package h0.a.a; import c.q.a.k.a; import h0.a.a.v; /* compiled from: MethodWriter */ public final class r extends q { /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public static final int[] f2814c = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -4, -3, -4, -3, -3, -3, -3, -1, -2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -3, -1, -1, -3, -3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}; public final int A; public a B; public a C; public int D; public a[] E; public int F; public a[] G; public a H; public a I; public c J; public int K; public c L; public b M; public final int N; public p O; public p P; public p Q; public int R; public int S; public int T; public int U; public int[] V; public int[] W; public boolean X; public boolean Y; public int Z; /* renamed from: a0 reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2815a0; /* renamed from: b0 reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2816b0; public final v d; public final int e; public final int f; public final String g; public final int h; public final String i; public int j; public int k; public final c l = new c(); public o m; public o n; public int o; public c p; public int q; public c r; /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2817s; public c t; public int u; public c v; public a w; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public a f2818x; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public final int f2819y; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public final int[] f2820z; public r(v vVar, int i, String str, String str2, String str3, String[] strArr, int i2) { super(458752); this.d = vVar; this.e = "".equals(str) ? 262144 | i : i; this.f = vVar.l(str); this.g = str; this.h = vVar.l(str2); this.i = str2; this.A = str3 == null ? 0 : vVar.l(str3); if (strArr == null || strArr.length <= 0) { this.f2819y = 0; this.f2820z = null; } else { int length = strArr.length; this.f2819y = length; this.f2820z = new int[length]; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < this.f2819y; i3++) { this.f2820z[i3] = vVar.c(strArr[i3]).a; } } this.N = i2; if (i2 != 0) { int b = w.b(str2) >> 2; b = (i & 8) != 0 ? b - 1 : b; this.k = b; this.T = b; p pVar = new p(); this.O = pVar; i(pVar); } } public int A(int i, int i2, int i3) { int i4 = i2 + 3 + i3; int[] iArr = this.W; if (iArr == null || iArr.length < i4) { this.W = new int[i4]; } int[] iArr2 = this.W; iArr2[0] = i; iArr2[1] = i2; iArr2[2] = i3; return 3; } public final void B(p pVar, p[] pVarArr) { p pVar2 = this.Q; if (pVar2 != null) { int i = this.N; if (i == 4) { pVar2.k.b(171, 0, null, null); u(0, pVar); p b = pVar.b(); b.b = (short) (b.b | 2); for (p pVar3 : pVarArr) { u(0, pVar3); p b2 = pVar3.b(); b2.b = (short) (b2.b | 2); } } else if (i == 1) { int i2 = this.R - 1; this.R = i2; u(i2, pVar); for (p pVar4 : pVarArr) { u(this.R, pVar4); } } v(); } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public a a(String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); cVar.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.B); this.B = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.C); this.C = aVar2; return aVar2; } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void b(int i, String str, String str2, String str3) { int i2; int i3; this.Z = this.l.b; v.a h = this.d.h(9, str, str2, str3); this.l.e(i, h.a); p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i4 = this.N; int i5 = 0; if (i4 == 4 || i4 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, 0, h, this.d); return; } char charAt = str3.charAt(0); int i6 = -2; int i7 = 1; switch (i) { case 178: int i8 = this.R; if (charAt == 'D' || charAt == 'J') { i7 = 2; } i2 = i8 + i7; break; case 179: i3 = this.R; if (!(charAt == 'D' || charAt == 'J')) { i6 = -1; } i2 = i3 + i6; break; case 180: int i9 = this.R; if (charAt == 'D' || charAt == 'J') { i5 = 1; } i2 = i9 + i5; break; default: i3 = this.R; if (charAt == 'D' || charAt == 'J') { i6 = -3; } i2 = i3 + i6; break; } if (i2 > this.S) { this.S = i2; } this.R = i2; } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void c(int i, int i2, Object[] objArr, int i3, Object[] objArr2) { int i4; int i5 = this.N; if (i5 != 4) { int i6 = 3; if (i5 == 3) { p pVar = this.Q; m mVar = pVar.k; if (mVar == null) { i iVar = new i(pVar); pVar.k = iVar; iVar.n(this.d, this.e, this.i, i2); this.Q.k.a(this); } else { if (i == -1) { v vVar = this.d; int i7 = 0; for (int i8 = 0; i8 < i2; i8++) { int i9 = i7 + 1; mVar.b[i7] = m.c(vVar, objArr[i8]); if (objArr[i8] == t.e || objArr[i8] == t.d) { mVar.b[i9] = 16777216; i7 = i9 + 1; } else { i7 = i9; } } while (true) { int[] iArr = mVar.b; if (i7 >= iArr.length) { break; } iArr[i7] = 16777216; i7++; } int i10 = 0; for (int i11 = 0; i11 < i3; i11++) { if (objArr2[i11] == t.e || objArr2[i11] == t.d) { i10++; } } mVar.f2810c = new int[(i10 + i3)]; int i12 = 0; for (int i13 = 0; i13 < i3; i13++) { int i14 = i12 + 1; mVar.f2810c[i12] = m.c(vVar, objArr2[i13]); if (objArr2[i13] == t.e || objArr2[i13] == t.d) { mVar.f2810c[i14] = 16777216; i12 = i14 + 1; } else { i12 = i14; } } mVar.g = 0; mVar.h = 0; } this.Q.k.a(this); } } else if (i == -1) { if (this.V == null) { m mVar2 = new m(new p()); mVar2.n(this.d, this.e, this.i, w.b(this.i) >> 2); mVar2.a(this); } this.T = i2; A(this.l.b, i2, i3); int i15 = 0; while (i15 < i2) { this.W[i6] = m.c(this.d, objArr[i15]); i15++; i6++; } int i16 = 0; while (i16 < i3) { this.W[i6] = m.c(this.d, objArr2[i16]); i16++; i6++; } z(); } else { if (this.v == null) { this.v = new c(); i4 = this.l.b; } else { i4 = (this.l.b - this.U) - 1; if (i4 < 0) { if (i != 3) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return; } } if (i == 0) { this.T = i2; c cVar = this.v; cVar.g(255); cVar.j(i4); cVar.j(i2); for (int i17 = 0; i17 < i2; i17++) { x(objArr[i17]); } this.v.j(i3); for (int i18 = 0; i18 < i3; i18++) { x(objArr2[i18]); } } else if (i == 1) { this.T += i2; c cVar2 = this.v; cVar2.g(i2 + 251); cVar2.j(i4); for (int i19 = 0; i19 < i2; i19++) { x(objArr[i19]); } } else if (i == 2) { this.T -= i2; c cVar3 = this.v; cVar3.g(251 - i2); cVar3.j(i4); } else if (i != 3) { if (i == 4) { if (i4 < 64) { this.v.g(i4 + 64); } else { c cVar4 = this.v; cVar4.g(247); cVar4.j(i4); } x(objArr2[0]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else if (i4 < 64) { this.v.g(i4); } else { c cVar5 = this.v; cVar5.g(251); cVar5.j(i4); } this.U = this.l.b; this.u++; } if (this.N == 2) { this.R = i3; for (int i20 = 0; i20 < i3; i20++) { if (objArr2[i20] == t.e || objArr2[i20] == t.d) { this.R++; } } int i21 = this.R; if (i21 > this.S) { this.S = i21; } } this.j = Math.max(this.j, i3); this.k = Math.max(this.k, this.T); } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void d(int i, int i2) { int i3; int i4; c cVar = this.l; this.Z = cVar.b; if (i > 255 || i2 > 127 || i2 < -128) { cVar.g(196); cVar.e(132, i); cVar.j(i2); } else { cVar.g(132); cVar.c(i, i2); } p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null && ((i4 = this.N) == 4 || i4 == 3)) { pVar.k.b(132, i, null, null); } if (this.N != 0 && (i3 = i + 1) > this.k) { this.k = i3; } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void e(int i) { c cVar = this.l; this.Z = cVar.b; cVar.g(i); p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i2 = this.N; if (i2 == 4 || i2 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, 0, null, null); } else { int i3 = this.R + f2814c[i]; if (i3 > this.S) { this.S = i3; } this.R = i3; } if ((i >= 172 && i <= 177) || i == 191) { v(); } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public a f(int i, x xVar, String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); a.K((i & -16776961) | (this.Z << 8), cVar); x.a(xVar, cVar); cVar.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.w); this.w = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.f2818x); this.f2818x = aVar2; return aVar2; } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void g(int i, int i2) { c cVar = this.l; this.Z = cVar.b; if (i == 17) { cVar.e(i, i2); } else { cVar.c(i, i2); } p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i3 = this.N; if (i3 == 4 || i3 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, i2, null, null); } else if (i != 188) { int i4 = this.R + 1; if (i4 > this.S) { this.S = i4; } this.R = i4; } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void h(int i, p pVar) { boolean z2; c cVar = this.l; int i2 = cVar.b; this.Z = i2; int i3 = i >= 200 ? i - 33 : i; if ((pVar.b & 4) == 0 || pVar.e - i2 >= -32768) { if (i3 != i) { cVar.g(i); c cVar2 = this.l; pVar.e(cVar2, cVar2.b - 1, true); } else { cVar.g(i3); c cVar3 = this.l; pVar.e(cVar3, cVar3.b - 1, false); } z2 = false; } else { if (i3 == 167) { cVar.g(200); } else if (i3 == 168) { cVar.g(201); } else { cVar.g(i3 >= 198 ? i3 ^ 1 : ((i3 + 1) ^ 1) - 1); this.l.j(8); this.l.g(220); this.Y = true; z2 = true; c cVar4 = this.l; pVar.e(cVar4, cVar4.b - 1, true); } z2 = false; c cVar4 = this.l; pVar.e(cVar4, cVar4.b - 1, true); } p pVar2 = this.Q; if (pVar2 != null) { int i4 = this.N; p pVar3 = null; if (i4 == 4) { pVar2.k.b(i3, 0, null, null); p b = pVar.b(); b.b = (short) (b.b | 2); u(0, pVar); if (i3 != 167) { pVar3 = new p(); } } else if (i4 == 3) { pVar2.k.b(i3, 0, null, null); } else if (i4 == 2) { this.R += f2814c[i3]; } else if (i3 == 168) { short s2 = pVar.b; if ((s2 & 32) == 0) { pVar.b = (short) (s2 | 32); this.X = true; } pVar2.b = (short) (pVar2.b | 16); u(this.R + 1, pVar); pVar3 = new p(); } else { int i5 = this.R + f2814c[i3]; this.R = i5; u(i5, pVar); } if (pVar3 != null) { if (z2) { pVar3.b = (short) (pVar3.b | 2); } i(pVar3); } if (i3 == 167) { v(); } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void i(p pVar) { boolean z2 = this.Y; c cVar = this.l; this.Y = z2 | pVar.f(cVar.a, cVar.b); short s2 = pVar.b; if ((s2 & 1) == 0) { int i = this.N; if (i == 4) { p pVar2 = this.Q; if (pVar2 != null) { if (pVar.e == pVar2.e) { pVar2.b = (short) ((s2 & 2) | pVar2.b); pVar.k = pVar2.k; return; } u(0, pVar); } p pVar3 = this.P; if (pVar3 != null) { if (pVar.e == pVar3.e) { pVar3.b = (short) (pVar3.b | (pVar.b & 2)); pVar.k = pVar3.k; this.Q = pVar3; return; } pVar3.l = pVar; } this.P = pVar; this.Q = pVar; pVar.k = new m(pVar); } else if (i == 3) { p pVar4 = this.Q; if (pVar4 == null) { this.Q = pVar; } else { pVar4.k.a = pVar; } } else if (i == 1) { p pVar5 = this.Q; if (pVar5 != null) { pVar5.i = (short) this.S; u(this.R, pVar); } this.Q = pVar; this.R = 0; this.S = 0; p pVar6 = this.P; if (pVar6 != null) { pVar6.l = pVar; } this.P = pVar; } else if (i == 2 && this.Q == null) { this.Q = pVar; } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void j(Object obj) { char charAt; this.Z = this.l.b; u b = this.d.b(obj); int i = b.a; int i2 = b.b; int i3 = 1; boolean z2 = i2 == 5 || i2 == 6 || (i2 == 17 && ((charAt = b.e.charAt(0)) == 'J' || charAt == 'D')); if (z2) { this.l.e(20, i); } else if (i >= 256) { this.l.e(19, i); } else { this.l.c(18, i); } p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i4 = this.N; if (i4 == 4 || i4 == 3) { pVar.k.b(18, 0, b, this.d); return; } int i5 = this.R; if (z2) { i3 = 2; } int i6 = i5 + i3; if (i6 > this.S) { this.S = i6; } this.R = i6; } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void k(int i, p pVar) { if (this.p == null) { this.p = new c(); } this.o++; this.p.j(pVar.e); this.p.j(i); } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void l(String str, String str2, String str3, p pVar, p pVar2, int i) { int i2 = 1; if (str3 != null) { if (this.t == null) { this.t = new c(); } this.f2817s++; c cVar = this.t; cVar.j(pVar.e); cVar.j(pVar2.e - pVar.e); cVar.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar.j(this.d.l(str3)); cVar.j(i); } if (this.r == null) { this.r = new c(); } this.q++; c cVar2 = this.r; cVar2.j(pVar.e); cVar2.j(pVar2.e - pVar.e); cVar2.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar2.j(this.d.l(str2)); cVar2.j(i); if (this.N != 0) { char charAt = str2.charAt(0); if (charAt == 'J' || charAt == 'D') { i2 = 2; } int i3 = i + i2; if (i3 > this.k) { this.k = i3; } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public a m(int i, x xVar, p[] pVarArr, p[] pVarArr2, int[] iArr, String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); cVar.g(i >>> 24); cVar.j(pVarArr.length); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < pVarArr.length; i2++) { cVar.j(pVarArr[i2].e); cVar.j(pVarArr2[i2].e - pVarArr[i2].e); cVar.j(iArr[i2]); } x.a(xVar, cVar); cVar.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.w); this.w = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.f2818x); this.f2818x = aVar2; return aVar2; } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void n(int i, int i2) { String str; int i3 = this.N; if (i3 == 4) { o oVar = this.m; while (true) { str = "java/lang/Throwable"; if (oVar == null) { break; } String str2 = oVar.e; if (str2 != null) { str = str2; } int n = 33554432 | this.d.n(str); p b = oVar.f2812c.b(); b.b = (short) (b.b | 2); p b2 = oVar.b.b(); for (p b3 = oVar.a.b(); b3 != b2; b3 = b3.l) { b3.m = new j(n, b, b3.m); } oVar = oVar.f; } m mVar = this.O.k; mVar.n(this.d, this.e, this.i, this.k); mVar.a(this); p pVar = this.O; pVar.n = p.a; int i4 = 0; while (pVar != p.a) { p pVar2 = pVar.n; pVar.n = null; pVar.b = (short) (pVar.b | 8); int length = pVar.k.f2810c.length + pVar.i; if (length > i4) { i4 = length; } for (j jVar = pVar.m; jVar != null; jVar = jVar.f2808c) { p b4 = jVar.b.b(); if (pVar.k.h(this.d, b4.k, jVar.a) && b4.n == null) { b4.n = pVar2; pVar2 = b4; } } pVar = pVar2; } for (p pVar3 = this.O; pVar3 != null; pVar3 = pVar3.l) { if ((pVar3.b & 10) == 10) { pVar3.k.a(this); } if ((pVar3.b & 8) == 0) { p pVar4 = pVar3.l; int i5 = pVar3.e; int i6 = (pVar4 == null ? this.l.b : pVar4.e) - 1; if (i6 >= i5) { for (int i7 = i5; i7 < i6; i7++) { this.l.a[i7] = 0; } this.l.a[i6] = -65; A(i5, 0, 1); this.W[3] = this.d.n(str) | 33554432; z(); this.m = o.a(this.m, pVar3, pVar4); i4 = Math.max(i4, 1); } } } this.j = i4; } else if (i3 == 1) { for (o oVar2 = this.m; oVar2 != null; oVar2 = oVar2.f) { p pVar5 = oVar2.f2812c; p pVar6 = oVar2.b; for (p pVar7 = oVar2.a; pVar7 != pVar6; pVar7 = pVar7.l) { if ((pVar7.b & 16) == 0) { pVar7.m = new j(Integer.MAX_VALUE, pVar5, pVar7.m); } else { j jVar2 = pVar7.m.f2808c; jVar2.f2808c = new j(Integer.MAX_VALUE, pVar5, jVar2.f2808c); } } } if (this.X) { this.O.c(1); short s2 = 1; for (short s3 = 1; s3 <= s2; s3 = (short) (s3 + 1)) { for (p pVar8 = this.O; pVar8 != null; pVar8 = pVar8.l) { if ((pVar8.b & 16) != 0 && pVar8.j == s3) { p pVar9 = pVar8.m.f2808c.b; if (pVar9.j == 0) { s2 = (short) (s2 + 1); pVar9.c(s2); } } } } for (p pVar10 = this.O; pVar10 != null; pVar10 = pVar10.l) { if ((pVar10.b & 16) != 0) { p pVar11 = pVar10.m.f2808c.b; p pVar12 = p.a; pVar11.n = pVar12; while (pVar11 != p.a) { p pVar13 = pVar11.n; pVar11.n = pVar12; if (!((pVar11.b & 64) == 0 || pVar11.j == pVar10.j)) { pVar11.m = new j(pVar11.h, pVar10.m.b, pVar11.m); } pVar12 = pVar11; pVar11 = pVar11.d(pVar13); } while (pVar12 != p.a) { p pVar14 = pVar12.n; pVar12.n = null; pVar12 = pVar14; } } } } p pVar15 = this.O; pVar15.n = p.a; int i8 = this.j; while (pVar15 != p.a) { p pVar16 = pVar15.n; short s4 = pVar15.g; int i9 = pVar15.i + s4; if (i9 > i8) { i8 = i9; } j jVar3 = pVar15.m; if ((pVar15.b & 16) != 0) { jVar3 = jVar3.f2808c; } pVar15 = pVar16; while (jVar3 != null) { p pVar17 = jVar3.b; if (pVar17.n == null) { int i10 = jVar3.a; pVar17.g = (short) (i10 == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 1 : i10 + s4); pVar17.n = pVar15; pVar15 = pVar17; } jVar3 = jVar3.f2808c; } } this.j = i8; } else if (i3 == 2) { this.j = this.S; } else { this.j = i; this.k = i2; } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void p(int i, String str, String str2, String str3, boolean z2) { this.Z = this.l.b; v.a h = this.d.h(z2 ? 11 : 10, str, str2, str3); if (i == 185) { c cVar = this.l; cVar.e(185, h.a); cVar.c(h.a() >> 2, 0); } else { this.l.e(i, h.a); } p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i2 = this.N; if (i2 == 4 || i2 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, 0, h, this.d); return; } int a = h.a(); int i3 = (a & 3) - (a >> 2); int i4 = i == 184 ? this.R + i3 + 1 : this.R + i3; if (i4 > this.S) { this.S = i4; } this.R = i4; } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void q(int i, int i2, p pVar, p... pVarArr) { c cVar = this.l; this.Z = cVar.b; cVar.g(170); cVar.h(null, 0, (4 - (this.l.b % 4)) % 4); pVar.e(this.l, this.Z, true); c cVar2 = this.l; cVar2.i(i); cVar2.i(i2); for (p pVar2 : pVarArr) { pVar2.e(this.l, this.Z, true); } B(pVar, pVarArr); } @Override // h0.a.a.q public a r(int i, x xVar, String str, boolean z2) { c cVar = new c(); a.K(i, cVar); x.a(xVar, cVar); cVar.j(this.d.l(str)); cVar.j(0); if (z2) { a aVar = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.H); this.H = aVar; return aVar; } a aVar2 = new a(this.d, true, cVar, this.I); this.I = aVar2; return aVar2; } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void s(int i, String str) { this.Z = this.l.b; u m = this.d.m(7, str); this.l.e(i, m.a); p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i2 = this.N; if (i2 == 4 || i2 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, this.Z, m, this.d); } else if (i == 187) { int i3 = this.R + 1; if (i3 > this.S) { this.S = i3; } this.R = i3; } } } @Override // h0.a.a.q public void t(int i, int i2) { c cVar = this.l; this.Z = cVar.b; if (i2 < 4 && i != 169) { cVar.g((i < 54 ? ((i - 21) << 2) + 26 : ((i - 54) << 2) + 59) + i2); } else if (i2 >= 256) { cVar.g(196); cVar.e(i, i2); } else { cVar.c(i, i2); } p pVar = this.Q; if (pVar != null) { int i3 = this.N; if (i3 == 4 || i3 == 3) { pVar.k.b(i, i2, null, null); } else if (i == 169) { pVar.b = (short) (pVar.b | 64); pVar.h = (short) this.R; v(); } else { int i4 = this.R + f2814c[i]; if (i4 > this.S) { this.S = i4; } this.R = i4; } } int i5 = this.N; if (i5 != 0) { int i6 = (i == 22 || i == 24 || i == 55 || i == 57) ? i2 + 2 : i2 + 1; if (i6 > this.k) { this.k = i6; } } if (i >= 54 && i5 == 4 && this.m != null) { i(new p()); } } public final void u(int i, p pVar) { p pVar2 = this.Q; pVar2.m = new j(i, pVar, pVar2.m); } public final void v() { int i = this.N; if (i == 4) { p pVar = new p(); pVar.k = new m(pVar); c cVar = this.l; pVar.f(cVar.a, cVar.b); this.P.l = pVar; this.P = pVar; this.Q = null; } else if (i == 1) { this.Q.i = (short) this.S; this.Q = null; } } public final void w(int i, int i2) { while (i < i2) { v vVar = this.d; int i3 = this.W[i]; c cVar = this.v; int i4 = (-268435456 & i3) >> 28; if (i4 == 0) { int i5 = i3 & 1048575; int i6 = i3 & 251658240; if (i6 == 16777216) { cVar.g(i5); } else if (i6 == 33554432) { cVar.g(7); cVar.j(vVar.c(vVar.l[i5].e).a); } else if (i6 == 50331648) { cVar.g(8); cVar.j((int) vVar.l[i5].f); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int i7 = i4 - 1; if (i4 > 0) { sb.append('['); i4 = i7; } else { if ((i3 & 251658240) == 33554432) { sb.append('L'); sb.append(vVar.l[i3 & 1048575].e); sb.append(';'); } else { int i8 = i3 & 1048575; if (i8 == 1) { sb.append('I'); } else if (i8 == 2) { sb.append('F'); } else if (i8 == 3) { sb.append('D'); } else if (i8 != 4) { switch (i8) { case 9: sb.append('Z'); break; case 10: sb.append('B'); break; case 11: sb.append('C'); break; case 12: sb.append('S'); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } else { sb.append('J'); } } cVar.g(7); cVar.j(vVar.c(sb.toString()).a); } } } i++; } } public final void x(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Integer) { this.v.g(((Integer) obj).intValue()); } else if (obj instanceof String) { c cVar = this.v; cVar.g(7); cVar.j(this.d.c((String) obj).a); } else { c cVar2 = this.v; cVar2.g(8); cVar2.j(((p) obj).e); } } public void y(c cVar) { int i; boolean z2 = this.d.f2824c < 49; cVar.j((~(z2 ? 4096 : 0)) & this.e); cVar.j(this.f); cVar.j(this.h); int i2 = this.f2815a0; if (i2 != 0) { cVar.h(this.d.b.a, i2, this.f2816b0); return; } int i3 = this.l.b > 0 ? 1 : 0; if (this.f2819y > 0) { i3++; } int i4 = this.e; if ((i4 & 4096) != 0 && z2) { i3++; } if (this.A != 0) { i3++; } if ((i4 & 131072) != 0) { i3++; } if (this.B != null) { i3++; } if (this.C != null) { i3++; } if (this.E != null) { i3++; } if (this.G != null) { i3++; } if (this.H != null) { i3++; } if (this.I != null) { i3++; } if (this.J != null) { i3++; } if (this.L != null) { i3++; } b bVar = this.M; if (bVar != null) { i3 += bVar.c(); } cVar.j(i3); int i5 = this.l.b; if (i5 > 0) { int i6 = i5 + 10; int i7 = 0; for (o oVar = this.m; oVar != null; oVar = oVar.f) { i7++; } int i8 = (i7 * 8) + 2 + i6; c cVar2 = this.v; if (cVar2 != null) { i8 += cVar2.b + 8; i = 1; } else { i = 0; } c cVar3 = this.p; if (cVar3 != null) { i8 += cVar3.b + 8; i++; } c cVar4 = this.r; if (cVar4 != null) { i8 += cVar4.b + 8; i++; } c cVar5 = this.t; if (cVar5 != null) { i8 += cVar5.b + 8; i++; } a aVar = this.w; if (aVar != null) { i8 += aVar.a("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); i++; } a aVar2 = this.f2818x; if (aVar2 != null) { i8 += aVar2.a("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); i++; } c.d.b.a.a.k0(this.d, "Code", cVar, i8); cVar.j(this.j); cVar.j(this.k); cVar.i(this.l.b); c cVar6 = this.l; cVar.h(cVar6.a, 0, cVar6.b); o oVar2 = this.m; int i9 = 0; for (o oVar3 = oVar2; oVar3 != null; oVar3 = oVar3.f) { i9++; } cVar.j(i9); while (oVar2 != null) { cVar.j(oVar2.a.e); cVar.j(oVar2.b.e); cVar.j(oVar2.f2812c.e); cVar.j(oVar2.d); oVar2 = oVar2.f; } cVar.j(i); if (this.v != null) { v vVar = this.d; cVar.j(vVar.l(vVar.f2824c >= 50 ? "StackMapTable" : "StackMap")); cVar.i(this.v.b + 2); cVar.j(this.u); c cVar7 = this.v; cVar.h(cVar7.a, 0, cVar7.b); } if (this.p != null) { cVar.j(this.d.l("LineNumberTable")); cVar.i(this.p.b + 2); cVar.j(this.o); c cVar8 = this.p; cVar.h(cVar8.a, 0, cVar8.b); } if (this.r != null) { cVar.j(this.d.l("LocalVariableTable")); cVar.i(this.r.b + 2); cVar.j(this.q); c cVar9 = this.r; cVar.h(cVar9.a, 0, cVar9.b); } if (this.t != null) { cVar.j(this.d.l("LocalVariableTypeTable")); cVar.i(this.t.b + 2); cVar.j(this.f2817s); c cVar10 = this.t; cVar.h(cVar10.a, 0, cVar10.b); } a aVar3 = this.w; if (aVar3 != null) { aVar3.c(this.d.l("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"), cVar); } a aVar4 = this.f2818x; if (aVar4 != null) { aVar4.c(this.d.l("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"), cVar); } } if (this.f2819y > 0) { cVar.j(this.d.l("Exceptions")); cVar.i((this.f2819y * 2) + 2); cVar.j(this.f2819y); for (int i10 : this.f2820z) { cVar.j(i10); } } if ((4096 & this.e) != 0 && z2) { c.d.b.a.a.k0(this.d, "Synthetic", cVar, 0); } if (this.A != 0) { c.d.b.a.a.k0(this.d, "Signature", cVar, 2); cVar.j(this.A); } if ((this.e & 131072) != 0) { c.d.b.a.a.k0(this.d, "Deprecated", cVar, 0); } a aVar5 = this.B; if (aVar5 != null) { aVar5.c(this.d.l("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), cVar); } a aVar6 = this.C; if (aVar6 != null) { aVar6.c(this.d.l("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), cVar); } if (this.E != null) { int l = this.d.l("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"); a[] aVarArr = this.E; int i11 = this.D; if (i11 == 0) { i11 = aVarArr.length; } a.d(l, aVarArr, i11, cVar); } if (this.G != null) { int l2 = this.d.l("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"); a[] aVarArr2 = this.G; int i12 = this.F; if (i12 == 0) { i12 = aVarArr2.length; } a.d(l2, aVarArr2, i12, cVar); } a aVar7 = this.H; if (aVar7 != null) { aVar7.c(this.d.l("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"), cVar); } a aVar8 = this.I; if (aVar8 != null) { aVar8.c(this.d.l("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"), cVar); } if (this.J != null) { cVar.j(this.d.l("AnnotationDefault")); cVar.i(this.J.b); c cVar11 = this.J; cVar.h(cVar11.a, 0, cVar11.b); } if (this.L != null) { cVar.j(this.d.l("MethodParameters")); cVar.i(this.L.b + 1); cVar.g(this.K); c cVar12 = this.L; cVar.h(cVar12.a, 0, cVar12.b); } b bVar2 = this.M; if (bVar2 != null) { bVar2.d(this.d, cVar); } } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x007e */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x009a */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:0x00ff */ public void z() { char c2; int[] iArr = this.V; if (iArr != null) { if (this.v == null) { this.v = new c(); } int[] iArr2 = this.W; int i = iArr2[1]; int i2 = iArr2[2]; int i3 = 0; if (this.d.f2824c < 50) { c cVar = this.v; cVar.j(iArr2[0]); cVar.j(i); int i4 = i + 3; w(3, i4); this.v.j(i2); w(i4, i2 + i4); } else { int i5 = this.u == 0 ? iArr2[0] : (iArr2[0] - iArr[0]) - 1; int i6 = iArr[1]; int i7 = i - i6; if (i2 == 0) { switch (i7) { case -3: case -2: case -1: c2 = 248; break; case 0: if (i5 >= 64) { c2 = 251; break; } else { c2 = 0; break; } case 1: case 2: case 3: c2 = 252; break; } if (c2 != 255) { int i8 = 3; while (true) { if (i3 < i6 && i3 < i) { if (this.W[i8] != this.V[i8]) { c2 = 255; } else { i8++; i3++; } } } } if (c2 == 0) { this.v.g(i5); } else if (c2 == '@') { this.v.g(i5 + 64); w(i + 3, i + 4); } else if (c2 == 247) { c cVar2 = this.v; cVar2.g(247); cVar2.j(i5); w(i + 3, i + 4); } else if (c2 == 248) { c cVar3 = this.v; cVar3.g(i7 + 251); cVar3.j(i5); } else if (c2 == 251) { c cVar4 = this.v; cVar4.g(251); cVar4.j(i5); } else if (c2 != 252) { c cVar5 = this.v; cVar5.g(255); cVar5.j(i5); cVar5.j(i); int i9 = i + 3; w(3, i9); this.v.j(i2); w(i9, i2 + i9); } else { c cVar6 = this.v; cVar6.g(i7 + 251); cVar6.j(i5); w(i6 + 3, i + 3); } } else if (i7 == 0 && i2 == 1) { c2 = i5 < 63 ? '@' : 247; if (c2 != 255) { } if (c2 == 0) { } } c2 = 255; if (c2 != 255) { } if (c2 == 0) { } } this.u++; } this.V = this.W; this.W = null; } }