnectionHolder connectionHolder) { this.mAppContext = context.getApplicationContext(); this.mIntent = intent; this.mConnection = connectionHolder; } @Nullable public Exception doInBackground(Void... voidArr) { try { if (this.mAppContext.bindService(this.mIntent, this.mConnection, FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN)) { return null; } this.mAppContext.unbindService(this.mConnection); return new IllegalStateException("Could not bind to the service"); } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.w(TrustedWebActivityServiceConnectionPool.TAG, "SecurityException while binding.", e); return e; } } public void onPostExecute(Exception exc) { if (exc != null) { this.mConnection.cancel(exc); } } } private TrustedWebActivityServiceConnectionPool(@NonNull Context context) { this.mContext = context.getApplicationContext(); } @NonNull public static TrustedWebActivityServiceConnectionPool create(@NonNull Context context) { return new TrustedWebActivityServiceConnectionPool(context); } @Nullable private Intent createServiceIntent(Context context, Uri uri, Set set, boolean z2) { if (set == null || set.size() == 0) { return null; } Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setData(uri); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.VIEW"); String str = null; for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : context.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, 65536)) { String str2 = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName; Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (true) { if (it.hasNext()) { if (, context.getPackageManager())) { str = str2; break; } } else { break; } } } if (str == null) { if (z2) { Log.w(TAG, "No TWA candidates for " + uri + " have been registered."); } return null; } Intent intent2 = new Intent(); intent2.setPackage(str); intent2.setAction(TrustedWebActivityService.ACTION_TRUSTED_WEB_ACTIVITY_SERVICE); ResolveInfo resolveService = context.getPackageManager().resolveService(intent2, 131072); if (resolveService == null) { if (z2) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not find TWAService for " + str); } return null; } if (z2) { StringBuilder R = a.R("Found "); R.append(; R.append(" to handle request for "); R.append(uri); Log.i(TAG, R.toString()); } Intent intent3 = new Intent(); intent3.setComponent(new ComponentName(str,; return intent3; } public /* synthetic */ void a(Uri uri) { this.mConnections.remove(uri); } @NonNull @MainThread public b.i.b.d.a.a connect(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull Set set, @NonNull Executor executor) { ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = this.mConnections.get(uri); if (connectionHolder != null) { return connectionHolder.getServiceWrapper(); } Intent createServiceIntent = createServiceIntent(this.mContext, uri, set, true); if (createServiceIntent == null) { return FutureUtils.immediateFailedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("No service exists for scope")); } ConnectionHolder connectionHolder2 = new ConnectionHolder(new c(this, uri)); this.mConnections.put(uri, connectionHolder2); new BindToServiceAsyncTask(this.mContext, createServiceIntent, connectionHolder2).executeOnExecutor(executor, new Void[0]); return connectionHolder2.getServiceWrapper(); } @MainThread public boolean serviceExistsForScope(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull Set set) { return (this.mConnections.get(uri) == null && createServiceIntent(this.mContext, uri, set, false) == null) ? false : true; } public void unbindAllConnections() { for (ConnectionHolder connectionHolder : this.mConnections.values()) { this.mContext.unbindService(connectionHolder); } this.mConnections.clear(); } }