package c.f.j.p; import c.f.j.j.e; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import z.c; import z.g; /* compiled from: DiskCacheReadProducer */ public class q implements c { public final /* synthetic */ y0 a; public final /* synthetic */ w0 b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final /* synthetic */ l f490c; public final /* synthetic */ s d; public q(s sVar, y0 y0Var, w0 w0Var, l lVar) { this.d = sVar; this.a = y0Var; this.b = w0Var; this.f490c = lVar; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [z.g] */ @Override // z.c public Void a(g gVar) throws Exception { boolean z2; e eVar; synchronized (gVar.e) { z2 = gVar.g; } if (z2 || (gVar.e() && (gVar.d() instanceof CancellationException))) { this.a.d(this.b, "DiskCacheProducer", null); this.f490c.d(); } else if (gVar.e()) { this.a.k(this.b, "DiskCacheProducer", gVar.d(), null); this.d.d.b(this.f490c, this.b); } else { synchronized (gVar.e) { eVar = gVar.h; } e eVar2 = eVar; if (eVar2 != null) { y0 y0Var = this.a; w0 w0Var = this.b; y0Var.j(w0Var, "DiskCacheProducer", s.c(y0Var, w0Var, true, eVar2.f())); this.a.c(this.b, "DiskCacheProducer", true); this.b.n("disk"); this.f490c.a(1.0f); this.f490c.b(eVar2, 1); eVar2.close(); } else { y0 y0Var2 = this.a; w0 w0Var2 = this.b; y0Var2.j(w0Var2, "DiskCacheProducer", s.c(y0Var2, w0Var2, false, 0)); this.d.d.b(this.f490c, this.b); } } return null; } }