package c.i.a.c.j2; import java.util.Arrays; /* compiled from: FixedFrameRateEstimator */ public final class l { public a a = new a(); public a b = new a(); /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public boolean f919c; public long d = -9223372036854775807L; public int e; /* compiled from: FixedFrameRateEstimator */ public static final class a { public long a; public long b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public long f920c; public long d; public long e; public long f; public final boolean[] g = new boolean[15]; public int h; public boolean a() { return this.d > 15 && this.h == 0; } public void b(long j) { long j2 = this.d; if (j2 == 0) { this.a = j; } else if (j2 == 1) { long j3 = j - this.a; this.b = j3; this.f = j3; this.e = 1; } else { long j4 = j - this.f920c; int i = (int) (j2 % 15); if (Math.abs(j4 - this.b) <= 1000000) { this.e++; this.f += j4; boolean[] zArr = this.g; if (zArr[i]) { zArr[i] = false; this.h--; } } else { boolean[] zArr2 = this.g; if (!zArr2[i]) { zArr2[i] = true; this.h++; } } } this.d++; this.f920c = j; } public void c() { this.d = 0; this.e = 0; this.f = 0; this.h = 0; Arrays.fill(this.g, false); } } public boolean a() { return this.a.a(); } }