package c.f.j.e; import android.content.ContentResolver; import; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import c.c.a.a0.d; import c.f.d.d.l; import c.f.j.c.w; import c.f.j.j.e; import c.f.j.p.a; import c.f.j.p.a1; import c.f.j.p.d0; import c.f.j.p.e0; import c.f.j.p.e1; import c.f.j.p.f; import c.f.j.p.f0; import c.f.j.p.f1; import c.f.j.p.g; import c.f.j.p.h; import c.f.j.p.h0; import c.f.j.p.h1; import c.f.j.p.i; import c.f.j.p.i0; import c.f.j.p.i1; import c.f.j.p.j; import c.f.j.p.j0; import c.f.j.p.j1; import c.f.j.p.k; import c.f.j.p.m; import c.f.j.p.m0; import c.f.j.p.n; import c.f.j.p.n0; import c.f.j.p.o; import c.f.j.p.q0; import c.f.j.p.r0; import c.f.j.p.s; import c.f.j.p.s0; import c.f.j.p.t; import c.f.j.p.u; import c.f.j.p.v; import c.f.j.p.v0; import c.f.j.r.b; import c.f.j.s.c; import com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey; import com.facebook.common.memory.PooledByteBuffer; import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference; import com.facebook.imagepipeline.producers.LocalExifThumbnailProducer; import com.facebook.imagepipeline.request.ImageRequest; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: ProducerSequenceFactory */ public class p { public final ContentResolver a; public final o b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final n0 f455c; public final boolean d; public final boolean e; public final f1 f; public final boolean g; public final boolean h; public final boolean i; public final c j; public final boolean k; public final boolean l; public final boolean m; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> n; @Nullable public v0 o; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> p; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> q; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> r; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public v0> f456s; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> t; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> u; @Nullable @VisibleForTesting public v0> v; @VisibleForTesting public Map>, v0>> w = new HashMap(); @VisibleForTesting /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public Map>, v0>> f457x; public p(ContentResolver contentResolver, o oVar, n0 n0Var, boolean z2, boolean z3, f1 f1Var, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6, boolean z7, c cVar, boolean z8, boolean z9, boolean z10, boolean z11) { this.a = contentResolver; this.b = oVar; this.f455c = n0Var; this.d = z2; new HashMap(); this.f457x = new HashMap(); this.f = f1Var; this.g = z4; this.h = z5; this.e = z6; this.i = z7; this.j = cVar; this.k = z8; this.l = z9; this.m = z11; } public final synchronized v0 a() { b.b(); if (this.o == null) { b.b(); o oVar = this.b; v0 m = m(new m0(oVar.k, oVar.d, this.f455c)); Objects.requireNonNull(m); a aVar = new a(m); this.o = aVar; this.o = this.b.a(aVar, this.d && !this.g, this.j); b.b(); } b.b(); return this.o; } public final synchronized v0> b() { if (this.u == null) { m mVar = new m(this.b.k); c.f.d.m.b bVar = c.f.d.m.c.a; this.u = j(this.b.a(new a(mVar), true, this.j)); } return this.u; } /* JADX INFO: finally extract failed */ public v0> c(ImageRequest imageRequest) { r0 r0Var; o oVar; b.b(); try { b.b(); Objects.requireNonNull(imageRequest); Uri uri = imageRequest.f2297c; d.y(uri, "Uri is null."); int i = imageRequest.d; if (i != 0) { boolean z2 = false; switch (i) { case 2: r0Var = g(); break; case 3: synchronized (this) { if (this.p == null) { o oVar2 = this.b; this.p = k(new h0(oVar2.j.e(), oVar2.k)); } r0Var = this.p; break; } case 4: String type = this.a.getType(uri); Map map = c.f.d.f.a.a; if (type != null && type.startsWith("video/")) { z2 = true; } if (!z2) { r0Var = e(); break; } else { r0Var = g(); break; } case 5: r0Var = d(); break; case 6: r0Var = f(); break; case 7: r0Var = b(); break; case 8: r0Var = h(); break; default: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Unsupported uri scheme! Uri is: "); String valueOf = String.valueOf(uri); if (valueOf.length() > 30) { valueOf = valueOf.substring(0, 30) + "..."; } sb.append(valueOf); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } } else { synchronized (this) { b.b(); if (this.n == null) { b.b(); this.n = j(a()); b.b(); } b.b(); r0Var = this.n; } } b.b(); if (imageRequest.q != null) { synchronized (this) { v0> v0Var = this.w.get(r0Var); if (v0Var == null) { o oVar3 = this.b; s0 s0Var = new s0(r0Var, oVar3.f452s, oVar3.j.c()); o oVar4 = this.b; r0 r0Var2 = new r0(oVar4.o, oVar4.p, s0Var); this.w.put(r0Var, r0Var2); r0Var = r0Var2; } else { r0Var = v0Var; } } } if (this.h) { synchronized (this) { v0> v0Var2 = this.f457x.get(r0Var); if (v0Var2 == null) { o oVar5 = this.b; i iVar = new i(r0Var, oVar5.t, oVar5.u, oVar5.v); this.f457x.put(r0Var, iVar); r0Var = iVar; } else { r0Var = v0Var2; } } } if (this.m && imageRequest.f2298s > 0) { synchronized (this) { oVar = new o(r0Var, this.b.j.g()); } r0Var = oVar; } b.b(); return r0Var; } catch (Throwable th) { b.b(); throw th; } } public final synchronized v0> d() { if (this.t == null) { o oVar = this.b; this.t = k(new d0(oVar.j.e(), oVar.k, oVar.f451c)); } return this.t; } public final synchronized v0> e() { if (this.r == null) { o oVar = this.b; e0 e0Var = new e0(oVar.j.e(), oVar.k, oVar.a); o oVar2 = this.b; Objects.requireNonNull(oVar2); o oVar3 = this.b; this.r = l(e0Var, new j1[]{new f0(oVar2.j.e(), oVar2.k, oVar2.a), new LocalExifThumbnailProducer(oVar3.j.f(), oVar3.k, oVar3.a)}); } return this.r; } public final synchronized v0> f() { if (this.f456s == null) { o oVar = this.b; this.f456s = k(new i0(oVar.j.e(), oVar.k, oVar.b)); } return this.f456s; } public final synchronized v0> g() { if (this.q == null) { o oVar = this.b; this.q = i(new j0(oVar.j.e(), oVar.a)); } return this.q; } public final synchronized v0> h() { if (this.v == null) { o oVar = this.b; this.v = k(new a1(oVar.j.e(), oVar.k, oVar.a)); } return this.v; } public final v0> i(v0> v0Var) { o oVar = this.b; w wVar = oVar.o; c.f.j.c.i iVar = oVar.p; g gVar = new g(iVar, new h(wVar, iVar, v0Var)); o oVar2 = this.b; f1 f1Var = this.f; Objects.requireNonNull(oVar2); e1 e1Var = new e1(gVar, f1Var); if (this.k || this.l) { o oVar3 = this.b; w wVar2 = oVar3.o; c.f.j.c.i iVar2 = oVar3.p; return new j(oVar3.n, oVar3.l, oVar3.m, iVar2, oVar3.q, oVar3.r, new f(wVar2, iVar2, e1Var)); } o oVar4 = this.b; return new f(oVar4.o, oVar4.p, e1Var); } public final v0> j(v0 v0Var) { b.b(); o oVar = this.b; v0> i = i(new n(oVar.d, oVar.j.a(), oVar.e, oVar.f, oVar.g, oVar.h, oVar.i, v0Var, oVar.f453x, oVar.w, null, l.a)); b.b(); return i; } public final v0> k(v0 v0Var) { o oVar = this.b; return l(v0Var, new j1[]{new LocalExifThumbnailProducer(oVar.j.f(), oVar.k, oVar.a)}); } public final v0> l(v0 v0Var, j1[] j1VarArr) { h1 h1Var = new h1(5, this.b.j.b(), this.b.a(new a(m(v0Var)), true, this.j)); Objects.requireNonNull(this.b); return j(new k(this.b.a(new i1(j1VarArr), true, this.j), h1Var)); } public final v0 m(v0 v0Var) { t tVar; c.f.d.m.b bVar = c.f.d.m.c.a; if (this.i) { b.b(); if (this.e) { o oVar = this.b; c.f.j.c.f fVar = oVar.l; c.f.j.c.i iVar = oVar.p; tVar = new t(fVar, oVar.m, iVar, new q0(fVar, iVar, oVar.k, oVar.d, v0Var)); } else { o oVar2 = this.b; tVar = new t(oVar2.l, oVar2.m, oVar2.p, v0Var); } o oVar3 = this.b; s sVar = new s(oVar3.l, oVar3.m, oVar3.p, tVar); b.b(); v0Var = sVar; } o oVar4 = this.b; w wVar = oVar4.n; c.f.j.c.i iVar2 = oVar4.p; v vVar = new v(wVar, iVar2, v0Var); if (!this.l) { return new u(iVar2, oVar4.f454y, vVar); } return new u(iVar2, oVar4.f454y, new c.f.j.p.w(oVar4.l, oVar4.m, iVar2, oVar4.q, oVar4.r, vVar)); } }