package com.otaliastudios.cameraview; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager; import android.location.Location; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle; import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver; import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner; import androidx.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent; import c.o.a.l; import c.o.a.m.h; import c.o.a.m.j; import c.o.a.m.k; import c.o.a.m.l; import c.o.a.m.m; import c.o.a.n.i; import c.o.a.p.d; import c.o.a.q.c; import c.o.a.q.e; import c.o.a.q.f; import c.o.a.q.g; import c.o.a.r.f; import c.o.a.s.c; import c.o.a.u.c; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class CameraView extends FrameLayout implements LifecycleObserver { public static final String i; public static final c.o.a.b j; public c.o.a.s.a A; @VisibleForTesting public List B = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); @VisibleForTesting public List C = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); public Lifecycle D; @VisibleForTesting public e E; @VisibleForTesting public g F; @VisibleForTesting public f G; @VisibleForTesting public c.o.a.r.d H; @VisibleForTesting public c I; public boolean J; public boolean K; @VisibleForTesting public c.o.a.u.c L; public boolean k; public boolean l; public boolean m; public HashMap n = new HashMap<>(4); public k o; public c.o.a.m.d p; public c.o.a.o.b q; public int r; /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public Handler f2410s; public Executor t; @VisibleForTesting public b u; public c.o.a.w.a v; public c.o.a.r.f w; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public i f2411x; /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public c.o.a.x.b f2412y; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public MediaActionSound f2413z; public class a implements ThreadFactory { public final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(1); public a(CameraView cameraView) { } @Override // java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory public Thread newThread(@NonNull Runnable runnable) { StringBuilder K = c.d.b.a.a.K("FrameExecutor #"); K.append(this.i.getAndIncrement()); return new Thread(runnable, K.toString()); } } @VisibleForTesting public class b implements i.g, f.c, c.a { public final String a; public final c.o.a.b b; public class a implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ float i; public final /* synthetic */ PointF[] j; public a(float f, PointF[] pointFArr) { this.i = f; this.j = pointFArr; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { for (c.o.a.a aVar : CameraView.this.B) { Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); } } } /* renamed from: com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView$b$b reason: collision with other inner class name */ public class RunnableC0191b implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ float i; public final /* synthetic */ float[] j; public final /* synthetic */ PointF[] k; public RunnableC0191b(float f, float[] fArr, PointF[] pointFArr) { this.i = f; this.j = fArr; this.k = pointFArr; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { for (c.o.a.a aVar : CameraView.this.B) { Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); } } } public class c implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.p.b i; public c(c.o.a.p.b bVar) { this.i = bVar; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { b.this.b.a(0, "dispatchFrame: executing. Passing", Long.valueOf(this.i.a()), "to processors."); for (c.o.a.p.d dVar : CameraView.this.C) { try { dVar.a(this.i); } catch (Exception e) { b.this.b.a(2, "Frame processor crashed:", e); } } this.i.b(); } } public class d implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ CameraException i; public d(CameraException cameraException) { this.i = cameraException; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { for (c.o.a.a aVar : CameraView.this.B) { aVar.b(this.i); } } } public class e implements Runnable { public e() { } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { CameraView.this.requestLayout(); } } public class f implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ PointF i; public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.q.a j; public f(PointF pointF, c.o.a.q.a aVar) { this.i = pointF; this.j = aVar; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { c.o.a.s.c cVar = CameraView.this.I; PointF[] pointFArr = {this.i}; View view = cVar.i.get(1); if (view != null) { view.clearAnimation(); PointF pointF = pointFArr[0]; view.setTranslationX((float) ((int) (pointF.x - ((float) (view.getWidth() / 2))))); view.setTranslationY((float) ((int) (pointF.y - ((float) (view.getHeight() / 2))))); } c.o.a.s.a aVar = CameraView.this.A; if (aVar != null) { aVar.a(this.j != null ? c.o.a.s.b.GESTURE : c.o.a.s.b.METHOD, this.i); } for (c.o.a.a aVar2 : CameraView.this.B) { Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); } } } public class g implements Runnable { public final /* synthetic */ boolean i; public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.q.a j; public final /* synthetic */ PointF k; public g(boolean z2, c.o.a.q.a aVar, PointF pointF) { this.i = z2; this.j = aVar; this.k = pointF; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { CameraView cameraView; boolean z2; if (this.i && (z2 = (cameraView = CameraView.this).k) && z2) { if (cameraView.f2413z == null) { cameraView.f2413z = new MediaActionSound(); }; } c.o.a.s.a aVar = CameraView.this.A; if (aVar != null) { aVar.c(this.j != null ? c.o.a.s.b.GESTURE : c.o.a.s.b.METHOD, this.i, this.k); } for (c.o.a.a aVar2 : CameraView.this.B) { Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); } } } public b() { String simpleName = b.class.getSimpleName(); this.a = simpleName; this.b = new c.o.a.b(simpleName); } public void a(CameraException cameraException) { this.b.a(1, "dispatchError", cameraException); d(cameraException)); } public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.p.b bVar) { this.b.a(0, "dispatchFrame:", Long.valueOf(bVar.a()), "processors:", Integer.valueOf(CameraView.this.C.size())); if (CameraView.this.C.isEmpty()) { bVar.b(); } else { CameraView.this.t.execute(new c(bVar)); } } public void c(float f2, @NonNull float[] fArr, @Nullable PointF[] pointFArr) { this.b.a(1, "dispatchOnExposureCorrectionChanged", Float.valueOf(f2)); RunnableC0191b(f2, fArr, pointFArr)); } public void d(@Nullable c.o.a.q.a aVar, boolean z2, @NonNull PointF pointF) { this.b.a(1, "dispatchOnFocusEnd", aVar, Boolean.valueOf(z2), pointF); g(z2, aVar, pointF)); } public void e(@Nullable c.o.a.q.a aVar, @NonNull PointF pointF) { this.b.a(1, "dispatchOnFocusStart", aVar, pointF); f(pointF, aVar)); } public void f(float f2, @Nullable PointF[] pointFArr) { this.b.a(1, "dispatchOnZoomChanged", Float.valueOf(f2)); a(f2, pointFArr)); } @NonNull public Context g() { return CameraView.this.getContext(); } public void h() { c.o.a.x.b C = CameraView.this.f2411x.C(c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW); if (C == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Preview stream size should not be null here."); } else if (C.equals(CameraView.this.f2412y)) { this.b.a(1, "onCameraPreviewStreamSizeChanged:", "swallowing because the preview size has not changed.", C); } else { this.b.a(1, "onCameraPreviewStreamSizeChanged: posting a requestLayout call.", "Preview stream size:", C); e()); } } } static { String simpleName = CameraView.class.getSimpleName(); i = simpleName; j = new c.o.a.b(simpleName); } public CameraView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attributeSet) { super(context, attributeSet); int i2; int i3; int i4; int i5; c.o.a.x.c cVar; c.o.a.o.b bVar; boolean isInEditMode = isInEditMode(); this.K = isInEditMode; if (!isInEditMode) { setWillNotDraw(false); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.c.CameraView, 0, 0); int integer = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraPreview, k.GL_SURFACE.g()); int i6 = R.c.CameraView_cameraFacing; c.o.a.m.e eVar = c.o.a.m.e.BACK; if (!c.o.a.e.a(eVar)) { c.o.a.m.e eVar2 = c.o.a.m.e.FRONT; if (c.o.a.e.a(eVar2)) { eVar = eVar2; } } int integer2 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i6, eVar.g()); int integer3 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFlash, c.o.a.m.f.OFF.g()); int integer4 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraGrid, c.o.a.m.g.OFF.g()); int integer5 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraWhiteBalance, m.AUTO.g()); int integer6 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraMode, c.o.a.m.i.PICTURE.g()); int integer7 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraHdr, h.OFF.g()); int integer8 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraAudio, c.o.a.m.a.ON.g()); int integer9 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoCodec, l.DEVICE_DEFAULT.g()); int integer10 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraAudioCodec, c.o.a.m.b.DEVICE_DEFAULT.g()); int integer11 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraEngine, c.o.a.m.d.CAMERA1.g()); int integer12 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureFormat, j.JPEG.g()); boolean z2 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPlaySounds, true); boolean z3 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraUseDeviceOrientation, true); this.J = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraExperimental, false); this.m = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraRequestPermissions, true); this.o = k.f(integer); this.p = c.o.a.m.d.f(integer11); int color = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(R.c.CameraView_cameraGridColor, c.o.a.r.d.i); long j2 = (long) obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoMaxSize, 0.0f); int integer13 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoMaxDuration, 0); int integer14 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoBitRate, 0); int integer15 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraAudioBitRate, 0); float f = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.c.CameraView_cameraPreviewFrameRate, 0.0f); boolean z4 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPreviewFrameRateExact, false); long integer16 = (long) obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraAutoFocusResetDelay, 3000); boolean z5 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureMetering, true); boolean z6 = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSnapshotMetering, false); int integer17 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraSnapshotMaxWidth, 0); int integer18 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraSnapshotMaxHeight, 0); int integer19 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFrameProcessingMaxWidth, 0); int integer20 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFrameProcessingMaxHeight, 0); int integer21 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFrameProcessingFormat, 0); int integer22 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFrameProcessingPoolSize, 2); int integer23 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraFrameProcessingExecutors, 1); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(3); int i7 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMinWidth; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i7)) { i2 = integer15; i3 = 0; arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b0(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i7, 0))); } else { i2 = integer15; i3 = 0; } int i8 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMaxWidth; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i8)) { arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Z(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i8, i3))); } int i9 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMinHeight; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i9)) { arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.a0(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i9, i3))); } int i10 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMaxHeight; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i10)) { arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Y(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i10, i3))); } int i11 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMinArea; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i11)) { arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.h(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i11, i3)))); } int i12 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeMaxArea; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i12)) { arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.g(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i12, 0)))); } int i13 = R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeAspectRatio; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i13)) { i4 = integer8; arrayList.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.d(c.o.a.x.a.h(obtainStyledAttributes.getString(i13)).i(), 0.0f))); } else { i4 = integer8; } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeSmallest, false)) { arrayList.add(new c.o.a.x.f()); } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraPictureSizeBiggest, false)) { arrayList.add(new c.o.a.x.e()); } c.o.a.x.c b2 = !arrayList.isEmpty() ? c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b((c.o.a.x.c[]) arrayList.toArray(new c.o.a.x.c[0])) : new c.o.a.x.e(); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(3); int i14 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMinWidth; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i14)) { i5 = 0; arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b0(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i14, 0))); } else { i5 = 0; } int i15 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMaxWidth; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i15)) { arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Z(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i15, i5))); } int i16 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMinHeight; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i16)) { arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.a0(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i16, i5))); } int i17 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMaxHeight; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i17)) { arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Y(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i17, i5))); } int i18 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMinArea; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i18)) { arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.h(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i18, i5)))); } int i19 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeMaxArea; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i19)) { arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.g(obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i19, 0)))); } int i20 = R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeAspectRatio; if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i20)) { cVar = b2; arrayList2.add(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.d(c.o.a.x.a.h(obtainStyledAttributes.getString(i20)).i(), 0.0f))); } else { cVar = b2; } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeSmallest, false)) { arrayList2.add(new c.o.a.x.f()); } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.c.CameraView_cameraVideoSizeBiggest, false)) { arrayList2.add(new c.o.a.x.e()); } c.o.a.x.c b3 = !arrayList2.isEmpty() ? c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b((c.o.a.x.c[]) arrayList2.toArray(new c.o.a.x.c[0])) : new c.o.a.x.e(); int i21 = R.c.CameraView_cameraGestureTap; c.o.a.q.b bVar2 = c.o.a.q.b.NONE; int integer24 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(i21, bVar2.h()); int integer25 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraGestureLongTap, bVar2.h()); int integer26 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraGesturePinch, bVar2.h()); int integer27 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraGestureScrollHorizontal, bVar2.h()); int integer28 = obtainStyledAttributes.getInteger(R.c.CameraView_cameraGestureScrollVertical, bVar2.h()); String string = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(R.c.CameraView_cameraAutoFocusMarker); c.o.a.s.a aVar = null; if (string != null) { try { aVar = (c.o.a.s.a) Class.forName(string).newInstance(); } catch (Exception unused) { } } try { bVar = (c.o.a.o.b) Class.forName(obtainStyledAttributes.getString(R.c.CameraView_cameraFilter)).newInstance(); } catch (Exception unused2) { bVar = new c.o.a.o.c(); } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); this.u = new b(); this.f2410s = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); this.E = new e(this.u); this.F = new g(this.u); this.G = new c.o.a.q.f(this.u); this.H = new c.o.a.r.d(context); this.L = new c.o.a.u.c(context); this.I = new c.o.a.s.c(context); addView(this.H); addView(this.I); addView(this.L); b(); setPlaySounds(z2); setUseDeviceOrientation(z3); setGrid(c.o.a.m.g.f(integer4)); setGridColor(color); setFacing(c.o.a.m.e.f(integer2)); setFlash(c.o.a.m.f.f(integer3)); setMode(c.o.a.m.i.f(integer6)); setWhiteBalance(m.f(integer5)); setHdr(h.f(integer7)); setAudio(c.o.a.m.a.f(i4)); setAudioBitRate(i2); setAudioCodec(c.o.a.m.b.f(integer10)); setPictureSize(cVar); setPictureMetering(z5); setPictureSnapshotMetering(z6); setPictureFormat(j.f(integer12)); setVideoSize(b3); setVideoCodec(l.f(integer9)); setVideoMaxSize(j2); setVideoMaxDuration(integer13); setVideoBitRate(integer14); setAutoFocusResetDelay(integer16); setPreviewFrameRateExact(z4); setPreviewFrameRate(f); setSnapshotMaxWidth(integer17); setSnapshotMaxHeight(integer18); setFrameProcessingMaxWidth(integer19); setFrameProcessingMaxHeight(integer20); setFrameProcessingFormat(integer21); setFrameProcessingPoolSize(integer22); setFrameProcessingExecutors(integer23); e(c.o.a.q.a.TAP, c.o.a.q.b.f(integer24)); e(c.o.a.q.a.LONG_TAP, c.o.a.q.b.f(integer25)); e(c.o.a.q.a.PINCH, c.o.a.q.b.f(integer26)); e(c.o.a.q.a.SCROLL_HORIZONTAL, c.o.a.q.b.f(integer27)); e(c.o.a.q.a.SCROLL_VERTICAL, c.o.a.q.b.f(integer28)); setAutoFocusMarker(aVar); setFilter(bVar); this.w = new c.o.a.r.f(context, this.u); } } @SuppressLint({"NewApi"}) public boolean a(@NonNull c.o.a.m.a aVar) { c.o.a.m.a aVar2 = c.o.a.m.a.STEREO; c.o.a.m.a aVar3 = c.o.a.m.a.MONO; c.o.a.m.a aVar4 = c.o.a.m.a.ON; if (aVar == aVar4 || aVar == aVar3 || aVar == aVar2) { try { for (String str : getContext().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getContext().getPackageName(), 4096).requestedPermissions) { if (!str.equals("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO")) { } } throw new IllegalStateException(j.a(3, "Permission error: when audio is enabled (Audio.ON) the RECORD_AUDIO permission should be added to the app manifest file.")); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused) { } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) { return true; } Context context = getContext(); boolean z2 = aVar == aVar4 || aVar == aVar3 || aVar == aVar2; boolean z3 = context.checkSelfPermission("android.permission.CAMERA") != 0; boolean z4 = z2 && context.checkSelfPermission("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO") != 0; if (!(z3 || z4)) { return true; } if (this.m) { Activity activity = null; for (Context context2 = getContext(); context2 instanceof ContextWrapper; context2 = ((ContextWrapper) context2).getBaseContext()) { if (context2 instanceof Activity) { activity = (Activity) context2; } } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (z3) { arrayList.add("android.permission.CAMERA"); } if (z4) { arrayList.add("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"); } if (activity != null) { activity.requestPermissions((String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[0]), 16); } } return false; } @Override // android.view.ViewGroup public void addView(View view, int i2, ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) { if (!this.K) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.L); if (layoutParams instanceof c.a) { this.L.addView(view, layoutParams); return; } } super.addView(view, i2, layoutParams); } public final void b() { i iVar; c.o.a.b bVar = j; bVar.a(2, "doInstantiateEngine:", "instantiating. engine:", this.p); c.o.a.m.d dVar = this.p; b bVar2 = this.u; if (!this.J || dVar != c.o.a.m.d.CAMERA2) { this.p = c.o.a.m.d.CAMERA1; iVar = new c.o.a.n.b(bVar2); } else { iVar = new c.o.a.n.d(bVar2); } this.f2411x = iVar; bVar.a(2, "doInstantiateEngine:", "instantiated. engine:", iVar.getClass().getSimpleName()); this.f2411x.o0(this.L); } public final boolean c() { i iVar = this.f2411x; return iVar.m.f == c.o.a.n.v.e.OFF && !iVar.O(); } @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE) public void close() { if (!this.K) { c.o.a.r.f fVar = this.w; if (fVar.h) { fVar.h = false; fVar.d.disable(); ((DisplayManager) fVar.b.getSystemService("display")).unregisterDisplayListener(fVar.f); fVar.g = -1; fVar.e = -1; } this.f2411x.L0(false); c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar != null) { aVar.p(); } } } public boolean d() { c.o.a.n.v.e eVar = this.f2411x.m.f; c.o.a.n.v.e eVar2 = c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE; return eVar.f(eVar2) && this.f2411x.m.g.f(eVar2); } @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY) public void destroy() { if (!this.K) { this.B.clear(); boolean z2 = this.C.size() > 0; this.C.clear(); if (z2) { this.f2411x.k0(false); } this.f2411x.d(true, 0); c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar != null) { aVar.o(); } } } public boolean e(@NonNull c.o.a.q.a aVar, @NonNull c.o.a.q.b bVar) { c.o.a.q.b bVar2 = c.o.a.q.b.NONE; boolean z2 = false; if (aVar.f(bVar)) { this.n.put(aVar, bVar); int ordinal = aVar.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 0) { e eVar = this.E; if (this.n.get(c.o.a.q.a.PINCH) != bVar2) { z2 = true; } eVar.a = z2; } else if (ordinal == 1 || ordinal == 2) { g gVar = this.F; if (!(this.n.get(c.o.a.q.a.TAP) == bVar2 && this.n.get(c.o.a.q.a.LONG_TAP) == bVar2)) { z2 = true; } gVar.a = z2; } else if (ordinal == 3 || ordinal == 4) { c.o.a.q.f fVar = this.G; if (!(this.n.get(c.o.a.q.a.SCROLL_HORIZONTAL) == bVar2 && this.n.get(c.o.a.q.a.SCROLL_VERTICAL) == bVar2)) { z2 = true; } fVar.a = z2; } return true; } e(aVar, bVar2); return false; } public final String f(int i2) { if (i2 == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return "AT_MOST"; } if (i2 == 0) { return "UNSPECIFIED"; } if (i2 != 1073741824) { return null; } return "EXACTLY"; } public final void g(@NonNull c.o.a.q.c cVar, @NonNull c.o.a.c cVar2) { c.o.a.q.a aVar = cVar.b; PointF[] pointFArr = cVar.f1502c; switch (this.n.get(aVar).ordinal()) { case 1: float width = (float) getWidth(); float height = (float) getHeight(); RectF a2 = c.o.a.t.b.a(pointFArr[0], width * 0.05f, 0.05f * height); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); PointF pointF = new PointF(a2.centerX(), a2.centerY()); float width2 = a2.width(); float height2 = a2.height(); arrayList.add(new c.o.a.t.a(a2, 1000)); arrayList.add(new c.o.a.t.a(c.o.a.t.b.a(pointF, width2 * 1.5f, height2 * 1.5f), Math.round(((float) 1000) * 0.1f))); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { c.o.a.t.a aVar2 = (c.o.a.t.a); Objects.requireNonNull(aVar2); RectF rectF = new RectF(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height); RectF rectF2 = new RectF(); rectF2.set(Math.max(rectF.left, aVar2.i.left), Math.max(,, Math.min(rectF.right, aVar2.i.right), Math.min(rectF.bottom, aVar2.i.bottom)); arrayList2.add(new c.o.a.t.a(rectF2, aVar2.j)); } this.f2411x.I0(aVar, new c.o.a.t.b(arrayList2), pointFArr[0]); return; case 2: this.f2411x.O0(new l.a()); return; case 3: this.f2411x.P0(new l.a()); return; case 4: float N = this.f2411x.N(); float a3 = cVar.a(N, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (a3 != N) { this.f2411x.G0(a3, pointFArr, true); return; } return; case 5: float k = this.f2411x.k(); float f = cVar2.m; float f2 = cVar2.n; float a4 = cVar.a(k, f, f2); if (a4 != k) { this.f2411x.d0(a4, new float[]{f, f2}, pointFArr, true); return; } return; case 6: if (getFilter() instanceof c.o.a.o.d) { c.o.a.o.d dVar = (c.o.a.o.d) getFilter(); float i2 = dVar.i(); float a5 = cVar.a(i2, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (a5 != i2) { dVar.d(a5); return; } return; } return; case 7: if (getFilter() instanceof c.o.a.o.e) { c.o.a.o.e eVar = (c.o.a.o.e) getFilter(); float g = eVar.g(); float a6 = cVar.a(g, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (a6 != g) { eVar.b(a6); return; } return; } return; default: return; } } @Override // android.widget.FrameLayout, android.view.ViewGroup public FrameLayout.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attributeSet) { if (!this.K) { c.o.a.u.c cVar = this.L; Objects.requireNonNull(cVar); boolean z2 = false; if (attributeSet != null) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = cVar.getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.c.CameraView_Layout); if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.c.CameraView_Layout_layout_drawOnPreview) || obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.c.CameraView_Layout_layout_drawOnPictureSnapshot) || obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.c.CameraView_Layout_layout_drawOnVideoSnapshot)) { z2 = true; } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } if (z2) { return this.L.generateLayoutParams(attributeSet); } } return super.generateLayoutParams(attributeSet); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.a getAudio() { return this.f2411x.f(); } public int getAudioBitRate() { return this.f2411x.g(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.b getAudioCodec() { return this.f2411x.h(); } public long getAutoFocusResetDelay() { return this.f2411x.i(); } @Nullable public c.o.a.c getCameraOptions() { return this.f2411x.j(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.d getEngine() { return this.p; } public float getExposureCorrection() { return this.f2411x.k(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.e getFacing() { return this.f2411x.l(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.o.b getFilter() { c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar == null) { return this.q; } if (aVar instanceof c.o.a.w.b) { return ((c.o.a.w.b) aVar).c(); } StringBuilder K = c.d.b.a.a.K("Filters are only supported by the GL_SURFACE preview. Current:"); K.append(this.o); throw new RuntimeException(K.toString()); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.f getFlash() { return this.f2411x.m(); } public int getFrameProcessingExecutors() { return this.r; } public int getFrameProcessingFormat() { return this.f2411x.n(); } public int getFrameProcessingMaxHeight() { return this.f2411x.o(); } public int getFrameProcessingMaxWidth() { return this.f2411x.p(); } public int getFrameProcessingPoolSize() { return this.f2411x.q(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.g getGrid() { return this.H.getGridMode(); } public int getGridColor() { return this.H.getGridColor(); } @NonNull public h getHdr() { return this.f2411x.r(); } @Nullable public Location getLocation() { return this.f2411x.s(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.i getMode() { return this.f2411x.t(); } @NonNull public j getPictureFormat() { return this.f2411x.u(); } public boolean getPictureMetering() { return this.f2411x.v(); } @Nullable public c.o.a.x.b getPictureSize() { return this.f2411x.w(c.o.a.n.t.b.OUTPUT); } public boolean getPictureSnapshotMetering() { return this.f2411x.y(); } public boolean getPlaySounds() { return this.k; } @NonNull public k getPreview() { return this.o; } public float getPreviewFrameRate() { return this.f2411x.A(); } public boolean getPreviewFrameRateExact() { return this.f2411x.B(); } public int getSnapshotMaxHeight() { return this.f2411x.D(); } public int getSnapshotMaxWidth() { return this.f2411x.E(); } @Nullable public c.o.a.x.b getSnapshotSize() { c.o.a.x.b bVar = null; if (!(getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0)) { i iVar = this.f2411x; c.o.a.n.t.b bVar2 = c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW; c.o.a.x.b F = iVar.F(bVar2); if (F == null) { return null; } Rect v = c.i.a.f.e.o.c.v(F, c.o.a.x.a.f(getWidth(), getHeight())); bVar = new c.o.a.x.b(v.width(), v.height()); if (this.f2411x.e().b(bVar2, c.o.a.n.t.b.OUTPUT)) { return bVar.f(); } } return bVar; } public boolean getUseDeviceOrientation() { return this.l; } public int getVideoBitRate() { return this.f2411x.G(); } @NonNull public c.o.a.m.l getVideoCodec() { return this.f2411x.H(); } public int getVideoMaxDuration() { return this.f2411x.I(); } public long getVideoMaxSize() { return this.f2411x.J(); } @Nullable public c.o.a.x.b getVideoSize() { return this.f2411x.K(c.o.a.n.t.b.OUTPUT); } @NonNull public m getWhiteBalance() { return this.f2411x.M(); } public float getZoom() { return this.f2411x.N(); } @Override // android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup public void onAttachedToWindow() { c.o.a.w.a aVar; super.onAttachedToWindow(); if (!this.K && this.v == null) { c.o.a.b bVar = j; bVar.a(2, "doInstantiateEngine:", "instantiating. preview:", this.o); k kVar = this.o; Context context = getContext(); int ordinal = kVar.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 0) { aVar = new c.o.a.w.h(context, this); } else if (ordinal == 1 && isHardwareAccelerated()) { aVar = new c.o.a.w.j(context, this); } else { this.o = k.GL_SURFACE; aVar = new c.o.a.w.d(context, this); } this.v = aVar; bVar.a(2, "doInstantiateEngine:", "instantiated. preview:", aVar.getClass().getSimpleName()); this.f2411x.u0(this.v); c.o.a.o.b bVar2 = this.q; if (bVar2 != null) { setFilter(bVar2); this.q = null; } } } @Override // android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup public void onDetachedFromWindow() { this.f2412y = null; super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } @Override // android.view.ViewGroup public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { return true; } @Override // android.widget.FrameLayout, android.view.View public void onMeasure(int i2, int i3) { if (this.K) { super.onMeasure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i2), 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i3), 1073741824)); return; } c.o.a.x.b C = this.f2411x.C(c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW); this.f2412y = C; if (C == null) { j.a(2, "onMeasure:", "surface is not ready. Calling default behavior."); super.onMeasure(i2, i3); return; } int mode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i2); int mode2 = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i3); int size = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i2); int size2 = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i3); c.o.a.x.b bVar = this.f2412y; float f = (float) bVar.i; float f2 = (float) bVar.j; ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getLayoutParams(); if (!this.v.u()) { if (mode == 1073741824) { mode = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } if (mode2 == 1073741824) { mode2 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } else { if (mode == Integer.MIN_VALUE && layoutParams.width == -1) { mode = 1073741824; } if (mode2 == Integer.MIN_VALUE && layoutParams.height == -1) { mode2 = 1073741824; } } c.o.a.b bVar2 = j; StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("requested dimensions are (", size, "["); L.append(f(mode)); L.append("]x"); L.append(size2); L.append("["); L.append(f(mode2)); L.append("])"); bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", L.toString()); bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "previewSize is", "(" + f + "x" + f2 + ")"); if (mode == 1073741824 && mode2 == 1073741824) { bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt.", "This means CROP_CENTER.", c.d.b.a.a.n("(", size, "x", size2, ")")); super.onMeasure(i2, i3); } else if (mode == 0 && mode2 == 0) { bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "both are completely free.", "We respect that and extend to the whole preview size.", "(" + f + "x" + f2 + ")"); super.onMeasure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((int) f, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((int) f2, 1073741824)); } else { float f3 = f2 / f; if (mode == 0 || mode2 == 0) { if (mode == 0) { size = Math.round(((float) size2) / f3); } else { size2 = Math.round(((float) size) * f3); } bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "one dimension was free, we adapted it to fit the ratio.", c.d.b.a.a.n("(", size, "x", size2, ")")); super.onMeasure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824)); } else if (mode == 1073741824 || mode2 == 1073741824) { if (mode == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { size = Math.min(Math.round(((float) size2) / f3), size); } else { size2 = Math.min(Math.round(((float) size) * f3), size2); } bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "one dimension was EXACTLY, another AT_MOST.", "We have TRIED to fit the aspect ratio, but it's not guaranteed.", c.d.b.a.a.n("(", size, "x", size2, ")")); super.onMeasure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824)); } else { float f4 = (float) size2; float f5 = (float) size; if (f4 / f5 >= f3) { size2 = Math.round(f5 * f3); } else { size = Math.round(f4 / f3); } bVar2.a(1, "onMeasure:", "both dimension were AT_MOST.", "We fit the preview aspect ratio.", c.d.b.a.a.n("(", size, "x", size2, ")")); super.onMeasure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size2, 1073741824)); } } } @Override // android.view.View @SuppressLint({"ClickableViewAccessibility"}) public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { if (!d()) { return true; } c.o.a.c j2 = this.f2411x.j(); if (j2 != null) { e eVar = this.E; if (!eVar.a ? false : eVar.c(motionEvent)) { j.a(1, "onTouchEvent", "pinch!"); g(this.E, j2); } else { c.o.a.q.f fVar = this.G; if (!fVar.a ? false : fVar.c(motionEvent)) { j.a(1, "onTouchEvent", "scroll!"); g(this.G, j2); } else { g gVar = this.F; if (!gVar.a ? false : gVar.c(motionEvent)) { j.a(1, "onTouchEvent", "tap!"); g(this.F, j2); } } } return true; } throw new IllegalStateException("Options should not be null here."); } @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME) public void open() { if (!this.K) { c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar != null) { aVar.q(); } if (a(getAudio())) { c.o.a.r.f fVar = this.w; if (!fVar.h) { fVar.h = true; fVar.g = fVar.a(); ((DisplayManager) fVar.b.getSystemService("display")).registerDisplayListener(fVar.f, fVar.a); fVar.d.enable(); } c.o.a.n.t.a e = this.f2411x.e(); int i2 = this.w.g; e.e(i2); e.d = i2; e.d(); this.f2411x.H0(); } } } @Override // android.view.ViewGroup, android.view.ViewManager public void removeView(View view) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); if (!this.K && layoutParams != null) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.L); if (layoutParams instanceof c.a) { this.L.removeView(view); return; } } super.removeView(view); } public void set(@NonNull c.o.a.m.c cVar) { if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.a) { setAudio((c.o.a.m.a) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.e) { setFacing((c.o.a.m.e) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.f) { setFlash((c.o.a.m.f) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.g) { setGrid((c.o.a.m.g) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof h) { setHdr((h) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.i) { setMode((c.o.a.m.i) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof m) { setWhiteBalance((m) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.l) { setVideoCodec((c.o.a.m.l) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.b) { setAudioCodec((c.o.a.m.b) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof k) { setPreview((k) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof c.o.a.m.d) { setEngine((c.o.a.m.d) cVar); } else if (cVar instanceof j) { setPictureFormat((j) cVar); } } public void setAudio(@NonNull c.o.a.m.a aVar) { if (aVar == getAudio() || c()) { this.f2411x.Z(aVar); } else if (a(aVar)) { this.f2411x.Z(aVar); } else { close(); } } public void setAudioBitRate(int i2) { this.f2411x.a0(i2); } public void setAudioCodec(@NonNull c.o.a.m.b bVar) { this.f2411x.b0(bVar); } public void setAutoFocusMarker(@Nullable c.o.a.s.a aVar) { View b2; this.A = aVar; c.o.a.s.c cVar = this.I; View view = cVar.i.get(1); if (view != null) { cVar.removeView(view); } if (aVar != null && (b2 = aVar.b(cVar.getContext(), cVar)) != null) { cVar.i.put(1, b2); cVar.addView(b2); } } public void setAutoFocusResetDelay(long j2) { this.f2411x.c0(j2); } public void setEngine(@NonNull c.o.a.m.d dVar) { if (c()) { this.p = dVar; i iVar = this.f2411x; b(); c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar != null) { this.f2411x.u0(aVar); } setFacing(iVar.l()); setFlash(iVar.m()); setMode(iVar.t()); setWhiteBalance(iVar.M()); setHdr(iVar.r()); setAudio(iVar.f()); setAudioBitRate(iVar.g()); setAudioCodec(iVar.h()); setPictureSize(iVar.x()); setPictureFormat(iVar.u()); setVideoSize(iVar.L()); setVideoCodec(iVar.H()); setVideoMaxSize(iVar.J()); setVideoMaxDuration(iVar.I()); setVideoBitRate(iVar.G()); setAutoFocusResetDelay(iVar.i()); setPreviewFrameRate(iVar.A()); setPreviewFrameRateExact(iVar.B()); setSnapshotMaxWidth(iVar.E()); setSnapshotMaxHeight(iVar.D()); setFrameProcessingMaxWidth(iVar.p()); setFrameProcessingMaxHeight(iVar.o()); setFrameProcessingFormat(0); setFrameProcessingPoolSize(iVar.q()); this.f2411x.k0(!this.C.isEmpty()); } } public void setExperimental(boolean z2) { this.J = z2; } public void setExposureCorrection(float f) { c.o.a.c cameraOptions = getCameraOptions(); if (cameraOptions != null) { float f2 = cameraOptions.m; float f3 = cameraOptions.n; if (f < f2) { f = f2; } if (f > f3) { f = f3; } this.f2411x.d0(f, new float[]{f2, f3}, null, false); } } public void setFacing(@NonNull c.o.a.m.e eVar) { this.f2411x.e0(eVar); } public void setFilter(@NonNull c.o.a.o.b bVar) { c.o.a.w.a aVar = this.v; if (aVar == null) { this.q = bVar; return; } boolean z2 = aVar instanceof c.o.a.w.b; if (!(bVar instanceof c.o.a.o.c) && !z2) { StringBuilder K = c.d.b.a.a.K("Filters are only supported by the GL_SURFACE preview. Current preview:"); K.append(this.o); throw new RuntimeException(K.toString()); } else if (z2) { ((c.o.a.w.b) aVar).a(bVar); } } public void setFlash(@NonNull c.o.a.m.f fVar) { this.f2411x.f0(fVar); } public void setFrameProcessingExecutors(int i2) { if (i2 >= 1) { this.r = i2; ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(i2, i2, 4, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue(), new a(this)); threadPoolExecutor.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true); this.t = threadPoolExecutor; return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(c.d.b.a.a.j("Need at least 1 executor, got ", i2)); } public void setFrameProcessingFormat(int i2) { this.f2411x.g0(i2); } public void setFrameProcessingMaxHeight(int i2) { this.f2411x.h0(i2); } public void setFrameProcessingMaxWidth(int i2) { this.f2411x.i0(i2); } public void setFrameProcessingPoolSize(int i2) { this.f2411x.j0(i2); } public void setGrid(@NonNull c.o.a.m.g gVar) { this.H.setGridMode(gVar); } public void setGridColor(@ColorInt int i2) { this.H.setGridColor(i2); } public void setHdr(@NonNull h hVar) { this.f2411x.l0(hVar); } public void setLifecycleOwner(@Nullable LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner) { if (lifecycleOwner == null) { Lifecycle lifecycle = this.D; if (lifecycle != null) { lifecycle.removeObserver(this); this.D = null; return; } return; } Lifecycle lifecycle2 = this.D; if (lifecycle2 != null) { lifecycle2.removeObserver(this); this.D = null; } Lifecycle lifecycle3 = lifecycleOwner.getLifecycle(); this.D = lifecycle3; lifecycle3.addObserver(this); } public void setLocation(@Nullable Location location) { this.f2411x.m0(location); } public void setMode(@NonNull c.o.a.m.i iVar) { this.f2411x.n0(iVar); } public void setPictureFormat(@NonNull j jVar) { this.f2411x.p0(jVar); } public void setPictureMetering(boolean z2) { this.f2411x.q0(z2); } public void setPictureSize(@NonNull c.o.a.x.c cVar) { this.f2411x.r0(cVar); } public void setPictureSnapshotMetering(boolean z2) { this.f2411x.s0(z2); } public void setPlaySounds(boolean z2) { this.k = z2; this.f2411x.t0(z2); } public void setPreview(@NonNull k kVar) { c.o.a.w.a aVar; boolean z2 = true; if (kVar != this.o) { this.o = kVar; if (getWindowToken() == null) { z2 = false; } if (!z2 && (aVar = this.v) != null) { aVar.o(); this.v = null; } } } public void setPreviewFrameRate(float f) { this.f2411x.v0(f); } public void setPreviewFrameRateExact(boolean z2) { this.f2411x.w0(z2); } public void setPreviewStreamSize(@NonNull c.o.a.x.c cVar) { this.f2411x.x0(cVar); } public void setRequestPermissions(boolean z2) { this.m = z2; } public void setSnapshotMaxHeight(int i2) { this.f2411x.y0(i2); } public void setSnapshotMaxWidth(int i2) { this.f2411x.z0(i2); } public void setUseDeviceOrientation(boolean z2) { this.l = z2; } public void setVideoBitRate(int i2) { this.f2411x.A0(i2); } public void setVideoCodec(@NonNull c.o.a.m.l lVar) { this.f2411x.B0(lVar); } public void setVideoMaxDuration(int i2) { this.f2411x.C0(i2); } public void setVideoMaxSize(long j2) { this.f2411x.D0(j2); } public void setVideoSize(@NonNull c.o.a.x.c cVar) { this.f2411x.E0(cVar); } public void setWhiteBalance(@NonNull m mVar) { this.f2411x.F0(mVar); } public void setZoom(float f) { if (f < 0.0f) { f = 0.0f; } if (f > 1.0f) { f = 1.0f; } this.f2411x.G0(f, null, false); } }