package e0.a.a.a; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import me.dm7.barcodescanner.core.R; /* compiled from: BarcodeScannerView */ public abstract class a extends FrameLayout implements Camera.PreviewCallback { public int A = 0; public float B = 0.1f; public e i; public d j; public f k; public Rect l; public c m; public Boolean n; public boolean o = true; public boolean p = true; public boolean q = true; @ColorInt public int r = getResources().getColor(R.a.viewfinder_laser); @ColorInt /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2715s = getResources().getColor(R.a.viewfinder_border); public int t = getResources().getColor(R.a.viewfinder_mask); public int u = getResources().getInteger(R.b.viewfinder_border_width); public int v = getResources().getInteger(R.b.viewfinder_border_length); public boolean w = false; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public int f2716x = 0; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public boolean f2717y = false; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public float f2718z = 1.0f; /* JADX INFO: finally extract failed */ public a(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { super(context, attributeSet); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.c.BarcodeScannerView, 0, 0); try { setShouldScaleToFill(obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_shouldScaleToFill, true)); this.q = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_laserEnabled, this.q); this.r = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_laserColor, this.r); this.f2715s = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_borderColor, this.f2715s); this.t = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_maskColor, this.t); this.u = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_borderWidth, this.u); this.v = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_borderLength, this.v); this.w = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_roundedCorner, this.w); this.f2716x = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_cornerRadius, this.f2716x); this.f2717y = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_squaredFinder, this.f2717y); this.f2718z = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_borderAlpha, this.f2718z); this.A = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.c.BarcodeScannerView_finderOffset, this.A); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); g gVar = new g(getContext()); gVar.setBorderColor(this.f2715s); gVar.setLaserColor(this.r); gVar.setLaserEnabled(this.q); gVar.setBorderStrokeWidth(this.u); gVar.setBorderLineLength(this.v); gVar.setMaskColor(this.t); gVar.setBorderCornerRounded(this.w); gVar.setBorderCornerRadius(this.f2716x); gVar.setSquareViewFinder(this.f2717y); gVar.setViewFinderOffset(this.A); this.k = gVar; } catch (Throwable th) { obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); throw th; } } public void a() { if (this.i != null) { this.j.e(); d dVar = this.j; dVar.i = null; dVar.o = null; this.i.a.release(); this.i = null; } c cVar = this.m; if (cVar != null) { cVar.quit(); this.m = null; } } public boolean getFlash() { e eVar = this.i; return eVar != null && c.q.a.k.a.D(eVar.a) && this.i.a.getParameters().getFlashMode().equals("torch"); } public int getRotationCount() { return this.j.getDisplayOrientation() / 90; } public void setAspectTolerance(float f) { this.B = f; } public void setAutoFocus(boolean z2) { this.o = z2; d dVar = this.j; if (dVar != null) { dVar.setAutoFocus(z2); } } public void setBorderAlpha(float f) { this.f2718z = f; ((g) this.k).setBorderAlpha(f); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setBorderColor(int i) { this.f2715s = i; ((g) this.k).setBorderColor(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setBorderCornerRadius(int i) { this.f2716x = i; ((g) this.k).setBorderCornerRadius(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setBorderLineLength(int i) { this.v = i; ((g) this.k).setBorderLineLength(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setBorderStrokeWidth(int i) { this.u = i; ((g) this.k).setBorderStrokeWidth(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setFlash(boolean z2) { this.n = Boolean.valueOf(z2); e eVar = this.i; if (eVar != null && c.q.a.k.a.D(eVar.a)) { Camera.Parameters parameters = this.i.a.getParameters(); if (z2) { if (!parameters.getFlashMode().equals("torch")) { parameters.setFlashMode("torch"); } else { return; } } else if (!parameters.getFlashMode().equals("off")) { parameters.setFlashMode("off"); } else { return; } this.i.a.setParameters(parameters); } } public void setIsBorderCornerRounded(boolean z2) { this.w = z2; ((g) this.k).setBorderCornerRounded(z2); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setLaserColor(int i) { this.r = i; ((g) this.k).setLaserColor(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setLaserEnabled(boolean z2) { this.q = z2; ((g) this.k).setLaserEnabled(z2); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setMaskColor(int i) { this.t = i; ((g) this.k).setMaskColor(i); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setShouldScaleToFill(boolean z2) { this.p = z2; } public void setSquareViewFinder(boolean z2) { this.f2717y = z2; ((g) this.k).setSquareViewFinder(z2); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); } public void setupCameraPreview(e eVar) { this.i = eVar; if (eVar != null) { setupLayout(eVar); g gVar = (g) this.k; gVar.a(); gVar.invalidate(); Boolean bool = this.n; if (bool != null) { setFlash(bool.booleanValue()); } setAutoFocus(this.o); } } public final void setupLayout(e eVar) { removeAllViews(); d dVar = new d(getContext(), eVar, this); this.j = dVar; dVar.setAspectTolerance(this.B); this.j.setShouldScaleToFill(this.p); if (!this.p) { RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(getContext()); relativeLayout.setGravity(17); relativeLayout.setBackgroundColor(-16777216); relativeLayout.addView(this.j); addView(relativeLayout); } else { addView(this.j); } f fVar = this.k; if (fVar instanceof View) { addView((View) fVar); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("IViewFinder object returned by 'createViewFinderView()' should be instance of android.view.View"); } }