package b.c.a.a0; import b.c.a.a0.i0.c; import b.c.a.y.b; import b.c.a.y.c; import; /* compiled from: DocumentDataParser */ public class h implements h0 { public static final h a = new h(); /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public static final c.a f327b = c.a.a("t", "f", "s", "j", "tr", "lh", "ls", "fc", "sc", "sw", "of"); /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ @Override // b.c.a.a0.h0 public b.c.a.y.c a(b.c.a.a0.i0.c cVar, float f) throws IOException { cVar.b(); String str = null; String str2 = null; float f2 = 0.0f; int i = 3; int i2 = 0; float f3 = 0.0f; float f4 = 0.0f; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; float f5 = 0.0f; boolean z2 = true; while (cVar.e()) { switch (cVar.y(f327b)) { case 0: str = cVar.t(); break; case 1: str2 = cVar.t(); break; case 2: f2 = (float) cVar.n(); break; case 3: int q = cVar.q(); if (q <= 2 && q >= 0) { i =$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification$s$values()[q]; break; } else { i = 3; break; } case 4: i2 = cVar.q(); break; case 5: f3 = (float) cVar.n(); break; case 6: f4 = (float) cVar.n(); break; case 7: i3 = p.a(cVar); break; case 8: i4 = p.a(cVar); break; case 9: f5 = (float) cVar.n(); break; case 10: z2 = cVar.f(); break; default: cVar.A(); cVar.C(); break; } } cVar.d(); return new b.c.a.y.c(str, str2, f2, i, i2, f3, f4, i3, i4, f5, z2); } }