package c.i.a.c.i2; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; /* compiled from: SlidingPercentile */ public class z { public static final /* synthetic */ int a = 0; public final int b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final ArrayList f915c = new ArrayList<>(); public final b[] d = new b[5]; public int e = -1; public int f; public int g; public int h; /* compiled from: SlidingPercentile */ public static class b { public int a; public int b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public float f916c; public b() { } public b(a aVar) { } } public z(int i) { this.b = i; } public void a(int i, float f) { b bVar; if (this.e != 1) { Collections.sort(this.f915c, c.i); this.e = 1; } int i2 = this.h; if (i2 > 0) { b[] bVarArr = this.d; int i3 = i2 - 1; this.h = i3; bVar = bVarArr[i3]; } else { bVar = new b(null); } int i4 = this.f; this.f = i4 + 1; bVar.a = i4; bVar.b = i; bVar.f916c = f; this.f915c.add(bVar); this.g += i; while (true) { int i5 = this.g; int i6 = this.b; if (i5 > i6) { int i7 = i5 - i6; b bVar2 = this.f915c.get(0); int i8 = bVar2.b; if (i8 <= i7) { this.g -= i8; this.f915c.remove(0); int i9 = this.h; if (i9 < 5) { b[] bVarArr2 = this.d; this.h = i9 + 1; bVarArr2[i9] = bVar2; } } else { bVar2.b = i8 - i7; this.g -= i7; } } else { return; } } } public float b(float f) { if (this.e != 0) { Collections.sort(this.f915c, d.i); this.e = 0; } float f2 = f * ((float) this.g); int i = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.f915c.size(); i2++) { b bVar = this.f915c.get(i2); i += bVar.b; if (((float) i) >= f2) { return bVar.f916c; } } if (this.f915c.isEmpty()) { return Float.NaN; } ArrayList arrayList = this.f915c; return arrayList.get(arrayList.size() - 1).f916c; } }