package c.i.a.f.i.b; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import c.c.a.a0.d; import c.i.a.f.e.o.c; import c.i.a.f.e.o.f; import c.i.a.f.e.o.h; import c.i.a.f.h.l.a9; import c.i.a.f.h.l.ea; import c.i.a.f.h.l.g9; import c.i.a.f.h.l.j9; import c.i.a.f.h.l.r9; import c.i.a.f.h.l.t8; import c.i.a.f.h.l.x7; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /* compiled from: */ public final class c6 extends a5 { /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public y6 f1185c; public w5 d; public final Set e = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(); public boolean f; public final AtomicReference g = new AtomicReference<>(); public final Object h = new Object(); @GuardedBy("consentLock") public d i = new d(null, null); @GuardedBy("consentLock") public int j = 100; public final AtomicLong k = new AtomicLong(0); public long l = -1; public int m = 100; public final y9 n; public boolean o = true; public final v9 p = new q6(this); public c6(u4 u4Var) { super(u4Var); this.n = new y9(u4Var); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:14:0x0062 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:0x00af */ public static void C(c6 c6Var, d dVar, int i, long j, boolean z2, boolean z3) { boolean z4; c6Var.b(); c6Var.t(); if (j > c6Var.l || !d.e(c6Var.m, i)) { d4 l = c6Var.l(); Objects.requireNonNull(l); if (t8.b() && l.a.h.o(p.H0)) { l.b(); if (l.t(i)) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = l.w().edit(); edit.putString("consent_settings", dVar.d()); edit.putInt("consent_source", i); edit.apply(); z4 = true; if (!z4) { c6Var.l = j; c6Var.m = i; q7 p = c6Var.p(); Objects.requireNonNull(p); if (t8.b() && p.a.h.o(p.H0)) { p.b(); p.t(); if (z2) { p.r().y(); } if (p.E()) { p.z(new e8(p, p.I(false))); } } if (z3) { c6Var.p().A(new AtomicReference<>()); return; } return; } c6Var.g().l.b("Lower precedence consent source ignored, proposed source", Integer.valueOf(i)); return; } } z4 = false; if (!z4) { } } else { c6Var.g().l.b("Dropped out-of-date consent setting, proposed settings", dVar); } } public final void A(d dVar, int i, long j) { boolean z2; boolean z3; d dVar2; boolean z4; if (t8.b() && this.a.h.o(p.H0)) { t(); if ((!this.a.h.o(p.I0) || i != 20) && dVar.b == null && dVar.f1187c == null) { g().k.a("Discarding empty consent settings"); return; } synchronized (this.h) { z2 = false; if (d.e(i, this.j)) { z4 = dVar.f(this.i); if (dVar.k() && !this.i.k()) { z2 = true; } d dVar3 = this.i; Boolean bool = dVar.b; if (bool == null) { bool = dVar3.b; } Boolean bool2 = dVar.f1187c; if (bool2 == null) { bool2 = dVar3.f1187c; } d dVar4 = new d(bool, bool2); this.i = dVar4; this.j = i; z3 = z2; dVar2 = dVar4; z2 = true; } else { dVar2 = dVar; z3 = false; z4 = false; } } if (!z2) { g().l.b("Ignoring lower-priority consent settings, proposed settings", dVar2); return; } long andIncrement = this.k.getAndIncrement(); if (z4) { this.g.set(null); f().w(new x6(this, dVar2, j, i, andIncrement, z3)); } else if (!this.a.h.o(p.I0) || !(i == 40 || i == 20)) { f().v(new z6(this, dVar2, i, andIncrement, z3)); } else { f().w(new w6(this, dVar2, i, andIncrement, z3)); } } } @WorkerThread public final void B(w5 w5Var) { w5 w5Var2; b(); t(); if (!(w5Var == null || w5Var == (w5Var2 = this.d))) { d.G(w5Var2 == null, "EventInterceptor already set."); } this.d = w5Var; } @WorkerThread public final void D(@Nullable Boolean bool, boolean z2) { b(); t(); g().m.b("Setting app measurement enabled (FE)", bool); l().s(bool); if (t8.b() && this.a.h.o(p.H0) && z2) { d4 l = l(); Objects.requireNonNull(l); if (t8.b() && l.a.h.o(p.H0)) { l.b(); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = l.w().edit(); if (bool != null) { edit.putBoolean("measurement_enabled_from_api", bool.booleanValue()); } else { edit.remove("measurement_enabled_from_api"); } edit.apply(); } } if (!t8.b() || !this.a.h.o(p.H0) || this.a.i() || !bool.booleanValue()) { P(); } } @WorkerThread public final void E(String str, String str2, long j, Bundle bundle) { b(); F(str, str2, j, bundle, true, this.d == null || t9.r0(str2), false, null); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:66:0x0157 */ @WorkerThread public final void F(String str, String str2, long j, Bundle bundle, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, String str3) { ArrayList arrayList; Bundle bundle2; boolean z5; boolean z6; Bundle[] bundleArr; boolean z7; boolean z8; d.w(str); Objects.requireNonNull(bundle, "null reference"); b(); t(); if (!this.a.d()) { g().m.a("Event not sent since app measurement is disabled"); return; } List list = o().i; if (list == null || list.contains(str2)) { int i = 0; if (!this.f) { this.f = true; try { u4 u4Var = this.a; try { (!u4Var.f ? Class.forName("", true, u4Var.b.getClassLoader()) : Class.forName("")).getDeclaredMethod("initialize", Context.class).invoke(null, this.a.b); } catch (Exception e) { g().i.b("Failed to invoke Tag Manager's initialize() method", e); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) { g().l.a("Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used"); } } if (this.a.h.o(p.f1224e0) && "_cmp".equals(str2) && bundle.containsKey("gclid")) { String string = bundle.getString("gclid"); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); K("auto", "_lgclid", string, System.currentTimeMillis()); } if (ea.b() && this.a.h.o(p.z0) && z2) { String[] strArr = t9.d; int length = strArr.length; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { z8 = true; break; } else if (strArr[i2].equals(str2)) { z8 = false; break; } else { i2++; } } if (z8) { e().H(bundle, l().D.a()); } } if (z4 && !"_iap".equals(str2)) { t9 t = this.a.t(); boolean z9 = x7.b() && this.a.h.o(p.L0); int i3 = 2; if (t.a0("event", str2)) { if (z9) { if (t.Z("event", 40, str2)) { i3 = 0; } } else if (t.Z("event", 40, str2)) { } i3 = 13; } if (i3 != 0) { g().h.b("Invalid public event name. Event will not be logged (FE)", d().u(str2)); this.a.t(); String E = t9.E(str2, 40, true); if (str2 != null) { i = str2.length(); } this.a.t().R(this.p, i3, "_ev", E, i); return; } } i7 w = q().w(false); if (w != null && !bundle.containsKey("_sc")) { w.d = true; } h7.A(w, bundle, z2 && z4); boolean equals = "am".equals(str); boolean r0 = t9.r0(str2); if (z2 && this.d != null && !r0 && !equals) { g().m.c("Passing event to registered event handler (FE)", d().u(str2), d().s(bundle)); AppMeasurementDynamiteService.a aVar = (AppMeasurementDynamiteService.a) this.d; Objects.requireNonNull(aVar); try { aVar.a.Z(str, str2, bundle, j); } catch (RemoteException e2) { AppMeasurementDynamiteService.this.a.g().i.b("Event interceptor threw exception", e2); } } else if (this.a.m()) { int t2 = e().t(str2, x7.b() && this.a.h.o(p.L0)); if (t2 != 0) { g().h.b("Invalid event name. Event will not be logged (FE)", d().u(str2)); e(); String E2 = t9.E(str2, 40, true); if (str2 != null) { i = str2.length(); } this.a.t().S(this.p, str3, t2, "_ev", E2, i); return; } String str4 = "_o"; Bundle z10 = e().z(str3, str2, bundle, Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(str4, "_sn", "_sc", "_si")), z4); if (z10 != null && z10.containsKey("_sc") && z10.containsKey("_si")) { z10.getString("_sn"); z10.getString("_sc"); Long.valueOf(z10.getLong("_si")).longValue(); } if (this.a.h.o(p.T) && q().w(false) != null && "_ae".equals(str2)) { long b = s().e.b(); if (b > 0) { e().G(z10, b); } } if (a9.b() && this.a.h.o(p.p0)) { if (!"auto".equals(str) && "_ssr".equals(str2)) { t9 e3 = e(); String string2 = z10.getString("_ffr"); String trim = h.a(string2) ? null : string2.trim(); if (t9.q0(trim, e3.l().A.a())) { e3.g().m.a("Not logging duplicate session_start_with_rollout event"); z7 = false; } else { e3.l().A.b(trim); z7 = true; } if (!z7) { return; } } else if ("_ae".equals(str2)) { String a = e().l().A.a(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a)) { z10.putString("_ffr", a); } } } ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); arrayList2.add(z10); e().v0().nextLong(); if (l().v.a() <= 0 || !l().u(j) || !l().f1190x.b()) { bundle2 = z10; arrayList = arrayList2; } else { g().n.a("Current session is expired, remove the session number, ID, and engagement time"); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); bundle2 = z10; arrayList = arrayList2; K("auto", "_sid", null, System.currentTimeMillis()); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); K("auto", "_sno", null, System.currentTimeMillis()); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); K("auto", "_se", null, System.currentTimeMillis()); } if (bundle2.getLong("extend_session", 0) == 1) { g().n.a("EXTEND_SESSION param attached: initiate a new session or extend the current active session"); this.a.r().d.b(j, true); } String[] strArr2 = (String[]) bundle2.keySet().toArray(new String[bundle2.size()]); Arrays.sort(strArr2); for (String str5 : strArr2) { e(); Object obj = bundle2.get(str5); if (obj instanceof Bundle) { bundleArr = new Bundle[]{(Bundle) obj}; } else if (obj instanceof Parcelable[]) { Parcelable[] parcelableArr = (Parcelable[]) obj; bundleArr = (Bundle[]) Arrays.copyOf(parcelableArr, parcelableArr.length, Bundle[].class); } else if (obj instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList arrayList3 = (ArrayList) obj; bundleArr = (Bundle[]) arrayList3.toArray(new Bundle[arrayList3.size()]); } else { bundleArr = null; } if (bundleArr != null) { bundle2.putParcelableArray(str5, bundleArr); } } int i4 = 0; while (i4 < arrayList.size()) { Bundle bundle3 = (Bundle) arrayList.get(i4); String str6 = i4 != 0 ? "_ep" : str2; bundle3.putString(str4, str); if (z3) { bundle3 = e().y(bundle3); } zzaq zzaq = new zzaq(str6, new zzap(bundle3), str, j); q7 p = p(); Objects.requireNonNull(p); p.b(); p.t(); m3 r = p.r(); Objects.requireNonNull(r); Parcel obtain = Parcel.obtain(); zzaq.writeToParcel(obtain, 0); byte[] marshall = obtain.marshall(); obtain.recycle(); if (marshall.length > 131072) { r.g().g.a("Event is too long for local database. Sending event directly to service"); z6 = true; z5 = false; } else { z5 = r.x(0, marshall); z6 = true; } p.z(new d8(p, true, z5, zzaq, p.I(z6), str3)); if (!equals) { for (z5 z5Var : this.e) { z5Var.a(str, str2, new Bundle(bundle3), j); } } i4++; str4 = str4; arrayList = arrayList; } if (q().w(false) != null && "_ae".equals(str2)) { w8 s2 = s(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); s2.w(true, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); } } } else { g().m.c("Dropping non-safelisted event. event name, origin", str2, str); } } public final void G(String str, String str2, long j, Object obj) { f().v(new j6(this, str, str2, obj, j)); } public final void H(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); I(str, str2, bundle, true, true, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public final void I(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle, boolean z2, boolean z3, long j) { String string; String str3; String str4 = str == null ? "app" : str; Bundle bundle2 = bundle == null ? new Bundle() : bundle; if (this.a.h.o(p.v0)) { if (t9.q0(str2, "screen_view")) { h7 q = q(); if (!q.a.h.o(p.v0)) { q.g().k.a("Manual screen reporting is disabled."); return; } synchronized (q.l) { if (!q.k) { q.g().k.a("Cannot log screen view event when the app is in the background."); return; } string = bundle2.getString("screen_name"); if (string == null || (string.length() > 0 && string.length() <= 100)) { String string2 = bundle2.getString("screen_class"); if (string2 == null || (string2.length() > 0 && string2.length() <= 100)) { if (string2 == null) { Activity activity = q.g; str3 = activity != null ? h7.x(activity.getClass().getCanonicalName()) : "Activity"; } else { str3 = string2; } if (q.h && q.f1199c != null) { q.h = false; boolean q0 = t9.q0(q.f1199c.b, str3); boolean q02 = t9.q0(q.f1199c.a, string); if (q0 && q02) { q.g().k.a("Ignoring call to log screen view event with duplicate parameters."); return; } } } else { q.g().k.b("Invalid screen class length for screen view. Length", Integer.valueOf(string2.length())); return; } } else { q.g().k.b("Invalid screen name length for screen view. Length", Integer.valueOf(string.length())); return; } } q.g().n.c("Logging screen view with name, class", string == null ? "null" : string, str3 == null ? "null" : str3); i7 i7Var = q.f1199c == null ? q.d : q.f1199c; i7 i7Var2 = new i7(string, str3, q.e().t0(), true, j); q.f1199c = i7Var2; q.d = i7Var; q.i = i7Var2; Objects.requireNonNull((c) q.a.o); q.f().v(new k7(q, bundle2, i7Var2, i7Var, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime())); return; } } Q(str4, str2, j, bundle2, z3, !z3 || this.d == null || t9.r0(str2), !z2, null); } public final void J(String str, String str2, Object obj) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); L(str, str2, obj, true, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:20:0x006a */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x0076 */ @WorkerThread public final void K(String str, String str2, Object obj, long j) { Long l; String str3; d.w(str); d.w(str2); b(); t(); if ("allow_personalized_ads".equals(str2)) { if (obj instanceof String) { String str4 = (String) obj; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) { String str5 = "false"; Long valueOf = Long.valueOf(str5.equals(str4.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) ? 1 : 0); j4 j4Var = l().t; if (valueOf.longValue() == 1) { str5 = "true"; } j4Var.b(str5); l = valueOf; str3 = "_npa"; if (!this.a.d()) { g().n.a("User property not set since app measurement is disabled"); return; } else if (this.a.m()) { zzku zzku = new zzku(str3, j, l, str); q7 p = p(); p.b(); p.t(); m3 r = p.r(); Objects.requireNonNull(r); Parcel obtain = Parcel.obtain(); boolean z2 = false; zzku.writeToParcel(obtain, 0); byte[] marshall = obtain.marshall(); obtain.recycle(); if (marshall.length > 131072) { r.g().g.a("User property too long for local database. Sending directly to service"); } else { z2 = r.x(1, marshall); } p.z(new r7(p, z2, zzku, p.I(true))); return; } else { return; } } } if (obj == null) { l().t.b("unset"); l = obj; str3 = "_npa"; if (!this.a.d()) { } } } str3 = str2; l = obj; if (!this.a.d()) { } } public final void L(String str, String str2, Object obj, boolean z2, long j) { int i; if (str == null) { str = "app"; } if (z2) { i = e().h0(str2); } else { t9 e = e(); if (e.a0("user property", str2)) { if (!e.f0("user property", x5.a, null, str2)) { i = 15; } else if (e.Z("user property", 24, str2)) { i = 0; } } i = 6; } if (i != 0) { e(); this.a.t().R(this.p, i, "_ev", t9.E(str2, 24, true), str2 != null ? str2.length() : 0); } else if (obj != null) { int i02 = e().i0(str2, obj); if (i02 != 0) { e(); this.a.t().R(this.p, i02, "_ev", t9.E(str2, 24, true), ((obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof CharSequence)) ? String.valueOf(obj).length() : 0); return; } Object n0 = e().n0(str2, obj); if (n0 != null) { G(str, str2, j, n0); } } else { G(str, str2, j, null); } } public final void M() { if (this.a.b.getApplicationContext() instanceof Application) { ((Application) this.a.b.getApplicationContext()).unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this.f1185c); } } @WorkerThread public final void N() { b(); t(); if (this.a.m()) { if (this.a.h.o(p.f1223d0)) { Boolean w = this.a.h.w("google_analytics_deferred_deep_link_enabled"); if (w != null && w.booleanValue()) { g().m.a("Deferred Deep Link feature enabled."); f().v(new e6(this)); } } q7 p = p(); p.b(); p.t(); zzn I = p.I(true); p.r().x(3, new byte[0]); p.z(new x7(p, I)); this.o = false; d4 l = l(); l.b(); String string = l.w().getString("previous_os_version", null); l.c().o(); String str = Build.VERSION.RELEASE; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !str.equals(string)) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = l.w().edit(); edit.putString("previous_os_version", str); edit.apply(); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) { c().o(); if (!string.equals(str)) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("_po", string); H("auto", "_ou", bundle); } } } } @Nullable public final String O() { u4 u4Var = this.a; String str = u4Var.f1240c; if (str != null) { return str; } try { return f.D1(u4Var.b, "google_app_id"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { this.a.g().f.b("getGoogleAppId failed with exception", e); return null; } } @WorkerThread public final void P() { b(); String a = l().t.a(); if (a != null) { if ("unset".equals(a)) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); K("app", "_npa", null, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { Long valueOf = Long.valueOf("true".equals(a) ? 1 : 0); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); K("app", "_npa", valueOf, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } boolean z2 = true; if (!this.a.d() || !this.o) { g().m.a("Updating Scion state (FE)"); q7 p = p(); p.b(); p.t(); p.z(new b8(p, p.I(true))); return; } g().m.a("Recording app launch after enabling measurement for the first time (FE)"); N(); if (r9.b() && this.a.h.o(p.q0)) { s().d.a(); } if (((j9) g9.i.a()).a() && this.a.h.o(p.t0)) { if (this.a.f1242x.a.o().l.a() <= 0) { z2 = false; } if (!z2) { m4 m4Var = this.a.f1242x; m4Var.a(m4Var.a.b.getPackageName()); } } if (this.a.h.o(p.D0)) { f().v(new f6(this)); } } public final void Q(String str, String str2, long j, Bundle bundle, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, String str3) { Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(bundle); for (String str4 : bundle2.keySet()) { Object obj = bundle2.get(str4); if (obj instanceof Bundle) { bundle2.putBundle(str4, new Bundle((Bundle) obj)); } else { int i = 0; if (obj instanceof Parcelable[]) { Parcelable[] parcelableArr = (Parcelable[]) obj; while (i < parcelableArr.length) { if (parcelableArr[i] instanceof Bundle) { parcelableArr[i] = new Bundle((Bundle) parcelableArr[i]); } i++; } } else if (obj instanceof List) { List list = (List) obj; while (i < list.size()) { Object obj2 = list.get(i); if (obj2 instanceof Bundle) { list.set(i, new Bundle((Bundle) obj2)); } i++; } } } } f().v(new k6(this, str, str2, j, bundle2, z2, z3, z4, null)); } public final void R(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.a.o); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); d.w(str); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putString(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, str); bundle2.putLong("creation_timestamp", currentTimeMillis); if (str2 != null) { bundle2.putString("expired_event_name", str2); bundle2.putBundle("expired_event_params", bundle); } f().v(new p6(this, bundle2)); } @Override // c.i.a.f.i.b.a5 public final boolean v() { return false; } public final void w(long j, boolean z2) { b(); t(); g().m.a("Resetting analytics data (FE)"); w8 s2 = s(); s2.b(); d9 d9Var = s2.e; d9Var.f1193c.c(); d9Var.a = 0; d9Var.b = 0; boolean d = this.a.d(); d4 l = l(); l.k.b(j); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(l.l().A.a())) { l.A.b(null); } if (r9.b() && l.a.h.o(p.q0)) { l.v.b(0); } if (!l.a.h.x()) { l.v(!d); } l.B.b(null); l.C.b(0); l.D.b(null); if (z2) { q7 p = p(); p.b(); p.t(); zzn I = p.I(false); p.r().y(); p.z(new t7(p, I)); } if (r9.b() && this.a.h.o(p.q0)) { s().d.a(); } this.o = !d; } public final void x(Bundle bundle, int i, long j) { if (t8.b() && this.a.h.o(p.H0)) { t(); String string = bundle.getString("ad_storage"); if ((string == null || d.i(string) != null) && ((string = bundle.getString("analytics_storage")) == null || d.i(string) != null)) { string = null; } if (string != null) { g().k.b("Ignoring invalid consent setting", string); g().k.a("Valid consent values are 'granted', 'denied'"); } A(d.g(bundle), i, j); } } public final void y(Bundle bundle, long j) { Objects.requireNonNull(bundle, "null reference"); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(bundle); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bundle2.getString("app_id"))) { g().i.a("Package name should be null when calling setConditionalUserProperty"); } bundle2.remove("app_id"); f.A1(bundle2, "app_id", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "origin", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME, String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "value", Object.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "trigger_event_name", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "trigger_timeout", Long.class, 0L); f.A1(bundle2, "timed_out_event_name", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "timed_out_event_params", Bundle.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "triggered_event_name", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "triggered_event_params", Bundle.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "time_to_live", Long.class, 0L); f.A1(bundle2, "expired_event_name", String.class, null); f.A1(bundle2, "expired_event_params", Bundle.class, null); d.w(bundle2.getString(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME)); d.w(bundle2.getString("origin")); Objects.requireNonNull(bundle2.get("value"), "null reference"); bundle2.putLong("creation_timestamp", j); String string = bundle2.getString(ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME); Object obj = bundle2.get("value"); if (e().h0(string) != 0) { g().f.b("Invalid conditional user property name", d().y(string)); } else if (e().i0(string, obj) != 0) { g().f.c("Invalid conditional user property value", d().y(string), obj); } else { Object n0 = e().n0(string, obj); if (n0 == null) { g().f.c("Unable to normalize conditional user property value", d().y(string), obj); return; } f.L1(bundle2, n0); long j2 = bundle2.getLong("trigger_timeout"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(bundle2.getString("trigger_event_name")) || (j2 <= 15552000000L && j2 >= 1)) { long j3 = bundle2.getLong("time_to_live"); if (j3 > 15552000000L || j3 < 1) { g().f.c("Invalid conditional user property time to live", d().y(string), Long.valueOf(j3)); } else { f().v(new n6(this, bundle2)); } } else { g().f.c("Invalid conditional user property timeout", d().y(string), Long.valueOf(j2)); } } } @WorkerThread public final void z(d dVar) { Boolean bool; b(); boolean z2 = (dVar.k() && dVar.j()) || p().E(); if (z2 != this.a.i()) { u4 u4Var = this.a; u4Var.f().b(); u4Var.E = z2; d4 l = l(); Objects.requireNonNull(l); if (t8.b() && l.a.h.o(p.H0)) { l.b(); if (l.w().contains("measurement_enabled_from_api")) { bool = Boolean.valueOf(l.w().getBoolean("measurement_enabled_from_api", true)); if (z2 || bool == null || bool.booleanValue()) { D(Boolean.valueOf(z2), false); } return; } } bool = null; if (z2) { } D(Boolean.valueOf(z2), false); } } }