package org.webrtc; import org.webrtc.Logging; public class CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink { private long nativeSink; public CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink(String str, int i, Logging.Severity severity) { if (str != null) { this.nativeSink = nativeAddSink(str, i, severity.ordinal()); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("dirPath may not be null."); } public static byte[] getLogData(String str) { if (str != null) { return nativeGetLogData(str); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("dirPath may not be null."); } private static native long nativeAddSink(String str, int i, int i2); private static native void nativeDeleteSink(long j); private static native byte[] nativeGetLogData(String str); public void dispose() { long j = this.nativeSink; if (j != 0) { nativeDeleteSink(j); this.nativeSink = 0; } } }