package b.c.a.a0; import; import b.c.a.a0.i0.c; import b.c.a.b0.f; import b.c.a.y.a; import b.c.a.y.l.k; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /* compiled from: ShapeDataParser */ public class b0 implements h0 { public static final b0 a = new b0(); /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public static final c.a f322b = c.a.a("c", "v", "i", "o"); /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ @Override // b.c.a.a0.h0 public k a(c cVar, float f) throws IOException { if (cVar.u() == c.b.BEGIN_ARRAY) { cVar.a(); } cVar.b(); List list = null; List list2 = null; List list3 = null; boolean z2 = false; while (cVar.e()) { int y2 = cVar.y(f322b); if (y2 == 0) { z2 = cVar.f(); } else if (y2 == 1) { list = p.c(cVar, f); } else if (y2 == 2) { list2 = p.c(cVar, f); } else if (y2 != 3) { cVar.A(); cVar.C(); } else { list3 = p.c(cVar, f); } } cVar.d(); if (cVar.u() == c.b.END_ARRAY) { cVar.c(); } if (list == null || list2 == null || list3 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape data was missing information."); } else if (list.isEmpty()) { return new k(new PointF(), false, Collections.emptyList()); } else { int size = list.size(); PointF pointF = list.get(0); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(size); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { PointF pointF2 = list.get(i); int i2 = i - 1; arrayList.add(new a(f.a(list.get(i2), list3.get(i2)), f.a(pointF2, list2.get(i)), pointF2)); } if (z2) { PointF pointF3 = list.get(0); int i3 = size - 1; arrayList.add(new a(f.a(list.get(i3), list3.get(i3)), f.a(pointF3, list2.get(0)), pointF3)); } return new k(pointF, z2, arrayList); } } }