package androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.utils.Easing; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.SplineSet; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.ConstraintWidget; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintAttribute; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintSet; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; public class MotionConstrainedPoint implements Comparable { public static final int CARTESIAN = 2; public static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final int PERPENDICULAR = 1; public static final String TAG = "MotionPaths"; public static String[] names = {ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_POSITION, "x", "y", "width", "height", "pathRotate"}; private float alpha = 1.0f; private boolean applyElevation = false; public LinkedHashMap attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private float elevation = 0.0f; private float height; private int mDrawPath = 0; private Easing mKeyFrameEasing; public int mMode = 0; private float mPathRotate = Float.NaN; private float mPivotX = Float.NaN; private float mPivotY = Float.NaN; private float mProgress = Float.NaN; public double[] mTempDelta = new double[18]; public double[] mTempValue = new double[18]; public int mVisibilityMode = 0; private float position; private float rotation = 0.0f; private float rotationX = 0.0f; public float rotationY = 0.0f; private float scaleX = 1.0f; private float scaleY = 1.0f; private float translationX = 0.0f; private float translationY = 0.0f; private float translationZ = 0.0f; public int visibility; private float width; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ private float f25x; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ private float f26y; private boolean diff(float f, float f2) { return (Float.isNaN(f) || Float.isNaN(f2)) ? Float.isNaN(f) != Float.isNaN(f2) : Math.abs(f - f2) > 1.0E-6f; } public void addValues(HashMap hashMap, int i) { for (String str : hashMap.keySet()) { SplineSet splineSet = hashMap.get(str); str.hashCode(); char c = 65535; switch (str.hashCode()) { case -1249320806: if (str.equals(Key.ROTATION_X)) { c = 0; break; } break; case -1249320805: if (str.equals(Key.ROTATION_Y)) { c = 1; break; } break; case -1225497657: if (str.equals(Key.TRANSLATION_X)) { c = 2; break; } break; case -1225497656: if (str.equals(Key.TRANSLATION_Y)) { c = 3; break; } break; case -1225497655: if (str.equals(Key.TRANSLATION_Z)) { c = 4; break; } break; case -1001078227: if (str.equals("progress")) { c = 5; break; } break; case -908189618: if (str.equals(Key.SCALE_X)) { c = 6; break; } break; case -908189617: if (str.equals(Key.SCALE_Y)) { c = 7; break; } break; case -760884510: if (str.equals(Key.PIVOT_X)) { c = '\b'; break; } break; case -760884509: if (str.equals(Key.PIVOT_Y)) { c = '\t'; break; } break; case -40300674: if (str.equals(Key.ROTATION)) { c = '\n'; break; } break; case -4379043: if (str.equals(Key.ELEVATION)) { c = 11; break; } break; case 37232917: if (str.equals(Key.TRANSITION_PATH_ROTATE)) { c = '\f'; break; } break; case 92909918: if (str.equals(Key.ALPHA)) { c = '\r'; break; } break; } float f = 1.0f; float f2 = 0.0f; switch (c) { case 0: if (!Float.isNaN(this.rotationX)) { f2 = this.rotationX; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 1: if (!Float.isNaN(this.rotationY)) { f2 = this.rotationY; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 2: if (!Float.isNaN(this.translationX)) { f2 = this.translationX; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 3: if (!Float.isNaN(this.translationY)) { f2 = this.translationY; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 4: if (!Float.isNaN(this.translationZ)) { f2 = this.translationZ; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 5: if (!Float.isNaN(this.mProgress)) { f2 = this.mProgress; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 6: if (!Float.isNaN(this.scaleX)) { f = this.scaleX; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f); break; case 7: if (!Float.isNaN(this.scaleY)) { f = this.scaleY; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f); break; case '\b': if (!Float.isNaN(this.mPivotX)) { f2 = this.mPivotX; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case '\t': if (!Float.isNaN(this.mPivotY)) { f2 = this.mPivotY; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case '\n': if (!Float.isNaN(this.rotation)) { f2 = this.rotation; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case 11: if (!Float.isNaN(this.elevation)) { f2 = this.elevation; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case '\f': if (!Float.isNaN(this.mPathRotate)) { f2 = this.mPathRotate; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f2); break; case '\r': if (!Float.isNaN(this.alpha)) { f = this.alpha; } splineSet.setPoint(i, f); break; default: if (str.startsWith(Key.CUSTOM)) { String str2 = str.split(",")[1]; if (this.attributes.containsKey(str2)) { ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute = this.attributes.get(str2); if (splineSet instanceof SplineSet.CustomSet) { ((SplineSet.CustomSet) splineSet).setPoint(i, constraintAttribute); break; } else { Log.e("MotionPaths", str + " splineSet not a CustomSet frame = " + i + ", value" + constraintAttribute.getValueToInterpolate() + splineSet); break; } } else { Log.e("MotionPaths", "UNKNOWN customName " + str2); break; } } else { Log.e("MotionPaths", "UNKNOWN spline " + str); break; } } } } public void applyParameters(View view) { this.visibility = view.getVisibility(); this.alpha = view.getVisibility() != 0 ? 0.0f : view.getAlpha(); this.applyElevation = false; this.elevation = view.getElevation(); this.rotation = view.getRotation(); this.rotationX = view.getRotationX(); this.rotationY = view.getRotationY(); this.scaleX = view.getScaleX(); this.scaleY = view.getScaleY(); this.mPivotX = view.getPivotX(); this.mPivotY = view.getPivotY(); this.translationX = view.getTranslationX(); this.translationY = view.getTranslationY(); this.translationZ = view.getTranslationZ(); } public void applyParameters(ConstraintSet.Constraint constraint) { ConstraintSet.PropertySet propertySet = constraint.propertySet; int i = propertySet.mVisibilityMode; this.mVisibilityMode = i; int i2 = propertySet.visibility; this.visibility = i2; this.alpha = (i2 == 0 || i != 0) ? propertySet.alpha : 0.0f; ConstraintSet.Transform transform = constraint.transform; this.applyElevation = transform.applyElevation; this.elevation = transform.elevation; this.rotation = transform.rotation; this.rotationX = transform.rotationX; this.rotationY = transform.rotationY; this.scaleX = transform.scaleX; this.scaleY = transform.scaleY; this.mPivotX = transform.transformPivotX; this.mPivotY = transform.transformPivotY; this.translationX = transform.translationX; this.translationY = transform.translationY; this.translationZ = transform.translationZ; this.mKeyFrameEasing = Easing.getInterpolator(constraint.motion.mTransitionEasing); ConstraintSet.Motion motion = constraint.motion; this.mPathRotate = motion.mPathRotate; this.mDrawPath = motion.mDrawPath; this.mProgress = constraint.propertySet.mProgress; for (String str : constraint.mCustomConstraints.keySet()) { ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute = constraint.mCustomConstraints.get(str); if (constraintAttribute.getType() != ConstraintAttribute.AttributeType.STRING_TYPE) { this.attributes.put(str, constraintAttribute); } } } public int compareTo(MotionConstrainedPoint motionConstrainedPoint) { return, motionConstrainedPoint.position); } public void different(MotionConstrainedPoint motionConstrainedPoint, HashSet hashSet) { if (diff(this.alpha, motionConstrainedPoint.alpha)) { hashSet.add(Key.ALPHA); } if (diff(this.elevation, motionConstrainedPoint.elevation)) { hashSet.add(Key.ELEVATION); } int i = this.visibility; int i2 = motionConstrainedPoint.visibility; if (i != i2 && this.mVisibilityMode == 0 && (i == 0 || i2 == 0)) { hashSet.add(Key.ALPHA); } if (diff(this.rotation, motionConstrainedPoint.rotation)) { hashSet.add(Key.ROTATION); } if (!Float.isNaN(this.mPathRotate) || !Float.isNaN(motionConstrainedPoint.mPathRotate)) { hashSet.add(Key.TRANSITION_PATH_ROTATE); } if (!Float.isNaN(this.mProgress) || !Float.isNaN(motionConstrainedPoint.mProgress)) { hashSet.add("progress"); } if (diff(this.rotationX, motionConstrainedPoint.rotationX)) { hashSet.add(Key.ROTATION_X); } if (diff(this.rotationY, motionConstrainedPoint.rotationY)) { hashSet.add(Key.ROTATION_Y); } if (diff(this.mPivotX, motionConstrainedPoint.mPivotX)) { hashSet.add(Key.PIVOT_X); } if (diff(this.mPivotY, motionConstrainedPoint.mPivotY)) { hashSet.add(Key.PIVOT_Y); } if (diff(this.scaleX, motionConstrainedPoint.scaleX)) { hashSet.add(Key.SCALE_X); } if (diff(this.scaleY, motionConstrainedPoint.scaleY)) { hashSet.add(Key.SCALE_Y); } if (diff(this.translationX, motionConstrainedPoint.translationX)) { hashSet.add(Key.TRANSLATION_X); } if (diff(this.translationY, motionConstrainedPoint.translationY)) { hashSet.add(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); } if (diff(this.translationZ, motionConstrainedPoint.translationZ)) { hashSet.add(Key.TRANSLATION_Z); } } public void different(MotionConstrainedPoint motionConstrainedPoint, boolean[] zArr, String[] strArr) { zArr[0] = zArr[0] | diff(this.position, motionConstrainedPoint.position); zArr[1] = zArr[1] | diff(this.f25x, motionConstrainedPoint.f25x); zArr[2] = zArr[2] | diff(this.f26y, motionConstrainedPoint.f26y); zArr[3] = zArr[3] | diff(this.width, motionConstrainedPoint.width); zArr[4] = diff(this.height, motionConstrainedPoint.height) | zArr[4]; } public void fillStandard(double[] dArr, int[] iArr) { float[] fArr = {this.position, this.f25x, this.f26y, this.width, this.height, this.alpha, this.elevation, this.rotation, this.rotationX, this.rotationY, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.mPivotX, this.mPivotY, this.translationX, this.translationY, this.translationZ, this.mPathRotate}; int i = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < iArr.length; i2++) { if (iArr[i2] < 18) { dArr[i] = (double) fArr[iArr[i2]]; i++; } } } public int getCustomData(String str, double[] dArr, int i) { ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute = this.attributes.get(str); if (constraintAttribute.noOfInterpValues() == 1) { dArr[i] = (double) constraintAttribute.getValueToInterpolate(); return 1; } int noOfInterpValues = constraintAttribute.noOfInterpValues(); float[] fArr = new float[noOfInterpValues]; constraintAttribute.getValuesToInterpolate(fArr); int i2 = 0; while (i2 < noOfInterpValues) { dArr[i] = (double) fArr[i2]; i2++; i++; } return noOfInterpValues; } public int getCustomDataCount(String str) { return this.attributes.get(str).noOfInterpValues(); } public boolean hasCustomData(String str) { return this.attributes.containsKey(str); } public void setBounds(float f, float f2, float f3, float f4) { this.f25x = f; this.f26y = f2; this.width = f3; this.height = f4; } public void setState(View view) { setBounds(view.getX(), view.getY(), (float) view.getWidth(), (float) view.getHeight()); applyParameters(view); } public void setState(ConstraintWidget constraintWidget, ConstraintSet constraintSet, int i) { setBounds((float) constraintWidget.getX(), (float) constraintWidget.getY(), (float) constraintWidget.getWidth(), (float) constraintWidget.getHeight()); applyParameters(constraintSet.getParameters(i)); } }