package lombok.core; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lombok.core.AST; import lombok.permit.Permit; /* loaded from: com.discord-120109.apk:lombok/core/AnnotationValues.SCL.lombok */ public class AnnotationValues { private final Class type; private final Map values; private final LombokNode ast; private A cachedInstance = null; /* renamed from: lombok.core.AnnotationValues$1 reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: com.discord-120109.apk:lombok/core/AnnotationValues$1.SCL.lombok */ class AnonymousClass1 implements InvocationHandler { AnonymousClass1() { } @Override // java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler public Object invoke(Object obj, Method method, Object[] objArr) throws Throwable { AnnotationValue annotationValue = (AnnotationValue) AnnotationValues.access$0(AnnotationValues.this).get(method.getName()); if (annotationValue == null) { Object defaultValue = method.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue != null) { return defaultValue; } throw AnnotationValues.access$1(annotationValue, method); } boolean z2 = false; Class returnType = method.getReturnType(); Object obj2 = null; if (returnType.isArray()) { z2 = true; returnType = returnType.getComponentType(); obj2 = Array.newInstance(returnType, annotationValue.valueGuesses.size()); } if (!z2 && annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() > 1) { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "Expected a single value, but " + method.getName() + " has an array of values", -1); } else if (annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() != 0 || z2) { int i = 0; Iterator it = annotationValue.valueGuesses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object next =; Object access$2 = next == null ? null : AnnotationValues.access$2(AnnotationValues.this, next, returnType, annotationValue, i); if (!z2) { if (access$2 != null) { return access$2; } Object defaultValue2 = method.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue2 != null) { return defaultValue2; } throw AnnotationValues.access$1(annotationValue, method); } else if (access$2 != null) { i++; Array.set(obj2, i, access$2); } else if (annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() == 1) { Object defaultValue3 = method.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue3 != null) { return defaultValue3; } throw AnnotationValues.access$1(annotationValue, method); } else { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "I can't make sense of this annotation value. Try using a fully qualified literal.", i); } } return obj2; } else { Object defaultValue4 = method.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue4 != null) { return defaultValue4; } throw AnnotationValues.access$1(annotationValue, method); } } } /* loaded from: com.discord-120109.apk:lombok/core/AnnotationValues$AnnotationValue.SCL.lombok */ public static class AnnotationValue { public final List raws; public final List valueGuesses; public final List expressions; private final LombokNode node; private final boolean isExplicit; public AnnotationValue(LombokNode lombokNode, List list, List list2, List list3, boolean z2) { this.node = lombokNode; this.raws = list; this.expressions = list2; this.valueGuesses = list3; this.isExplicit = z2; } public void setError(String str, int i) { this.node.addError(str); } public void setWarning(String str, int i) { this.node.addError(str); } public String toString() { return "raws: " + this.raws + " valueGuesses: " + this.valueGuesses; } public boolean isExplicit() { return this.isExplicit; } } /* loaded from: com.discord-120109.apk:lombok/core/AnnotationValues$AnnotationValueDecodeFail.SCL.lombok */ public static class AnnotationValueDecodeFail extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; public final int idx; public final AnnotationValue owner; public AnnotationValueDecodeFail(AnnotationValue annotationValue, String str, int i) { super(str); this.idx = i; this.owner = annotationValue; } } public AnnotationValues(Class cls, Map map, LombokNode lombokNode) { this.type = cls; this.values = map; this.ast = lombokNode; } public static AnnotationValues of(Class cls) { return new AnnotationValues<>(cls, Collections.emptyMap(), null); } public static AnnotationValues of(Class cls, LombokNode lombokNode) { return new AnnotationValues<>(cls, Collections.emptyMap(), lombokNode); } private static AnnotationValueDecodeFail makeNoDefaultFail(AnnotationValue annotationValue, Method method) { return new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "No value supplied but " + method.getName() + " has no default either.", -1); } public List getAsStringList(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue == null) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList((String[]) getDefaultIf(str, String[].class, new String[0]))); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(annotationValue.valueGuesses.size()); Iterator it = annotationValue.valueGuesses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object next =; Object guessToType = next == null ? null : guessToType(next, String.class, annotationValue, 0); if (guessToType != null) { arrayList.add((String) guessToType); } else if (annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() == 1) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList((String[]) getDefaultIf(str, String[].class, new String[0]))); } else { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "I can't make sense of this annotation value. Try using a fully qualified literal.", 0); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(arrayList); } public String getAsString(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue == null || annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() != 1) { return (String) getDefaultIf(str, String.class, ""); } Object guessToType = guessToType(annotationValue.valueGuesses.get(0), String.class, annotationValue, 0); return guessToType instanceof String ? (String) guessToType : (String) getDefaultIf(str, String.class, ""); } public boolean getAsBoolean(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue == null || annotationValue.valueGuesses.size() != 1) { return ((Boolean) getDefaultIf(str, Boolean.TYPE, false)).booleanValue(); } Object guessToType = guessToType(annotationValue.valueGuesses.get(0), Boolean.TYPE, annotationValue, 0); return guessToType instanceof Boolean ? ((Boolean) guessToType).booleanValue() : ((Boolean) getDefaultIf(str, Boolean.TYPE, false)).booleanValue(); } public T getDefaultIf(String str, Class cls, T t) { try { return cls.cast(Permit.getMethod(cls, str, new Class[0]).getDefaultValue()); } catch (Exception unused) { return t; } } public A getInstance() { if (this.cachedInstance != null) { return this.cachedInstance; } A a = (A) ((Annotation) Proxy.newProxyInstance(this.type.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{this.type}, new AnonymousClass1())); this.cachedInstance = a; return a; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ private Object guessToType(Object obj, Class cls, AnnotationValue annotationValue, int i) { Object[] enumConstants; if ((cls == Integer.TYPE || cls == Integer.class) && ((obj instanceof Integer) || (obj instanceof Short) || (obj instanceof Byte))) { return Integer.valueOf(((Number) obj).intValue()); } if ((cls == Long.TYPE || cls == Long.class) && ((obj instanceof Long) || (obj instanceof Integer) || (obj instanceof Short) || (obj instanceof Byte))) { return Long.valueOf(((Number) obj).longValue()); } if ((cls == Short.TYPE || cls == Short.class) && ((obj instanceof Integer) || (obj instanceof Short) || (obj instanceof Byte))) { int intValue = ((Number) obj).intValue(); short shortValue = ((Number) obj).shortValue(); if (shortValue == intValue) { return Integer.valueOf(shortValue); } } if ((cls == Byte.TYPE || cls == Byte.class) && ((obj instanceof Integer) || (obj instanceof Short) || (obj instanceof Byte))) { int intValue2 = ((Number) obj).intValue(); byte byteValue = ((Number) obj).byteValue(); if (byteValue == intValue2) { return Integer.valueOf(byteValue); } } if ((cls == Double.TYPE || cls == Double.class) && (obj instanceof Number)) { return Double.valueOf(((Number) obj).doubleValue()); } if ((cls == Float.TYPE || cls == Float.class) && (obj instanceof Number)) { return Float.valueOf(((Number) obj).floatValue()); } if ((cls == Boolean.TYPE || cls == Boolean.class) && (obj instanceof Boolean)) { return Boolean.valueOf(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()); } if ((cls == Character.TYPE || cls == Character.class) && (obj instanceof Character)) { return Character.valueOf(((Character) obj).charValue()); } if (cls == String.class && (obj instanceof String)) { return obj; } if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) && (obj instanceof FieldSelect)) { String finalPart = ((FieldSelect) obj).getFinalPart(); for (Object[] objArr : cls.getEnumConstants()) { if (((Enum) objArr).name().equals(finalPart)) { return objArr; } } throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "Can't translate " + finalPart + " to an enum of type " + cls, i); } else if (cls == Class.class && (obj instanceof ClassLiteral)) { try { return Class.forName(toFQ(((ClassLiteral) obj).getClassName())); } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "Can't translate " + obj + " to a class object.", i); } } else if (obj instanceof AnnotationValues) { return ((AnnotationValues) obj).getInstance(); } else { if (obj instanceof FieldSelect) { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "You must use constant literals in lombok annotations; they cannot be references to (static) fields.", i); } throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(annotationValue, "Can't translate a " + obj.getClass() + " to the expected " + cls, i); } } public List getRawExpressions(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); return annotationValue == null ? Collections.emptyList() : annotationValue.raws; } public List getActualExpressions(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); return annotationValue == null ? Collections.emptyList() : annotationValue.expressions; } public boolean isExplicit(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); return annotationValue != null && annotationValue.isExplicit(); } public String getRawExpression(String str) { List rawExpressions = getRawExpressions(str); if (rawExpressions.isEmpty()) { return null; } return rawExpressions.get(0); } public Object getActualExpression(String str) { List actualExpressions = getActualExpressions(str); if (actualExpressions.isEmpty()) { return null; } return actualExpressions.get(0); } public Object getValueGuess(String str) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue == null || annotationValue.valueGuesses.isEmpty()) { return null; } return annotationValue.valueGuesses.get(0); } public void setError(String str, String str2) { setError(str, str2, -1); } public void setWarning(String str, String str2) { setWarning(str, str2, -1); } public void setError(String str, String str2, int i) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue != null) { annotationValue.setError(str2, i); } } public void setWarning(String str, String str2, int i) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue != null) { annotationValue.setWarning(str2, i); } } public List getProbableFQTypes(String str) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); AnnotationValue annotationValue = this.values.get(str); if (annotationValue == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Iterator it = annotationValue.valueGuesses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object next =; arrayList.add(next == null ? null : toFQ(next.toString())); } return arrayList; } public String getProbableFQType(String str) { List probableFQTypes = getProbableFQTypes(str); if (probableFQTypes.isEmpty()) { return null; } return probableFQTypes.get(0); } private String toFQ(String str) { Class cls; String fullyQualifiedNameForSimpleName; String substring = str.indexOf(46) > -1 ? str.substring(0, str.indexOf(46)) : str; LombokNode lombokNode = this.ast; while (true) { if (lombokNode == null) { break; } else if (lombokNode.getKind() != AST.Kind.TYPE || !substring.equals(lombokNode.getName())) { lombokNode = lombokNode.up(); } else { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); LombokNode up = lombokNode.up(); if (up == null || up.getKind() == AST.Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (this.ast.getPackageDeclaration() != null) { sb.append(this.ast.getPackageDeclaration()); } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('.'); } Collections.reverse(arrayList); Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { sb.append((String)'.'); } sb.append(str); return sb.toString(); } else if (up.getKind() == AST.Kind.TYPE) { arrayList.add(up.getName()); } } } if (substring.equals(str) && (fullyQualifiedNameForSimpleName = this.ast.getImportList().getFullyQualifiedNameForSimpleName(str)) != null) { return fullyQualifiedNameForSimpleName; } Iterator it2 = this.ast.getImportList().applyNameToStarImports("java", str).iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { try { cls = Class.forName(; } catch (Throwable unused) { } if (cls != null) { return cls.getName(); } continue; } if (str.indexOf(46) == -1) { return inLocalPackage(this.ast, str); } char charAt = str.charAt(0); return (Character.isTitleCase(charAt) || Character.isUpperCase(charAt)) ? inLocalPackage(this.ast, str) : str; } private static String inLocalPackage(LombokNode lombokNode, String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!(lombokNode == null || lombokNode.getPackageDeclaration() == null)) { sb.append(lombokNode.getPackageDeclaration()); } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('.'); } sb.append(str); return sb.toString(); } static /* synthetic */ Map access$0(AnnotationValues annotationValues) { return annotationValues.values; } static /* synthetic */ AnnotationValueDecodeFail access$1(AnnotationValue annotationValue, Method method) { return makeNoDefaultFail(annotationValue, method); } static /* synthetic */ Object access$2(AnnotationValues annotationValues, Object obj, Class cls, AnnotationValue annotationValue, int i) { return annotationValues.guessToType(obj, cls, annotationValue, i); } }