package f0; import d0.t.u; import f0.f0.c; import f0.j; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; import kotlin.TypeCastException; /* compiled from: ConnectionSpec.kt */ public final class m { public static final j[] a; public static final j[] b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public static final m f2754c; public static final m d = new m(false, false, null, null); public final boolean e; public final boolean f; public final String[] g; public final String[] h; /* compiled from: ConnectionSpec.kt */ public static final class a { public boolean a; public String[] b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public String[] f2755c; public boolean d; public a(m mVar) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(mVar, "connectionSpec"); this.a = mVar.e; this.b = mVar.g; this.f2755c = mVar.h; this.d = mVar.f; } public a(boolean z2) { this.a = z2; } public final m a() { return new m(this.a, this.d, this.b, this.f2755c); } public final a b(String... strArr) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(strArr, "cipherSuites"); if (this.a) { if (!(strArr.length == 0)) { Object clone = strArr.clone(); if (clone != null) { this.b = (String[]) clone; return this; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one cipher suite is required".toString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("no cipher suites for cleartext connections".toString()); } public final a c(j... jVarArr) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(jVarArr, "cipherSuites"); if (this.a) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(jVarArr.length); for (j jVar : jVarArr) { arrayList.add(jVar.t); } Object[] array = arrayList.toArray(new String[0]); if (array != null) { String[] strArr = (String[]) array; b((String[]) Arrays.copyOf(strArr, strArr.length)); return this; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("no cipher suites for cleartext connections".toString()); } public final a d(boolean z2) { if (this.a) { this.d = z2; return this; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("no TLS extensions for cleartext connections".toString()); } public final a e(String... strArr) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(strArr, "tlsVersions"); if (this.a) { if (!(strArr.length == 0)) { Object clone = strArr.clone(); if (clone != null) { this.f2755c = (String[]) clone; return this; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one TLS version is required".toString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("no TLS versions for cleartext connections".toString()); } public final a f(e0... e0VarArr) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(e0VarArr, "tlsVersions"); if (this.a) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(e0VarArr.length); for (e0 e0Var : e0VarArr) { arrayList.add(e0Var.f()); } Object[] array = arrayList.toArray(new String[0]); if (array != null) { String[] strArr = (String[]) array; e((String[]) Arrays.copyOf(strArr, strArr.length)); return this; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("no TLS versions for cleartext connections".toString()); } } static { j jVar = j.p; j jVar2 = j.q; j jVar3 = j.r; j jVar4 = j.j; j jVar5 = j.l; j jVar6 = j.k; j jVar7 = j.m; j jVar8 = j.o; j jVar9 = j.n; j[] jVarArr = {jVar, jVar2, jVar3, jVar4, jVar5, jVar6, jVar7, jVar8, jVar9}; a = jVarArr; j[] jVarArr2 = {jVar, jVar2, jVar3, jVar4, jVar5, jVar6, jVar7, jVar8, jVar9, j.h, j.i, j.f, j.g, j.d, j.e, j.f2752c}; b = jVarArr2; a aVar = new a(true); aVar.c((j[]) Arrays.copyOf(jVarArr, jVarArr.length)); e0 e0Var = e0.TLS_1_3; e0 e0Var2 = e0.TLS_1_2; aVar.f(e0Var, e0Var2); aVar.d(true); aVar.a(); a aVar2 = new a(true); aVar2.c((j[]) Arrays.copyOf(jVarArr2, jVarArr2.length)); aVar2.f(e0Var, e0Var2); aVar2.d(true); f2754c = aVar2.a(); a aVar3 = new a(true); aVar3.c((j[]) Arrays.copyOf(jVarArr2, jVarArr2.length)); aVar3.f(e0Var, e0Var2, e0.TLS_1_1, e0.TLS_1_0); aVar3.d(true); aVar3.a(); } public m(boolean z2, boolean z3, String[] strArr, String[] strArr2) { this.e = z2; this.f = z3; this.g = strArr; this.h = strArr2; } public final List a() { String[] strArr = this.g; if (strArr == null) { return null; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(strArr.length); for (String str : strArr) { arrayList.add(j.f2753s.b(str)); } return u.toList(arrayList); } public final boolean b(SSLSocket sSLSocket) { d0.z.d.m.checkParameterIsNotNull(sSLSocket, "socket"); if (!this.e) { return false; } String[] strArr = this.h; if (strArr != null && !c.k(strArr, sSLSocket.getEnabledProtocols(), d0.u.a.naturalOrder())) { return false; } String[] strArr2 = this.g; if (strArr2 == null) { return true; } String[] enabledCipherSuites = sSLSocket.getEnabledCipherSuites(); j.b bVar = j.f2753s; Comparator comparator = j.a; return c.k(strArr2, enabledCipherSuites, j.a); } public final List c() { String[] strArr = this.h; if (strArr == null) { return null; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(strArr.length); for (String str : strArr) { arrayList.add(e0.o.a(str)); } return u.toList(arrayList); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof m)) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } boolean z2 = this.e; m mVar = (m) obj; if (z2 != mVar.e) { return false; } return !z2 || (Arrays.equals(this.g, mVar.g) && Arrays.equals(this.h, mVar.h) && this.f == mVar.f); } public int hashCode() { if (!this.e) { return 17; } String[] strArr = this.g; int i = 0; int hashCode = (527 + (strArr != null ? Arrays.hashCode(strArr) : 0)) * 31; String[] strArr2 = this.h; if (strArr2 != null) { i = Arrays.hashCode(strArr2); } return ((hashCode + i) * 31) + (!this.f ? 1 : 0); } public String toString() { if (!this.e) { return "ConnectionSpec()"; } StringBuilder P = c.d.b.a.a.P("ConnectionSpec(", "cipherSuites="); P.append(Objects.toString(a(), "[all enabled]")); P.append(", "); P.append("tlsVersions="); P.append(Objects.toString(c(), "[all enabled]")); P.append(", "); P.append("supportsTlsExtensions="); P.append(this.f); P.append(')'); return P.toString(); } }