package okhttp3; import d0.d0.f; import d0.g0.t; import d0.t.k; import d0.z.d.m; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import kotlin.TypeCastException; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import kotlin.ranges.IntProgression; /* compiled from: MediaType.kt */ public final class MediaType { public static final Pattern a = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9-!#$%&'*+.^_`{|}~]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-!#$%&'*+.^_`{|}~]+)"); public static final Pattern b = Pattern.compile(";\\s*(?:([a-zA-Z0-9-!#$%&'*+.^_`{|}~]+)=(?:([a-zA-Z0-9-!#$%&'*+.^_`{|}~]+)|\"([^\"]*)\"))?"); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public static final a f2857c = null; public final String d; public final String e; public final String f; public final String[] g; /* compiled from: MediaType.kt */ public static final class a { public static final MediaType a(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$toMediaType"); Matcher matcher = MediaType.a.matcher(str); if (matcher.lookingAt()) { String group =; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(group, ""); Locale locale = Locale.US; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(locale, "Locale.US"); if (group != null) { String lowerCase = group.toLowerCase(locale); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(lowerCase, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(locale)"); String group2 =; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(group2, ""); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(locale, "Locale.US"); if (group2 != null) { String lowerCase2 = group2.toLowerCase(locale); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(lowerCase2, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(locale)"); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Matcher matcher2 = MediaType.b.matcher(str); int end = matcher.end(); while (end < str.length()) { matcher2.region(end, str.length()); if (matcher2.lookingAt()) { String group3 =; if (group3 == null) { end = matcher2.end(); } else { String group4 =; if (group4 == null) { group4 =; } else if (t.startsWith$default(group4, "'", false, 2, null) && t.endsWith$default(group4, "'", false, 2, null) && group4.length() > 2) { group4 = group4.substring(1, group4.length() - 1); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(group4, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)"); } arrayList.add(group3); arrayList.add(group4); end = matcher2.end(); } } else { StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("Parameter is not formatted correctly: \""); String substring = str.substring(end); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(substring, "(this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)"); L.append(substring); L.append("\" for: \""); L.append(str); L.append('\"'); throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.toString().toString()); } } Object[] array = arrayList.toArray(new String[0]); if (array != null) { return new MediaType(str, lowerCase, lowerCase2, (String[]) array, null); } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array"); } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(("No subtype found for: \"" + str + '\"').toString()); } public static final MediaType b(String str) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(str, "$this$toMediaTypeOrNull"); try { return a(str); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { return null; } } } public MediaType(String str, String str2, String str3, String[] strArr, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this.d = str; this.e = str2; this.f = str3; this.g = strArr; } public static final MediaType b(String str) { return a.a(str); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x003d A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:11:0x003d] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ public final Charset a(Charset charset) { String str; m.checkParameterIsNotNull("charset", "name"); IntProgression step = f.step(k.getIndices(this.g), 2); int first = step.getFirst(); int last = step.getLast(); int step2 = step.getStep(); if (step2 < 0 ? first >= last : first <= last) { while (true) { if (!t.equals(this.g[first], "charset", true)) { if (first == last) { break; } first += step2; } else { str = this.g[first + 1]; break; } } if (str != null) { return charset; } try { return Charset.forName(str); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { return charset; } } str = null; if (str != null) { } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj instanceof MediaType) && m.areEqual(((MediaType) obj).d, this.d); } public int hashCode() { return this.d.hashCode(); } public String toString() { return this.d; } }