package c.i.a.f.i.b; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import androidx.collection.ArrayMap; import c.c.a.a0.d; import c.d.b.a.a; import c.i.a.f.e.o.c; import c.i.a.f.h.l.a1; import c.i.a.f.h.l.c1; import c.i.a.f.h.l.da; import c.i.a.f.h.l.e1; import c.i.a.f.h.l.l0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.l9; import c.i.a.f.h.l.o0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.o8; import c.i.a.f.h.l.u4; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: */ public final class g extends i9 { public static final String[] d = {"last_bundled_timestamp", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN last_bundled_timestamp INTEGER;", "last_bundled_day", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN last_bundled_day INTEGER;", "last_sampled_complex_event_id", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN last_sampled_complex_event_id INTEGER;", "last_sampling_rate", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN last_sampling_rate INTEGER;", "last_exempt_from_sampling", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN last_exempt_from_sampling INTEGER;", "current_session_count", "ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN current_session_count INTEGER;"}; public static final String[] e = {"origin", "ALTER TABLE user_attributes ADD COLUMN origin TEXT;"}; public static final String[] f = {"app_version", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN app_version TEXT;", "app_store", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN app_store TEXT;", "gmp_version", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN gmp_version INTEGER;", "dev_cert_hash", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN dev_cert_hash INTEGER;", "measurement_enabled", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN measurement_enabled INTEGER;", "last_bundle_start_timestamp", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN last_bundle_start_timestamp INTEGER;", "day", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN day INTEGER;", "daily_public_events_count", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN daily_public_events_count INTEGER;", "daily_events_count", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN daily_events_count INTEGER;", "daily_conversions_count", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN daily_conversions_count INTEGER;", "remote_config", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN remote_config BLOB;", "config_fetched_time", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN config_fetched_time INTEGER;", "failed_config_fetch_time", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN failed_config_fetch_time INTEGER;", "app_version_int", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN app_version_int INTEGER;", "firebase_instance_id", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN firebase_instance_id TEXT;", "daily_error_events_count", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN daily_error_events_count INTEGER;", "daily_realtime_events_count", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN daily_realtime_events_count INTEGER;", "health_monitor_sample", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN health_monitor_sample TEXT;", "android_id", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN android_id INTEGER;", "adid_reporting_enabled", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN adid_reporting_enabled INTEGER;", "ssaid_reporting_enabled", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN ssaid_reporting_enabled INTEGER;", "admob_app_id", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN admob_app_id TEXT;", "linked_admob_app_id", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN linked_admob_app_id TEXT;", "dynamite_version", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN dynamite_version INTEGER;", "safelisted_events", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN safelisted_events TEXT;", "ga_app_id", "ALTER TABLE apps ADD COLUMN ga_app_id TEXT;"}; public static final String[] g = {"realtime", "ALTER TABLE raw_events ADD COLUMN realtime INTEGER;"}; public static final String[] h = {"has_realtime", "ALTER TABLE queue ADD COLUMN has_realtime INTEGER;", "retry_count", "ALTER TABLE queue ADD COLUMN retry_count INTEGER;"}; public static final String[] i = {"session_scoped", "ALTER TABLE event_filters ADD COLUMN session_scoped BOOLEAN;"}; public static final String[] j = {"session_scoped", "ALTER TABLE property_filters ADD COLUMN session_scoped BOOLEAN;"}; public static final String[] k = {"previous_install_count", "ALTER TABLE app2 ADD COLUMN previous_install_count INTEGER;"}; public final h l = new h(this, this.a.b, "google_app_measurement.db"); public final e9 m = new e9(this.a.o); public g(k9 k9Var) { super(k9Var); } @WorkerThread public static void G(ContentValues contentValues, String str, Object obj) { d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "null reference"); if (obj instanceof String) { contentValues.put(str, (String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { contentValues.put(str, (Long) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { contentValues.put(str, (Double) obj); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value type"); } } @WorkerThread public final Object A(Cursor cursor, int i2) { int type = cursor.getType(i2); if (type == 0) { g().f.a("Loaded invalid null value from database"); return null; } else if (type == 1) { return Long.valueOf(cursor.getLong(i2)); } else { if (type == 2) { return Double.valueOf(cursor.getDouble(i2)); } if (type == 3) { return cursor.getString(i2); } if (type != 4) { g().f.b("Loaded invalid unknown value type, ignoring it", Integer.valueOf(type)); return null; } g().f.a("Loaded invalid blob type value, ignoring it"); return null; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x004b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x0053 */ public final String B(long j2) { Throwable th; SQLiteException e2; Cursor cursor; b(); n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().rawQuery("select app_id from apps where app_id in (select distinct app_id from raw_events) and config_fetched_time < ? order by failed_config_fetch_time limit 1;", new String[]{String.valueOf(j2)}); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { g().n.a("No expired configs for apps with pending events"); cursor.close(); return null; } String string = cursor.getString(0); cursor.close(); return string; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.b("Error selecting expired configs", e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; cursor = null; g().f.b("Error selecting expired configs", e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x00ad */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:38:0x00b5 */ @WorkerThread public final List C(String str) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; d.w(str); b(); n(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().query("user_attributes", new String[]{ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, "origin", "set_timestamp", "value"}, "app_id=?", new String[]{str}, null, null, "rowid", "1000"); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return arrayList; } do { String string = cursor.getString(0); String string2 = cursor.getString(1); if (string2 == null) { string2 = ""; } long j2 = cursor.getLong(2); Object A = A(cursor, 3); if (A == null) { g().f.b("Read invalid user property value, ignoring it. appId", q3.s(str)); } else { arrayList.add(new u9(str, string2, string, j2, A)); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); cursor.close(); return arrayList; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.c("Error querying user properties. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b() || !this.a.h.u(str, p.F0)) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } List emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return emptyList; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; cursor = null; g().f.c("Error querying user properties. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final List> D(String str, int i2, int i3) { b(); n(); d.l(i2 > 0); d.l(i3 > 0); d.w(str); Cursor cursor = null; try { Cursor query = t().query("queue", new String[]{"rowid", "data", "retry_count"}, "app_id=?", new String[]{str}, null, null, "rowid", String.valueOf(i2)); if (!query.moveToFirst()) { List> emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); query.close(); return emptyList; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); int i4 = 0; do { long j2 = query.getLong(0); try { byte[] S = m().S(query.getBlob(1)); if (!arrayList.isEmpty() && S.length + i4 > i3) { break; } try { e1.a aVar = (e1.a) q9.x(e1.u0(), S); if (!query.isNull(2)) { int i5 = query.getInt(2); if (aVar.k) { aVar.n(); aVar.k = false; } e1.V0((e1) aVar.j, i5); } i4 += S.length; arrayList.add(Pair.create((e1) ((u4) aVar.p()), Long.valueOf(j2))); } catch (IOException e2) { g().f.c("Failed to merge queued bundle. appId", q3.s(str), e2); } if (!query.moveToNext()) { break; } } catch (IOException e3) { g().f.c("Failed to unzip queued bundle. appId", q3.s(str), e3); } } while (i4 <= i3); query.close(); return arrayList; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { g().f.c("Error querying bundles. appId", q3.s(str), e4); List> emptyList2 = Collections.emptyList(); if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } return emptyList2; } catch (Throwable th) { if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:34:0x00e8, code lost: r0 = th; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x00ea, code lost: r0 = e; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:36:0x00eb, code lost: r4 = r23; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:43:0x010f, code lost: r0 = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:44:0x0113, code lost: if (r12 != null) goto L_0x0115; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:45:0x0115, code lost: r12.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:46:0x0118, code lost: return r0; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:48:0x011b, code lost: r12.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:53:0x0123, code lost: r10.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Failed to process nested try/catch */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:34:0x00e8 A[ExcHandler: all (th java.lang.Throwable), Splitter:B:1:0x0013] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x0103 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x011f }] */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:48:0x011b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:53:0x0123 */ @WorkerThread public final List E(String str, String str2, String str3) { Cursor cursor; String str4; SQLiteException e2; d.w(str); b(); n(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(3); arrayList2.add(str); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("app_id=?"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { str4 = str2; arrayList2.add(str4); sb.append(" and origin=?"); } else { str4 = str2; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) { arrayList2.add(String.valueOf(str3).concat("*")); sb.append(" and name glob ?"); } cursor = t().query("user_attributes", new String[]{ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, "set_timestamp", "value", "origin"}, sb.toString(), (String[]) arrayList2.toArray(new String[arrayList2.size()]), null, null, "rowid", "1001"); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return arrayList; } while (true) { if (arrayList.size() >= 1000) { g().f.b("Read more than the max allowed user properties, ignoring excess", 1000); break; } String string = cursor.getString(0); long j2 = cursor.getLong(1); Object A = A(cursor, 2); String string2 = cursor.getString(3); if (A == null) { try { g().f.d("(2)Read invalid user property value, ignoring it", q3.s(str), string2, str3); } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; str4 = string2; try { g().f.d("(2)Error querying user properties", q3.s(str), str4, e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable th2 = th; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th2; } } } else { arrayList.add(new u9(str, string2, string, j2, A)); } if (!cursor.moveToNext()) { break; } } cursor.close(); return arrayList; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; g().f.d("(2)Error querying user properties", q3.s(str), str4, e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.d("(2)Error querying user properties", q3.s(str), str4, e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { } } public final List F(String str, String[] strArr) { b(); n(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = t().query("conditional_properties", new String[]{"app_id", "origin", ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, "value", "active", "trigger_event_name", "trigger_timeout", "timed_out_event", "creation_timestamp", "triggered_event", "triggered_timestamp", "time_to_live", "expired_event"}, str, strArr, null, null, "rowid", "1001"); if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return arrayList; } while (true) { if (arrayList.size() < 1000) { boolean z2 = false; String string = cursor.getString(0); String string2 = cursor.getString(1); String string3 = cursor.getString(2); Object A = A(cursor, 3); if (cursor.getInt(4) != 0) { z2 = true; } String string4 = cursor.getString(5); long j2 = cursor.getLong(6); q9 m = m(); byte[] blob = cursor.getBlob(7); Parcelable.Creator creator = zzaq.CREATOR; long j3 = cursor.getLong(8); arrayList.add(new zzz(string, string2, new zzku(string3, cursor.getLong(10), A, string2), j3, z2, string4, (zzaq) m.u(blob, creator), j2, (zzaq) m().u(cursor.getBlob(9), creator), cursor.getLong(11), (zzaq) m().u(cursor.getBlob(12), creator))); if (!cursor.moveToNext()) { break; } } else { g().f.b("Read more than the max allowed conditional properties, ignoring extra", 1000); break; } } cursor.close(); return arrayList; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.b("Error querying conditional user property value", e2); List emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return emptyList; } catch (Throwable th) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final void H(l lVar) { Objects.requireNonNull(lVar, "null reference"); b(); n(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", lVar.a); contentValues.put(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, lVar.b); contentValues.put("lifetime_count", Long.valueOf(lVar.f1214c)); contentValues.put("current_bundle_count", Long.valueOf(lVar.d)); contentValues.put("last_fire_timestamp", Long.valueOf(lVar.f)); contentValues.put("last_bundled_timestamp", Long.valueOf(lVar.g)); contentValues.put("last_bundled_day", lVar.h); contentValues.put("last_sampled_complex_event_id", lVar.i); contentValues.put("last_sampling_rate", lVar.j); contentValues.put("current_session_count", Long.valueOf(lVar.e)); Boolean bool = lVar.k; contentValues.put("last_exempt_from_sampling", (bool == null || !bool.booleanValue()) ? null : 1L); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("events", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { g().f.b("Failed to insert/update event aggregates (got -1). appId", q3.s(lVar.a)); } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing event aggregates. appId", q3.s(lVar.a), e2); } } @WorkerThread public final void I(a4 a4Var) { b(); n(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", a4Var.o()); contentValues.put("app_instance_id", a4Var.s()); contentValues.put("gmp_app_id", a4Var.v()); contentValues.put("resettable_device_id_hash", a4Var.E()); contentValues.put("last_bundle_index", Long.valueOf(a4Var.U())); contentValues.put("last_bundle_start_timestamp", Long.valueOf(a4Var.K())); contentValues.put("last_bundle_end_timestamp", Long.valueOf(a4Var.L())); contentValues.put("app_version", a4Var.M()); contentValues.put("app_store", a4Var.O()); contentValues.put("gmp_version", Long.valueOf(a4Var.P())); contentValues.put("dev_cert_hash", Long.valueOf(a4Var.Q())); contentValues.put("measurement_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(a4Var.T())); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("day", Long.valueOf(a4Var.f1180x)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("daily_public_events_count", Long.valueOf(a4Var.f1181y)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("daily_events_count", Long.valueOf(a4Var.f1182z)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("daily_conversions_count", Long.valueOf(a4Var.A)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("config_fetched_time", Long.valueOf(a4Var.F)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("failed_config_fetch_time", Long.valueOf(a4Var.G)); contentValues.put("app_version_int", Long.valueOf(a4Var.N())); contentValues.put("firebase_instance_id", a4Var.H()); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("daily_error_events_count", Long.valueOf(a4Var.B)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("daily_realtime_events_count", Long.valueOf(a4Var.C)); a4Var.a.f().b(); contentValues.put("health_monitor_sample", a4Var.D); contentValues.put("android_id", Long.valueOf(a4Var.g())); contentValues.put("adid_reporting_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(a4Var.h())); contentValues.put("ssaid_reporting_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(a4Var.i())); contentValues.put("admob_app_id", a4Var.y()); contentValues.put("dynamite_version", Long.valueOf(a4Var.S())); if (a4Var.k() != null) { if (a4Var.k().size() == 0) { g().i.b("Safelisted events should not be an empty list. appId", a4Var.o()); } else { contentValues.put("safelisted_events", TextUtils.join(",", a4Var.k())); } } if (da.b() && this.a.h.u(a4Var.o(), p.f1229j0)) { contentValues.put("ga_app_id", a4Var.B()); } try { SQLiteDatabase t = t(); if (((long) t.update("apps", contentValues, "app_id = ?", new String[]{a4Var.o()})) == 0 && t.insertWithOnConflict("apps", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { g().f.b("Failed to insert/update app (got -1). appId", q3.s(a4Var.o())); } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing app. appId", q3.s(a4Var.o()), e2); } } @WorkerThread public final void J(List list) { b(); n(); Objects.requireNonNull(list, "null reference"); if (list.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Integer is zero"); } else if (R()) { String join = TextUtils.join(",", list); String j2 = a.j(a.b(join, 2), "(", join, ")"); if (S(a.j(a.b(j2, 80), "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM queue WHERE rowid IN ", j2, " AND retry_count = 2147483647 LIMIT 1"), null) > 0) { g().i.a("The number of upload retries exceeds the limit. Will remain unchanged."); } try { SQLiteDatabase t = t(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(j2).length() + 127); sb.append("UPDATE queue SET retry_count = IFNULL(retry_count, 0) + 1 WHERE rowid IN "); sb.append(j2); sb.append(" AND (retry_count IS NULL OR retry_count < 2147483647)"); t.execSQL(sb.toString()); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.b("Error incrementing retry count. error", e2); } } } @WorkerThread public final boolean K(e1 e1Var, boolean z2) { b(); n(); d.w(e1Var.G1()); d.F(e1Var.n1()); i0(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e1Var.o1() < currentTimeMillis - c.B() || e1Var.o1() > c.B() + currentTimeMillis) { g().i.d("Storing bundle outside of the max uploading time span. appId, now, timestamp", q3.s(e1Var.G1()), Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis), Long.valueOf(e1Var.o1())); } try { byte[] T = m().T(e1Var.d()); g().n.b("Saving bundle, size", Integer.valueOf(T.length)); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", e1Var.G1()); contentValues.put("bundle_end_timestamp", Long.valueOf(e1Var.o1())); contentValues.put("data", T); contentValues.put("has_realtime", Integer.valueOf(z2 ? 1 : 0)); if (e1Var.f0()) { contentValues.put("retry_count", Integer.valueOf(e1Var.n0())); } try { if (t().insert("queue", null, contentValues) != -1) { return true; } g().f.b("Failed to insert bundle (got -1). appId", q3.s(e1Var.G1())); return false; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing bundle. appId", q3.s(e1Var.G1()), e2); return false; } } catch (IOException e3) { g().f.c("Data loss. Failed to serialize bundle. appId", q3.s(e1Var.G1()), e3); return false; } } public final boolean L(m mVar, long j2, boolean z2) { b(); n(); d.w(mVar.a); byte[] d2 = m().v(mVar).d(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", mVar.a); contentValues.put(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, mVar.b); contentValues.put("timestamp", Long.valueOf(mVar.d)); contentValues.put("metadata_fingerprint", Long.valueOf(j2)); contentValues.put("data", d2); contentValues.put("realtime", Integer.valueOf(z2 ? 1 : 0)); try { if (t().insert("raw_events", null, contentValues) != -1) { return true; } g().f.b("Failed to insert raw event (got -1). appId", q3.s(mVar.a)); return false; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing raw event. appId", q3.s(mVar.a), e2); return false; } } @WorkerThread public final boolean M(u9 u9Var) { b(); n(); if (Y(u9Var.a, u9Var.f1246c) == null) { if (t9.X(u9Var.f1246c)) { long S = S("select count(1) from user_attributes where app_id=? and name not like '!_%' escape '!'", new String[]{u9Var.a}); c cVar = this.a.h; String str = u9Var.a; Objects.requireNonNull(cVar); int i2 = 25; if (o8.b() && cVar.u(null, p.w0)) { i2 = Math.max(Math.min(cVar.q(str, p.G), 100), 25); } if (S >= ((long) i2)) { return false; } } else if (!"_npa".equals(u9Var.f1246c) && S("select count(1) from user_attributes where app_id=? and origin=? AND name like '!_%' escape '!'", new String[]{u9Var.a, u9Var.b}) >= 25) { return false; } } ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", u9Var.a); contentValues.put("origin", u9Var.b); contentValues.put(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, u9Var.f1246c); contentValues.put("set_timestamp", Long.valueOf(u9Var.d)); G(contentValues, "value", u9Var.e); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("user_attributes", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { g().f.b("Failed to insert/update user property (got -1). appId", q3.s(u9Var.a)); } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing user property. appId", q3.s(u9Var.a), e2); } return true; } @WorkerThread public final boolean N(zzz zzz) { b(); n(); if (Y(zzz.i, zzz.k.j) == null && S("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM conditional_properties WHERE app_id=?", new String[]{zzz.i}) >= 1000) { return false; } ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", zzz.i); contentValues.put("origin", zzz.j); contentValues.put(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, zzz.k.j); G(contentValues, "value", zzz.k.w0()); contentValues.put("active", Boolean.valueOf(zzz.m)); contentValues.put("trigger_event_name", zzz.n); contentValues.put("trigger_timeout", Long.valueOf(zzz.p)); e(); contentValues.put("timed_out_event", t9.g0(zzz.o)); contentValues.put("creation_timestamp", Long.valueOf(zzz.l)); e(); contentValues.put("triggered_event", t9.g0(zzz.q)); contentValues.put("triggered_timestamp", Long.valueOf(zzz.k.k)); contentValues.put("time_to_live", Long.valueOf(zzz.r)); e(); contentValues.put("expired_event", t9.g0(zzz.f2395s)); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("conditional_properties", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { g().f.b("Failed to insert/update conditional user property (got -1)", q3.s(zzz.i)); } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing conditional user property", q3.s(zzz.i), e2); } return true; } @WorkerThread public final boolean O(String str, int i2, l0 l0Var) { n(); b(); d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(l0Var, "null reference"); Integer num = null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(l0Var.z())) { s3 s3Var = g().i; Object s2 = q3.s(str); Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(i2); if (l0Var.x()) { num = Integer.valueOf(l0Var.y()); } s3Var.d("Event filter had no event name. Audience definition ignored. appId, audienceId, filterId", s2, valueOf, String.valueOf(num)); return false; } byte[] d2 = l0Var.d(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", str); contentValues.put("audience_id", Integer.valueOf(i2)); contentValues.put("filter_id", l0Var.x() ? Integer.valueOf(l0Var.y()) : null); contentValues.put("event_name", l0Var.z()); contentValues.put("session_scoped", l0Var.G() ? Boolean.valueOf(l0Var.H()) : null); contentValues.put("data", d2); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("event_filters", null, contentValues, 5) != -1) { return true; } g().f.b("Failed to insert event filter (got -1). appId", q3.s(str)); return true; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing event filter. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return false; } } @WorkerThread public final boolean P(String str, int i2, o0 o0Var) { n(); b(); d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(o0Var, "null reference"); Integer num = null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(o0Var.x())) { s3 s3Var = g().i; Object s2 = q3.s(str); Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(i2); if (o0Var.v()) { num = Integer.valueOf(o0Var.w()); } s3Var.d("Property filter had no property name. Audience definition ignored. appId, audienceId, filterId", s2, valueOf, String.valueOf(num)); return false; } byte[] d2 = o0Var.d(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", str); contentValues.put("audience_id", Integer.valueOf(i2)); contentValues.put("filter_id", o0Var.v() ? Integer.valueOf(o0Var.w()) : null); contentValues.put("property_name", o0Var.x()); contentValues.put("session_scoped", o0Var.B() ? Boolean.valueOf(o0Var.C()) : null); contentValues.put("data", d2); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("property_filters", null, contentValues, 5) != -1) { return true; } g().f.b("Failed to insert property filter (got -1). appId", q3.s(str)); return false; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing property filter. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return false; } } public final boolean Q(String str, Long l, long j2, a1 a1Var) { b(); n(); Objects.requireNonNull(a1Var, "null reference"); d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(l, "null reference"); byte[] d2 = a1Var.d(); g().n.c("Saving complex main event, appId, data size", d().u(str), Integer.valueOf(d2.length)); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", str); contentValues.put("event_id", l); contentValues.put("children_to_process", Long.valueOf(j2)); contentValues.put("main_event", d2); try { if (t().insertWithOnConflict("main_event_params", null, contentValues, 5) != -1) { return true; } g().f.b("Failed to insert complex main event (got -1). appId", q3.s(str)); return false; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing complex main event. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return false; } } public final boolean R() { return this.a.b.getDatabasePath("google_app_measurement.db").exists(); } @WorkerThread public final long S(String str, String[] strArr) { Cursor cursor = null; try { Cursor rawQuery = t().rawQuery(str, strArr); if (rawQuery.moveToFirst()) { long j2 = rawQuery.getLong(0); rawQuery.close(); return j2; } throw new SQLiteException("Database returned empty set"); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Database error", str, e2); throw e2; } catch (Throwable th) { if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:83:0x029b */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:88:0x02a3 */ @WorkerThread public final a4 T(String str) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; d.w(str); b(); n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { boolean z2 = true; cursor = t().query("apps", new String[]{"app_instance_id", "gmp_app_id", "resettable_device_id_hash", "last_bundle_index", "last_bundle_start_timestamp", "last_bundle_end_timestamp", "app_version", "app_store", "gmp_version", "dev_cert_hash", "measurement_enabled", "day", "daily_public_events_count", "daily_events_count", "daily_conversions_count", "config_fetched_time", "failed_config_fetch_time", "app_version_int", "firebase_instance_id", "daily_error_events_count", "daily_realtime_events_count", "health_monitor_sample", "android_id", "adid_reporting_enabled", "ssaid_reporting_enabled", "admob_app_id", "dynamite_version", "safelisted_events", "ga_app_id"}, "app_id=?", new String[]{str}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return null; } a4 a4Var = new a4(this.b.k, str); a4Var.c(cursor.getString(0)); a4Var.m(cursor.getString(1)); a4Var.x(cursor.getString(2)); a4Var.C(cursor.getLong(3)); a4Var.a(cursor.getLong(4)); a4Var.l(cursor.getLong(5)); a4Var.D(cursor.getString(6)); a4Var.G(cursor.getString(7)); a4Var.t(cursor.getLong(8)); a4Var.w(cursor.getLong(9)); a4Var.e(cursor.isNull(10) || cursor.getInt(10) != 0); long j2 = cursor.getLong(11); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.f1180x != j2; a4Var.f1180x = j2; long j3 = cursor.getLong(12); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.f1181y != j3; a4Var.f1181y = j3; long j4 = cursor.getLong(13); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.f1182z != j4; a4Var.f1182z = j4; long j5 = cursor.getLong(14); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.A != j5; a4Var.A = j5; a4Var.F(cursor.getLong(15)); a4Var.I(cursor.getLong(16)); a4Var.p(cursor.isNull(17) ? -2147483648L : (long) cursor.getInt(17)); a4Var.A(cursor.getString(18)); long j6 = cursor.getLong(19); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.B != j6; a4Var.B = j6; long j7 = cursor.getLong(20); a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E |= a4Var.C != j7; a4Var.C = j7; a4Var.J(cursor.getString(21)); long j8 = 0; if (!this.a.h.o(p.y0)) { a4Var.R(cursor.isNull(22) ? 0 : cursor.getLong(22)); } a4Var.n(cursor.isNull(23) || cursor.getInt(23) != 0); if (!cursor.isNull(24) && cursor.getInt(24) == 0) { z2 = false; } a4Var.r(z2); a4Var.q(cursor.getString(25)); if (!cursor.isNull(26)) { j8 = cursor.getLong(26); } a4Var.z(j8); if (!cursor.isNull(27)) { a4Var.d(Arrays.asList(cursor.getString(27).split(",", -1))); } if (da.b() && this.a.h.u(str, p.f1229j0)) { a4Var.u(cursor.getString(28)); } a4Var.a.f().b(); a4Var.E = false; if (cursor.moveToNext()) { g().f.b("Got multiple records for app, expected one. appId", q3.s(str)); } cursor.close(); return a4Var; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.c("Error querying app. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; cursor = null; g().f.c("Error querying app. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final List U(String str, String str2, String str3) { d.w(str); b(); n(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(3); arrayList.add(str); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("app_id=?"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { arrayList.add(str2); sb.append(" and origin=?"); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) { arrayList.add(String.valueOf(str3).concat("*")); sb.append(" and name glob ?"); } return F(sb.toString(), (String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[arrayList.size()])); } @WorkerThread public final void V(String str, String str2) { d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); try { t().delete("user_attributes", "app_id=? and name=?", new String[]{str, str2}); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.d("Error deleting user property. appId", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); } } public final boolean W(String str, List list) { d.w(str); n(); b(); SQLiteDatabase t = t(); try { long S = S("select count(1) from audience_filter_values where app_id=?", new String[]{str}); int max = Math.max(0, Math.min(2000, this.a.h.q(str, p.F))); if (S <= ((long) max)) { return false; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.size(); i2++) { Integer num = list.get(i2); if (num == null) { return false; } arrayList.add(Integer.toString(num.intValue())); } String join = TextUtils.join(",", arrayList); String j2 = a.j(a.b(join, 2), "(", join, ")"); return t.delete("audience_filter_values", a.j(a.b(j2, 140), "audience_id in (select audience_id from audience_filter_values where app_id=? and audience_id not in ", j2, " order by rowid desc limit -1 offset ?)"), new String[]{str, Integer.toString(max)}) > 0; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Database error querying filters. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return false; } } public final long X(String str) { d.w(str); b(); n(); try { return (long) t().delete("raw_events", "rowid in (select rowid from raw_events where app_id=? order by rowid desc limit -1 offset ?)", new String[]{str, String.valueOf(Math.max(0, Math.min(1000000, this.a.h.q(str, p.p))))}); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error deleting over the limit events. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return 0; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:27:0x0099 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:32:0x00a1 */ @WorkerThread public final u9 Y(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().query("user_attributes", new String[]{"set_timestamp", "value", "origin"}, "app_id=? and name=?", new String[]{str, str2}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return null; } try { u9 u9Var = new u9(str, cursor.getString(2), str2, cursor.getLong(0), A(cursor, 1)); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { g().f.b("Got multiple records for user property, expected one. appId", q3.s(str)); } cursor.close(); return u9Var; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.d("Error querying user property. appId", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; g().f.d("Error querying user property. appId", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.d("Error querying user property. appId", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th4) { th = th4; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x0111 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x0119 */ @WorkerThread public final zzz Z(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().query("conditional_properties", new String[]{"origin", "value", "active", "trigger_event_name", "trigger_timeout", "timed_out_event", "creation_timestamp", "triggered_event", "triggered_timestamp", "time_to_live", "expired_event"}, "app_id=? and name=?", new String[]{str, str2}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return null; } String string = cursor.getString(0); try { Object A = A(cursor, 1); boolean z2 = cursor.getInt(2) != 0; String string2 = cursor.getString(3); long j2 = cursor.getLong(4); q9 m = m(); byte[] blob = cursor.getBlob(5); Parcelable.Creator creator = zzaq.CREATOR; zzz zzz = new zzz(str, string, new zzku(str2, cursor.getLong(8), A, string), cursor.getLong(6), z2, string2, (zzaq) m.u(blob, creator), j2, (zzaq) m().u(cursor.getBlob(7), creator), cursor.getLong(9), (zzaq) m().u(cursor.getBlob(10), creator)); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { g().f.c("Got multiple records for conditional property, expected one", q3.s(str), d().y(str2)); } cursor.close(); return zzz; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.d("Error querying conditional property", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; g().f.d("Error querying conditional property", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.d("Error querying conditional property", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th4) { th = th4; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final int a0(String str, String str2) { d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); try { return t().delete("conditional_properties", "app_id=? and name=?", new String[]{str, str2}); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.d("Error deleting conditional property", q3.s(str), d().y(str2), e2); return 0; } } @WorkerThread public final void b0() { n(); t().beginTransaction(); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x00c3 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x00cb */ public final Map> c0(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; n(); b(); d.w(str); d.w(str2); ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().query("event_filters", new String[]{"audience_id", "data"}, "app_id=? AND event_name=?", new String[]{str, str2}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { Map> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap(); cursor.close(); return emptyMap; } do { try { l0 l0Var = (l0) ((u4) ((l0.a) q9.x(l0.I(), cursor.getBlob(1))).p()); int i2 = cursor.getInt(0); List list = arrayMap.get(Integer.valueOf(i2)); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); arrayMap.put(Integer.valueOf(i2), list); } list.add(l0Var); } catch (IOException e3) { g().f.c("Failed to merge filter. appId", q3.s(str), e3); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); cursor.close(); return arrayMap; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; try { g().f.c("Database error querying filters. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.c("Database error querying filters. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b() || !this.a.h.u(str, p.F0)) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } Map> emptyMap2 = Collections.emptyMap(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return emptyMap2; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x00c3 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x00cb */ public final Map> d0(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; n(); b(); d.w(str); d.w(str2); ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().query("property_filters", new String[]{"audience_id", "data"}, "app_id=? AND property_name=?", new String[]{str, str2}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { Map> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap(); cursor.close(); return emptyMap; } do { try { o0 o0Var = (o0) ((u4) ((o0.a) q9.x(o0.D(), cursor.getBlob(1))).p()); int i2 = cursor.getInt(0); List list = arrayMap.get(Integer.valueOf(i2)); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); arrayMap.put(Integer.valueOf(i2), list); } list.add(o0Var); } catch (IOException e3) { g().f.c("Failed to merge filter", q3.s(str), e3); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); cursor.close(); return arrayMap; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; try { g().f.c("Database error querying filters. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b()) { } if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.c("Database error querying filters. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (l9.b() || !this.a.h.u(str, p.F0)) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } Map> emptyMap2 = Collections.emptyMap(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return emptyMap2; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final void e0() { n(); t().endTransaction(); } public final long f0(String str) { d.w(str); return w("select count(1) from events where app_id=? and name not like '!_%' escape '!'", new String[]{str}, 0); } @WorkerThread public final long g0(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; SQLiteException e2; long w; d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); SQLiteDatabase t = t(); t.beginTransaction(); long j2 = 0; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str2.length() + 32); sb.append("select "); sb.append(str2); sb.append(" from app2 where app_id=?"); try { w = w(sb.toString(), new String[]{str}, -1); if (w == -1) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", str); contentValues.put("first_open_count", (Integer) 0); contentValues.put("previous_install_count", (Integer) 0); if (t.insertWithOnConflict("app2", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { g().f.c("Failed to insert column (got -1). appId", q3.s(str), str2); t.endTransaction(); return -1; } w = 0; } } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.d("Error inserting column. appId", q3.s(str), str2, e2); t.endTransaction(); return j2; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; t.endTransaction(); throw th; } } try { ContentValues contentValues2 = new ContentValues(); contentValues2.put("app_id", str); contentValues2.put(str2, Long.valueOf(1 + w)); if (((long) t.update("app2", contentValues2, "app_id = ?", new String[]{str})) == 0) { g().f.c("Failed to update column (got 0). appId", q3.s(str), str2); t.endTransaction(); return -1; } t.setTransactionSuccessful(); t.endTransaction(); return w; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; j2 = w; g().f.d("Error inserting column. appId", q3.s(str), str2, e2); t.endTransaction(); return j2; } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; g().f.d("Error inserting column. appId", q3.s(str), str2, e2); t.endTransaction(); return j2; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; t.endTransaction(); throw th; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x00c5 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:44:0x00cd */ public final Bundle h0(String str) { Throwable th; SQLiteException e2; Cursor cursor; b(); n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = t().rawQuery("select parameters from default_event_params where app_id=?", new String[]{str}); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { g().n.a("Default event parameters not found"); cursor.close(); return null; } try { a1 a1Var = (a1) ((u4) ((a1.a) q9.x(a1.M(), cursor.getBlob(0))).p()); m(); List v = a1Var.v(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); for (c1 c1Var : v) { String B = c1Var.B(); if (c1Var.M()) { bundle.putDouble(B, c1Var.N()); } else if (c1Var.K()) { bundle.putFloat(B, c1Var.L()); } else if (c1Var.F()) { bundle.putString(B, c1Var.G()); } else if (c1Var.I()) { bundle.putLong(B, c1Var.J()); } } cursor.close(); return bundle; } catch (IOException e3) { g().f.c("Failed to retrieve default event parameters. appId", q3.s(str), e3); cursor.close(); return null; } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; try { g().f.b("Error selecting default event parameters", e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; cursor = null; g().f.b("Error selecting default event parameters", e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final void i0() { b(); n(); if (R()) { long a = l().i.a(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (Math.abs(elapsedRealtime - a) > p.f1232y.a(null).longValue()) { l().i.b(elapsedRealtime); b(); n(); if (R()) { SQLiteDatabase t = t(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); int delete = t.delete("queue", "abs(bundle_end_timestamp - ?) > cast(? as integer)", new String[]{String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), String.valueOf(c.B())}); if (delete > 0) { g().n.b("Deleted stale rows. rowsDeleted", Integer.valueOf(delete)); } } } } } public final long j0() { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = t().rawQuery("select rowid from raw_events order by rowid desc limit 1;", null); if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return -1; } long j2 = cursor.getLong(0); cursor.close(); return j2; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.b("Error querying raw events", e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return -1; } catch (Throwable th) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } @Override // c.i.a.f.i.b.i9 public final boolean p() { return false; } @WorkerThread public final void s() { n(); t().setTransactionSuccessful(); } @WorkerThread public final SQLiteDatabase t() { b(); try { return this.l.getWritableDatabase(); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().i.b("Error opening database", e2); throw e2; } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:0x0034 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x003b */ @WorkerThread public final String u() { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; try { cursor = t().rawQuery("select app_id from queue order by has_realtime desc, rowid asc limit 1;", null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { String string = cursor.getString(0); cursor.close(); return string; } cursor.close(); return null; } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.b("Database error getting next bundle app id", e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; if (cursor != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; cursor = null; g().f.b("Database error getting next bundle app id", e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; cursor = null; if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } public final long v(e1 e1Var) throws IOException { b(); n(); d.w(e1Var.G1()); byte[] d2 = e1Var.d(); long t = m().t(d2); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", e1Var.G1()); contentValues.put("metadata_fingerprint", Long.valueOf(t)); contentValues.put("metadata", d2); try { t().insertWithOnConflict("raw_events_metadata", null, contentValues, 4); return t; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error storing raw event metadata. appId", q3.s(e1Var.G1()), e2); throw e2; } } @WorkerThread public final long w(String str, String[] strArr, long j2) { Cursor cursor = null; try { Cursor rawQuery = t().rawQuery(str, strArr); if (rawQuery.moveToFirst()) { long j3 = rawQuery.getLong(0); rawQuery.close(); return j3; } rawQuery.close(); return j2; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Database error", str, e2); throw e2; } catch (Throwable th) { if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final f x(long j2, String str, long j3, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6) { d.w(str); b(); n(); String[] strArr = {str}; f fVar = new f(); Cursor cursor = null; try { SQLiteDatabase t = t(); Cursor query = t.query("apps", new String[]{"day", "daily_events_count", "daily_public_events_count", "daily_conversions_count", "daily_error_events_count", "daily_realtime_events_count"}, "app_id=?", new String[]{str}, null, null, null); if (!query.moveToFirst()) { g().i.b("Not updating daily counts, app is not known. appId", q3.s(str)); query.close(); return fVar; } if (query.getLong(0) == j2) { fVar.b = query.getLong(1); fVar.a = query.getLong(2); fVar.f1196c = query.getLong(3); fVar.d = query.getLong(4); fVar.e = query.getLong(5); } if (z2) { fVar.b += j3; } if (z3) { fVar.a += j3; } if (z4) { fVar.f1196c += j3; } if (z5) { fVar.d += j3; } if (z6) { fVar.e += j3; } ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("day", Long.valueOf(j2)); contentValues.put("daily_public_events_count", Long.valueOf(fVar.a)); contentValues.put("daily_events_count", Long.valueOf(fVar.b)); contentValues.put("daily_conversions_count", Long.valueOf(fVar.f1196c)); contentValues.put("daily_error_events_count", Long.valueOf(fVar.d)); contentValues.put("daily_realtime_events_count", Long.valueOf(fVar.e)); t.update("apps", contentValues, "app_id=?", strArr); query.close(); return fVar; } catch (SQLiteException e2) { g().f.c("Error updating daily counts. appId", q3.s(str), e2); if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } return fVar; } catch (Throwable th) { if (0 != 0) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final f y(long j2, String str, boolean z2, boolean z3) { return x(j2, str, 1, false, false, z2, false, z3); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x013e */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:64:0x0147 */ @WorkerThread public final l z(String str, String str2) { Throwable th; Cursor cursor; SQLiteException e2; Cursor cursor2; Boolean bool; d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); n(); Cursor cursor3 = null; try { boolean z2 = false; cursor = t().query("events", (String[]) new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("lifetime_count", "current_bundle_count", "last_fire_timestamp", "last_bundled_timestamp", "last_bundled_day", "last_sampled_complex_event_id", "last_sampling_rate", "last_exempt_from_sampling", "current_session_count")).toArray(new String[0]), "app_id=? and name=?", new String[]{str, str2}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return null; } long j2 = cursor.getLong(0); long j3 = cursor.getLong(1); long j4 = cursor.getLong(2); long j5 = cursor.isNull(3) ? 0 : cursor.getLong(3); Long valueOf = cursor.isNull(4) ? null : Long.valueOf(cursor.getLong(4)); Long valueOf2 = cursor.isNull(5) ? null : Long.valueOf(cursor.getLong(5)); Long valueOf3 = cursor.isNull(6) ? null : Long.valueOf(cursor.getLong(6)); if (!cursor.isNull(7)) { try { if (cursor.getLong(7) == 1) { z2 = true; } bool = Boolean.valueOf(z2); } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e2 = e3; try { g().f.d("Error querying events. appId", q3.s(str), d().u(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor3 = cursor; if (cursor3 != null) { } throw th; } } } else { bool = null; } cursor2 = cursor; try { l lVar = new l(str, str2, j2, j3, cursor.isNull(8) ? 0 : cursor.getLong(8), j4, j5, valueOf, valueOf2, valueOf3, bool); if (cursor2.moveToNext()) { g().f.b("Got multiple records for event aggregates, expected one. appId", q3.s(str)); } cursor2.close(); return lVar; } catch (SQLiteException e4) { e2 = e4; cursor = cursor2; g().f.d("Error querying events. appId", q3.s(str), d().u(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; cursor3 = cursor2; if (cursor3 != null) { } throw th; } } catch (SQLiteException e5) { e2 = e5; g().f.d("Error querying events. appId", q3.s(str), d().u(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { } return null; } catch (Throwable th4) { th = th4; cursor2 = cursor; cursor3 = cursor2; if (cursor3 != null) { } throw th; } } catch (SQLiteException e6) { e2 = e6; cursor = null; g().f.d("Error querying events. appId", q3.s(str), d().u(str2), e2); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return null; } catch (Throwable th5) { th = th5; if (cursor3 != null) { cursor3.close(); } throw th; } } }