package c.i.a.f.i.b; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import androidx.collection.ArrayMap; import c.c.a.a0.d; import c.i.a.f.e.o.f; import c.i.a.f.h.l.k0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.l0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.m0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.o0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.t0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.u0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.u4; import c.i.a.f.h.l.v0; import c.i.a.f.h.l.x7; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: */ public final class p4 extends i9 implements e { public final Map> d = new ArrayMap(); public final Map> e = new ArrayMap(); public final Map> f = new ArrayMap(); public final Map g = new ArrayMap(); public final Map> h = new ArrayMap(); public final Map i = new ArrayMap(); public p4(k9 k9Var) { super(k9Var); } public static Map u(u0 u0Var) { ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(); for (v0 v0Var : u0Var.B()) { arrayMap.put(v0Var.u(), v0Var.v()); } return arrayMap; } @WorkerThread public final boolean A(String str) { b(); u0 s2 = s(str); if (s2 == null) { return false; } return s2.E(); } @WorkerThread public final long B(String str) { String i = i(str, "measurement.account.time_zone_offset_minutes"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(i)) { return 0; } try { return Long.parseLong(i); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { g().i.c("Unable to parse timezone offset. appId", q3.s(str), e); return 0; } } public final boolean C(String str) { return "1".equals(i(str, "measurement.upload.blacklist_internal")); } public final boolean D(String str) { return "1".equals(i(str, "measurement.upload.blacklist_public")); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:20:0x007c */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x0082 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x00a1 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:29:0x00d6 */ @WorkerThread public final void E(String str) { Throwable th; byte[] bArr; SQLiteException e; Cursor cursor; n(); b(); d.w(str); if (this.g.get(str) == null) { g q = q(); Objects.requireNonNull(q); d.w(str); q.b(); q.n(); Cursor cursor2 = null; try { cursor = q.t().query("apps", new String[]{"remote_config"}, "app_id=?", new String[]{str}, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); bArr = null; if (bArr != null) { this.d.put(str, null); this.e.put(str, null); this.f.put(str, null); this.g.put(str, null); this.i.put(str, null); this.h.put(str, null); return; } u0.a t = t(str, bArr).t(); v(str, t); this.d.put(str, u((u0) ((u4) t.p()))); this.g.put(str, (u0) ((u4) t.p())); this.i.put(str, null); return; } bArr = cursor.getBlob(0); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { q.g().f.b("Got multiple records for app config, expected one. appId", q3.s(str)); } cursor.close(); if (bArr != null) { } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { e = e2; try { q.g().f.c("Error querying remote config. appId", q3.s(str), e); if (cursor != null) { } bArr = null; if (bArr != null) { } } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; cursor2 = cursor; if (cursor2 != null) { } throw th; } } } catch (SQLiteException e3) { e = e3; cursor = null; q.g().f.c("Error querying remote config. appId", q3.s(str), e); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } bArr = null; if (bArr != null) { } } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } throw th; } } } @Override // c.i.a.f.i.b.e @WorkerThread public final String i(String str, String str2) { b(); E(str); Map map = this.d.get(str); if (map != null) { return map.get(str2); } return null; } @Override // c.i.a.f.i.b.i9 public final boolean p() { return false; } @WorkerThread public final u0 s(String str) { n(); b(); d.w(str); E(str); return this.g.get(str); } @WorkerThread public final u0 t(String str, byte[] bArr) { if (bArr == null) { return u0.G(); } try { u0 u0Var = (u0) ((u4) ((u0.a) q9.x(u0.F(), bArr)).p()); s3 s3Var = g().n; String str2 = null; Long valueOf = u0Var.x() ? Long.valueOf(u0Var.y()) : null; if (u0Var.z()) { str2 = u0Var.A(); } s3Var.c("Parsed config. version, gmp_app_id", valueOf, str2); return u0Var; } catch (zzij e) { g().i.c("Unable to merge remote config. appId", q3.s(str), e); return u0.G(); } catch (RuntimeException e2) { g().i.c("Unable to merge remote config. appId", q3.s(str), e2); return u0.G(); } } public final void v(String str, u0.a aVar) { ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(); ArrayMap arrayMap2 = new ArrayMap(); ArrayMap arrayMap3 = new ArrayMap(); for (int i = 0; i < ((u0) aVar.j).C(); i++) { t0.a t = ((u0) aVar.j).u(i).t(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(t.q())) { g().i.a("EventConfig contained null event name"); } else { String q = t.q(); String G1 = f.G1(t.q(), v5.a, v5.f1247c); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(G1)) { if (t.k) { t.n(); t.k = false; } t0.v((t0) t.j, G1); if (aVar.k) { aVar.n(); aVar.k = false; } u0.w((u0) aVar.j, i, (t0) ((u4) t.p())); } if (!x7.b() || !this.a.h.o(p.N0)) { arrayMap.put(t.q(), Boolean.valueOf(((t0) t.j).w())); } else { arrayMap.put(q, Boolean.valueOf(((t0) t.j).w())); } arrayMap2.put(t.q(), Boolean.valueOf(((t0) t.j).x())); if (((t0) t.j).y()) { if (t.r() < 2 || t.r() > 65535) { g().i.c("Invalid sampling rate. Event name, sample rate", t.q(), Integer.valueOf(t.r())); } else { arrayMap3.put(t.q(), Integer.valueOf(t.r())); } } } } this.e.put(str, arrayMap); this.f.put(str, arrayMap2); this.h.put(str, arrayMap3); } @WorkerThread public final boolean w(String str, byte[] bArr, String str2) { byte[] bArr2; boolean z2; String str3; boolean z3; boolean z4; n(); b(); d.w(str); u0.a t = t(str, bArr).t(); v(str, t); this.g.put(str, (u0) ((u4) t.p())); this.i.put(str, str2); this.d.put(str, u((u0) ((u4) t.p()))); g q = q(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(Collections.unmodifiableList(((u0) t.j).D())); Objects.requireNonNull(q); String str4 = "app_id=? and audience_id=?"; String str5 = "null reference"; int i = 0; while (i < arrayList.size()) { k0.a t2 = ((k0) arrayList.get(i)).t(); if (((k0) t2.j).D() != 0) { int i2 = 0; while (i2 < ((k0) t2.j).D()) { l0.a t3 = ((k0) t2.j).z(i2).t(); l0.a aVar = (l0.a) ((u4.b) t3.clone()); String G1 = f.G1(((l0) t3.j).z(), v5.a, v5.f1247c); if (G1 != null) { if (aVar.k) { aVar.n(); aVar.k = false; } l0.w((l0) aVar.j, G1); z4 = true; } else { z4 = false; } int i3 = 0; while (i3 < ((l0) t3.j).B()) { m0 u = ((l0) t3.j).u(i3); String G12 = f.G1(u.C(), u5.a, u5.b); if (G12 != null) { m0.a t4 = u.t(); if (t4.k) { t4.n(); t4.k = false; } m0.u((m0) t4.j, G12); m0 m0Var = (m0) ((u4) t4.p()); if (aVar.k) { aVar.n(); aVar.k = false; } l0.v((l0) aVar.j, i3, m0Var); z4 = true; } i3++; t3 = t3; str4 = str4; str5 = str5; } if (z4) { if (t2.k) { t2.n(); t2.k = false; } k0.v((k0) t2.j, i2, (l0) ((u4) aVar.p())); arrayList.set(i, (k0) ((u4) t2.p())); } i2++; t = t; str4 = str4; str5 = str5; } } if (((k0) t2.j).B() != 0) { for (int i4 = 0; i4 < ((k0) t2.j).B(); i4++) { o0 u2 = ((k0) t2.j).u(i4); String G13 = f.G1(u2.x(), x5.a, x5.b); if (G13 != null) { o0.a t5 = u2.t(); if (t5.k) { t5.n(); z3 = false; t5.k = false; } else { z3 = false; } o0.u((o0) t5.j, G13); if (t2.k) { t2.n(); t2.k = z3; } k0.w((k0) t2.j, i4, (o0) ((u4) t5.p())); arrayList.set(i, (k0) ((u4) t2.p())); } } } i++; t = t; str4 = str4; str5 = str5; } String str6 = str4; String str7 = str5; q.n(); q.b(); d.w(str); SQLiteDatabase t6 = q.t(); t6.beginTransaction(); try { q.n(); q.b(); d.w(str); SQLiteDatabase t7 = q.t(); t7.delete("property_filters", "app_id=?", new String[]{str}); t7.delete("event_filters", "app_id=?", new String[]{str}); Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { k0 k0Var = (k0); q.n(); q.b(); d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(k0Var, str7); if (!k0Var.x()) { q.g().i.b("Audience with no ID. appId", q3.s(str)); } else { int y2 = k0Var.y(); Iterator it2 = k0Var.C().iterator(); while (true) { if (it2.hasNext()) { if (! { q.g().i.c("Event filter with no ID. Audience definition ignored. appId, audienceId", q3.s(str), Integer.valueOf(y2)); break; } } else { for (o0 o0Var : k0Var.A()) { if (!o0Var.v()) { q.g().i.c("Property filter with no ID. Audience definition ignored. appId, audienceId", q3.s(str), Integer.valueOf(y2)); } } Iterator it3 = k0Var.C().iterator(); while (true) { if (it3.hasNext()) { if (!q.O(str, y2, { z2 = false; break; } } else { z2 = true; break; } } if (z2) { Iterator it4 = k0Var.A().iterator(); while (true) { if (it4.hasNext()) { if (!q.P(str, y2, { z2 = false; break; } } else { break; } } } if (!z2) { q.n(); q.b(); d.w(str); SQLiteDatabase t8 = q.t(); str3 = str6; t8.delete("property_filters", str3, new String[]{str, String.valueOf(y2)}); t8.delete("event_filters", str3, new String[]{str, String.valueOf(y2)}); } else { str3 = str6; } str7 = str7; str6 = str3; } } } str7 = str7; } ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); Iterator it5 = arrayList.iterator(); while (it5.hasNext()) { k0 k0Var2 = (k0); arrayList2.add(k0Var2.x() ? Integer.valueOf(k0Var2.y()) : null); } q.W(str, arrayList2); t6.setTransactionSuccessful(); try { if (t.k) { t.n(); t.k = false; } u0.v((u0) t.j); bArr2 = ((u0) ((u4) t.p())).d(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { g().i.c("Unable to serialize reduced-size config. Storing full config instead. appId", q3.s(str), e); bArr2 = bArr; } g q2 = q(); d.w(str); q2.b(); q2.n(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("remote_config", bArr2); try { if (((long) q2.t().update("apps", contentValues, "app_id = ?", new String[]{str})) == 0) { q2.g().f.b("Failed to update remote config (got 0). appId", q3.s(str)); } } catch (SQLiteException e2) { q2.g().f.c("Error storing remote config. appId", q3.s(str), e2); } this.g.put(str, (u0) ((u4) t.p())); return true; } finally { t6.endTransaction(); } } @WorkerThread public final boolean x(String str, String str2) { Boolean bool; b(); E(str); if ("1".equals(i(str, "measurement.upload.blacklist_internal")) && t9.r0(str2)) { return true; } if ("1".equals(i(str, "measurement.upload.blacklist_public")) && t9.X(str2)) { return true; } Map map = this.e.get(str); if (map == null || (bool = map.get(str2)) == null) { return false; } return bool.booleanValue(); } @WorkerThread public final boolean y(String str, String str2) { Boolean bool; b(); E(str); if ("ecommerce_purchase".equals(str2) || "purchase".equals(str2) || "refund".equals(str2)) { return true; } Map map = this.f.get(str); if (map == null || (bool = map.get(str2)) == null) { return false; } return bool.booleanValue(); } @WorkerThread public final int z(String str, String str2) { Integer num; b(); E(str); Map map = this.h.get(str); if (map == null || (num = map.get(str2)) == null) { return 1; } return num.intValue(); } }