package; import android.content.Context; import androidx.annotation.MainThread; import b.d.b.a.a; import; import com.discord.api.guild.GuildExplicitContentFilter; import com.discord.api.guild.GuildFeature; import com.discord.api.guild.GuildVerificationLevel; import com.discord.api.role.GuildRole; import; import com.discord.models.guild.Guild; import com.discord.models.user.MeUser; import com.discord.restapi.RestAPIParams; import com.discord.stores.StoreChannels; import com.discord.stores.StoreGuilds; import com.discord.stores.StorePermissions; import com.discord.stores.StoreStream; import com.discord.stores.StoreUser; import com.discord.utilities.permissions.PermissionUtils; import; import com.discord.utilities.rx.ObservableExtensionsKt; import d0.t.u; import d0.z.d.k; import d0.z.d.m; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import rx.Observable; import rx.subjects.PublishSubject; /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public final class WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel extends AppViewModel { public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); private final PublishSubject eventSubject; private final long guildId; /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ /* renamed from:$1 reason: invalid class name */ public static final /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass1 extends k implements Function1 { public AnonymousClass1(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel) { super(1, widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel, WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.class, "handleStoreState", "handleStoreState(Lcom/discord/widgets/servers/community/WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$StoreState;)V", 0); } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Unit invoke(StoreState storeState) { invoke(storeState); return Unit.a; } public final void invoke(StoreState storeState) { m.checkNotNullParameter(storeState, "p1"); WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.access$handleStoreState((WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel) this.receiver, storeState); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class CommunityGuildConfig { private final boolean defaultMessageNotifications; private final boolean everyonePermissions; private final boolean explicitContentFilter; private final List features; private final Guild guild; private final boolean isPrivacyPolicyAccepted; private final Map roles; private final Channel rulesChannel; private final Long rulesChannelId; private final Channel updatesChannel; private final Long updatesChannelId; private final boolean verificationLevel; /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r12v0, resolved type: java.util.List */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public CommunityGuildConfig(Channel channel, Channel channel2, Long l, Long l2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, Guild guild, boolean z6, List list, Map map) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "features"); this.rulesChannel = channel; this.updatesChannel = channel2; this.rulesChannelId = l; this.updatesChannelId = l2; this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted = z2; this.defaultMessageNotifications = z3; this.verificationLevel = z4; this.explicitContentFilter = z5; this.guild = guild; this.everyonePermissions = z6; this.features = list; this.roles = map; } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ CommunityGuildConfig(Channel channel, Channel channel2, Long l, Long l2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, Guild guild, boolean z6, List list, Map map, int i, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(channel, channel2, l, l2, z2, z3, z4, z5, guild, z6, (i & 1024) != 0 ? new ArrayList() : list, map); } public static /* synthetic */ CommunityGuildConfig copy$default(CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig, Channel channel, Channel channel2, Long l, Long l2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, Guild guild, boolean z6, List list, Map map, int i, Object obj) { return communityGuildConfig.copy((i & 1) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.rulesChannel : channel, (i & 2) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.updatesChannel : channel2, (i & 4) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.rulesChannelId : l, (i & 8) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.updatesChannelId : l2, (i & 16) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted : z2, (i & 32) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.defaultMessageNotifications : z3, (i & 64) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.verificationLevel : z4, (i & 128) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.explicitContentFilter : z5, (i & 256) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.guild : guild, (i & 512) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.everyonePermissions : z6, (i & 1024) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.features : list, (i & 2048) != 0 ? communityGuildConfig.roles : map); } public final Channel component1() { return this.rulesChannel; } public final boolean component10() { return this.everyonePermissions; } public final List component11() { return this.features; } public final Map component12() { return this.roles; } public final Channel component2() { return this.updatesChannel; } public final Long component3() { return this.rulesChannelId; } public final Long component4() { return this.updatesChannelId; } public final boolean component5() { return this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted; } public final boolean component6() { return this.defaultMessageNotifications; } public final boolean component7() { return this.verificationLevel; } public final boolean component8() { return this.explicitContentFilter; } public final Guild component9() { return this.guild; } public final CommunityGuildConfig copy(Channel channel, Channel channel2, Long l, Long l2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, Guild guild, boolean z6, List list, Map map) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "features"); return new CommunityGuildConfig(channel, channel2, l, l2, z2, z3, z4, z5, guild, z6, list, map); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof CommunityGuildConfig)) { return false; } CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig = (CommunityGuildConfig) obj; return m.areEqual(this.rulesChannel, communityGuildConfig.rulesChannel) && m.areEqual(this.updatesChannel, communityGuildConfig.updatesChannel) && m.areEqual(this.rulesChannelId, communityGuildConfig.rulesChannelId) && m.areEqual(this.updatesChannelId, communityGuildConfig.updatesChannelId) && this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted == communityGuildConfig.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted && this.defaultMessageNotifications == communityGuildConfig.defaultMessageNotifications && this.verificationLevel == communityGuildConfig.verificationLevel && this.explicitContentFilter == communityGuildConfig.explicitContentFilter && m.areEqual(this.guild, communityGuildConfig.guild) && this.everyonePermissions == communityGuildConfig.everyonePermissions && m.areEqual(this.features, communityGuildConfig.features) && m.areEqual(this.roles, communityGuildConfig.roles); } public final boolean getDefaultMessageNotifications() { return this.defaultMessageNotifications; } public final boolean getEveryonePermissions() { return this.everyonePermissions; } public final boolean getExplicitContentFilter() { return this.explicitContentFilter; } public final List getFeatures() { return this.features; } public final Guild getGuild() { return this.guild; } public final Map getRoles() { return this.roles; } public final Channel getRulesChannel() { return this.rulesChannel; } public final Long getRulesChannelId() { return this.rulesChannelId; } public final Channel getUpdatesChannel() { return this.updatesChannel; } public final Long getUpdatesChannelId() { return this.updatesChannelId; } public final boolean getVerificationLevel() { return this.verificationLevel; } public int hashCode() { Channel channel = this.rulesChannel; int i = 0; int hashCode = (channel != null ? channel.hashCode() : 0) * 31; Channel channel2 = this.updatesChannel; int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (channel2 != null ? channel2.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Long l = this.rulesChannelId; int hashCode3 = (hashCode2 + (l != null ? l.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Long l2 = this.updatesChannelId; int hashCode4 = (hashCode3 + (l2 != null ? l2.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; boolean z2 = this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted; int i2 = 1; if (z2) { z2 = true; } int i3 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i4 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i5 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i6 = (hashCode4 + i3) * 31; boolean z3 = this.defaultMessageNotifications; if (z3) { z3 = true; } int i7 = z3 ? 1 : 0; int i8 = z3 ? 1 : 0; int i9 = z3 ? 1 : 0; int i10 = (i6 + i7) * 31; boolean z4 = this.verificationLevel; if (z4) { z4 = true; } int i11 = z4 ? 1 : 0; int i12 = z4 ? 1 : 0; int i13 = z4 ? 1 : 0; int i14 = (i10 + i11) * 31; boolean z5 = this.explicitContentFilter; if (z5) { z5 = true; } int i15 = z5 ? 1 : 0; int i16 = z5 ? 1 : 0; int i17 = z5 ? 1 : 0; int i18 = (i14 + i15) * 31; Guild guild = this.guild; int hashCode5 = (i18 + (guild != null ? guild.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; boolean z6 = this.everyonePermissions; if (!z6) { i2 = z6 ? 1 : 0; } int i19 = (hashCode5 + i2) * 31; List list = this.features; int hashCode6 = (i19 + (list != null ? list.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Map map = this.roles; if (map != null) { i = map.hashCode(); } return hashCode6 + i; } public final boolean isPrivacyPolicyAccepted() { return this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted; } public String toString() { StringBuilder R = a.R("CommunityGuildConfig(rulesChannel="); R.append(this.rulesChannel); R.append(", updatesChannel="); R.append(this.updatesChannel); R.append(", rulesChannelId="); R.append(this.rulesChannelId); R.append(", updatesChannelId="); R.append(this.updatesChannelId); R.append(", isPrivacyPolicyAccepted="); R.append(this.isPrivacyPolicyAccepted); R.append(", defaultMessageNotifications="); R.append(this.defaultMessageNotifications); R.append(", verificationLevel="); R.append(this.verificationLevel); R.append(", explicitContentFilter="); R.append(this.explicitContentFilter); R.append(", guild="); R.append(this.guild); R.append(", everyonePermissions="); R.append(this.everyonePermissions); R.append(", features="); R.append(this.features); R.append(", roles="); return a.K(R, this.roles, ")"); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Companion { private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } private final Observable observeStoreState(long j, StoreGuilds storeGuilds, StoreChannels storeChannels, StorePermissions storePermissions, StoreUser storeUser) { Observable Y = storeGuilds.observeGuild(j).Y(new WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$Companion$observeStoreState$1(storeUser, storePermissions, j, storeChannels)); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(Y, "storeGuilds.observeGuild… }\n }\n }"); return Y; } public static /* synthetic */ Observable observeStoreState$default(Companion companion, long j, StoreGuilds storeGuilds, StoreChannels storeChannels, StorePermissions storePermissions, StoreUser storeUser, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 2) != 0) { storeGuilds = StoreStream.Companion.getGuilds(); } if ((i & 4) != 0) { storeChannels = StoreStream.Companion.getChannels(); } if ((i & 8) != 0) { storePermissions = StoreStream.Companion.getPermissions(); } if ((i & 16) != 0) { storeUser = StoreStream.Companion.getUsers(); } return companion.observeStoreState(j, storeGuilds, storeChannels, storePermissions, storeUser); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static abstract class Event { /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Error extends Event { public static final Error INSTANCE = new Error(); private Error() { super(null); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class SaveSuccess extends Event { public static final SaveSuccess INSTANCE = new SaveSuccess(); private SaveSuccess() { super(null); } } private Event() { } public /* synthetic */ Event(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static abstract class StoreState { /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Invalid extends StoreState { public static final Invalid INSTANCE = new Invalid(); private Invalid() { super(null); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Valid extends StoreState { private final Guild guild; /* renamed from: me reason: collision with root package name */ private final MeUser f2824me; private final Long permissions; private final Map roles; private final Channel rulesChannel; private final Channel updatesChannel; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Valid(Guild guild, MeUser meUser, Long l, Map map, Channel channel, Channel channel2) { super(null); m.checkNotNullParameter(guild, "guild"); m.checkNotNullParameter(meUser, "me"); this.guild = guild; this.f2824me = meUser; this.permissions = l; this.roles = map; this.rulesChannel = channel; this.updatesChannel = channel2; } /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r4v0, resolved type:$StoreState$Valid */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public static /* synthetic */ Valid copy$default(Valid valid, Guild guild, MeUser meUser, Long l, Map map, Channel channel, Channel channel2, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { guild = valid.guild; } if ((i & 2) != 0) { meUser = valid.f2824me; } if ((i & 4) != 0) { l = valid.permissions; } if ((i & 8) != 0) { map = valid.roles; } if ((i & 16) != 0) { channel = valid.rulesChannel; } if ((i & 32) != 0) { channel2 = valid.updatesChannel; } return valid.copy(guild, meUser, l, map, channel, channel2); } public final Guild component1() { return this.guild; } public final MeUser component2() { return this.f2824me; } public final Long component3() { return this.permissions; } public final Map component4() { return this.roles; } public final Channel component5() { return this.rulesChannel; } public final Channel component6() { return this.updatesChannel; } public final Valid copy(Guild guild, MeUser meUser, Long l, Map map, Channel channel, Channel channel2) { m.checkNotNullParameter(guild, "guild"); m.checkNotNullParameter(meUser, "me"); return new Valid(guild, meUser, l, map, channel, channel2); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Valid)) { return false; } Valid valid = (Valid) obj; return m.areEqual(this.guild, valid.guild) && m.areEqual(this.f2824me, valid.f2824me) && m.areEqual(this.permissions, valid.permissions) && m.areEqual(this.roles, valid.roles) && m.areEqual(this.rulesChannel, valid.rulesChannel) && m.areEqual(this.updatesChannel, valid.updatesChannel); } public final Guild getGuild() { return this.guild; } public final MeUser getMe() { return this.f2824me; } public final Long getPermissions() { return this.permissions; } public final Map getRoles() { return this.roles; } public final Channel getRulesChannel() { return this.rulesChannel; } public final Channel getUpdatesChannel() { return this.updatesChannel; } public int hashCode() { Guild guild = this.guild; int i = 0; int hashCode = (guild != null ? guild.hashCode() : 0) * 31; MeUser meUser = this.f2824me; int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (meUser != null ? meUser.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Long l = this.permissions; int hashCode3 = (hashCode2 + (l != null ? l.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Map map = this.roles; int hashCode4 = (hashCode3 + (map != null ? map.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Channel channel = this.rulesChannel; int hashCode5 = (hashCode4 + (channel != null ? channel.hashCode() : 0)) * 31; Channel channel2 = this.updatesChannel; if (channel2 != null) { i = channel2.hashCode(); } return hashCode5 + i; } public String toString() { StringBuilder R = a.R("Valid(guild="); R.append(this.guild); R.append(", me="); R.append(this.f2824me); R.append(", permissions="); R.append(this.permissions); R.append(", roles="); R.append(this.roles); R.append(", rulesChannel="); R.append(this.rulesChannel); R.append(", updatesChannel="); R.append(this.updatesChannel); R.append(")"); return R.toString(); } } private StoreState() { } public /* synthetic */ StoreState(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static abstract class ViewState { /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Invalid extends ViewState { public static final Invalid INSTANCE = new Invalid(); private Invalid() { super(null); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Loaded extends ViewState { private final CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig; private final int currentPage; private final boolean isLoading; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Loaded(int i, boolean z2, CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig) { super(null); m.checkNotNullParameter(communityGuildConfig, "communityGuildConfig"); this.currentPage = i; this.isLoading = z2; this.communityGuildConfig = communityGuildConfig; } public static /* synthetic */ Loaded copy$default(Loaded loaded, int i, boolean z2, CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig, int i2, Object obj) { if ((i2 & 1) != 0) { i = loaded.currentPage; } if ((i2 & 2) != 0) { z2 = loaded.isLoading; } if ((i2 & 4) != 0) { communityGuildConfig = loaded.communityGuildConfig; } return loaded.copy(i, z2, communityGuildConfig); } public final int component1() { return this.currentPage; } public final boolean component2() { return this.isLoading; } public final CommunityGuildConfig component3() { return this.communityGuildConfig; } public final Loaded copy(int i, boolean z2, CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig) { m.checkNotNullParameter(communityGuildConfig, "communityGuildConfig"); return new Loaded(i, z2, communityGuildConfig); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Loaded)) { return false; } Loaded loaded = (Loaded) obj; return this.currentPage == loaded.currentPage && this.isLoading == loaded.isLoading && m.areEqual(this.communityGuildConfig, loaded.communityGuildConfig); } public final CommunityGuildConfig getCommunityGuildConfig() { return this.communityGuildConfig; } public final int getCurrentPage() { return this.currentPage; } public int hashCode() { int i = this.currentPage * 31; boolean z2 = this.isLoading; if (z2) { z2 = true; } int i2 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i3 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i4 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i5 = (i + i2) * 31; CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig = this.communityGuildConfig; return i5 + (communityGuildConfig != null ? communityGuildConfig.hashCode() : 0); } public final boolean isLoading() { return this.isLoading; } public String toString() { StringBuilder R = a.R("Loaded(currentPage="); R.append(this.currentPage); R.append(", isLoading="); R.append(this.isLoading); R.append(", communityGuildConfig="); R.append(this.communityGuildConfig); R.append(")"); return R.toString(); } } /* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.kt */ public static final class Uninitialized extends ViewState { public static final Uninitialized INSTANCE = new Uninitialized(); private Uninitialized() { super(null); } } private ViewState() { } public /* synthetic */ ViewState(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } } /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel(long j, Observable observable) { super(ViewState.Uninitialized.INSTANCE); m.checkNotNullParameter(observable, "storeStateObservable"); this.guildId = j; this.eventSubject = PublishSubject.k0(); ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.ui$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.computationLatest(observable), this, null, 2, null), WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, (Function1) null, (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new AnonymousClass1(this), 62, (Object) null); } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel(long j, Observable observable, int i, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(j, (i & 2) != 0 ? Companion.observeStoreState$default(Companion, j, null, null, null, null, 30, null) : observable); } public static final /* synthetic */ PublishSubject access$getEventSubject$p(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel) { return widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.eventSubject; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$handleGuildUpdateError(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel) { widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.handleGuildUpdateError(); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$handleStoreState(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel, StoreState storeState) { widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.handleStoreState(storeState); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$patchRole(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel, RestAPIParams.Role role) { widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.patchRole(role); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$updateViewState(WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel, ViewState viewState) { widgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.updateViewState(viewState); } @MainThread private final RestAPIParams.UpdateGuild getUpdatedGuildParams() { GuildVerificationLevel guildVerificationLevel; GuildVerificationLevel guildVerificationLevel2; GuildExplicitContentFilter guildExplicitContentFilter; GuildExplicitContentFilter guildExplicitContentFilter2; ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded == null) { return new RestAPIParams.UpdateGuild(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 32767, null); } CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig = loaded.getCommunityGuildConfig(); List plus = communityGuildConfig.getFeatures(), GuildFeature.COMMUNITY); Guild guild = communityGuildConfig.getGuild(); if (guild == null || (guildVerificationLevel = guild.getVerificationLevel()) == null) { guildVerificationLevel = GuildVerificationLevel.NONE; } GuildVerificationLevel guildVerificationLevel3 = GuildVerificationLevel.NONE; if (guildVerificationLevel.compareTo(guildVerificationLevel3) <= 0 || communityGuildConfig.getVerificationLevel()) { if (guildVerificationLevel == guildVerificationLevel3 && communityGuildConfig.getVerificationLevel()) { guildVerificationLevel = GuildVerificationLevel.LOW; } guildVerificationLevel2 = guildVerificationLevel; } else { guildVerificationLevel2 = guildVerificationLevel3; } Guild guild2 = communityGuildConfig.getGuild(); if (guild2 == null || (guildExplicitContentFilter = guild2.getExplicitContentFilter()) == null) { guildExplicitContentFilter = GuildExplicitContentFilter.NONE; } GuildExplicitContentFilter guildExplicitContentFilter3 = GuildExplicitContentFilter.NONE; if (guildExplicitContentFilter.compareTo(guildExplicitContentFilter3) <= 0 || communityGuildConfig.getExplicitContentFilter()) { if (guildExplicitContentFilter == guildExplicitContentFilter3 && communityGuildConfig.getExplicitContentFilter()) { guildExplicitContentFilter = GuildExplicitContentFilter.ALL; } guildExplicitContentFilter2 = guildExplicitContentFilter; } else { guildExplicitContentFilter2 = guildExplicitContentFilter3; } boolean defaultMessageNotifications = communityGuildConfig.getDefaultMessageNotifications(); int i = 1; if (!defaultMessageNotifications) { if (!defaultMessageNotifications) { i = 0; } else { throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException(); } } return new RestAPIParams.UpdateGuild(null, null, null, Integer.valueOf(i), null, null, guildVerificationLevel2, guildExplicitContentFilter2, null, null, null, plus, communityGuildConfig.getRulesChannelId(), communityGuildConfig.getUpdatesChannelId(), null, 18231, null); } private final void handleGuildUpdateError() { ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { updateViewState(ViewState.Loaded.copy$default(loaded, 0, false, null, 5, null)); PublishSubject publishSubject = this.eventSubject; publishSubject.k.onNext(Event.Error.INSTANCE); } } private final void handleStoreState(StoreState storeState) { GuildRole guildRole; GuildRole guildRole2; if (!(storeState instanceof StoreState.Valid)) { updateViewState(ViewState.Invalid.INSTANCE); return; } StoreState.Valid valid = (StoreState.Valid) storeState; Guild guild = valid.getGuild(); MeUser me2 = valid.getMe(); if (!(guild.isOwner(me2.getId()) || PermissionUtils.canAndIsElevated(32, valid.getPermissions(), me2.getMfaEnabled(), guild.getMfaLevel()))) { updateViewState(ViewState.Invalid.INSTANCE); return; } Channel rulesChannel = valid.getRulesChannel(); Channel updatesChannel = valid.getUpdatesChannel(); boolean z2 = guild.getDefaultMessageNotifications() == 1; boolean z3 = guild.getVerificationLevel().compareTo(GuildVerificationLevel.NONE) > 0; boolean z4 = guild.getExplicitContentFilter().compareTo(GuildExplicitContentFilter.NONE) > 0; Map roles = valid.getRoles(); long h = -1116960071743L & ((roles == null || (guildRole2 = roles.get(Long.valueOf(this.guildId))) == null) ? 0 : guildRole2.h()); Map roles2 = valid.getRoles(); updateViewState(new ViewState.Loaded(0, false, new CommunityGuildConfig(rulesChannel, updatesChannel, 1L, 1L, false, z2, z3, z4, guild, (roles2 == null || (guildRole = roles2.get(Long.valueOf(this.guildId))) == null || h != guildRole.h()) ? false : true, u.toList(guild.getFeatures()), valid.getRoles()))); } private final void patchRole(RestAPIParams.Role role) { ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { RestAPI api = RestAPI.Companion.getApi(); long j = this.guildId; ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.ui$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(api.updateRole(j, j, role), false, 1, null), this, null, 2, null), WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$patchRole$1(this), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$patchRole$2(this, loaded), 54, (Object) null); } } public final long getGuildId() { return this.guildId; } @MainThread public final void goBackToPreviousPage() { ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { updateCurrentPage(loaded.getCurrentPage() - 1); } } @MainThread public final void modifyGuildConfig(Function1 function1) { m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "transform"); ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { updateViewState(ViewState.Loaded.copy$default(loaded, 0, false, function1.invoke(loaded.getCommunityGuildConfig()), 3, null)); } } public final Observable observeEvents() { PublishSubject publishSubject = this.eventSubject; m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(publishSubject, "eventSubject"); return publishSubject; } @MainThread public final void updateCurrentPage(int i) { ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { updateViewState(ViewState.Loaded.copy$default(loaded, i, false, null, 6, null)); } } public final void updateGuild() { ViewState viewState = getViewState(); if (!(viewState instanceof ViewState.Loaded)) { viewState = null; } ViewState.Loaded loaded = (ViewState.Loaded) viewState; if (loaded != null) { CommunityGuildConfig communityGuildConfig = loaded.getCommunityGuildConfig(); updateViewState(ViewState.Loaded.copy$default(loaded, 0, true, null, 5, null)); ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.ui$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(RestAPI.Companion.getApi().updateGuild(this.guildId, getUpdatedGuildParams()), false, 1, null), this, null, 2, null), WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$updateGuild$1(this), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new WidgetServerSettingsEnableCommunityViewModel$updateGuild$2(this, communityGuildConfig, loaded), 54, (Object) null); } } }