package b.g.a.c.g0.u; import b.g.a.a.i; import b.g.a.c.d; import b.g.a.c.e0.g; import b.g.a.c.g0.h; import b.g.a.c.g0.i; import b.g.a.c.g0.t.l; import b.g.a.c.j; import b.g.a.c.n; import b.g.a.c.w; import b.g.a.c.x; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public abstract class b extends h implements i { public l _dynamicSerializers; public final n _elementSerializer; public final j _elementType; public final d _property; public final boolean _staticTyping; public final Boolean _unwrapSingle; public final g _valueTypeSerializer; public b(b bVar, d dVar, g gVar, n nVar, Boolean bool) { super(bVar); this._elementType = bVar._elementType; this._staticTyping = bVar._staticTyping; this._valueTypeSerializer = gVar; this._property = dVar; this._elementSerializer = nVar; this._dynamicSerializers = l.b.f703b; this._unwrapSingle = bool; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public b(Class cls, j jVar, boolean z2, g gVar, n nVar) { super(cls, false); boolean z3 = false; this._elementType = jVar; if (z2 || (jVar != null && jVar.x())) { z3 = true; } this._staticTyping = z3; this._valueTypeSerializer = gVar; this._property = null; this._elementSerializer = nVar; this._dynamicSerializers = l.b.f703b; this._unwrapSingle = null; } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x0029 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x0031 */ @Override // b.g.a.c.g0.i /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public n a(x xVar, d dVar) throws JsonMappingException { n nVar; i.d l; n k; j jVar; Object c; g gVar = this._valueTypeSerializer; if (gVar != null) { gVar = gVar.a(dVar); } Boolean bool = null; if (dVar != null) { b.g.a.c.b v = xVar.v(); b.g.a.c.c0.i member = dVar.getMember(); if (!(member == null || (c = v.c(member)) == null)) { nVar = xVar.H(member, c); l = l(xVar, dVar, this._handledType); if (l != null) { bool = l.b(i.a.WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED); } if (nVar == null) { nVar = this._elementSerializer; } k = k(xVar, dVar, nVar); if (k == null && (jVar = this._elementType) != null && this._staticTyping && !jVar.y()) { k = xVar.m(this._elementType, dVar); } return (k == this._elementSerializer || dVar != this._property || this._valueTypeSerializer != gVar || !Objects.equals(this._unwrapSingle, bool)) ? t(dVar, gVar, k, bool) : this; } } nVar = null; l = l(xVar, dVar, this._handledType); if (l != null) { } if (nVar == null) { } k = k(xVar, dVar, nVar); if (k == null) { k = xVar.m(this._elementType, dVar); } if (k == this._elementSerializer) { } } @Override // b.g.a.c.n public void f(T t, b.g.a.b.d dVar, x xVar) throws IOException { if (!xVar.D(w.WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED) || !q(t)) { dVar.X(t); s(t, dVar, xVar); dVar.t(); return; } s(t, dVar, xVar); } @Override // b.g.a.c.n public void g(T t, b.g.a.b.d dVar, x xVar, g gVar) throws IOException { b.g.a.b.s.b e = gVar.e(dVar, gVar.d(t, b.g.a.b.h.START_ARRAY)); dVar.e(t); s(t, dVar, xVar); gVar.f(dVar, e); } public final n r(l lVar, Class cls, x xVar) throws JsonMappingException { n n = xVar.n(cls, this._property); l b2 = lVar.b(cls, n); if (lVar != b2) { this._dynamicSerializers = b2; } return n; } public abstract void s(T t, b.g.a.b.d dVar, x xVar) throws IOException; public abstract b t(d dVar, g gVar, n nVar, Boolean bool); }