package com.discord.utilities.billing; import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes; import androidx.annotation.StringRes; import com.discord.api.premium.SubscriptionInterval; import d0.d0.f; import d0.t.g0; import d0.z.d.m; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; /* compiled from: GooglePlaySku.kt */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_1_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_1_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_2_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_2_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_3_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_3_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_5_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_5_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_10_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_13_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_28_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_1_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_TIER_1_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ /* JADX WARN: Init of enum PREMIUM_GUILD_2_MONTHLY can be incorrect */ public enum GooglePlaySku { PREMIUM_TIER_2_YEARLY("premium_tier_2_yearly", 2131231853, r14, null, 2, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_monthly", 2131231853, r14, r13, 2, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_1_YEARLY("premium_tier_1_yearly", 2131231850, r14, null, 0, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_1_MONTHLY("premium_tier_1_monthly", 2131231850, r14, r13, 0, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_1_yearly", 2131231841, r14, null, 3, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_1_monthly", 2131231841, r14, r13, 3, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_2_YEARLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_2_yearly", 2131231844, r14, null, 4, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_2_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_2_monthly", 2131231844, r14, r13, 4, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_3_YEARLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_3_yearly", 2131231846, r14, null, 5, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_3_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_3_monthly", 2131231846, r14, r13, 5, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_5_YEARLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_5_yearly", 2131231847, r14, null, 7, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_5_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_5_monthly", 2131231847, r14, r13, 7, r18), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_10_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_10_monthly", 2131231842, r14, null, 12, r18, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_13_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_13_monthly", 2131231843, r14, null, 15, r18, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_28_MONTHLY("premium_tier_2_premium_guild_28_monthly", 2131231845, r14, null, 30, r18, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_1_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY("premium_tier_1_premium_guild_1_yearly", 2131231851, r14, null, 1, r15, 8, null), PREMIUM_TIER_1_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY("premium_tier_1_premium_guild_1_monthly", 2131231851, r14, r13, 1, r18), PREMIUM_GUILD_1_MONTHLY("premium_guild_1_monthly", 2131231848, r13, r17, 1, r18), PREMIUM_GUILD_2_MONTHLY("premium_guild_2_monthly", 2131231849, r13, r17, 2, r18); private static final List ALL_SKU_NAMES; public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); private static final Map skusBySkuName; private final int iconDrawableResId; private final SubscriptionInterval interval; private final int premiumSubscriptionCount; private final String skuName; private final Type type; private final GooglePlaySku upgrade; /* compiled from: GooglePlaySku.kt */ public static final class Companion { public final /* synthetic */ class WhenMappings { public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0; static { Type.values(); int[] iArr = new int[5]; $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr; iArr[Type.PREMIUM_TIER_2.ordinal()] = 1; iArr[Type.PREMIUM_TIER_1.ordinal()] = 2; iArr[Type.PREMIUM_GUILD.ordinal()] = 3; iArr[Type.PREMIUM_TIER_2_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD.ordinal()] = 4; iArr[Type.PREMIUM_TIER_1_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD.ordinal()] = 5; } } private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } public final GooglePlaySku fromSkuName(String str) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "skuName"); return (GooglePlaySku) GooglePlaySku.access$getSkusBySkuName$cp().get(str); } public final List getALL_SKU_NAMES() { return GooglePlaySku.access$getALL_SKU_NAMES$cp(); } @DrawableRes public final int getBorderResource(Type type) { m.checkNotNullParameter(type, "skuType"); int ordinal = type.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 0) { return 2131231022; } if (ordinal == 1) { return 2131231020; } if (ordinal == 2) { return 2131231029; } if (ordinal == 3) { return 2131231028; } if (ordinal == 4) { return 2131231026; } throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException(); } public final GooglePlaySku getDowngrade(String str) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "skuName"); GooglePlaySku[] values = GooglePlaySku.values(); int i = 0; while (true) { String str2 = null; if (i >= 19) { return null; } GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku = values[i]; GooglePlaySku upgrade = googlePlaySku.getUpgrade(); if (upgrade != null) { str2 = upgrade.getSkuName(); } if (m.areEqual(str2, str)) { return googlePlaySku; } i++; } } } /* compiled from: GooglePlaySku.kt */ public enum Section { PREMIUM, PREMIUM_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD, PREMIUM_GUILD; public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); /* compiled from: GooglePlaySku.kt */ public static final class Companion { public final /* synthetic */ class WhenMappings { public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0; static { Section.values(); int[] iArr = new int[3]; $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr; iArr[Section.PREMIUM.ordinal()] = 1; iArr[Section.PREMIUM_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD.ordinal()] = 2; iArr[Section.PREMIUM_GUILD.ordinal()] = 3; } } private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } @StringRes public final int getHeaderResource(Section section) { m.checkNotNullParameter(section, "section"); int ordinal = section.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 0) { return 2131886944; } if (ordinal == 1) { return 2131886940; } if (ordinal == 2) { return 2131886943; } throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException(); } } } /* compiled from: GooglePlaySku.kt */ public enum Type { PREMIUM_TIER_2, PREMIUM_TIER_1, PREMIUM_TIER_2_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD, PREMIUM_TIER_1_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD, PREMIUM_GUILD } static { Type type = Type.PREMIUM_TIER_2; SubscriptionInterval subscriptionInterval = SubscriptionInterval.YEARLY; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku = PREMIUM_TIER_2_YEARLY; SubscriptionInterval subscriptionInterval2 = SubscriptionInterval.MONTHLY; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku2 = PREMIUM_TIER_2_MONTHLY; Type type2 = Type.PREMIUM_TIER_1; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku3 = PREMIUM_TIER_1_YEARLY; Type type3 = Type.PREMIUM_TIER_2_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku4 = PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku5 = PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_2_YEARLY; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku6 = PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_3_YEARLY; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku7 = PREMIUM_TIER_2_PREMIUM_GUILD_5_YEARLY; Type type4 = Type.PREMIUM_TIER_1_AND_PREMIUM_GUILD; GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku8 = PREMIUM_TIER_1_PREMIUM_GUILD_1_YEARLY; Type type5 = Type.PREMIUM_GUILD; GooglePlaySku[] values = values(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(19); for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) { arrayList.add(values[i].skuName); } ALL_SKU_NAMES = arrayList; GooglePlaySku[] values2 = values(); LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap(f.coerceAtLeast(g0.mapCapacity(19), 16)); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 19; i2++) { GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku9 = values2[i2]; linkedHashMap.put(googlePlaySku9.skuName, googlePlaySku9); } skusBySkuName = linkedHashMap; } private GooglePlaySku(String str, @DrawableRes int i, Type type, GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku, int i2, SubscriptionInterval subscriptionInterval) { this.skuName = str; this.iconDrawableResId = i; this.type = type; this.upgrade = googlePlaySku; this.premiumSubscriptionCount = i2; this.interval = subscriptionInterval; } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ GooglePlaySku(String str, int i, Type type, GooglePlaySku googlePlaySku, int i2, SubscriptionInterval subscriptionInterval, int i3, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(str, i, type, (i3 & 8) != 0 ? null : googlePlaySku, i2, subscriptionInterval); } public static final /* synthetic */ List access$getALL_SKU_NAMES$cp() { return ALL_SKU_NAMES; } public static final /* synthetic */ Map access$getSkusBySkuName$cp() { return skusBySkuName; } public final int getIconDrawableResId() { return this.iconDrawableResId; } public final SubscriptionInterval getInterval() { return this.interval; } public final int getPremiumSubscriptionCount() { return this.premiumSubscriptionCount; } public final String getSkuName() { return this.skuName; } public final Type getType() { return this.type; } public final GooglePlaySku getUpgrade() { return this.upgrade; } }